wonderwall - sope

By soobsrei

40 3 1

Hoseok changes the course of his life, and faces his love for his childhood best friend head on. or Hoseok is... More


40 3 1
By soobsrei

Hoseok and Yoongi met when they were young. When they were much younger and much more naive than they were now. Days before Hoseok would reach eleven years old, and a few days after Yoongi's parents had faced a fastly approaching divorce, the school playground was what led them together. Growing up together, they had learnt each other's habits just like the back of their hands. Grown accustomed to being side by side. A bond, they liked to call it; best friends for as long as they could even remember. But, the words best friend left a sour taste in Hoseok's mouth nowadays.

If he were honest, the term hadn't felt right in a long time. Though, he wasn't quite sure what would be a better choice of words.. All he really knew was that Yoongi meant a lot to him. He often found himself gazing at the quiet musician as he played his piano, thinking that this was home. This was where Hoseok had wanted to be. If only it were possible for the notes to wrap around Hoseok and hold him close until the end of time... He wouldn't hesitate one moment to get lost in the wonderful harmonies floating through the air of Yoongi's little dorm.

Perhaps that was the reason Hoseok had found himself there every day this week, leaning over top of a chemistry textbook, watching Yoongi's delicate hands gently slide over the keys of his Yamahaw keyboard.

Music was Yoongi's everything; the light of his life. And Hoseok admired that about him. He admired the way you could see the little spark light up the rims of Yoongi's eyes as inspiration would crash into him, hitting him in waves as he scribbled in his little notebook. Hoseok swore he got drunk off the atmosphere alone.

"Are you even studying?" Yoongi's amused voice filled the room. Hoseok could only scoff and shake his head, "Of course, I am. I just don't... feel like it. I dunno, I have struggled a lot with this section."

Yoongi sat down beside him and smiled, "Maybe if you actually studied instead of staring at my walls for hours on end." Hoseok could feel the blush rise upon his cheeks as he put his head in his hands, listening to Yoongi playfully scold him. Something the older boy would do from time to time; Scolding Hoseok for staring for too long, for not doing his work or for simply complimenting him too much. Yoongi's whines would come out so harmonious that Hoseok didn't even mind the nagging. The cuteness of them almost too adorable to be annoyed at.

Hoseok only playfully nudged Yoongi at being called out for not really paying attention to his studies as he saw Yoongi's gummy smile spread across his face. His stomach swarmed with all kinds of butterflies because Yoongi's laugh was almost as pretty as his piano notes were. A quiet but beautiful laugh danced around in Hoseok's head as he mumbled in his hands again.

"I give up. I don't feel like studying. There's no use." Yoongi's hands were now sliding up and down Hoseok's back in an act of comfort, "Hey, it's going to be okay. You'll figure this out, mm?"

Hoseok only sat up and sighed, but couldn't help but smile when Yoongi broke out the biggest smile that he could and raised his fists in support, "Fighting!"

Hoseok had bigger and more important things to figure out, it seemed.


It was mid-week, and finals were kicking both of their asses. Yoongi had managed to finish his song just on time, and score the highest score in his music class. Hoseok, on the other hand, was struggling. The Chemistry exam surely wasn't easy nor forgiving, especially for someone who didn't really know any of the curriculum. A pit of gloom had managed to find its way in Hoseok's stomach, as he knew he would have to retake the class. It was bullshit, really. And it pissed him off.

Though, seeing the smile on Yoongi's lips sort of made everything a little better. He would tell Yoongi later the truth about how he flunked his Chemistry test. For now, Yoongi's happiness was enough to keep him going.

"Do you guys want to come to a little get together tonight at Seokjin's house? Everyone wants to celebrate finishing their finals." Jungkook walked in pace with Yoongi and Hoseok, eyes wide and his invisible -but definitely there- bunny ears perked.

Yoongi looked over at Hoseok with a smile that reached his eyes before looking back at Jungkook and nodding. Hoseok thought for a moment; he should really be at home studying.. But it had been a while since they all had a get together, and Yoongi looked so happy at the thought of it. Who was Hoseok to say no? He smiled a little before ruffling Jungkook's hair, "I'll be there."

Jungkook flashed a bunny smile at them before screaming something like, "See you later!" before happily hopping off somewhere down the hall. Both Yoongi and Hoseok were left with a smile at seeing Jungkook so happy.

Jungkook was the baby of their friend group, and they were all quite protective over him. The best way to describe him was as a very happy person, as it was rare to see the bunny boy without a smile on his face. He was easy to have fun with, even easier to talk to. Hoseok only shook his head when the boy was finally out of his sight and somewhere in the midst of the hallway chaos.

"He's a mess."

"He really is."


Jungkook was indeed a mess. But so were the rest of their friends.

Seokjin and Namjoon sat straight across from them, cuddled up like they always were. Hoseok always pretended to be annoyed by the excessive lovey-ness that radiated off of them, but in all reality he was happy to see them together like this. They would never let it go if they knew that he could barely fight the growing urge to wrap his arms around Yoongi too.

On the other side, Jungkook curled up between Jimin and Taehyung, sinking into their sides as he flashed his bunny grin. "I'm so happy to be here with you guys again, it's been a bit since we all got to hang out."

It was true, it had been a while. College and work had been busy for all of them, but somehow they still found a way to annoy each other through the day. Not to mention the group chat that was honestly too fast for Hoseok to really keep up with. It was an even bigger mess than any of them were. Jungkook, constantly spamming the chat with photos of baby animals, Namjoon and Seokjin bickering, and Yoongi just sending smiley faces and encouraging words to the rest. Even though Hoseok's phone was consistently buzzing throughout the day, it was something that always cheered him up.

He loved his friends, and his friends loved him. Even when Hoseok felt like he wasn't getting anywhere, they always reminded him that progress may be slow but one day it would be rewarding. They were the biggest blessings in his life. He smiled at them, internally thanking whoever lives up there in the sky for sending them crashing into his life at some point. One by one, taking a place in his heart that was seemingly reserved just for them.

Yoongi and Hoseok go the farthest back. Meeting Jungkook in high school, Namjoon and Seokjin a few years ago at a party, and Taehyung following right after Hoseok had been paired to dorm with Jimin. Somehow they had all been brought together, and Hoseok guessed it felt like fate in an odd way. The way they all got along so well without even trying.. It had to be destiny.

Seokjin and Namjoon had already graduated from college a year ago. Namjoon owning a little pet shop, and Seokjin, a chef that could cook anything you wanted him to. He would always blush when others would compliment his food, but at this point he was a personal chef for the 6 boys sitting in his living room. He never once complained though.

Jungkook was currently a freshman in their college, working towards a Graphic Arts degree. Much like Yoongi with his music, Jungkook lived and breathed art. Ever since Hoseok had met the bunny in high school, he always carried around a little sketchbook that he often got in trouble for in his classes. Yoongi always said he had it coming though; drawing teachers as swamp animals in the middle of a lecture would definitely score you a detention or two.

Jimin was a dancer, taking multiple classes on the history of dance and contemporary art. Hoseok would often dance with him in their dorm, learning all the dances Jimin brought home to him. It was their little secret. Hoseok loved to dance with him, but felt silly for liking something so different from what his parents had pushed him to do. He loved Sciences and Medicines, didn't he? He refused to debate it, really. Plus the wiggles of eyebrows he got from Yoongi, saying he looked good in a lab coat, sort of made everything alright anyhow.

Taehyung was into photography; he took the prettiest photos Hoseok had ever seen. "You're really talented, Tae." He would always say, before ruffling his hair and smiling at him. Light pink rising upon Taehyung's 'bread cheeks' (as Jimin likes to call them) left Hoseok cooing at how cute Taehyung was.

And, then there's Yoongi. A musician that somehow turned his piano into his own personal translator. He had always been someone who could explain himself better through notes and harmonies than he ever could with words. And Hoseok admired that. Music had become something like a safety blanket for him, after he met Yoongi. He had shown him just what music could feel like. He guessed that was why he listened to so much of it, nowadays. Making playlist after playlist, attempting to capture just exactly what he was feeling in that moment. Finding song after song, but nothing could ever compare to Yoongi's music. Even right now, Yoongi's hands were tapping against his thigh, creating a smooth rhythm Hoseok could almost hear.

Jungkook snapped Hoseok out of his thoughts, "Hobi, do you want to play karaoke?" A smooth smile slid across Hoseok's lips, "You know I do."

Seokjin thought for a moment, and wondered out loud, "By the way, do you all wanna stay the night?" Jungkook's eyes lit up and his hand shot up as fast as lightning, "I want to!"

"We don't really have clothes here though," Taehyung wondered aloud. It was true, none of them thought to bring extra clothes. Seokjin just waved his hand and shook his head. "Don't worry about it, I didn't exactly expect to be clothing six men tonight but I definitely have enough clothes."

Namjoon rolled his eyes and playfully punched his boyfriend's shoulder "Didn't expect it, my ass. You have 6 folded pairs of clothes laying on your bed right now."

Seokjin elbowed Namjoon in the side and flashed a playful small through gritted teeth, "Don't tell them that!"

Their friends really were a mess.

That night was the most fun Hoseok had in weeks, he thought. The boys had ordered a simple pizza despite Seokjin grumbling about how it really wasn't that healthy for them at all. "Seokjin-ah, you always cook for us. You need a break." Jungkook said as he patted Seokjin's head and booped his nose. He didn't grumble as much after that. Seokjin's weakness was always Jungkook, and the younger knew that as well as everyone else did.

They sang every song they could even think of on the karaoke machine, and eventually passed out on the couch in the middle of some random movie Taehyung had picked out. Hoseok had felt Yoongi gently lay his head on his shoulder, hearing the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest slowly beginning to match his own. A small smile was resting upon Hoseok's lips, gazing at the blonde boy that had become a little more to him than he wanted to admit. He had never really come to terms with it, and would never possibly let himself think about speaking the words out loud. This was his little secret. And Although it wasn't something he let himself confess, he didn't fight it, nor deny it. Denying it wouldn't change anything, anyways. He knew that he was fucked when he first felt the want -no the need- to lean forward and kiss Yoongi's lips years ago. The memory flashed through Hoseok's mind once again, as his eyes lingered down at the lips of the angel who rested upon his shoulder. The same butterflies flew through his stomach just like before, and he knew... these feelings wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon. And oh, how fucked he was.


Yoongi was the first one to wake up, raising his head that was firm on Hoseok's shoulder and under his head. Yoongi's sleepy eyes lit up in giggles as Hoseok's mouth was barely open as he slept silently, thinking how cute he looked like this. He really was adorable, eyes softly closed and a slight double chin that was absolutely cute as a button. Yoongi smiled, but the turn of his lips suddenly vanished as he saw drool seeping from his best friend's lips and... his hand flew to his hair, and his eyes widened. Hoseok had drooled all over Yoongi's hair.

"Hoseok, what the fuck?" He whispered to no one but himself, with a look of disbelief. He had really done that to him, huh?

Jungkook was the next to wake up, a roaring tornado that had cheerfully woken up the rest of the group in a hurry to laugh at what Hoseok had done to Yoongi. Hoseok, being the last to wake up, only embarrassingly hid his face in Jimin's side at the news. He couldn't believe he had drooled all over his best friend- who he had feelings for- in his sleep. This was so embarrassing. "Hoseok, you stupid ass." He mumbled to himself.

But, then Yoongi was out of the shower with wet hair and a smile. "It's okay, don't worry! It's pretty funny actually." He said, giggling. Hoseok groaned and buried his head in Yoongi's shoulder. "I'm so embarrassed. Don't even look at me."

One by one, the boys showered and braced themselves for the day. It was a Saturday, so thankfully Hoseok didn't have any classes. He would have probably just went back to sleep if he did. Seokjin's house slowly dwindled down until it was only Seokjin, Hoseok and Yoongi left.

"Thanks for coming, I missed you brats." Seokjin ruffled their hair and gave them each bear hugs as they started to head out the door. Seokjin was someone that Hoseok respected, and loved with his whole heart. Many times, he found himself leaning on him for support when everything felt like it was falling apart. It was probably in the sweet smile that rested upon his lips, or the soft gentle hugs he gave every time he saw him.. Seokjin was just the best. Truly.

He sent them on their way cheerfully, yelling at them to come visit him again soon. Of course they would, Seokjin was the anchor that kept them all together after all.

Yoongi and Hoseok took the bus from Jin's house. They were going different ways, yet they sat side by side sharing earbuds that were hooked to Yoongi's phone. It was a perfect day for music; the sky bright and a beautiful blue. A wonderful day that Hoseok would probably spend holed up in his dorm, studying to become something he didn't even want to be.

Beside him, Yoongi shivered just a little, causing Hoseok to look over at him. "You cold? It is a little chilly, huh?" Yoongi only smiled back and shrugged. "It's my fault for forgetting my pullover. I'm fine! I'll be home soon." Nonsense. It was nonsense, really.

Shrugging off his sweater and gently wrapping it around the small musician, Hoseok warmly smiled. "Here, wear this."

Yoongi snuggled in the sweater and laid his head on his best friend's shoulder, "Thank you.. You never let me go cold, do you?"

Suddenly everything around them shifted and they were at the fairgrounds in eighth grade. A large ferris wheel stood tall in front of them, climbing in a little colored cart side by side. Yoongi was always afraid of heights, even as a shaky little eighth grader who was now holding onto Hoseok's hand for dear life. "Hobi, I'm scared."

Hoseok only laughed at that, gripping his hand back. "It's okay, I'm right here Yoon." The night was gorgeous, beautiful lights filling the town around them. Slowly rising to the top of the wheel, faintly hearing the screams of kids on a roller coaster below them, Hoseok wrapped Yoongi up in his arms.

A blow of wind brazed past them, brushing Yoongi's chilled nose as he shivered a little. Hoseok went to let go of his hand, but Yoongi stopped him with wide eyes. "No, don't let go."

Hoseok only shook his head, "I won't let go Yoongi, I'm just going to cover your arms. It's cold."

The world slowly started shifting back, and suddenly Hoseok was back on the bus beside Yoongi. Realizing just how many times they had been in this position, he looked down at the boy who was now smothered in his soft sweater. Hoseok never once let Yoongi go cold; rushing to tear off a jacket, a sweater, a cardigan.. Anything to wrap him up. Anything to cure the cold.

Once again, he remembered the wide eyes he looked into that night on the ferris wheel, and thought perhaps he had been caught up in them from the very beginning.


It was Monday, and that meant the first day back at school for this week. Yoongi had woken up late as always, scrambling to crumble all his music sheets in his bag and run out his door. Throwing on the sweater Hoseok had lended him days before, and some simple jeans, he flew out the door and caught the quickest bus he could. It was a fifteen minute ride to his building, so he had a little time to kill.

Truthfully, mornings like this would normally be something that pissed any college student off, but Min Yoongi loved mornings like this. He enjoyed the rush of the campus and classes. After all, he had risked everything to pursue his music, knowing that music was an unstable career choice and that it could either be the best or worst thing he ever did. But, as of now, things were pretty okay. His grades were stable, he had friends that made him the happiest he had ever been. But, a small forest fire of insecurities lingered through his head constantly. What if this blew up in his face? He still didn't have the courage to show his most personal melodies to anyone, other than Hoseok.

That was probably why he always grew so flustered when Hoseok watched him like that. Like he was the best pianist in the world. That's what he would always tell him, though. "You're the best in this world, Yoon!" Hoseok would always say and hug him after every piano recital Yoongi performed at. Hoseok never missed one recital, even dared to show up to the one Yoongi didn't perform at, just helped backstage. He had always been there. Perhaps that was the reason that Yoongi didn't feel pressured to be perfect, or embarrassed to mess up in the middle of a song... he knew Hoseok would support him no matter what.

No one but Hoseok had heard Yoongi's most special songs. Emotional masterpieces he had composed at three in the morning. The songs that had Yoongi's heart embedded in every note, his tears in every chorus... Only Hoseok. But, Hoseok never knew. He never knew that they were reserved only for him to hear. Yoongi appreciated that Hoseok never asked when Yoongi seemingly drifted too into his songs, or even when tears streamed down his face at the end of a melody. When Yoongi had gotten swept up and carried to another world and didn't return until the very last note of his piano had echoed through his veins. He never asked, and Yoongi never told.

Yoongi sat in an empty seat on the bus, and fiddled through his pockets to find his phone. He sighed and shook his head when he realized that he had forgotten his phone in a hurry out the door. This wasn't the first time this happened though, Yoongi being a forgetful dumbass over half the time, could barely keep up with anything. He fiddled through his pockets, when he felt a little device in the pocket of the pretty sweater he was wearing. Pulling it out and noting the sunshine stickers on the back of it, he quickly chalked it up to be Hoseok's ipod that he had left in the pocket the other day.

Yoongi pulled out his headphones and plugged them into the jack.

Playlists upon playlists filled the ipod, and Yoongi couldn't help but smile at some of them. Noticing that Hoseok had indeed checked out every song that Yoongi had suggested, he noted to thank him for that later. He smiled at the names of the playlists that were each accompanied with a cute personalized emoji that just screamed Hoseok. It was really cute. It was Hoseok.

A little fish sticker stuck beside the buttons. Piano instrumentals. Songs by the hundreds, and playlists for every emotion. Songs in English, songs in Japanese. Stuff from the 90's, stuff from the 2000's. And at the very bottom, a playlist with Yoongi's name on it.

Yoongi's fingers were suddenly shaky as he scrolled through the songs that were in the playlist, noticing that every single one of them... were love songs. Love songs that were way more than just a simple best friend song, or anything else Yoongi would have expected. Song after song, confession after confession, it made Yoongi's head spin. Did this mean Hoseok had... no. It couldn't have.

Yoongi shook his head, because no. That just couldn't be? After all this time, if that were the case Hoseok would have definitely told him, right? Yoongi would have already known if Hoseok had feelings for him. Maybe it was just... songs. Perhaps it was a dumb playlist that Hoseok had meant to name something else. It could have really been anything, Yoongi shouldn't assume.

Yet, his heart raced as his eyes scanned the screen. His shaky breath began to steady, and his nimble fingers held hesitantly over the play button. Should he? Shaking his head again, he had mentally laughed at himself for ever thinking his best friend liked him like that.

Clicking play, he sat the ipod down and began listening to the playlist, titled his name.


Yoongi had been all over the place this week. He had been late to every class, and tripped over his own feet with every step he took. It had been much quieter around his dorm though, which was probably for the best for now. At least until he figured out what the hell was going on with himself.

Hoseok hadn't been around very much since his finals, and Yoongi had somehow felt relieved. He felt sort of guilty for not reaching out to him, but truthfully, he didn't think seeing Hoseok right now would help his situation very much. He didn't want to make anything awkward, and he definitely didn't want to explain to him what had been running through his mind all week. That was the last thing he wanted to do right now.

Ever since the day that Yoongi saw the playlist, he had been considering things that he had never thought of before. Things he didn't expect to ever be pondering over in the first place. He felt as if he may have opened a can of worms that he shouldn't have ever opened. Because.. to be honest, seeing Hoseok at school was a little awkward now. For some reason, Yoongi hadn't been able to look his best friend in the eye ever since, and he felt as if everything was changing. And Yoongi was rarely fond of change.

Hoseok had been too caught up to really notice Yoongi's awkwardness, studying every moment of every day. He was retaking the exam soon, but his heart just wasn't in it. No matter how many times he read through his textbook, nothing ever stuck with him. This was probably the right time to admit to his parents that this just wasn't working out for him. But, the fear of facing them overshadowed the possibility of giving up. Plus, Hoseok wouldn't know how to go about switching to another major in the first place. It just wasn't worth his time.

Yoongi had wanted to ask Hoseok if he was doing alright, because it really wasn't like him to not be around. Being attached at Yoongi's hip was kind of Hoseok's thing. Where one was, so was the other. And though this alone time was probably for the best until Yoongi got his head together, he missed the presence of happiness in his dorm. The annoying sighs atop his textbooks, and the humming along to the tunes Yoongi played on his piano.

Midweek, Yoongi had debated going to see him. Thought about it all day, because where was Hoseok? Why hadn't he been around any? Yoongi was growing more and more antsy by the minute. After hours of fighting with himself, he settled on sending a short text. Rewriting it over and over before he finally decided on a simple hey, are you okay? I miss you. A reply had popped up on his screen almost immediately with a little heart next to the words, i'm fine! Sorry Yoonie, I've been busy recently.

A warm feeling swam through his body, as he took a breath of relief. Knowing Hoseok was okay definitely set his heart at ease. Though... there was something else there. He didn't really know what this feeling was, but he was sure it wasn't there before.

Suddenly, even after all the years of friendship, Yoongi was left with a nervous pit settling at the bottom of his stomach. It frustrated him because... it was Hoseok. The person he grew up with. The one person he felt fully comfortable with... was the one he was left overthinking about. He was suddenly very confused and very lost.


It was now a Saturday, and Yoongi had found his way to Seokjin's house. Needing someone to talk to, he dragged his feet to the couch and plopped down in front of a very confused Seokjin.

"You look like shit, Yoon."

Yoongi groaned in the arm of the couch and looked up at Seokjin with his eyebrows low, "Thanks, Seokjin-hyung. That really makes me feel better."

Seokjin wasn't wrong, though. Yoongi's hair was all over the place and his eyes were still droopy from sleep. Though it was still early in the morning... Yoongi had called Seokjin around six in the morning because he just couldn't keep it in any longer. He needed to talk to someone. So, Yoongi dragged himself out of bed, and here he was. Still in his pajamas and everything.

Jin only rolled his eyes and sat down in front of him. "What's wrong, babe?"

Yoongi sat up and rubbed his eyes, "I think Hoseok may like me."

Jin raised his eyebrows, "Why would you think that?"

Yoongi told the whole story. How he was cold on the bus and Hoseok had lended him his sweater. How he had woken up late, and rushed out the door after throwing the sweater on. How pretty the day was, and how he loved the rush of the morning but had seemingly forgotten his phone at home in it. How he had pulled the ipod out, and awed at all the cute emojis next to the playlists. And how there was a little red heart next to his name that seemed alarmingly not best friend-ish at all. Lastly, how Yoongi had been overthinking all week, wondering if he was going crazy or not. He told every detail, and two mere hours later, Seokjin stared at him with wide eyes.

After minutes of silence, and Seokjin trying to absorb everything the younger had rambled out in a string of long run-on sentences, he finally hummed before speaking. "So, the playlist on his ipod had nothing but love songs in it? Like, love love songs? Are you sure they weren't just, you know..." Yoongi nodded his head.

Sighing in thought, Seokjin sat his head in his palms. "Yoongi, I think you need to talk to him about it. As much as you hate to, this might be something he is struggling with. Or, this might all be a misunderstanding. You won't know unless you talk it out with him."

Yoongi's eyes widened and he shook his head, "No, no, no. I can't tell him. I can't talk about it, I just can't... What if we end up fighting, or what if he confesses? What if he laughs at me and tells me I have been worrying over nothing? What if-" He was in a panic now, feeling extremely vulnerable and silly for being such a messy mixture of overthinking, worry, and probably a little sleep deprivation.

"Yoon, slow down. It's going to be okay. You two are best friends- have been all your lives. I'm sure whatever it is, it can't separate you two. I think you should just confront him about it."

Perhaps.. Seokjin was right. They had been best friends for years, he doubted anything could ruin that. But, Yoongi still didn't know what to think, let alone what to feel. He had been debating what he would even say if it were true. How would he even respond?

Seokjin must have read his mind because he looked at him and said, "If this were the case, what would you do?"

Yoongi sighed, "Hyung, I don't even know. I had never thought of him in that way until now. I didn't even consider it... He has always been my best friend, and that was all. I had no idea that it was even possible for him to feel that way. But, I can't be upset with him for not telling me. If he has feelings for me, they are valid. I can't deny him his own feelings. He hasn't done anything wrong... I've just been a mess all week.... and I miss him."

Seokjin's eyebrows knitted together at that, "You miss him? What do you mean? Has he not been around much?"

Yoongi shook his head in defeat, "No, he said he's been busy. I don't know... maybe he knows I looked at the playlist."

Seokjin hummed, "Hm. Well, I think you should go see him. He might be missing you just as much as you miss him."

"After all, we all know you are his favorite person."


Seokjin was right. Yoongi had to confront him.

He had to put an end to this overthinking and know once and for all. Did Hoseok have feelings for him? Was it even possible?

Did Hoseok's heart speed up just at the sight of him? Surely not. Yoongi wasn't all that special. There was nothing about him grande enough to make someone's heart speed up. It just couldn't be. Or, it was highly unlikely, but still... oddly possible.

Yoongi thought back to all the times he would catch Hoseok simply swaying side to side with his eyes closed - listening to his piano speak gently. Remembering all the little flowers and chocolates at his piano recitals, sat beside him quiet as he hummed along with the melodies. Suddenly, Yoongi couldn't breathe. Everything felt so different now. But nothing was different at all. Was the reason Hoseok admired everything about Yoongi, because he had cherished him in a way that he had never expected? Yoongi couldn't stop the thoughts from creeping in and consuming him whole... He had to confront him. Quickly.

It took two days of thinking, fighting himself, and finally being brave enough to pick up the phone and text Hoseok. Though, what was he supposed to say? He sat with his fingers hovering over the keys, overwhelmed with the thoughts rushing in and out of his mind. He could invite him over? Or, he could come visit him at his dorm. Though, Jimin would probably be there and Yoongi didn't think that would be a very good idea. If he pulled Jimin in the middle of this, he knew the tiny dancer would kick the shit out of him. He was small. But, he was scary. Perhaps they could go out instead?

Yoongi sighed. Why was this so difficult? It was just Hoseok. It seemed as if Yoongi kept forgetting the fact that this was once the only person he trusted to see the real him. There was no reason for him to be this nervous. His fingers slid across the keyboard as he tried not to overthink yet another thing.

Hey, do you want to hang out? It's been a while.

Hoseok replied almost immediately, as always. A cute smiley face next to the simple words.

Can I come over? I miss you, Yoonie!!

Yoongi's lips curled up in a smile. Yoonie. He had called him that since they were just kids. Running around playgrounds, after classes in grade school, and even at their high school graduation. It had been consistent in Yoongi's life. Hoseok had been the only consistent in Yoongi's life. He had never really considered that before. Never really thought about all the little quirks in his life that were routine now, all because of Hoseok. Like how Yoongi found himself at a little bowling alley once a week, laughing as another week passed by with Hoseok losing to him. And how he would sometimes find himself with Hoseok at the little park they met at, swinging side by side just like when they were little. Every single arcade adventure, and macaroni and cheese movie nights... All the things he never would have done without his best friend, were things that made him who he is now. He never really thought about it. But now that he had, he wished he would've a lot sooner.

A few hours had blazed by as quick as Yoongi had sat down at his piano. His fingers mapping out a melody that he had never heard before. He was mid verse when Hoseok had come bursting through the door, knocking Yoongi out of his trance just to knock him into a state of panic. He planned to confront Hoseok today, to ask him if it were true. To possibly make things awkward between them, and to finally put Yoongi out of his overthinking mental state. It was a lot.

"Hey, Yoongi-Hyung!" Hoseok ruffled his hair as soon as he got close enough to him. Yoongi, bearing a soft smile, pulled him in for a hug. It had been a while since they got to see each other for more than five minutes at school and Yoongi just needed a hug. He just needed a hug from Hoseok. Just needed any hope he could latch onto, anything to calm the shaky nerves in his hands.

Hoseok put his head on Yoongi's hair, hugging him close. He wrapped his arms around him and smiled to himself. "Why are you so lovey today? Did you miss me that much?"

Yoongi pulled away then. Finally noticing Hoseok's newly bleached hair, and the smooth smile settled on his lips. Hoseok was beautiful. He really was, but something was... off. Perhaps it was the new piercing aligned along the others in his ears. Or maybe it was the way Hoseok's voice sounded a little unstable just like Yoongi's hands. But, no. It wasn't either of those. It was the small rings around Hoseok's eyes that he had tried to hide under his light makeup. Was Hoseok okay? Suddenly, Yoongi was worried.

He stammered a little before smiling. "Of course I did. Thanks for coming, it's been a bit since we got to spend some time together." Hoseok playfully rolled his eyes at that. "It hasn't been that long, Yoon. You just missed me. Be honest." Yoongi couldn't help the smile growing on his face when he saw Hoseok trying his best to wink. My god, he was so cute.

"Shut up." Hoseok smiled at that. But, Yoongi knew that something was wrong. He could feel it in every bone in his body. Something was off, and Yoongi wasn't quite sure how to go about it. Did he just ask? Or was that too straightforward? He had never been in this position before because Hoseok usually came right to him when something was wrong. Was he the problem? Suddenly, Yoongi felt even more nervous than he did before.

"Hey, Hoseok?" Yoongi hummed his name. Hoseok tilted his head, with a confused look. Yoongi couldn't help but to think he looked almost like a lost puppy and if it weren't for the growing worry that enveloped him, he would've probably thought it was absolutely adorable.


"Are you okay? You've been distant recently, and you seem a little tired.." Yoongi's voice was small. Silence had fallen over the room, as Hoseok's eyes widened. Yoongi's words swarmed above them, unanswered and incredibly unstable. Yoongi had almost taken them back and apologized for being weird before his words had suddenly disappeared and the silence, destroyed.

It happened so quick, Hoseok's eyes had brightened up and he leaned forward to ruffle Yoongi's hair. "I'm fine, I was just busy! You're so cute. Thank you for worrying about me, hyung."

Hoseok seemed to be fine. He said he was fine. The smile on his face showed that he was fine. And that should have comforted Yoongi and put his thoughts at ease. The way Hoseok had promised, should have comforted him. Because Hoseok never broke a promise. He never lied about anything to Yoongi, and why would he start now? Perhaps, Yoongi was overthinking again. But there was something. Something that Yoongi just couldn't explain. Something telling him that Hoseok was indeed- not fine. Something was wrong.


Hoseok was tired. He was tired after the awful week he had. It seemed as if everything was targeting him, like daggers pointed in every direction he turned to. He was studying as hard as he could, and barely getting any rest. When he was at school, he was in the very front seat, paying every single bit of attention he had to his professor. Not that it was helping any, though. He still wasn't understanding anything at all. At this point, he was just a walking sleep deprived zombie due to all the late night studying he had been doing. Even Jimin was getting worried for him.

It was no surprise, really. Yoongi asking if Hoseok was okay wasn't that much of a shock. A smile could only hide so much, and this was the first time Hoseok didn't tell Yoongi upfront that something was wrong.. It was only natural for him to guess, because if anyone knew Hoseok it was him. So, it wasn't surprising when Yoongi had asked if he was okay. That was totally fine, but the true icing on the cake was the little, "You seem a little tired.." that depressed the hell out of Hoseok. Because after looking in the mirror, he was right. Hoseok looked like a mess. Hell, Hoseok was a mess.

It was now the next day, and Hoseok was in his little dorm with his nose stuck in his Medicinal book when Jimin barged through the door with a smile on his face. "Hey, Hoseok! I have new dances for you!~" Jimin's hair was all over his head, sweaty as ever. He was dressed in his dance clothes, a smile worn almost as an accessory on his pretty plump lips.

Hoseok immediately jumped up with a smile on his face, "Really?! I really needed that, I've been bored all-" Hoseok stopped in his tracks. Was this a good idea? As much as he wanted nothing more than to get off his feet and take his mind off of everything, he couldn't be fooling around; he needed to be studying. Suddenly, the smile wiped clean off his face. Maybe once he wasn't so unstable, he would have time for it. "Ne-nevermind, Jimin. Maybe next time, yeah?"

It was sad, really. The way his voice broke when he lowered his head and sat back down on his little bed.

Jimin was left confused as ever. Hoseok never passed up an opportunity to dance with him.

Jimin's eyes softened as he sat down next to him. "Hey, you've been studying a lot this week. I know things are rough, but it's okay to take a break. If you don't take breaks it will hurt you in the long run." Hoseok knew that Jimin was right. He also knew that all the studying wasn't really helping anyways. But, he was embarrassed. He was embarrassed to admit that nothing was working. He knew every single one of his friends and all of his family were more than excited to see him succeed in becoming a pharmacist. But, his heart just wasn't in it anymore... it wasn't something he was passionate about. Jimin could probably tell. He did live with him after all. Watched him all week, staying up all night with bloodshot eyes. Hoseok hung his head.

With a pat on the back, Jimin pulled Hoseok in a hug. When the tears began to fall, Jimin only silently rocked them back and forth. Truthfully, Jimin hadn't seen Hoseok cry that many times. Once, when he and Yoongi had gotten in a fight; twice, when Hoseok had broken his arm by jumping off the top of a building onto a trampoline and ended up hitting the hard base instead. It wasn't like Hoseok to cry, but even strong people have a breaking point, Jimin thought. Hoseok's tears came fast and hot. Dripping onto Jimin's shoulder, his voice was trying to make its way through the tears. Jimin only shushed him and kept rocking. They had plenty of time to talk; right now Hoseok just needed to cry.

They stayed that way for a while. Neither of them spoke. You could physically feel the air in the room shift. Hoseok's sniffles had finally quietened down and his tears dried up slowly but surely. It wasn't until minutes later that Hoseok had pulled away to wipe at his eyes when he looked at Jimin and laughed. "Why aren't you telling me to stop crying and promising me it will be okay?"

The corners of Jimin's lips turned up at that, and he reached out to brush a piece of Hoseok's hair behind his ears. "Sometimes not saying anything at all and just being here when you need it is even better than that. If you want to tell me what's going on, you can. But if you don't, that will be fine too. I'll just be here for you to cry to when you need someone." Hoseok only smiled at that, and looked down to intertwine their fingers.

Hoseok hadn't told anyone how much he was struggling with his classes. How much he didn't want to become a pharmacist at all... How much of a disappointment he truly was.. He had been going through so much recently that he had even pushed his best friend away entirely. He felt incredibly guilty. He had held it in for so long, but it was starting to build up inside him and burst through the seams. He could barely hold it in any longer. He sighed and sniffled once more before deciding to finally let someone in.

He told Jimin everything. Told him how it started, told him how he hated his teachers and how he couldn't remember anything even after reading his books multiple times. How he thought he could push through and deal with it, how that was proving to be almost impossible. How it wasn't his passion anymore, and how he felt terrified, absolutely terrified to tell anyone. And the worst of it all.. How he had lied to Yoongi for the very first time.

Jimin sat, listening to every single word Hoseok said with an open heart. A nod when appropriate just to show he was listening, and a soft small hand that barely wrapped around Hoseok's but deemed to do the job just fine. Hoseok had rambled on for almost an hour before he finally huffed with a sigh, and Jimin knew then that he could speak. His thumb lightly traced shapes on Hoseok's knuckles and he took a moment just to absorb every word that had come tumbling out of Hoseok's mouth.

"Hoseok, I.."

"What if you changed your major?" Hoseok's eyes widened and immediately started shaking his head but Jimin had shushed him instead. "Hey, it's okay, hear me out. I know you are afraid. But, your friends, us.." Jimin motioned to himself and smiled. "We got you. None of us would ever be disappointed in you. We just want you to be happy. As long as you're happy that is all that truly matters, Seokie. I know the rest of the guys would feel that way too. I know it, okay? If you are unhappy with where you are, let's get you somewhere else, yeah?" Hoseok quietly nodded. He knew that. Logically, he knew that. But...

"But, my parents..." Hoseok's voice sounded uncertain. Unstable, as if he were going to cry again.

Jimin hummed. "I think if they want their son to be happy, they will love and support you even if you change your mind and pursue another career. And if they don't, that would be on them, not you, Seok." Jimin's eyes were soft, gentle and kind. Hoseok's tears streamed down his face again, this time silently but somehow even louder than before. He sniffled and wiped his nose again.

"I don't know what I want to do anymore, Jimin. I'm going to be a failure, no. I am a failure. I don't know what to do or where to go from here." Hoseok was so small. His voice was so small, everything about him looked.. So small. So fragile. So hurt. It ripped Jimin's heart out of his chest. He laid a soft hand on his head, gently petting through his hair.

"Is there anything that brings you joy? Anything you love to do?" Hope spread through every syllable in Jimin's voice. If there was something, anything, that Hoseok loved to do.. This was his chance to pursue it. He could change his major, and begin studying something he loved. Jimin knew it would be a lot of work but seeing his best friend so down on himself and unhappy was tearing him apart. He just wanted to fix this somehow, but Hoseok only sighed and sniffled.

"Nothing really... I mean, I never really let myself think about it too much..." It was true. Hoseok knew his heart wasn't content. He had known that for a while. It was kind of hard not to know that. But what was he supposed to do? Jimin only nodded and hummed. "I mean, anything? Even if it is just for fun?"

Hoseok thought for a moment before a tiny smile had curled upon his lips. Tears still running down his face, and his bloodshot eyes, but somehow he was still so pretty. If Yoongi had been there, he would have told him that. "Dancing with you. I enjoy it a lot."

Jimin's eyes were now crescent moons. "Dancing with me, huh? Do you want me to talk to my professor? I might be able to see if there's anything I can do?" It was sweet really. Jimin was sweet. When the words left his lips, there was hope in his voice. And Hoseok's eyes turned up at that, before he wiped them again. Did he want to study dance? Did he want to change his major? Did he really want to do this? Because if he did, he knew it wouldn't be easy. Not in the slightest.

"Can I think about it for a while?" Hoseok sounded weary, but Jimin only giggled at that and ruffled his hair. "Well, duh. Just let me know if you want me to.. Even if it isn't dancing, I can try to help as much as I can. I'm here for you, and so is everyone else."

Hoseok smiled at that before widening his eyes, "Please don't tell anyone. I didn't want anyone to know but it just sorta slipped and before I knew it, everything was already out of my mouth." Hoseok laughed at that a little before laying his head on Jimin's shoulder.

"Your secret is safe with me, hyung."


Things were looking up. Though not much had really changed. Hoseok was still neck deep in his homework, but at least he was talking to Jimin now. At least he was talking in general.

Throughout the last week, he had managed to finally drill one section of his textbook in his brain before Jimin had forced him up and moving. It had become a nightly occurrence now; Jimin would teach Hoseok every dance he could think of after his study session and Hoseok would happily bounce around in an attempt to keep up with him. It was enough to take his mind off of everything for a little while, and if Hoseok needed anything right now... It was an escape.

Things still weren't great, but at least Hoseok was taking breaks now. Jimin considered that a win.

Neither of them had mentioned Hoseok changing his major since a week ago, but Hoseok would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about it. Yet the answer always came out the same. No matter how much thought he gave it, he just couldn't imagine telling his parents that he wasn't doing as good as they thought he was. Especially after they had told him so many times- so many times how proud they were of him. It would just be too painful, and Hoseok didn't have the words. So, he just brushed them off.

Jimin didn't fight. It was Hoseok's decision at the very end of the day and Jimin already told him he would support him despite his decision. At least now, Hoseok was having fun at night. Twirling around their little dorm, giggles falling out Hoseok's lips when Jimin would spin around - around and around and around - and then stop on a hilarious pose just to tug a laugh out of Hoseok. Dancing sometimes in rhythm and others in an uncoordinated mess; sometimes just letting go and dancing to anything and everything. It felt good. It felt wonderful, actually. Hoseok had never felt so alive. He had never felt such adrenaline rushing through his entire body. He found himself so glad, so fucking glad, that he told Jimin how much he loved this. Because had he not, they probably wouldn't be twirling around like ballerinas in the middle of the night. He would probably still have his nose stuck in that stupid fucking textbook. Which worked out because he felt that one more moment of him looking at it and he would fucking hurl it like a football.

But, what was he supposed to do? Sure, he could go for it and risk everything. Yoongi did it. But, Yoongi was so much stronger and much more talented than him. Yoongi had enough fight and passion in him to keep going and pick himself up when his family didn't support him pursuing something so fragile and tricky as music can be. Yoongi did it. But Yoongi was different. And, Hoseok admired everything about him. He really did. If only he could be more like Yoongi. But, no. He didn't want to be more like Yoongi. Because.. Yoongi always told him that he was perfect the way he was. If Yoongi believed it, he should too. After all, he wouldn't lie to him. Yoongi would never. But, Hoseok... Hoseok had. He had lied to him, and as much as he wished he could ignore it, he just couldn't shake it off. He didn't want to. But, he wasn't ready to tell Yoongi how he wasn't fine. Not even close. And how wrong the words "I'm fine." felt as they traveled out of his lips and into the air above them. How awful he felt for lying when he so obviously wasn't okay.

Yoongi was always right in his corner, cheering him on at all times. He was the first one to support Hoseok when he started college and Hoseok couldn't even imagine his face when he told him that he was miserable. That he hated, no, he absolutely despised the way things were. He just couldn't do it.

He was sorry. But he would have to lie to Yoongi for a little while longer.

Thinking of Yoongi, Hoseok's heart ached for him to be near. It had felt like a lifetime since Hoseok got to just go and hang out with him. But, he had been so busy recently with studying and trying his best to salvage whatever was left of his chances to become what everyone wanted him to be, that he hadn't been around any. Hoseok guessed it was probably for the best anyways. At least if he wanted to keep his suffering a secret for much longer. Yoongi could always break through him and somehow see through his acts as if he were made of transparent ribbon. If Hoseok really wanted to keep this from Yoongi, he would have to keep himself away as well.

Surely, Yoongi was fine without Hoseok around. He figured Yoongi was even better actually. Not having to deal with Hoseok bothering him all the time and ruining the flow of his songs. The thought of Yoongi being better off without Hoseok left a sour taste in his mouth and a bitter churn in his stomach. That was something he wished he could erase from his thoughts. But perhaps it was true. Hoseok wasn't sure.


Yoongi had been working on a song. Better yet, attempting. Writing lyrics all day and night, and trying his best to capture the words he had been chasing but none of them felt right. Scribbling out notes and lyrics and making a mess on his papers; getting frustrated and banging his hands down on the keys before sighing in defeat. Nothing was right. Nothing felt right. He was slowly losing it because why was this happening to him? Why him? He had no clue. Perhaps it was the fact that his dorm was so fucking quiet, and he was starting to miss the sound of sighs atop a Chemistry book. It had been two weeks now. Two weeks of silence in his dorm that was now driving him borderline insane. Where was Hoseok?

When he texted him, he just said he was busy. Every single time, he was busy. Hoseok was never busy, so how the hell was he so busy now? Yoongi knew he should be understanding and patient, but something about it just pissed him off. It all felt like his best friend was avoiding him and pushing him away. This was quite literally the longest they had been away from each other since the first ten years of his life before they knew each other. This wasn't normal.

Yoongi had found himself missing Hoseok so painfully that it even surprised himself.. Things just weren't the same without him around. It was almost as if his floor creaked just a little bit more when he wasn't there. The rooms just a little colder and the piano a little less vibrant. As if even the walls missed Hoseok.

Hoseok and his annoying sighing. Hoseok and his rambling that would go on and on and on. His humming when Yoongi would play a tune he was familiar with. Everything about him. He missed him.

Perhaps that was why Yoongi just couldn't get the song right. Maybe it was that Hoseok, who was always here, wasn't where he was supposed to be. He wasn't beside him, swaying along to his piano. It was odd, really. Yoongi never sang his lyrics for Hoseok but it was almost like he didn't need to. As if Hoseok knew and felt the words to his songs speak just from the notes themselves. He just understood. No need to explain himself and Yoongi was thankful because he hated explaining. He never had the right words. Music was his one and only way to wordlessly communicate his feelings. And Hoseok was the only one who listened.

Yoongi sighed and shook his head.

Hoseok had been on his mind all the time recently. Starting from the burning question deep inside of him: did Hoseok have feelings for him? He wanted nothing more than to ask. To hold his hands steady and just spit it out already. He thought if he didn't come right out with it soon, he just might explode. But as much as he wanted to ask... he knew it wasn't the right time. Something about it was just...off. Even after Hoseok had swore that he was alright, he still just felt off. There was something wrong. Yoongi wasn't quite sure what it was, but he could feel it. So, he held his tongue, and the burning question was pushed down into his stomach where it would stay for now.

And that was totally fine, because if something was wrong with Hoseok that would be his priority. Yoongi could wait to ask. After all, Hoseok was on his mind for many more reasons than just the initial possible love confession, and because of how much he missed him. There was something that was even more important than both of those. It was obvious that there was something that was bothering Hoseok. Yoongi knew it from the frown on Hoseok's lips when he thought Yoongi wasn't paying attention. But there was one thing that Hoseok didn't take into account, something he probably didn't even know. Yoongi was always paying attention.

After days and days of debating whether or not to text Hoseok and ask again, he realized he had to give his best friend his space to figure things out. He had to trust that maybe one day Hoseok would come to him. Would rely on him, and his home would complete again. He hoped. He waited. But that didn't mean he didn't overthink every single thing while waiting.

Yoongi had even thought for a moment that perhaps he was the problem. Perhaps, Hoseok truly did have feelings for him and was pushing him away. Or, maybe Hoseok felt the exact opposite, and didn't want to be by Yoongi's side anymore. Both of those left a sour taste in his mouth. Things he didn't even want to consider ran through his brain and he knew that if Hoseok could only hear his thoughts... he would be a dead man. Hoseok would probably kick his ass for overthinking everything, or laugh at him for coming up with such random dumb theories. Yoongi wasn't sure which one, but neither were things he wanted to happen.

It was now a bright and sunny Saturday, in which Yoongi had given up on his song and trudged his way to Seokin's house once again. Home was lonely and he had no one to talk to... So, to Seokjin's it was. Only this time, he didn't wake him up in the wee hours of the morning after he was up all night overthinking. Surprisingly, he had actually slept last night. Of course it was after he had given up on writing lyrics, and finally made his way in his room and passed out shortly after. Yet, somehow he woke up way too early and way too tired after sleeping all night. Despite waking up early, he fought the urge to bother Seokjin so early in the morning again. This time, he waited until lunchtime before he burst through the doors and begged him for food.

"Make me food." Yoongi grumbled when Seokjin opened the door. He only rolled his eyes and laughed. "Can't anyone say please anymore? Damn."

The house smelled heavenly. It seemed as if Seokjin had already made food. Yoongi's nose turned up and Jin fondly smiled at him before pushing him to the kitchen. "Sit down. I'll get you some." Yoongi didn't even waste a moment before plopping down in one of the older's chairs. Glancing around at the cute photos of Seokjin and Namjoon plastered all over his walls, Yoongi felt a warmth fill his stomach at seeing them so happy together, smiling faces in all the photos that decorated Seokjin's house. One particular photo, a scene held on Namjoon's last birthday, with cake smeared all over his face and Seokjin's head thrown back laughing, left a small smile on Yoongi's face. He wondered what that felt like. He wondered if Hoseok did too.

Seokjin slid a bowl in front of Yoongi, and sat down next to him. "You doing any better, Yoon?"

Yoongi thought for a moment. Was he? He was passing his classes. He was healthy. And he wasn't low on money. Sure, he was fine. He was getting by. But he wasn't very happy. If he were honest, he was terribly frustrated. He missed Hoseok and it seemed as if he wasn't very good at writing songs at the moment so all he could do was get lost in his own head. It was frustrating as fuck. He avoided Seokjin's eyes, instead just huffed before he stuffed his cheeks with the bowl of kimchi ramen. His eyes almost rolled back. He thought that If he weren't so frustrated, he would probably be drooling over the taste. The flavor reminded him just how good Seokjin was at cooking.

Seokjin ran a finger through the back of Yoongi's hair and hummed. "I take that as a no." Yoongi only nodded and slumped his shoulders even more. There was no use in lying.

"Do you want to talk about it? Is it about Hoseok liking you?" Yoongi shook his head. Because, no. It wasn't about if Hoseok liked him or not, though that did run through his mind a lot too. It did confuse him, mostly because he didn't know how he felt about it. He had never seen Hoseok like that before, and ever since he saw the playlist he had been slowly questioning whether or not Hoseok liking him would be a good or a bad thing. It terrified him. And it confused him. But, that wasn't the reason that Yoongi was losing sleep at night. It wasn't the reason he felt so restless.

"Hoseok has been avoiding me. He hasn't been calling me or texting me much either. I can sense that something is wrong, but he hasn't told me. And that's fine, I just wish I didn't feel so...useless." Seokjin laid a hand on his shoulder then in comfort. Almost a confirmation that he was listening and it was alright for him to go on. That he was safe here. Yoongi took it, and ran.

"I don't mind him not telling me things. He is his own person and he doesn't owe me anything. I won't ever force him to tell me anything he doesn't want to, but I hate feeling so distant from him. It bothers me so much. And, my one way of soothing myself is now pissing me the hell off because I just can't write a song. I just can't. No matter how hard I try, I just can't get the words out. I can't find a melody. I can't do anything but sit back and watch my best friend lie to me when he says he is okay. He probably thinks I don't notice, or that I don't care. But, I don't know how to tell him I am here for him without pressuring him and making him feel like he has to tell me..." Yoongi tripped over his words, but they fell out like dominoes. One by one, rushing out in a hurry as if Yoongi was just begging to vent. He figured he probably was.

Seokjin was silent for a moment. Much like last time, he was left trying to process everything Yoongi had thrown at him. It had seemed as if Yoongi, who didn't usually say too much, had a lot more to say than what anyone really knew. Because once again all his words just spewed out and before he knew it, they were already circling his head as Seokjin tried to take them all in. It was a mess of long sentences and occasional stops to catch his breath. Yoongi only sighed after his long mess of words and stuffed the inside of his cheeks once again.

It was silent for a few moments. Seokjin was silently thinking. Because, what was the right thing to say to Yoongi? What was the advice that Seokjin would need if he were in that situation? He wasn't sure. But, there's only one thing that was for sure. Yoongi was there. He would be there if Hoseok needed him, and he would be there when Hoseok was ready to come back. All Yoongi could do was be honest. Seokjin tapped his finger lightly in thought before speaking softly.

"Yoongi, I think you should find Hoseok."

Yoongi looked at him with doubt in his eyes.

Seokjin only smiled and shook his head, "Wait, before you freak out on me, listen. I think you should just... tell him what you told me. Tell him that you don't expect him to tell you anything but that you miss him and want to be there for him. That you understand if he wants space, you just want to know. That you just want to be in the loop, you know?"

Yoongi thought for a moment and turned back at him. "Should...I? It feels like he just wants to be left alone, I don't know..." Yoongi was unsure. He didn't want to pressure him, or make him feel even worse than what he may already feel. He didn't want to be an extra cause of stress. That was the last thing he wanted.

Seokjin nodded, "Well, you aren't telling him he can't be alone. You would just be telling him he doesn't have to be alone."

Yoongi was silent for a moment. Because, Seokjin was right. It didn't sound too difficult. It wasn't that hard. Just tell Hoseok the truth. The truth that Yoongi missed him beyond belief and he could tell something was wrong despite Hoseok's smiles. It would be easy. Right? Yoongi imagined sitting Hoseok down and softly explaining to him every thought that flew through his clouded mind. That didn't seem so bad, did it? Yoongi visibly tensed then, because yes. It did. Yoongi wasn't good with words, and the thought of having to put into words how he felt suddenly made him nauseous.

He shook his head, "No, I can't say it. I can't, I'd choke on my words, Hyung."

"You didn't with me just now, did you?" Fair point. It really was fair. But, it was different. He would have to think it through with Hoseok. That was what was different. Yoongi didn't have to think about it with Seokjin, he was able to just let his thoughts flow out freely. It wouldn't be the same with Hoseok. He would probably think too much and be a mumbling mess. He doubted he would even get one word out before giving up and just panicking. "It's different." He only whispered under his breath.

Seokjin sighed at that, and ran another finger through Yoongi's hair. "Well, It's up to you, but I think that's the best thing to do in your situation. You sense that something is wrong and he has been avoiding you, so to tell him that you are there for him if he needs you and that you support him might make him feel some better about whatever it is bothering him. Just talking to him in general. He's more than likely feeling lonely too."

Yoongi nodded at that and sighed. He would have to find Hoseok and talk to him. This just couldn't go on any more, things were growing more and more brittle by the day it felt. It didn't matter if Yoongi would be a mumbling mess, he would have to push through it. A few run on sentences was nothing. He could handle it. For Hoseok, and for himself.

Yoongi decided that if he could write a song to comfort Hoseok... he would.


Hoseok was having an alright day. It finally seemed as if everything was falling into its place slowly but surely. The clouds parted today and the sun was bright and hot, leaving Hoseok breathless as he walked back to his and Jimin's dorm. He couldn't wait to tell Jimin everything. How today he had gotten a C on a paper and felt like crying. Now, don't get him wrong. He knew a C wasn't exactly the best but it was a huge improvement from the constant F's he was receiving before. It was getting better. That meant he was getting better.

He still wasn't enjoying what he was studying, but at least he was getting by. He was learning, and maybe, just maybe, he would learn to love it. Maybe he would learn to be good at it, and learn to fall in love with a career in medicines despite his heart not longing for it. Maybe, just maybe, he could do this. It was a long shot, but Hoseok felt like he could see the tiny light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe he wouldn't disappoint his parents after all.

The door swung open and Jimin's legs were wrapped around Hoseok's waist. "I saw your texts! Good job, Hyungie!" Hoseok smiled and wrapped his arms around the tiny dancer.

"Thank you, Chim. I was so happy to come home and tell you." It was true. Hoseok had been getting closer to Jimin day by day, as he stayed up all night dancing and talking with him almost nightly. All they had was time, and Jimin had dances for days. And Hoseok felt safe with him. Because how could he not? There was just something about Jimin that radiated comfort. Understanding, and even when he didn't understand, he tried. He was a good listener, and an even better speaker. He just knew what to say at all times, it seemed. Hoseok was thankful Jimin was there for him.

"Do you want to dance? I learnt some new choreo today," Jimin didn't even try to hide the growing smile on his face. His eyes disappearing into little crescent moons and his wide smile on display. Jimin was beautiful. He really was.

Hoseok broke out a grin and threw his bag on his bed. He would never turn down dancing.

Soon, music filled the little dorm and the beds were pushed a little further to the sides. Hoseok's happiness only filled the room as he let his body flow with the beat. He thought that if he wasn't careful he could get completely lost like this. Jimin flowed beside him, guiding him through movements of choreography that Hoseok had picked up almost instantly. A natural; a born dancer, almost. If only that were possible. If only it were possible to be what Hoseok was born to be. As sad as it was, it didn't even matter right now. Hoseok let the music pick him up and float him through the air. None of that mattered anymore.

They twirled around the room, laughing loudly as the room spun- around and around. Feeling the rise of their chests as they held tightly and spun even more. A rush of adrenaline was what this was. An escape from reality. Hoseok wasn't even in the same little dorm anymore, but an arena opened up around them and swallowed them whole. A stage where the spotlight was directly on Hoseok. A dancer. Someone who lived and breathed dance. That was what Hoseok was. This was what made Hoseok's heart swell. This was what Hoseok wanted to do.

Why couldn't he let himself go? Let himself dance until he wasn't able to anymore. Let himself join Jimin, and abandon the dull white lab coat that seemingly drowned Hoseok every time he wore it. The more Hoseok learnt, the better Hoseok got, the more he sank. The deeper the water and the more dancing looked like an anchor. Just a little further. Just reach a little further. It's only a moment away. Hoseok turned toward the anchor.

Only it wasn't what he was expecting to see.

A man stood in the doorway of his dorm. A short, blonde headed boy with almost cat-like eyes. Eyes that were wide, and a jaw that only slightly hung open. Someone Hoseok had been avoiding; but now that he was here Hoseok's heart pounded at the sight of him. The want to reach out, just a little further, burned deep down inside of him. To hug him, to be near. How had he gone so long without going to him? How could he have just abandoned him like that? The arena faded, and the only spotlight in the room was now on Yoongi. Suddenly, Hoseok felt very small.

But, not as small as Yoongi looked.

Without a word, Yoongi turned around and walked away. And, Hoseok felt his heart crush in on itself. He rushed out of the room, yelling for Yoongi because he couldn't just let him leave, could he? He couldn't just let him walk away without calling for him. He ran after him, leaving Jimin alone in his tracks. The only reminiscence of happiness was the music still swaying itself through the dorm. Hoseok was long gone.

"Yoongi! Yoongi!"

He turned around then, facing him. Only then, Hoseok could see the tears making their way down Yoongi's soft cheeks. Tracing so lightly over his nose, and mixing gently between his eyelashes. He looked smaller than small. Hoseok blamed himself.

Yoongi looked him in his eyes and Hoseok's heart tore itself in half. "What? Why are you running after me? You obviously don't need me. It's been weeks, Hoseok. Weeks. I gave you space because I thought you needed it, but I came to see you and you... you.. Fuck, I don't even know. I just feel.. I feel... I don't know how I fucking feel, okay? But, for some reason I feel sad as hell right now."

Hoseok's eyes welled up and he reached out to touch Yoongi's tear stained cheeks. The older flinched a little, but let Hoseok wipe his tears from his face. "I can explain, okay? If you don't want to hear me out, I understand. But, I promise I have a reason." Hoseok's words came out as a plea. A whisper that brought chills to Yoongi's arms, causing him to slightly shiver. Or maybe, the dorm hall was just freezing. He wasn't sure.

Yoongi looked at his feet and sniffled. But he nodded. And that was what mattered. Hoseok's nod came out as a question, "Yeah?"

Yoongi looked up and nodded once more, his gaze softening as he let his shield down. "Yeah. I trust you."

They were still for a moment before Hoseok hesitantly reached down to intertwine his fingers with Yoongi. It was time to tell him. It was time to be honest and open up. This was his chance. If he didn't tell him now, he would never have the confidence again. Disappointing Yoongi was still a fear of his, but he couldn't keep doing this. He took a breath and nodded his head in a direction. This was it.

Yoongi followed Hoseok to the stairs that led up to the roof of the building in silence. Tears still rolled down his face but now Hoseok's hand was on his and it set him at ease. That gave him a sense of comfort despite his heart aching in his chest. Maybe Hoseok really did have a reason. An explanation that would make Yoongi feel ridiculous for acting like this. One that would make him feel guilty. Maybe Yoongi was selfish. Maybe, but he wasn't sure. Not yet.

Hoseok sat down on the roof, motioning for Yoongi to sit across from him, face to face. It was only then that Hoseok was finally able to scan Yoongi's face. Look him in the eyes, and feel his heart break with every tear that fell down his best friend's face. Hoseok knew that at the end of the day, this was his fault. He reached out to place a hand on Yoongi's cheek. "Please stop crying... Seeing you cry is possibly the most painful thing I've ever seen." His voice was barely a whisper.

Yoongi's cheeks flushed and a gummy smile found its way through the tears. "Sorry, Hoseokie."

Hoseok shook his head. "No, I'm sorry. You've done absolutely nothing wrong."

Yoongi just looked down at the ground, sniffling. Silence enveloped them. A knowing silence that they could both feel down to the core. A gust of wind blew past them, sending chills upon their arms. It was a windy day, one that was beautiful. Especially on the rooftop; you could see all the big tall buildings across their city, and if you listened close enough you just might be able to hear the laughter of a child at the park across town. What a magical place Seoul was. Only after Yoongi and Hoseok talked, would they take in the beautiful view. For now, their views were directed at each other, with tears in the corners of their eyes.

Hoseok was the first to speak. "First of all, I'm sorry for lying to you. I'm not really fine; things have been rough."

Yoongi nodded and swallowed visibly. "I.. already knew that. I came here to tell you that I was here for you if you needed me. I was wanting to tell you that you weren't alone....that you didn't have to be alone." Hoseok's eyes widened. Because of course Yoongi knew. Of course he was able to see through Hoseok as if he were made of glass. Of course. Why would that surprise Hoseok? He was hoping that maybe he would believe him when he said he was busy but he wasn't naive. He just chose not to acknowledge it. And in the process he had screwed the hell up because looking at his best friend right now, he could tell that he hurt him. Yoongi was worried for him, and Hoseok had blown him off. All because he was afraid to tell him the truth.... Now he could see that he wasn't really thinking of anyone else but himself, and was too caught up in everything else to even care. Studying day and night. Of course he didn't think of Yoongi. Of course he just left him hanging like that. Hoseok suddenly felt even smaller than he did before.

Yoongi's hand grazed Hoseok's just a little, sending chills that spread up his arms and throughout his entire body. Hoseok looked down at his hands then. His heart suddenly picked up. Because, how was he supposed to tell Yoongi? Yoongi knew that Hoseok hated studying, knew that sometimes he was over it and wanted to just give up. But, that was everyone. No one liked studying; no one enjoyed exams. Yoongi just didn't know the full extent of it. How Hoseok had been debating just dropping out altogether for the last 2 years. He didn't know. And Hoseok wasn't sure how to tell him.

Yoongi squeezed his hand. "Hey, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm sorry, I really shouldn't have acted like that... I don't know why I did, I just tho-"

Hoseok looked up and met his eyes. "No, I want to tell you. Yoongi, I do. I wanted to tell you forever ago. I just, didn't- don't know how." Yoongi didn't say anything, just patiently waited and gave Hoseok his time to gather together his words and speak. Only when Hoseok cleared his throat, and gathered the courage, was he able to speak.

"I don't want to be a Pharmacist anymore."

Yoongi's head tilted in confusion, eyes widening a little.

Hoseok sighed, but continued. "Ever since I was young my parents talked about me becoming something successful like a doctor, a lawyer, or a pharmacist. I followed through because I had a dream of becoming someone who they could be proud of. But, I fear that it's just not who I am. My dream and theirs are far too different. At first, I had no idea what my dream really was. But I could see the love and passion in Jimin's eyes as he practiced his routines every night. At some point... I asked him if I could join him. The more we danced and the more I got to learn, it became something I loved as well. I think it may be... where I belong. But, I'm too afraid to disappoint everyone, especially you... you've always been there and supported me. I was afraid of your previous efforts going to waste. I didn't know if you would think of me as a loser, or a quiter...or if you would accept me after that. I was scared."

Yoongi was speechless. Overwhelmed. Perhaps it was the wind growing stronger, or the way Hoseok's eyes were trained on the ground, almost ashamed. Suddenly, It all made sense. Hoseok was ashamed. He felt as if he would disappoint everyone he loved just for being himself. Especially Yoongi, someone who would always be there for him. Hoseok had been feeling this shame, this confusion, all this time. Yoongi's heart sank, realizing just how alone he must have felt.

"I'm sorry for not telling you. I'm sure you're very confused and caught off guard right now and I should have tol-"

Yoongi just grabbed Hoseok's hands in his, and pulled him closer. His arms wrapped around him, and his hands tangled in Hoseok's hair. The need to just hold him close, beat any words that may have been tempted to come out. The need to just hug him, and hold him.. To reassure him. Yoongi didn't want to even imagine letting him go; didn't want him to feel alone. Didn't want him to feel afraid anymore. Tears fell down Yoongi's face as he sobbed in Hoseok's neck. The thought of Hoseok being afraid to talk to him rushed over him as his tears soaked through Hoseok's shirt. It saddened him. It saddened him that he wasn't able to help comfort him any sooner.

Hoseok sighed on Yoongi's shoulder, "I know, I'm sorry. I knew you'd be disappointed."

Yoongi pulled away then, his tears hot on his cheeks and his nose all red. He shook his head, and laid a hand on Hoseok's cheek, "No, I could never be dis-" A hiccup. "-pointed in you. I'm sad that you had to feel this wa-" Another hiccup. "-y for so long. I'm sorry Hoseokie. I'm so sorry, I wish I could've been the-'' Hiccup.

Hoseok's eyes widened. Seeing Yoongi cry even harder than before brought a sense of pain that Hoseok had never felt. The older was now choking on his words, as his face just reddened more and more. Hoseok reached out and pulled Yoongi into his chest and cuddled him. If only he could just comfort him and tell him that it would be okay. If only he could be sure of that.

It would only be a mere ten minutes later when they would both calm down enough to actually talk it out. To really talk about it. About how happy Hoseok looked while he was dancing; about how Yoongi had missed him more than anything; and lastly, about how Jimin had brought up the topic of switching majors.

They were now side by side, looking over the view of the city. The sun had started to set, and the sky was perfectly clear. A slight breeze had swarmed around them as lightly as a feather, causing both of their cheeks to become cold. A beautiful evening, and a beautiful view. Yoongi sighed as his lips turned up.

"Jimin said I could switch majors."

Yoongi looked at him then. Saw the hope flicker behind his pretty eyes as he looked at him. Suddenly, Yoongi saw Hoseok dancing again. Standing there, he saw Hoseok gracefully move along to the pretty beat that had filled his dorm. Saw Jimin smiling beside him, swaying along with Hoseok with ease. Yoongi saw the passion that had filled Hoseok's eyes and he could only imagine how happy he felt. How much fun he was having. Of course, it wasn't too late. It wasn't too late for Hoseok to become what he wanted to be. For him to stop living to please others, but to finally please himself. To finally love what he does.

"Hoseok, if you want to go for it, I believe in you. You deserve to love what you do. Your friends, Jimin... Me.. We will be here every step of the way. We won't leave your side. I promise. Hell, I'll even go with you to tell your parents. Just say the words. You aren't alone. No one is or will be disappointed in you. We want you to be happy, Seokie. I want you to be happy."

Hoseok's stomach swirled, as fear filled his mind. The possibilities were endless, and the risks were near. It was scary, and Hoseok was afraid. Afraid of what his parents would say, afraid of failing. But, somehow Yoongi's words were enough to lift him up. They were enough to pull his head up out of the deep ocean of fear that he had been swimming in for so long. His hands were shaky, but when Yoongi took them in his and told him it was going to be alright, he believed him. It would be alright. It wasn't too late. Hoseok was sure.


It didn't take long. It didn't take long at all, actually. By the time Hoseok had given Jimin the okay to talk to his dance professor, it was already the next week. Hoseok had been attached to Yoongi's side once again, and the older was finally able to write that song that he was struggling so much with. It seemed as if everything had gone back to normal; everyone back to their given spots, and the flow of time restored. Though, Hoseok still hadn't told the rest of his friends about the situation he was in yet. He wasn't really sure how to, and even though Jimin and Yoongi assured him that they would be right by his side, he was hellbent on waiting until Jimin came back with news. Came back with news that could change his mind and quite possibly, his entire life.

So, all in all, today was the day. Today was the day that Hoseok would wake up bright and early and ride the bus with Yoongi, get his first A in Chemistry class, and get tackled by Jimin in the hallway.

It surprised him- not the A, although that also seemed to do it pretty well- the way Jimin came running through the crowded hallway like a tornado crashing into land. Never missing a beat, and screaming so loud you could almost hear his voice across campus. "Hoseok! Hoseok! You got it!" His eyes were wide and happy, and his smile stretched far across his face with a joy that said it all. Hoseok had good news.

Only a second and a half later, Jimin crashed into Hoseok, nearly knocking him completely over in the process. The tiny dancer panted, before pulling Hoseok into the biggest hug of his life. "You got an audition. My professor agreed even though our class is full."

Hoseok couldn't contain the joy. He couldn't stop his fingers from shaking and his smile from expanding. He hugged Jimin back with as much gratitude he could fit into an embrace. Tears pricked in the corners of his eyes as he exhaled. "Thank you so much, Jimin. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you." Jimin only smiled in Hoseok's shoulder as he pet the back of his head. "You got this, Hoseok. I believe in you."

He pulled away and smiled, but his eyes suddenly widened and panic rose in his chest. "So what day? What song? What dance? What should I do? Oh my god, what do I tell my professors? What do I s-" Jimin shushed him with a laugh.

"Slow down. You have time to prepare! And, we won't talk to your professors until we find out the answer after your audition. Which I don't think you need to worry about. We will get you in that dance class, ok? I won't let you down." Jimin raised his fist with an assuring smile that seemed to set Hoseok's heart at ease. He could trust Jimin.


It was now Hoseok's turn to run through the halls. Papers flew out of his backpack but he didn't even care. All he could think about was Yoongi. Where was Yoongi? Hoseok's heart pounded as he searched through the halls that were slowly filling up with people. The final bell rang, and students filed out of their last classes out of the day, pushing and shoving to get to the door. The door that Hoseok had run in from.

A mess of people now surrounded Hoseok and he started getting anxious. Almost claustrophobic with hundreds of voices swarming through the halls and out the door before he could even turn his head. He was never going to find Yoongi like this. Hoseok moved to the side and walked down the hallway where he knew Yoongi's class was located. This was the fine arts hall, and surely where his best friend was hiding. But who really knew, with Yoongi he could be anywhere. Could be hiding somewhere in an abandoned classroom, humming melodies to the walls. Writing lyrics that only he could see in the back of a mathematics class. You never knew with him. He was a walking mystery; one that Hoseok had spent his whole life trying to solve. Only now was he finally learning the formula.

Hoseok sighed because this was pointless. He would never find him in this mess. His hopeful eyes lost their light because all he wanted was to tell his best friend the exciting news; that he had the chance to really do what he loved. To make himself proud and do what he so badly longed to do. But, he could wait for a little while, right? Even still, as petty as it seemed, he wanted to see Yoongi now. To hug him, and feel his happiness mix with his own. Hoseok slumped his shoulders and turned to follow the crowd out the big doors, but then his eyes latched onto something in the back of the hallway.

There he was. Walking beside Taehyung, wearing a pretty flannel that seemed to swallow him whole. Hoseok's head spun for a moment as he felt all of his love seep through every fibre of his being. The burning sense of affection that had been growing since that day on the ferris wheel. The love that brewed down in the deepest corners of Hoseok's heart. The sense of falling in love that he had pushed down into the corners and tucked them in tightly. Only for a moment, he let himself feel. Let himself fall just a little further.

Before Hoseok even knew it, he was in Yoongi's arms. He must have ran to him, jumped on him and wrapped his arms around him. He didn't remember. All he remembered was a tear falling down his cheek as he fought the urge to kiss Yoongi's delicate and pink lips. But, now Yoongi was spinning them around and that was all that mattered.

"You got an audition!? You're going to nail it! Absolutely blow them away!" Hoseok's cheeks heated up at that, because Yoongi's compliments were the ones he held dearest to his heart. They weren't all that common, as Yoongi didn't always have a lot to say. He mostly just laughed and listened to everyone else talk, as he sat with an easy going smile. He was the type of quiet company that you felt comfortable to have around. Almost like a cat, only one that could play the piano for hours and not bore you to death. Hoseok guessed Yoongi was one in a million.

Taehyung only looked in confusion, and Hoseok laughed but threw an arm around him. "You'll know soon enough, Taehyungie. Don't worry."

Later that night, Hoseok found himself bathing in love between Jimin and Yoongi. The amount of happiness that now swirled itself steadily throughout Jimin and Hoseok' dorm was absurd. It felt good, and Hoseok took it in. Breathing in it as if it were oxygen. He felt as if he probably didn't even deserve to be this happy after what he had put Yoongi through, but for tonight he wouldn't fight it because they seemed just as happy as him. That in itself made Hoseok even happier.

They had gathered here after school, and Hoseok found himself dancing and laughing all evening long. Even Yoongi had joined in, not knowing what he was doing but having just as much fun twirling around and occasionally stumbling on Hoseok's feet. He would only shyly smile before apologizing as Hoseok looked at him with adoration laced in his gaze. Just the fact that Yoongi was playfully dancing with them was enough to throw Hoseok's heart for a loop. The fact that he did this for them. For Hoseok.

Eventually, Yoongi had panted and fell back on Hoseok's bed. Two hours of dancing can really knock a man out, and that's what he mumbled before he fell back and closed his eyes. Hoseok only giggled at him, but sat down with him too. Running fingers through his hair as Yoongi only hummed in contentment. Man, did it feel good to be back with his best friend. Yoongi figured he would've gone crazy if he went one more day without Hoseok by his side. He was in bliss, knowing that Hoseok was right here with him. Or, that he was right here with Hoseok. It didn't really matter. Not anymore. As long as they were together.

Yoongi fell asleep pretty quickly. A few minutes passed with Hoseok gently running his fingers through his hair as his head laid in his lap. Hoseok and Jimin talking was background noise for him. The only thing Yoongi could feel was Hoseok's hands in his hair. Softly brushing through, and putting him to sleep. The last thing he would remember was looking up and seeing Hoseok smile at Jimin, before drifting off into the void.

Looking down at Yoongi's soft face, Hoseok's heart softened. His thumb traced over his closed eyelids as he felt his stomach gush with all types of butterflies. The most beautiful man in the world was right here in his lap. Hoseok was in awe of just how pretty Yoongi really was. Somehow he always seemed to surprise him. As if he got prettier every single day. His long, soft eyelashes that fluttered so prettily when he got shy. His smile that showed off his gums when he got really happy. Hoseok was in awe as he scanned his best friend's face. His slightly parted lips were as beautiful as an ocean of waves crashing into land and Hoseok had to fight the urge to reach down and kiss them.

Jimin tilted his head to the side. Seeing them like this wasn't a new thing, but for some reason it felt different. It felt almost... no. Jimin didn't know and he should assume. But, looking at Hoseok running his fingers through Yoongi's soft hair and looking down at him with such adoration... it was odd. The way Hoseok's eyes trained on his just a little longer, and the way he was tracing Yoongi's skin as if he were as fragile as class. Jimin suddenly felt confused. Hoseok's lips turned up as he looked down at the boy in his lap, before his eyes snapped up to meet Jimin's, almost as if he got caught.

"Hoseok... Do you perhaps..." Jimin's voice was wary. A question that he never expected to ask, but one he didn't have to finish.

Hoseok sighed. Silence filled the room, as the words absorbed in the ceiling. But, finally, he nodded.

A sad nod, one with Hoseok's head hanging low. Jimin didn't say anything to that. Just scooted closer to his side and wrapped an arm around him. His voice was barely above a whisper, careful not to wake Yoongi up.

"How long?"

"Years. I don't know how many."

"Does he know?"

Hoseok shook his head and sighed. "He never will."

"Do yo-"

"Let's not talk about it right now, okay?"

Hoseok was thankful that Jimin let it go so quickly, and didn't linger with the conversation. He hadn't ever spoken about it, and it felt weird to now. Weird to admit it even, although it was only a nod and not even formed words. Jimin was the first to know, and maybe if Hoseok was lucky, he would be the last. They didn't speak about it again that night.

At some point, Jimin had laid his head on Hoseok's shoulder, and closed his eyes. "What kind of music are you going to dance to?"

Hoseok thought about it for a moment. He wasn't sure. The truth was, he hadn't given it much thought at all. What kind of music was his favorite? He couldn't pick. He loved all types of music, how would he be able to choose a specific one to dance to? He recalled all of his playlists on his ipod, and wondered which ones he listened to the most. His cheeks heated up at that, because he knew very well that the playlist titled his best friend's name was the one he listened to more than anything. But, no one knew about that one and he hoped it would stay that way. He shook it off and was glad no one could hear his thoughts.

He sighed, "I don't know."

Jimin's eyes were now gently closed as his voice slowly strayed farther and farther away despite him being right there on Hoseok's shoulder. Sleep overtaking him slowly but surely; grabbing his hand and pulling him under. But, before he drifted too far out, his lips opened on more time. "What do you hear when you close your eyes? Just let your heart decide." Before he joined Yoongi in a peaceful slumber.

Let your heart decide.

Most people would scoff at those words. Say they are a load of bullshit and mean absolutely nothing. That it wasn't helpful even in the slightest. Only, there was truth to those words. Everyone has a song, a beautiful melody that plays when they close their eyes. Almost as if there were a record player stored in the corner of your mind that only you could hear; a song that you dance to even when no one else can hear it. A song that lives in you. Suddenly, Hoseok understood.

A song that plays when you close your eyes.

Hoseok closed his eyes.

Hoseok saw Yoongi.


"You want me to play for you?"

Hoseok slowly nodded.

Yoongi tilted his head, almost unbelieving. "You mean, you want me to play piano for you to dance to?"

Hoseok's nervous smile spread across his face, with an easygoing laugh. "Yes, Yoon. Please play for me for my audition."

Yoongi was still for a moment letting silence swarm through the room, as Hoseok looked at him nervously biting the inside of his cheek. It had taken a lot of courage for Hoseok to finally ask the musician, and now that he had he was simply shaking in his boots. The look on Yoongi's face remained the same though, almost expressionless. Hoseok was almost worried now, and he was debating just saying nevermind, but then Yoongi finally blinked and- was that a nod?

Yoongi nodded slowly, and an easy smile spread across his lips. It was almost as if Hoseok's face lit completely up, and he felt the worry that sat so heavily upon his shoulders slowly fade away. "Yoongi, thank you so so much! I'm so excited! You ar-"

Yoongi's smile disappeared slowly. Extremely slowly. The easy going grin that was there one moment was long gone the next. Hoseok could only watch as Yoongi's expression of happiness was washed away as tears welled up in his eyes. It seemed as if one moment he was completely fine, and the next he was in Hoseok's arms, sniffling for dear life. He wrapped his arms around the small musician with worry welling up in his own eyes. Sobs that drowned themselves out in Hoseok's shirt as they echoed in his ears. He was frantic now. "Are you okay? Oh my god, was this my fault? I'm so sorry, Yoongi. I'm so sorry for upsetting you somehow..."

Yoongi shook his head, and sniffled. "You didn't upset me. Not at all, Seokie."

Hoseok's eyebrows furrowed with confusion as he held the sides of Yoongi's cheeks in his palms, "Then why are you crying?"

"Because you enjoy my music so much you want me to play for you during one of your biggest and most important moments. I know how much this means to you, Seok." Yoongi sniffled again, as he wiped his teary cheeks with his sweater paws. The feeling of being so appreciated, and so loved ran through his veins like lightning. It was unbelievable to him that Hoseok enjoyed his music just that much and he couldn't even begin to express how much it meant to him. It overwhelmed him, in the absolute best way.

Yoongi looked up at him then. The tears still gently lacing in his eyelashes, his almost puppy-like eyes finally meet Hoseok's dark brown ones. Only then, does Hoseok's gaze soften. Yoongi's words replay like a song on repeat in Hoseok's mind like the summer hits on the radio. Over and over, until Hoseok finally understood. Adoration filled his eyes as he sighed and let his hand reach out to cover (barely, since Hoseok's hands were much smaller than Yoongi's) Yoongi's hand. He looked at him, stared right into his eyes and smiled.

"Yoongi, your music means everything to me. I listen to it everywhere I go. It lives here," Hoseok's hand gently sat upon his heart as he smiled. "It's my favorite thing to listen to. Something I cherish. Spending time with you while you make music is probably my favorite thing to do. I love it. Of course, I want you to play for me, there's no one else I would rather dance to."

Yoongi was crying again. Tears flowed down his cheeks as he nodded. "Yes, I'll play for you. Of course I will."

And he would. Yoongi would give everything he had to do his very best. He would play the piano until he couldn't anymore, and he would watch Hoseok dance. He would do everything he could for Hoseok, who would always give everything he had to him. To keep him warm, and to keep him happy. Hoseok deserved everything, and Yoongi planned to give it to him.

It wasn't until the very next day that Hoseok would sit beside Yoongi and listen to the pretty melodies Yoongi had been creating. He had stayed up all night, coming up with piece after piece after piece, in hopes of finding something that would be just perfect for Hoseok. Something that just embodied the boy with the cute fish stickered ipod. Something that was him.

Something that radiated as much happiness as he did. Almost like a bright and sunny day, with a refreshing breeze that left the smell of rain lingering in the air. That was what Hoseok was; that was what he had always been. A breeze in the summer, and a blanket on the top of a ferris wheel when Yoongi was freezing and absolutely terrified to even breathe. A shoulder to lean on when Yoongi failed his drivers test for the fourth time in a row, and the biggest- and first- fan of Yoongi's music. Hoseok just was.

But, it seemed as if no matter how many notes Yoongi's hands found, none of them were right. None of them fit. He played and played as Hoseok swayed beside him, watching the musician create. Something that Hoseok always loved to do, and drew inspiration from. The harmonies that were created and sewn together by Yoongi's hands would somehow make their way through Hoseok's heart and plant a seed there. A seed of love that continuously grew over time and now, it was uncontainable. Even though Hoseok tried his best to.

After playing and trying for hours upon hours, the sun finally went down and left the two in the dark. Notes quietly filled the room, as they sat in silence. After hours of frustration, Yoongi's bones were almost aching from sitting on the little bench. Only a few more minutes, just a little while longer. He kept saying that but an hour would pass without any progress at all. Yoongi eventually gave out. Somewhere between the first and the hundredth song, he just couldn't do it anymore. Feeling discouraged as ever, his head dropped to Hoseok's shoulder so solemnly. "Hoseok, I'm wasting your time. We are basically down a day now because of me."

Hoseok shook his head and flicked Yoongi on the forehead. "Creating takes time. I understand and know that, so don't worry. We're a team. Take all the time you need."

Hoseok's voice was light and it felt like a feather dropping down on Yoongi's head in the middle of a thunderstorm. A smooth smile rested upon his lips then as he nodded and closed his eyes. Surely it would come to him soon. All in due time, the perfect song would come to life and he just had to let it happen. To not stress too much, and to pressure it even more. He believed that. Hoseok believed in him too, and at the end of that stressful night, that was what kept him going.


It was only the third day of practice and Yoongi was restless. Doing everything he could to find the right song and create the right feeling but he was growing tired, because three days with no luck was weighing heavily on his shoulders and he was starting to question his ability to make music in the first place. Three days. That had made three days in a row he had stayed up all night while his hands glided over the keys. He was tired, and he was out of ideas, but Yoongi never knew when to quit. He just kept going, until he couldn't anymore. Until his eyelids drooped and the last bit of energy was used up, he would continue like his life depended on it. But, it was the third day and it was time that he took a break. Only a few minutes after he stopped fighting sleep, he passed out on his keyboard.

The silence in the dorm didn't last long, though. Four simple hours later, Yoongi was awoken again, feeling much more tired than what he did before, with curses spilling from his mouth left and right because why was he awake? And what was that sound? His eyes crinkled at the sides as he grimaced and ruffled his own hair before realizing where he was. The familiar paintings on the walls, and the comfortable duvet cover... he didn't remember falling asleep in his bed.

He stood up and walked out with his eyebrows furrowed down into his eyes. But, all of his anger fled the second he saw the cause for all of the noise in his living room. Hoseok was dancing. He was dancing at eight in the morning in the middle of Yoongi's little living room after sleeping only a few hours, but he was beautiful. And Yoongi felt his heartbeat ringing in his ears. Hoseok was dancing. And, Yoongi had seen him dancing once before, the day at his dorm when Hoseok told him about his passion, but this was different. Yoongi understood now, and suddenly his breath was caught in his throat.

The curtains were wide open, letting light flood in and shine across Hoseok's honey skin that looked silky and oh so soft. The music wasn't loud at all, barely even there against Yoongi's ears that were burning red now at the sight of Hoseok twirling around with his eyes shut as if his life depended on it. Somehow the music was lost against Hoseok, who seemed to hold the notes so gently and so raw, letting them gently slide into Yoongi's ears with every single spin and twirl. Yoongi was captured. Almost as if Hoseok was the music.

Yoongi had always loved music. Grew up feeling it in his bones. Everywhere he went, his fingers tapped against his thighs to music that only he could hear. A longing for music, and a tempo that buried itself within the depths of his soul. Music was his everything, and now, standing there watching Hoseok dance like a butterfly that grew their wings for the very first time, he was long gone. Gone, because Hoseok really could dance. The passion was overflowing and Yoongi couldn't take it. The need to get to the nearest piano left his mouth dry.

It was unbelievable actually, how beautiful he was to watch. And watch, Yoongi did. That seemed to be the only thing he could do, to watch; he could almost feel the flow of the rhythm that was floating throughout Hoseok's body. He was unbelievable. And, Yoongi was blown away. It was then that it came to him. A song just for Hoseok; a song that moved with him. Yoongi's eyes widened as he made his way to his piano.

Suddenly, Yoongi's fingers were sliding across the keyboard. The piano startled Hoseok as he turned his head with wide eyes to see Yoongi with his hair all over his head, playing the prettiest song he had ever heard. Hoseok reached down to turn his radio off and his eyes traveled back up to the musician who looked somehow wide awake now. Yoongi looked up then and smiled. "Keep dancing." Hoseok didn't need to be told twice.

The notes seemingly jumped off of Yoongi's piano and into Hoseok's body. The sun shone through the window magnifying every little feature on his face as Yoongi let himself go. A song that embodied Hoseok. The song that Yoongi had spent weeks trying to write not that long ago. The one he was struggling with so much, until Hoseok returned to his side. The one with no lyrics. That was the one that Yoongi's hands played as Hoseok danced like an angel straight out of heaven. It was beautiful. And Yoongi felt alive- felt the hairs on his arms stand up as his eyes strayed to look at Hoseok who was almost as encompassed as he was.

After the music came to an end, and Yoongi's hands stilled, Hoseok's smile stretched far across his face with an excited expression. "Yoongi, that song..."

Yoongi smiled, breathlessly. The way Hoseok's face lit up and his hands curled into little balls of happiness left Yoongi's hands shaking. "You liked it?"

"I loved it."

Hoseok's eyes sparkled, and Yoongi felt lightheaded. A smile that brightened up the room with a happiness that was as genuine as could be. Hoseok looked beautiful. With his hair damp from sweat and his eyes wide as they could be. Yoongi couldn't move. "Then this is it, huh? Is this the one you want to dance to?"

Hoseok didn't miss a single beat before he excitedly nodded. "It's the one, Yoon. It was so pretty! How did you do that? It was the prettiest song I have ever heard! I think I'm in love!"

Yoongi wondered if he was too.

They practiced all day. All night, too. Both of them with only a few hours of sleep but somehow wide awake until they suddenly weren't. It didn't matter; they kept practicing. Yoongi kept gliding across the keys and Hoseok kept twirling. The sun that shone across them so cheerfully in the morning had now been replaced by the moon that lit their faces almost just as beautifully. But, they were tired again. After Yoongi had finally slumped over his keys, Hoseok pulled him to the couch and fell down beside him.

"Yoongi, I love dancing and I love you but we can't keep doing this." He laughed and Yoongi's eyes were barely awake. His head fell between Hoseok's neck and shoulder, as his eyes fluttered in an attempt to stay awake. Hoseok only leaned against him and intertwined their fingers gently. If Yoongi had been more awake, he probably would have smiled and gripped back but he was already far too gone. Hoseok, trailing not that far behind him, left a small kiss on his forehead and smiled. "Thank you for supporting me, Yoongi."

Before he drifted off too.


It had been a long week. A long several days of practicing hard and sweating more than Hoseok ever had. He was tired, but he hadn't stopped pushing himself just yet. Mostly because it was fun; it was fun to dance until his legs gave out and he was panting for his breath. Fun to let his body take lead with the melody as Yoongi stole looks up at him with a look laced with something that wasn't there before. Hoseok loved it. He loved how it felt.

And, it was finally nearing the day. The big day that could potentially change his entire life. And, now that Hoseok had gotten a taste of what it felt like to let go, he wasn't sure he could hold in any longer. Dancing had only become more and more meaningful to him. Almost as if every single step he took was a step in the right direction. Every single note a sigh of relief. And Hoseok couldn't stand to go back to what he was doing before. Even though this scared the hell out of him, he had to see it through. Had to push through because it was what he wanted. Hoseok was sure of that.

Yoongi was about the same. Playing the piano every chance he got just to make sure he could play his song with his eyes closed. He wanted to know, to be sure that he had Hoseok's back. He knew how much this meant to him, and he would be lying if he didn't still get emotional when he thought about how Hoseok chose him. He chose him. He wanted Yoongi to play for him, wanted Yoongi to be by his side when he was changing the course of his life. Hoseok trusted Yoongi that much.

They had gotten closer too. If that were even possible, they found a way to make it happen. They spent almost every single ounce of free time they had together, in Yoongi's little living room with the piano and Hoseok dancing barefoot. Laughing and smiling when one would mess up and cuddling when they passed out after hours of practice. They were attached at the hip as always, constantly talking and gushing about the audition, and taking notes of ways to improve what they already had. They were a team. And Hoseok had just fallen more in love with Yoongi than he already was.

Before either of them knew it, time was dwindling down more and more before there was barely any left. The week flew by so quickly that Hoseok was left wondering how it was already the day before his audition when he woke up that morning in Yoongi's dorm. He had fallen asleep on Yoongi's couch last night, listening as Yoongi rambled on about one of the random things he knew so much about. At some point, Hoseok's breath steadied and he drifted off to the sound of Yoongi's voice softly ringing in his ears. He slept well, surprisingly. The nerves were tucked tightly into the seams of Hoseok's mind; trying his very best not to let himself overthink everything and possibly chicken out at the last second. He couldn't do that. Not to himself, and not to Yoongi, who had worked just as hard as Hoseok had. He tried to hold it in.

But it was the morning before the audition and the seams were breaking. The nerves were eating at Hoseok like they never had before and suddenly he couldn't breathe anymore. Panic washed over him as he brought his knees to his chest and closed his eyes that tears were welling up in. He should wake Yoongi up. He really should; he was still asleep on the other side of the couch. Yet Hoseok couldn't reach his hand out. Couldn't ask for help; couldn't move. Tears came hot and heavy, running down his face with sobs that he couldn't stop if he tried. He didn't know what was happening, but he was scared. Scared because he might not be able to do this. He might not be able to make it, and he might let Yoongi down. The feeling of fear and worry laced itself through his tears and his hiccups that came out choked.

Suddenly, Yoongi was awake and his arms were around him. Hoseok wasn't so sure how long he was crying before Yoongi woke up, and he felt terrible for waking him up like this. For letting his best friend see him in such a state; it was humiliating. But he couldn't help it. He was scared. As anyone would be when their entire future relied on something that could easily turn out to be a failure. It was terrifying.

Yoongi shushed him and held him close to his chest. It was odd seeing Hoseok like this. Seeing someone usually so bright and cheerful like Hoseok break down and cry this hard was rough. It hurt way more than it probably should have. But it was probably because Yoongi understood. He understood how much pressure Hoseok must have been feeling. He got it. Because he went through it too, once upon a time. In his own situation, and his own world. His just wasn't as bad as Hoseok's was. And he hated that, because if only he could have switched to make it easier on his best friend, he would have in a heartbeat.

"Shhh, It's okay." He assured.

Hoseok shook his head, "I'm going to disappoint you."

Yoongi's eyes widened and he pulled away to look at Hoseok with concern laced in his eyes. "Is that what you are worried about, Seokie?"

Hoseok only sniffled and nodded. " 'm gonna let everyone down."

Yoongi held his cheeks in his hands and looked him in his eyes that were overflowing with hot tears. Red eyes and a red nose. He smiled, "Hoseok, I could never be disappointed in you. I want you to know something, okay? Can you listen to me?"

Hoseok nodded and sniffled once more.

"I am proud of you. I am proud of you whether the audition goes well or not. Which I know it will, because you are so talented and you deserve it just as much as everyone else. Hoseokie, you are the most talented person on this planet." He paused to wipe the tears from Hoseok's eyes before smiling again. "And I am so proud of you. You have worked so hard, and you have done so well. Regardless of what happens tomorrow, I will be proud of you. Okay? You couldn't disappoint me if you tried. I love you. I love that you are brave. You are brave for putting yourself out there like this. You are the bravest person, Hobi."

Hoseok was crying again. This time, for an entirely different reason. He pulled Yoongi in and hugged him tightly. Yoongi's words echoing through his head over and over. He was proud of him. He was proud of him already, and that felt so good. So damn good that Hoseok was in tears on Yoongi's shoulder, crying his heart out. Perhaps it was the way Yoongi held his cheeks so sweetly, or the way he was so genuine with his words. Maybe it was the nickname that Yoongi used to call him when they were little- hobi. But, Hoseok suddenly felt ten pounds lighter.

Yoongi's phone was ringing then, and Hoseok was scrambling off of him. Sniffling and slowly drying his tears, he watched as Taehyung's name lit up Yoongi's screen over and over. Yoongi only shook his head and laid his phone down, "I can call him back. You're more important right now."

Hoseok shook his head and wiped at his eyes, "No, answer it. I don't mind! I'm alright now, Yoon. It might be important."

Yoongi sent a wary gaze, "Are you sure?"

Hoseok nodded and smiled weakly, and Yoongi slid the answer button.

"Hey Yoongi hyung! what's up?"

Yoongi brushed a piece of his hair behind his ear, "I'm a little busy right now actually. I'm hanging with Seok." The way Yoongi said Hoseok's name left a blush rising across his cheeks. His hand found Yoongi's almost reflexively and Yoongi didn't even hesitate. Didn't even look at their hands before gripping back and leaving Hoseok feeling safe and secure.

Taehyung's voice immediately perked up. "Hoseok? Can he hear me? Hoseok! Put me on speaker hyung!" Hoseok couldn't fight the smile when he heard Taehyung's happy voice loudly over the speaker. Yoongi laughed a little at that.

"He can hear you."

"Hoseok hyung! I miss you so much! We all miss you!"

Hoseok smiled back and laid his head on Yoongi's shoulder. "I miss you too, Taehyungie." It was true. Hoseok missed them more than anything. Since he had been practicing, he and Yoongi had been in their own little world. Rushing home after school and barely touching their phones. He did miss his friends.

"That's great, because I was actually calling Yoongi hyung to tell him we are all getting together for pizza and the arcade today. In just a few hours, actually. I better see you there!"

Yoongi winced a little, because he knew that this was the last day to practice. He knew that Hoseok was antsy right now, and that he probably would feel a little overwhelmed being around everyone today. He loved their friends, but they were a lot to take in sometimes and Hoseok already had a lot on his mind. Yoongi sighed. "Actually, I don't think we can ma-"

Hoseok shook his head and spoke over him. "We will see you there, Taehyungie!"

Yoongi widened his eyes and sent a questioning look to Hoseok, who looked almost... unreadable. He wasn't sure how he was feeling or what he was thinking, but he wouldn't fight him on it. If Hoseok wanted to see everyone then Yoongi wouldn't oppose. He missed their friends too; missed how Taehyung would snuggle to his side and tell him about his classes. Missed how Jungkook would perk up at the sight of food and the way Namjoon and Jin would cuddle as they watched the scenes unfold. It hadn't been all that long, but now that Yoongi thought about it he was missing them way more than he thought. Though, this week was absolutely amazing, and Yoongi wouldn't trade it for the world. Spending so much time with Hoseok was a blessing. He hadn't felt so happy and so close. And the more he watched Hoseok the more he saw even more things to admire. More things to love and more to remember about the natural born dancer.

Taehyung let out a happy squeal before he screamed "Okay! Love you guys!" and without another word, the line went dead.

Yoongi was the first one to speak. "Are you sure you want to go out today?"

Hoseok bit his lip then. A small smile then set Yoongi's heart at ease, as he nodded slowly. "I.. I think I'm ready."

"What do you mean?"

"I think I'm ready to tell them."


Hoseok always loved pizza booths. He loved how the seven of them would squeeze to fit into a singular booth and then stuff their faces as if they would never eat again. It was something they did every now and then; come to their favorite pizza place and then run to the little arcade across the street afterwards to see who could win the most prizes. Hoseok loved that, and he loved his friends. He loved the little traditions they had created long long ago and still honored to this day. Maybe that was why suddenly he was feeling emotional watching them bicker and giggle as their smiles stretched far and wide.

He couldn't even count the amount of times he had sat in this very booth on a Sunday night when he should have been at home studying. Maybe that was why he failed so hard in Medicine and Chemistry. Maybe, but he didn't really care anymore. The main fact was that he wasn't happy then. Was he happy now? He thought for a moment, zoning out as his friends bickered about pizza toppings for the hundredth time in a row since they had gotten here. And the answer was, not yet. He felt relieved, and strangely alive in a way he never had, but he wasn't quite there yet. He was on his way, though; om the right path. And as long as he kept moving he would get there eventually. That was what really mattered, wasn't it?

"Hoseok, you look really nice today!" Jungkook's bunny smile waved at Hoseok as he snapped him out of his thoughts. Hoseok instinctively looked down at himself before smiling back and reaching out to ruffle the bunny's hair. Jungkook was a real sweetheart, and all of the boys would do anything to protect him. As the youngest, he could get almost anything he wanted, but all he cared about was making sure they were all happy and safe. Hoseok took this chance to poke his nose and smile at the sweet boy. Jungkook scrunched his nose and laughed; one of his habits that always left a warm aura around the group and in their hearts.

Their pizza arrived just as Taehyung started fussing about how they don't see each other enough. A warm sizzling pepperoni pizza sat in front of them as their mouths watered just at the sight of it. It had been a few weeks since they had gotten together here and it was long overdue as they remembered why this had become their hangout place so long ago. Their pizza was the best. Tasted like late night drives in the summer and the radio blasting as they played in the park. Tasted like how their friendship felt, like love. It tasted like them.

After Jungkook and Taehyung fought for the last piece of pizza and Jungkook won with a smirk, the seven of them burst through the doors of the arcade. Noisy and packed, just as always. A bustling crowd of people laughing as they played the games and attempted to win the prizes that hung so high up on the booths. The boys all let out a happy yelp before they scattered with tickets and coins and smiles on their faces. Hoseok had missed this. Before he knew it they were all out of sight and somewhere swallowed by the crowd. He shook his head with a small smile as he made his way for the Jurassic Park game and entered the booth with his coins and a determination to finally beat the highest score. The highest score that he had set last summer after spending a good twenty dollars and over an hour of playing with a headache that seemed to bloom- but never stopped him. It was him who held the highest record still. Hoseok smiled as he recognized his player ID on the screen. J-hope.

"What should I put for my ID?" Hoseok tapped his chin, in deep thought. It was a Tuesday night and the seven of them had made their way here after classes to unwind and play games together. Hoseok had sat down in the little booth beside Yoongi and slid a few coins in the slot before a screen had popped up waiting for an ID name that Hoseok was stumped on. Something cool, but not something cringy. Yoongi bit the inside of his cheek, thinking.

Suddenly his eyes lit up and he snapped. "I got it!"

"What is it?"


Hoseok's nose turned up. "J-hope? Yoon, I dunno. It's a little..."

"No listen," He laughed but continued on, "J for Jung since it is your surname. And Hope because you are so cheery! You give us all a lot of support and hope when we need it! Plus, it reminds me of your nickname, Hobi." Yoongi ended his little tangent with a gummy smile that sent Hoseok's tummy in flames. He blinked and tilted his head to the side.

Hoseok thought for a moment before smiling and nodding. "That's perfect then!"

He slid a coin in before the game began. Music from all the machines overlapped as his hands dodged the obstacles on his screen. The sound of children's laughter rang in his ears and suddenly... he felt like was 17 again. Running here by Yoongi's side as they burst through the doors and ran straight for the claw machines. And over time, one by one, they slowly became what they were now. Seven. Before Hoseok even knew it, it wasn't just him and Yoongi anymore. It was all of them. All seven.

"Boo!" Taehyung jumped in the booth and startled Hoseok, ending his game as a Dinosaur had caught up to him and swallowed him whole. He slapped Taehyung's arm playfully as the younger photographer just laughed with his chest. "Rude!"

"Sorry, I was wanting to play with you!" Taehyung's smile was bright. It was wide and was full of love. And Hoseok just wanted to bask in it.

"Let's do it, then Taehyungie."

They played for what felt like hours but was only a mere few minutes. After Hoseok had beaten Taehyung for the fifth time, the younger one slammed his controller and groaned. "Why are you so good at this..." Hoseok shrugged before pulling Taehyung out of the booth with a smile. "I guess I'm pretty go-" Hoseok was mid-sentence when he was cut off by what could only be described as.. chaos. His mouth gaped as he sent a questioning glance towards Taehyung, who was just as confused as he was.

Across the room, in front of the tall basketball booth, was Seokjin. On top of Namjoon's shoulders, who was wobbling from side to side as Jin yelled at him to stay still. The rest of their friends just gathered around and cheered Seokjin on as Namjoon's face seemingly turned more and more red by the second.

"Stop wobbling!" Seokjin yelled and swatted Namjoon's head before throwing another basketball and somehow missing again. Namjoon swatted Seokjin back and yelled, "Maybe if you weren't so fucking heavy!"

Seokjin gasped, "Maybe if you would work out more you wouldn't have trouble carrying me!"

Jimin and Jungkook were on the floor, holding their stomachs as gasps for air came out of their mouths. Meanwhile there was Yoongi, standing back a little with his hand over his mouth that was wide with laughter. His shoulders shaking and his eyes crinkling up. It was a mess. And they had gotten quite the attention of everyone else in the packed arcade.

Hoseok could only smile at the scene his friends had created. A mess of seven, a chaotic but loving group of friends. A mess that had filled the arcade as children were laughing at them, elders scowling at them and the workers running over screaming something about the rules and his friends completely ignoring them and continuing to throw the basketballs high and proud. It was a mess.

When they were kicked out of the arcade they weren't surprised. Instead Jungkook had slipped a bill into Jimin's hands and sighed in defeat. "We can't go anywhere because of you guys."

Seokjin scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Hey, live while you can, Squirt!"

"I told you to stop calling me that, hyung!"

They ended up at the fairgrounds. Laying in the grass and staring up at the pretty sky that seemed as if it were endless. A comfortable silence washed over them as they watched the night sky swirl weightlessly. It was relaxing. Hoseok laid his head on Taehyung's shoulder as he let the sky reach out and take him in. Watching the pretty constellations throughout the dark blue galaxy that was never ending. It was beautiful. And Hoseok was in love.

He took a moment to just feel. To let himself float away. To be sheltered by the love of his friends and not worry so much anymore. To not worry about tomorrow and how scary it was going to be for him to dance like he never had before... to not think about how disappointed his parents may be if he makes it... if he becomes a dancer.

But suddenly, he wasn't afraid anymore. Laying there beside the people who loved him more than anything, he knew that he'd be alright. That they would be by his side through it all. Hoseok closed his eyes and took a breath. Hands finding the nearest close to him, fingers intertwining with Taehyung and Yoongi.

It was time.

"I have something to tell you all." Hoseok's voice was shaky and his eyes remained closed. Yoongi held his hand tighter as a reminder that he supported him. He knew what Hoseok was about to do. And he was there for him; every step of the way, he would be there.

Jin was the first to raise up, and when Hoseok opened his eyes and sat up, all six of his best friends were looking at him softly and quietly. Listening to him with an undivided attention that left Hoseok's hands sweaty.

"What is it, Seok?" Seokjin was the first to ask as Jimin and Yoongi moved a little closer to Hoseok and held his hands that were only slightly trembling. Hoseok could only grip their hands reassuringly. It was time. It was time for him to tell the rest of his friends and he was ready. He was ready to let them in, and trust them with a part of him he had hid for so long. A passion that burned deep inside of him that had scared him so much before. He was ready and he wasn't afraid. He took a deep breath before he smiled lightly.

"I want to be a dancer."

His words were loud and they were clear. They weren't shaky, and they weren't afraid anymore. He spoke with a bravery that left him feeling more bold now. A bravery that had won against fear. The worries about confessing to the most important people in his life. He let it go. He let them in; opened his arms and finally... no more lying. No more hiding, and no more fear. The moment the words had left his lips, he let out a breath that he didn't even realize he had been holding. A weight had been lifted and Hoseok suddenly felt ten pounds lighter. He felt good.

Taehyung tilted his head in question. "A dancer? Like Jimin?"

He nodded his head and looked at Jimin who was smiling reassuringly. "Yeah, I have an audition to join Jimin's dance class tomorrow."

"You're gonna be a dancer too, hyung?" Jungkook's doe eyes danced underneath the stars. Wonder filling them as a small smile slid across his face. Hoseok only nodded and before he knew it the bunny's arms were wrapped around him. "That's so cool, hyung! I'm so happy for you!"

He laughed then, "I was afraid to tell you guys before. I'm sorry I waited so long."

Taehyung reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. "You were afraid to tell us?"

Hoseok sniffled as he nodded his head. "Yeah, I thought I would disappoint you guys if I switched majors and left the medical field. I know everyone was so proud of me and I just didn't want t-"

"Hoseok, we want you to be happy. Above all, your happiness is what matters."

Seokjin nodded his head, "We support you, Hoseok. We always will. Dancer or Pharmacist or anything else under the sun." He laughed then with tears spilling from his eyes. Looking around at his best friends with supportive smiles and happy grins, he felt silly for worrying in the first place. His heart soared as he let the happy tears slide across his face. Seokjin reached out and kissed the top of his forehead before pulling him in for a hug.

"Whatever you wanna do, we will always support you."


It was the day. The day in which Hoseok had the chance to change everything. To turn everything around and finally close this chapter of his life. To turn the page and pick up the pen for the first time in what seemed like years. It was today.

When he woke up, strangely he felt the nerves inside of him back away and a newfound excitement ran through him like electricity. Somehow, he felt more hopeful than he ever had before. Perhaps it was the way Hoseok could almost see the other side; the light at the end of the tunnel that wasn't so far away anymore. Or maybe it was the smiles and the supportive hugs his friends had tackled him with last night after he had told them everything... He wasn't sure, but he was grateful.

He woke up in his own bed this morning. Which was a change from staying with Yoongi for the last week and a half. It was nice coming home for the first time in a while, wearing his own clothes... but he had to admit, there was a certain charm in staying with Yoongi. Everything about Yoongi just... felt better  to Hoseok, even his home. He wasn't so sure if it was the crush talking or if he really wanted to find out. However, when he scowled at the fact he had woken up in his own pajamas, it was hard to ignore.

Another thing that was hard to ignore, was that Jimin wasn't in his own bed across from him. He could have sworn that he was there when he went to bed, but now the bed was empty and Hoseok was alone. He hadn't been alone in a while; since he had decided to audition in the first place. He guessed he was long overdue some alone time to think and get ready for what would happen in only a few short hours.

But thinking got old quick, and when he dialed Yoongi's phone number it only took a few short rings before a voice rang over the line. "Hey, Seokie. You're awake."

Hoseok only hummed at that. Hearing Yoongi's voice brought a small smile to his face. Yoongi's voice slurred, sleep still laced in every syllable that Hoseok couldn't help but smile at. Yoongi was cute. Everything about Yoongi was cute. The way he smiled with his gums, and the way he always woke up with a pout on his lips and his hair all ruffled up. The way he looked at Hoseok with tenderness in his gaze, something that once almost led Hoseok to believe he just might.. Just maybe like him back. But Hoseok wasn't naive, and Yoongi was only his best friend. He had given up on that before he even thought it through. It just wasn't possible.

But maybe in another lifetime. Maybe in another world where Hoseok and Yoongi were meant to be. It took everything in Hoseok to not let his face fall. What he had was enough, Yoongi was enough. He always would be.

"Are you excited? Or nervous for today?"

"A little bit of both. More excited than anything."

Yoongi's smile made its way through the phone. "We only have a few more hours. Do you want to practice one last time?"

"I'll be over in just a little bit."

When Yoongi answered his door with a smile, Hoseok was home.

A home that wasn't quite his. A place that had come to feel like his own home over the years. Somehow Hoseok was here more than he was in his own place and somehow, Yoongi always welcomed him. Never turned him away or shut the door in his face. Always smiled with his eyes and opened the door just enough to let him in. Just enough to make room.

When Yoongi had walked over to his piano, Hoseok followed and sat beside him with his head on his shoulder. It felt nice, being here again. He had only been away for a day and he already missed it. Some would say he was too attached, in far too deep, but Hoseok guessed it was just right. How could it not be when it felt this perfect? This right? Everything felt right with Yoongi. Perhaps that was why he fell for him to begin with. Yoongi, who was always by Hoseok's side. Yoongi, who Hoseok would always cover with his jacket when it got cold, was the one really covering him. The one who held his heart in his hands. The one Hoseok wouldn't give anything for. The only one Hoseok could ride a ferris wheel with. He was Yoongi.

And Yoongi was just perfect. Perfect the way he was, and more than enough in almost every way. He was everything and more, and Hoseok was in awe. When Yoongi's hands quietly find the keys, Hoseok can only sway. Closing his eyes and feeling the pretty rhythm of Yoongi's melodies. The piano that seemingly translates everything that Yoongi wants to say into open air. For the first time, Hoseok wasn't sure what it meant. Wasn't so sure what he was trying to say, although the melody was strikingly beautiful. Something that sounded like the reason Hoseok started dancing. Something that sounded a little like Yoongi.

And Yoongi sounded beautiful. Sounded like love. Everything about him was love. His very being was heart shaped just like Hoseok's heart shaped lips. Yoongi was everything and more.

Hoseok opened his eyes then. And he shouldn't have, because when he did his heart almost stopped. Yoongi was looking at him. The melody quickened, and Hoseok was left confused and flustered. Yoongi's eyes were unreadable, and the keys resonated with question marks at the end of them. But, Hoseok was frozen. And he could have sworn that Yoongi's gaze lowered to his lips. Could have sworn that he was leaning in, closing the distance between them. But Hoseok wasn't naive, and when his phone rang he scrambled to answer it.

It was Jimin. "Hey, Seok! Are you ready? Do you want me to pick you up? We can practice before the audition! It's only an hour away so I figured you may want to occupy yourself before then."

Hoseok looked over at Yoongi and shook his head. "No, I think I'll be alright! Yoongi and I are going to leave soon. We will be there in just a little bit. We can practice when we get there?" Jimin only laughed on the other end and agreed before Hoseok hung up and the silence returned.

Yoongi cleared his throat, before scratching the back of his neck. "I guess we should leave then, huh?"

The ride was silent too. But, Hoseok's mind was louder than it had ever been. Replaying over and over, the expression on Yoongi's face. The way he leaned as if.. Hoseok was reeling. Hands shaking and mouth pursed shut. Was Yoongi about to kiss him? Surely not, Hoseok probably had something on his face. That had to be it. But Yoongi seemed awkward too, sitting silently with his hands gripping the steering wheel for dear life. Hoseok didn't know. But, suddenly he felt stuffy in the little car that was suffocating with silence.

But the ride wasn't long, and before Hoseok knew it, it was almost time. The moment Hoseok stepped out of Yoongi's car, he was tackled in a hug from Jimin, who held the biggest smile Hoseok had ever seen. A happiness that radiated from him, and a hand that led Hoseok to the back of the dance hall as Yoongi trailed behind him. The dance hall was beautiful and Hoseok couldn't help but stare in awe. Long halls, and rails along the walls. Mirrors lining the inside of rooms and a pretty quarts floor that shone with passion. It was beautiful, and Hoseok wished he had been on this side of campus before. Yoongi was as in awe as Hoseok was.

He could imagine spending his days here. Imagine dancing and twirling until he couldn't breathe here. Could imagine this becoming a home for him, just like it was for Jimin. His heart was hopeful. But his hands were shaking and the clock was ticking and there wasn't much time left.

"You'll be auditioning on the stage. But, we got a few more minutes before it's time." Jimin said once they had sat down in one of the little rooms with mirrors. His legs stretching out and arms reaching forward, it was time to warm up. Time to calm the nerves that were fastly hurling him into like a ton of bricks. Suddenly, he felt more nervous than he ever has.

Hoseok stretched his legs as Yoongi sat beside him and held out his arms. "Mind if I stretch with you?"

"Of course not." Earlier ran through his mind for a moment, but he quickly pushed it away. He could overthink and deal with it later, he had other things to worry about. Other things to do, and a future to change.

"Are you ready?" Jimin's voice was quiet, but it was loving. And Hoseok would have felt endeared if he could only breathe.

"I don't know."

But suddenly, Yoongi's hands were intertwined with his and Jimin planted a kiss on his forehead. "You've got this, Seok. You really do, okay? Just do your best and give it your all." He felt washed away. Washed away with the waves and taken away from the sand. It was going to be okay. He was alright, and he wouldn't ever have to go back to that old Chemistry classroom. He wouldn't ever have to wear that old white coat that felt suffocating to even touch. He took a deep breath and smiled at his friends. His best friends- only two of the 6 he had- and he realized just how much he loved them. Just how thankful he was to have such love and such support... He wasn't quite sure what he would do without them.

He nodded. He was ready, and it was time.

When he stepped out on the stage, his mind went blank. Everything was still, and all he could hear was his own breath. Maybe it was how the lights that shone on the stage were brighter than he expected them to be, or how he could somehow see through the light and make out four other boys sitting in the very back with signs held up and smiles on their faces. He realized then. They made it. All of his friends were there, with signs of encouragement up high and proud. They hadn't even seen him dance yet, but the signs read things like Hoseok Best Dancer In Town and You got this Hoseok! You're the best!. Suddenly, Hoseok felt warm. Everything around him felt warm. The lights, his friends, his stomach. Everything was mush. But when the first note rang out, Hoseok danced. He danced like he never had and let his muscles follow the beat. But before long, the beat was following him. Slow and steady, then harsh and fast paced. His body was liquid: flowing along as graceful as ever. His eyes closed, and his feet taking control, he let himself float away.

Float away from the Chemistry classroom, and from the expectations his parents had pushed onto him since he was just a little boy. Away from the nerves and the countless doubts he had before. He set himself free. And he felt released. Almost liberated; almost in love.

And maybe he was in love with the feeling of dancing. In love with the passion that had overtook him and slowly enveloped him since the day he had seen Jimin dance for the first time. His eyes were closed but he could see the stars. Could see the stars that they were looking up at just the night before, with his friends cuddled up to him. Could see the pretty moon that hung low in the sky, almost daunting. Almost tempting. Hoseok reached for the moon, and got lost in the stars.

Twirling around and losing himself in the melody, he opened his eyes. And the room was empty. Only darkness that ghosted over the stage and stars that swirled around him. He was in love. But, when he saw Yoongi shining over the keyboard, eyes directed right at him, he knew that dancing wasn't the only thing he was in love with.

And everything was warm. But it was so, so beautiful. The way his feet hit the floor, and the way Yoongi was staring at him with something in his eyes that wasn't there before. The way he could almost feel the nerves shifting into something else. Something beautiful. Because now he knew. He knew that this was for him; this was what he wanted more than anything. This was where he belonged.

The melody started slowing. Notes drawing out longer and softer than they had before. The song slowly coming to an end, and the stars around Hoseok disappearing one by one. When the last note ended and the lights came on, Hoseok was on top of the world. His friends standing up in the back clapping and screaming out his name, and the professor with a small smile and his hands clapping just the same.

And then there was Yoongi. Standing and clapping with an expression that Hoseok could only smile at. He felt like he had done it. Truly made his friends proud, truly made himself proud. And for Hoseok, that meant the world.

"You did so well, Hoseok!"

"That's my best friend! That's my best friend!"

Hoseok's smile was as wide as it could be. And when the professor walked up to him with a smile, it only grew even wider. "I'd love to have you, son. You did a great job. I've never seen someone so passionate for just an audition, you're truly talented."

Hoseok bowed, with a smile on his face. "Thank you so much. Thank you, really. I'm very excited to join your class."

"Jimin knows talent when he sees it, huh. I'll have to thank him for bringing you this way."

In the back, Jimin was beaming. Because he knew Hoseok could do it, knew that this was where he belonged. He believed in him. Not even for a moment did he doubt it. Because Hoseok was truly talented, and deserved happiness too. He really did, and seeing him now made Jimin so unbelievably happy. Hoseok was beaming. Was shining, the happiness radiated off of him like it never had before and the rest of his friends were just as happy.

"I had never seen Hoseok this happy."

"I hope he will always be this happy."


Hoseok had a lot to do. He had to tell his professors, return his textbooks, and call his parents. The worst of the three... Was the last. It was something that Hoseok was dreading, and he kept putting it off over and over and over. But now that Hoseok was sitting in Yoongi's living room with all of his friends, after the most scary audition of his life, it suddenly felt more real. He couldn't keep pushing it away. Because the next day was the day he would take his textbooks back and say goodbye to the dull old Chemistry classroom. It was the day he would start his new life. Start the journey on a new path that was unfamiliar to him. He was ecstatic.

And his friends hadn't left his side in hours. Since they had gathered back into Yoongi's apartment, and tackled him in hugs that he could barely breathe in. Supportive words and encouraging messages; they were so proud of him. And Hoseok was proud of himself too. At the end of the day, he had made the move to change. Put in the effort, and worked hard. But, so had Yoongi. So had Jimin. If it weren't for them, he probably never even would have the guts nor the mere possibility to turn the page. He was unbelievably thankful for them.

So when Jimin snuggled into Hoseok's side, he wrapped an arm around the tiny dancer and held him close. "Thank you for everything, Min. I appreciate everything you've done for me."

Jimin shook his head and smiled. "Hoseok, you're everything to me and same for them." He nodded towards the rest of their friends. "I'm so happy that I could be a part of your journey."

And they all were. All of them were steps to the ladder that Hoseok was climbing, each a light that shone upon him when the darkness was overwhelmingly terrifying. He couldn't be more proud to have them. And when they all stood up and bundled up in their jackets, he took them each into a hug that he almost poured his soul into. A hug that spoke louder than any of his words could.

Sending them all off with kisses on their foreheads and each a thank you, Hoseok waved at them as they piled into their cars. The sun had already gone down, but they stayed as long as they possibly could. But now it was time for them to go home and get some sleep before the next day of school, and Hoseok already missed them. It was okay, though. He wasn't alone. Yoongi was sitting at his little piano, and playing a soft melody with a smile on his lips. Suddenly, Hoseok's stomach was in knots.

The image of Yoongi playing during the audition ran through his mind. The way his hands slid across the keyboard like magic, but his eyes were focused on him. His lips only slightly parted, and his pretty blonde hair fell into his eyes. His eyes that Hoseok felt all over him. His eyes that Hoseok swore were saying something. But... Yoongi's been quiet ever since. Sitting in silence with a happy smile on his lips; tapping his fingers on Hoseok's thigh when they were in the car. Yoongi was quiet, and Hoseok was curious what was going on in that mind of his.

Sitting down by Yoongi, Hoseok let his head rest on his shoulder. "You okay? You've been quiet all day."

Yoongi's hands stilled, then. "I've just had a lot on my mind the last few days." His voice came out as barely a whisper. Quiet, and almost hesitant. Hoseok could only nod and look up at him. Look at the way Yoongi's eyes were trained on the keys, and his lips softly pursed shut. The way his eyelashes batted so prettily, but his expression was so unreadable. So.. indescribable.

Suddenly, Hoseok remembered earlier that day. The way Yoongi's piano trailed into a melody that radiated something that Hoseok couldn't understand. The way Yoongi's eyes slowly shifted down to look at Hoseok's lips and before he knew it, the distance between them slowly closing. The confusion that ran through Hoseok's mind and the silence that had fallen over them after it happened. He remembered everything. Hoseok felt dazed.

But Hoseok's words were quiet, and Yoongi's eyes met his. "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Yoongi smiled then, and nodded softly. "There's something I want to show you."

When Yoongi's hands found the intro of the song Hoseok danced to, Hoseok couldn't help but laugh and playfully shove him. "I've heard this song so many times, I literally danced to it."

Yoongi's gums were on full display, "Just wait! You'll see!"

And then Yoongi was playing again. His hands gliding across the keys just like he had done millions of times but still somehow keeping Hoseok on the edge of his seat. Anticipating the next key, the next flow.. The next sound. But then, Yoongi was singing. Yoongi was singing and Hoseok was frozen. Eyes widening, and lips parting slightly. Hoseok was awestruck. Yoongi was singing, and he couldn't believe it. The lyrics floating out of Yoongi's lips and around Hoseok, he listened carefully. Finding that Yoongi's voice may be his new favorite sound.

Hoseok had always loved this song. Ever since the very moment he heard it, he loved the song. But now that he had Yoongi's voice singing softly over it with lyrics that could almost melt his heart... he loved it so much more. He loved the way Yoongi's hands softly played and his eyes closed as he sang... Swaying back and forth, Hoseok thought that it couldn't get any better than this. For the first time, he had heard Yoongi sing. And it was even more beautiful than what he ever thought it would be.

"And after all... you're my wonderwall."

Hoseok was dumbfounded. Awestruck. His head was in the clouds. But, the song was over and Yoongi was looking at him again. Just like earlier, his eyes bore straight into his own, and he couldn't breathe. "I've been wanting to show you, but I didn't know how." Yoongi whispered.

Hoseok's eyes were wide and his lips were barely parted. No amount of words could explain exactly how he was feeling, but the only thing he could think was how beautiful it was. How beautiful Yoongi was. "It was... It was beautiful, Yoongi."

Yoongi's gaze slowly shifted down to Hoseok's lips once more, and this time Hoseok couldn't fight that it was real. Couldn't overthink it, and debate whether or not Yoongi had meant to do that. Couldn't push it away.

"Not as beautiful as you."

"Yoongi, I-"

"Do you like me?"


"I said, do you like me?"

Hoseok's eyes were wide and his heart was beating out of his chest. What did Yoongi just ask him? Did Yoongi know? What should he say? As much as he wanted to confess, what if it ruined their friendship? Hoseok was suddenly breathless, and he needed to get away. Needed to run as far away as possible, needed to escape. He shook his head and fumbled off the chair, but before he could get very far, Yoongi's hand was wrapped around his wrist and pulling him back.

"Hoseok, I've been going crazy, out of my mind wondering. Please tell me."

"I-, Yoongi, I don-, I..."

"You do, don't you?"

Hoseok was a mumbling mess. A stuttering mess of confusion with wide eyes and a dry mouth. He did. He really did. God, he loved Yoongi. With everything in him, he loved Yoongi. He had always loved Yoongi for as long as he could remember... Even as a young child, playing in the playground together. At graduation, and at the audition. Every single moment of Hoseok's life with Yoongi was spent in love, and how could he deny it? It would be the single biggest lie he would have ever told. But now that he was face to face with it, it scared the living shit out of him. How could he tell him? Possibly ruining their friendship... This was all his fault.

"Yoongi, I'm..."

Yoongi's palm found Hoseok's cheek, "If you don't, push me away."

Before Hoseok could even process Yoongi's words, Yoongi's lips were on his. His eyes were wide, and... Yoongi was kissing him. His palms on each of his cheeks as he stood on his toes to reach his lips. Hoseok's eyes were open and his lips still slightly parted but... Yoongi was kissing him. And before he knew it, he was kissing back. Kissing his best friend who he had wanted to kiss for so long. And god... was he right about Yoongi's lips looking soft. They were the softest things he ever felt and Hoseok was dreaming.

For as long as he could remember, he had loved Yoongi. Had wanted to kiss his lips, and hold him in his arms as more than just a best friend. For as long as he could remember, Yoongi was it for him. His first love, his first best friend. Yoongi was the one. The only one Hoseok had ever wanted. And now, he was kissing him and he couldn't be happier. Couldn't be more confused, but the way Yoongi was kissing him assured him that he must have wanted it too. Suddenly, Hoseok was even more confused. But for now, Hoseok was kissing him back and didn't ever want to stop.

Yoongi's kiss was soft. Was gentle, and slow; but somehow needy and rough. His body was pressed against Hoseok's now, with Hoseok's arms slowly snaking around his waist. They were so close, so so close. Hoseok didn't think they had ever been this close before, but he never wanted to pull away. He let his hand come up Yoongi's chest and loop around his neck pulling him even closer than before. Hoseok was dreaming. Was on cloud nine, and nothing felt real. Somehow this was even better than Hoseok imagined. Everything he had thought about, and dreamt about for years now. Yoongi was everything and more. And somehow, even more than that.

When Yoongi pulled away, he leaned his forehead against Hoseok's. Breaths mingling between the two, as Hoseok laughed a little. "So.."

Yoongi smiled then, "So, you do like me after all."

Hoseok pushed him away then, playfully. A wide smile across his lips. "Shut up."

Yoongi left another small kiss on Hoseok's lips before he pulled him into a hug. One that they both really needed. One that could possibly ease the tension right now, because it was so thick he could barely breathe. But, Yoongi never once regretted what he did.

"We've got to talk," Hoseok whispered. Yoongi only nodded, "I know."

"So you found my playlist?"

"Yeah, I meant to ask but then everything happened and I couldn't find the right time to ask... I hope you're not mad at me."

Hoseok was hot. Was absolutely burning up in this cold as hell room. The embarrassment lit up his cheeks as his face grew more and more red by the moment. How could he have been so stupid to let Yoongi anywhere near his iPod? Damn, Hoseok sure was an idiot. "God, I'm so stupid." Hoseok was really so stupid.

Yoongi laughed and shook his head, "No, you aren't."

Hoseok groaned in his hands but a wave of realization washed over him. "Wait."

His voice was quiet now. "Does this mean you.. like me... too?

Yoongi sat for a moment, his lips pursing in a thin line as he glanced down at his fingers. But, then he nodded, and Hoseok was even more red than before. "Yeah, I do. Otherwise, I wouldn't have kissed you."

"Did you like me before you put it together?" Hoseok's voice was small, but curious.

Yoongi shook his head. "No, I didn't. I had never thought of you like that." Yoongi tucked a strand of hair behind Hoseok's ear before he smiled and continued, "But, after I realized that it was a possibility, I started seeing you like that... and before long, I found myself hoping that it was true. That you liked me, I mean. That's how I realized it. And when I did, other things started adding up quickly. The way I could watch you dance all day, or listen to you talk as I play my piano.. and never get tired of it. The way you are the only person in this world I want to hear my most special songs. It all made sense to me then. I don't exactly know when I started liking you, but I do."

Hoseok's cheeks burned. The feelings and emotions running through him were almost too much to handle. The boy he liked for god knows how long, liked him back. Yoongi liked him back and Hoseok was dreaming. This couldn't be real, but somehow... it was. Somehow, Yoongi was here confessing to him, and Hoseok hadn't gotten a grip yet.

"When did you start liking me?"

Hoseok laughed and closed his eyes for a moment. "Do you really want to know?"

Yoongi slipped a hand in Hoseok's, and for a moment Hoseok wondered how he had gotten so lucky. Yoongi nodded shyly, and Hoseok was about to cry. Because Hoseok had loved Yoongi for years. Hoseok had cherished Yoongi in a way that was so dear to his heart for as long as he could remember and now... Hoseok didn't know how to say it. Instead, he planted a firm kiss on Yoongi's forehead and smiled at him with love in his eyes. Feeling years of emotion flow through his heart and consume him whole, he realized just how much Yoongi has always meant to him. And oh, how thankful he was to meet him when he was only a small boy, and how thankful he was to hold him in his arms now. The years had felt like lightyears and Hoseok finally could kiss Yoongi's lips. Could finally hold his hand and most of all, hear Yoongi's music. Because, everything about Yoongi was music. And at the end of the day, Hoseok loved music.

Hoseok loved Yoongi.

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