NERVOUS โŽฏ Teen Wolfยน ( in hia...


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๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ โ” HOW TO GO INSANE 101
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“ โ” SO SHE'S A POKร‰MON?
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ• โ” YOU KNOW LATIN?
๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ โ” WEDNESDAY


172 6 2



"ALRIGHT BUT IF she's turning would they actually kill her," Stiles asked as him, Scott, Allison, and Evee continued their drive on the empty roads. They were yet to find Lydia, to little shock, and it brought a lot more questions about the Argent family and mainly hunters. 

"I don't know. They won't tell me anything, okay. All they tell me is we'll talk after Kate's funeral when...the other's get here." 

"What others," Stiles questioned, seeming to continue the fast speed on his Jeep. 

"I don't know, they won't tell me that either." 

Stiles sighed at the lack of information they held,"Okay, your family's got some serious communication issues to work on." 

"Wait, but your dad says the hunters have a code, right? I don't think the code allows them to murder an innocent teenage girl who's, as the doctors say, 'nude.' And nude as in butt naked not the shade... Maybe we don't have to worry about them killing her," Evee suggested, even if she didn't have full information of what the code actually meant. All she really knew was Kate was one of the hunters who broke it.

Arson and random murder had to break the code...right? 

"There's something else that's been on my mind, though. If the hunters are going after Lydia because they knew she got bit, why aren't they going after you yet," Allison had questioned, turning her head over to the girl sitting next to her, not answering the Sharp's previous question. Mainly because she couldn't answer it herself. 

Stiles nodded, agreeing,"Yeah. Evee and Lydia haven't turned yet which probably brings a lot of questions they might have answers too but we, obviously, don─" 

"It just means I'm gonna die in a few hours," Evee cuts the boy off, clearly stating, as she kept her place slump back in the chair while Allison brought her head closer towards the front seats. 

"You're not going to die," both Stiles and Allison snapped, turning their heads back to Evee in almost annoyance but mostly persistence. The Stilinski boy then turned back his head to the main road, now yelling over to the McCall who now had his head stuck out a window sniffing the air,"Scott are we going the right way?" 

Scott stayed silent a moment longer before shouting back,"Take the next right!" 

And with those words, Stiles had swerved the car to the right─following Scott's words. Eventually the four had entered the woods and began their walk to the burnt Hale household. Stiles and Evee led the way as Scott and Allison walked behind the two. Silence filled the group as Stiles turned his head back to the couple who stood behind him,"She came here? You sure?" 

Allison's eyes lingered between Evee's figure; who's eyes had not looked towards the others, like Stiles. Evee kept her glances over to the Hale house, shivering at the thought of seeing Peter burn alive again. 

"Yeah, this is where the scent leads." 

Stiles eyes went over to Evee who had finally moved her glances away from the house and back to Stiles. She shrugged with the same uncertainty the Stilinski boy held as she continued walking─Stiles then following her lead. With a few steps and the crumbling of some leaves, Evee had stopped her tracks, turning back to Scott and Allison,"Lydia's never been here...right?" 

"Not with me," Allison had stated. 

The looks with uncertainty filled Evee and Stiles again as they continued their pace─the group now roaming between a group of trees. Scott and Allison had been conversing in whispers together as Stiles and Evee stood side by side looking around their surroundings.

"Stiles, do think this was what Peter meant," Evee whispered, Stiles and Evee continuing their pace on the bunches of leaves; talking as well. Evee wasn't certainly obsessed with finding out what Peter mind, but it still clouded her mind. 

"About what?" 

"You know...saying I'd thank him for making me powerful...What if he meant that I wouldn't have changed to a wolf or die." 

The Stilinski boy stopped his pace, turning his head over to the girl,"Then what? You're just immune to the bite? Or do you turn into something else?" 

Evee shrugged as Stiles looked away, back to the leaves. With a brush of his hand, a string had appeared to be hidden under the leaves. Evee and Stiles were quick to bend down to the string, Stiles gently placing his hand on the string,"Ooh, hey. Look at this," Allison and Scott turned their heads over to Stiles and Evee as Allison walked over to the two others, bending down left of Evee,"You see this? I think it's a tripwire." 

With a gentle move of his finger as well as Evee and Allison's glances on it, a switch seemed to go off and Scott's leg was now caught in a trap; leading to him dangling in the air. Allison, Stiles, and Evee were yet to know that Scott no longer stood on the floor. Until Scott patiently spoke,"Stiles?" 

"Yeah buddy. Oh," all of their faces fell when they had turned to see Scott dangling in the air.

"Next time you see a tripwire...don't trip it," the three other teens stood up, Evee and Allison fighting the urge to laugh. 

"Yeah, noted." 

With looks between each other, Allison, Evee, and Stiles hadn't waited a second to began their pace back to Scott─in an attempt to get him out of the trap. Their footsteps came to a sudden holt with Scott's sudden warning,"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...someone's coming. Hide," when they had all stayed still, looking around the trees, Scott slightly raised his voice but in a tone that stayed a whisper,"Go!" 

Stiles brought a hand over Evee, yet not touching her and as if leading her towards somewhere else. While, Allison was quick to actually grab the girls hand as she was then the one forcing her towards another location. In a few short seconds, they had eventually found a hiding space. Good enough for the hunters who now stood in front of Scott, not to spot them. 

Allison's dad sighed, knelling on the floor to speak to Scott face to face,"Scott?" 

"Mr. Argent." 

"How are you doing?" 

"Good. You know...just hanging out," hearing Scott's words, Evee covered her mouth trying desperately not to let out a laugh from the cheesy joke,"Is this one yours? It's good. Nice design, very constricting." 

Chris ignored the boy's commented, getting to the point,"What are you doing here, Scott?" 

There was a pause before Scott answered,"Looking for my friend." 

"Ah, that's right. Lydia's in your group now...isn't she," Chris took a short glimpse away from the boys face and back to him,"Part of the clique? Is that the word you use? Or is there another way to put it...part of your pack." 

Scott corrected,"Actually clique sounds about right to me." 

"I hope so. 'Cause I know she's a friend of Allison's. And one special circumstance, such as yourself─one, I can handle. Not two," Scott muttered a word under her breath as Chris continued,"Scott, do you know what a Hemicorporectomy is?" 

"I have a feeling I don't want to..." 

"A medical term for amputating somebody at the waist...cutting them in half...takes a tremendous amount of strength to cut through tissue and bone like that," Chris dragged his hand along the boy's stomach, signaling the cut,"Let's hope a demonstration never becomes necessary." 

And with those words, Allison's father had finally walked away from Scott─leaving him dangling. Stiles, Allison, and Evee wait a second before rushing from their hiding spot and back to Scott,"You okay?" 

Scott turned his head over to Allison,"It's just another life-threatening conversation with your dad."

The Argent girl glanced from where the string led back to her as she rushed over towards the starting point, calling out to only one person,"Stiles, help me with this." 

Evee stared over to Stiles and Allison before slowly looking back to Scott,"Hey Scotty, I think they got it," but when she had faced Scott he had already clawed his way out of the trap─landing on the floor as he smiled at the Sharp girl. 

When Allison and Stiles had, actually, undone the trap, they took their glances back to Scott and Evee in slight shock, staying silent a moment longer,"Thanks. But I think I got it." 


Allison snickered as Scott nodded over to the Hale household, not waiting to continue back his pace to find Lydia. When he caught sight of Allison and Stiles staying put he spoke,"'Comin?" 

Scott didn't wait for an answer as him and Evee continued their pace, Stiles and Allison now being the one's trailing behind them. But as they walked back, Evee couldn't help but look back at the house─hoping that Lydia was safe...somewhere. 

▬▬▬ ☼ ▬▬▬

SNEAKING back into the hospital seemed to be harder than it first appeared. On any other day, entering back to her bed, like she hadn't ever left, would've been fairly quick─being that most of the nurses seemed too preoccupied to keep an eye on all patients. Especially ones who didn't deal with such severe injures. But with Lydia seemingly disappearing after a petrifying loud scream, the eyes on the hospital had grown wider. 

Stiles had seemed eager to drop the girl off, making sure she didn't get hurt again, but Evee had knew if anyone saw Stiles entering there would be a lot more questions, now. Especially because Stiles was a classmate of Lydia and Evee had been close friends with the girl. 

Or maybe Evee had frankly been overthinking everything because of the crime documentaries she watched too much. 

At the end, though, she somehow landed back into her room. If there were eyes watching her, she had no clue about it. Slowing closing the door behind her, Evee kept her glances on the doorknob as she cringed at the low squeaking of the older door. When she didn't hear any new footsteps she sighed in relief as she finally turned her head over to her bed. 

Only, she slightly jumped and held her scream when someone had already been in the room─sitting on the arm chair next to the bed: Aleena Castle. 

Aleena had yet to say anything to the girl after the night of the formal where she argued her way into bunches of legal forms and the guardianship of Evee Sharp. As well as disappearing the second Evee had landed in the hospital...for about three days. Seeing Aleena sitting on the seat, keeping her glances on the magazine, not seeming to inform anyone that she had gone missing, was brand new. 

With furrowed eyebrows Evee cleared her throat,"Hi?"

Aleena's eyes had slowly moved away from the magazine that was still in her grasps. To Evee's surprise the woman had smiled in a way that didn't ruin her mood. A part of Evee knew that she shouldn't have trusted someone she only thought she knew. Someone who had said less than twenty words to her. But there was always a look in a person that made her second guess them. 

As for the woman sitting near her─the big question was whether that pattern was going to continue. 

"Hi," her tone seemed to be almost amused by the girl,"Evangeline, is that what they call you?" 

"Evee, Evangeline; it doesn't really matter because it doesn't have any correlations to my real name. You could even call me Evan if you want." 

"I'll stick with Evangeline," the woman chuckled as Evee slowly walked over to her bed; Aleena's eyes following the younger girl's pace to the bed.

As soon as the Sharp girl had taken a seat on the bed, she hadn't waited a second to start the questions,"Look...I don't mean to be rude or anything...if you even call what I'm saying rude, but..I'm just really confused about you," Aleena kept silent a moment longer as Evee continued. Aleena had a calm about her that could make you amazed or stressed,"It's like I know you...but at the same time I don't? And, look, this time I'd just really like to know what's going on." 

And to Evee's shock the woman spoke up; her words making it clear that she wasn't dealing with another Gemma. At least, she thought so,"Look I didn't come into your life to make it worse. If you want the truth...I'll give you it. But some of the truths are a lot worse to face then the false," Aleena sighed,"I'll start out simple though...a different Gemma was meant to take care of you since your father nor your mother could. She was supposed to keep in contact with your father. But...when she suddenly stopped messaging...there was a lot of panic. I was then sent off to find out what had happened to Gemma. And when I arrived...there was only her, dead. No trace of the baby she was taking care of ─you...The search to find you seemed impossible. There were moments where your father had almost given into the fact that you were dead. I made sure he still had hope, though. But, thirteen years into the anniversary of your disappearance...something changed. He had finally given up. And no matter what I said...I couldn't boost his moods. Given him the hope I had successfully done those years. He was so certain you were gone, now...I almost wished I had asked him why, before he..." 

"What happened to him," when Aleena shut her eyes and stopped her words, Evee slowly asked the woman, uncertain of how she truly felt with all this information. 

Aleena sighed as she shuttered her eyes open, looking over to the teen sitting near her,"March 20th, 2009. Your fourteenth birthday...and the day your father disappeared," Aleena paused noting at how Evee seemed totally puzzled by all the information she got. 

"That day was so confusing. Normally on your birthday I'd go visit Gemma's grave and when I drove back to see your father...who, everyday, had sat in his office. He just...was gone. I looked everywhere in the house but the only thing he left...was a note. Written to you. Maybe it was his way of grieving you, if he truly thought you were dead. But I knew one day I'd find you...and on that day I'd give you the letter. So," the woman was quick to go through her pocket and grab the thin envelope that was still sealed. She placed the letter on the small and thin table sitting next to her. Evee darted her eyes to the letter, noticing the blue ink spelling one letter: I. 

The Sharp girl knew she had even more questions but, for the moment, her arm had slowly moved over to the letter. It was almost an instinct to grab the letter. When both her hands were grasping onto the letter that seemed to age a bit, Evee took a short glimpse over to Aleena who gave her a reassuring smile. And with that smile, Evee slowly opened up the envelope─watching the small paper that sat inside the envelope. 

She continued with the slow motions as she grabbed the paper, scanning the edges of it before reading the words; 

Dear Inara, 

Aleena say that writing helps cope with trauma. And, I suppose, that's why I'm writing to you. I wish I got to see you grow up...see you be a teenager. But in truth, I could never be with you. I tried to fight it. Giving you to Gemma, hoping to still be able to call you now and then...but I should've known that I can't outrun our fates. 

For what I have to do, Aleena can't be here with me. She's my morality, and she tried being my hope...but I lost it when Gemma died. I need to make them pay.

If you ever read this, Inara...make them pay as well. 

Goodbye, dad.

"He's been getting revenge for the past two years...," Evee mumbled, handing the letter over to Aleena. The older woman scanned over the letter, groaning as the Sharp girl continued,"So, my name's Inara? My dad's killing people? I have to seek revenge, too? You're the only one I can trust? And he lost his morality?" 

"Not really, you've always been a nickname type of person. Possibly, let's hope not, yes, and...morality...," Aleena brought her eyes to face the girl,"for's different. What he meant was that he turned off the switch. When the pain becomes too much, you don't even realize what you've done until it's too late. Your emotions...numb, You feel no regret, no sympathy for what you do, You, essentially...become a monster. It was one of the curses within your bloodline." 


"Yeah. There was two main ones. The void switch and the creation of one of the deadliest witches in thousands of years." 

Evee snorted, covering her mouth,"Witch? Okay, and who is this one of kind, deadly witch you seem so certain about?" 

"You," the smile on Evee's face faded as Aleena continued,"That woman pretending to be Gemma...she knew. That's why she kidnapped you. And that's why I'm here. Because you can't outrun fate, your dad's right. I have to make you the deadliest witch in this century."

"But...first, I'm getting you out of this hospital." 

Those words had seemed to be utterly insane, but all Evee did was nod as she did in fact get resigned from the hospital. Somehow.

▬▬▬ ☼ ▬▬▬ 

ALEENA had agreed that it was best for Evee to sleep the night and not to bother her with new information. Evee's was thankful for this choice as she had argued her way to get back to school the next day. To shock, Aleena didn't seem totally confused by that decision and furthermore agreed to start her training after school. 

Everything seemed sudden, but at least she had more time to think everything through. Even if that meant going back to school. Evee was yet to mention any of this new information to her friends. Knowing that Aleena would more than likely feel better if it stuck between them.

To Evee's uttermost shock, she had continued to stay at the house she lived with the fake Gemma. Apparently this family friend's home was really Aleena's mother's home. Which was even worse when you thought about it. 

Aleena seemed slightly pissed by it, but made no comment about it as she was more eager to put new furniture in the home because "this fake Gemma was a psycho and had no style, apparently." 

When the morning had arose, Evee groaned when she had looked at her phone. She had no idea why she even thought going to school would be good, at that moment. But she knew she had no other choice at the moment as she looked through her closet to grab one of those cheesy shirts Stiles would've worn, shorts, a zipper-like blue jacket she had yet to actually zip up, and some black boots. 

When she had gotten fully dressed, she grabbed her bag that still sat near her doorway, placing it over one of her shoulders. Walking down the hallway, Evee didn't stop as she took notice of Aleena who was preoccupied with painting the walls. 

Walking to school, Evee couldn't help but think about the fake Gemma. A part of her wanted to know more about her. But another part of her knew that knowing about that woman more would probably be like Aleena said...worse than the lies. So, for the moment, Evee preoccupied her mind with this whole witch deal (that Evee wasn't totally sure whether to believe or not) and the fact that people would more than likely give her weird looks when she entered school.


▬▬▬ ☼ ▬▬▬

TWENTY minutes later and Evee had landed back to the place where her and Lydia had gone almost lifeless because of Peter Hale: Beacon Hills High School. She kept her grasp on one of the straps of her bag as she sighed, taking a short glimpse over to the lacrosse field. As she tried blinking, she flinched slightly as she saw the flashing of images from that night. The blood, the crying, the darkness...She sighed, taking a deep breath before moving forward─not wanting to picture her, Lydia, Stiles, and Peter on that field a moment longer. 

As she walked on the sidewalks, she was surprised to see Jackson handing money to a seemingly homeless guy. That action was shocking but Jackson being the first person Evee saw today was even more shocking. 

Jackson was going to continue his pace on the sidewalk but went to a sudden halt when he snapped his head back to the figure behind him.

"Evee? Wow, you're not dead." 

"I thought we went over that thing when I came into town," Evee stated, rolling her eyes at the boys presence as she continued,"Oh, by the way, what you did Friday was almost nice...but I still think you have one of the biggest ego's I've even seen. Like the size of my hatred for your haircut." 

"Is it really impossible for you to thank me for once?" 

"Yes," Evee nodded as she continued her pace walking past Jackson who glared back to the girl. It seemed like some stuff still hadn't changed. 

Walking into the building and heading to her locker, Evee had caught onto the stares and the sudden gossiping. But she seemed to be unaffected by it as she reached her locker, turning the lock over to reach her code before she finally got it open. When she got her locker open and grabbed her books she was quick to close it shut as she continued her pace─only stopping when someone had seemed to be calling after her.

"Oh my god, Evee." 

The voice seemed unfamiliar. With, now, furrowed eyebrows, Evee turned her head over to where she thought she heard the voice. Her eyes landed onto a boy who had been standing near his locker, which consequently was close to Allison's. His smile made Evee slightly uncomfortable as he kept a close grasp to his camera. 

When Evee kept silent the boy continued,"You're" 

"Yeah, I go to school here. But I guess you already knew that." 

"I know. We have 2nd period together and sometimes we sit close to each other during lunch," the boy chuckled as Evee slowly nodded as she seemed obviously uncomfortable with what he had just said. 

The Sharp girl slowly spoke up, tightening her grasp on her bags strap,"Yeah, um...Milton?" 

Evee took notice of how he seemed to get so angered for a second but hid the emotions as he chuckled,"No, it's a good guess but that's the guy who sits next to me. I'm actually Matt." 

"Noted," Evee noted, attempting to walk away from this off conversation with this said 'Matt' guy who she had journalism with. 

"Hey, maybe we could─" 

Matt's words came to a stop when he continued building up his anger, but only glared at his locker as Evee walked too far for her to hear the boy. Somehow he hadn't noted that she had actually fastened her pace. 

When Evee had landed on her usual seat in her math class she sighed, brushing the hair on her face away as she began flying through the pages until she got to page 466.

Huh? Ironic.

She, as well, began pulling out her notebook from her bag when the bell rang. More students began filling the seats as an unknown figure sat across from Evee. She had probably gotten here Monday, Evee guessed as she tried keeping her glances on the board. Only she stopped her glances to the board as the girl, with her hair up in a high ponytail with worn out black converse,  made a comment through a whisper.

"Do you think he realizes half the people in this class are almost asleep already?" 

Evee faced the girl, whispering back,"I think he does. He just doesn't care. Trust me, thirty more minutes and I'll be out too." 

The girl eyed Evee as she soon chuckled, clearing her throat before continuing,"You look really familiar." 

"Well I'm kind of the main talk in the gossip, currently. So, maybe they described me thoroughly," Evee signaled over to her cast that seemed to be replaced with simply cloth (because of her surprise healing). 

The girl nodded,"Probably...I'm guessing you're Evee, then?" 

"Accurate guess...but I haven't heard any gossip about you." 

"New girl," the girl signaled over to herself, still whispering as the two now stared to the chalk board,"I'm Irene." 

"Irene Delgado." 

As Evee nodded, she would've never thought that the girl sitting next to her was one of the threats her father and Aleena talked about. 

After all, who would think that the girl sitting next to you in your math class was assigned to kill you. 

𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ━━━━ ma*t is here now 🤢🤢



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