The Wolf's Marine

By CamoflaugeForest

27.6K 757 83

Storm is a recently discharged Marine who lost her leg to an IED. Medically discharged, she returns to her ho... More

I'm Home
Thank You
Old Friend
The Legion
New Home
Holding Hands
On the Deck
Badly Injured
The Beeping has Stopped
Emotional Damage
The Bite of Change
Our Friends Live
There's Another Kid
Going to the Store
Wilder has been Seduced
The Contest for the Puppy
and Then There Were Two
Read This
Alt. Ending I Didn't Want to Write
Alt. Ending Pt.2
Alt. Ending Pt. 3
Alt. Ending Pt.4

New Friend

766 22 1
By CamoflaugeForest

One Week Later
Storm's Pov.

I haven't seen hide nor hair of the wolf lately. I thought he would stop by and cause Cowboy trouble but he hasn't.

I don't even know why I'm thinking about the wolf. I'm supposed to be thinking about what groceries I need to buy.

"Look, it's her." A snarky voice calls out from the dairy section of the store. I choose to ignore the voice and continue my shopping.

"You should've lost your life not your leg." Ah, it's one of them. "What makes you say that?" I ask as I turn around to see Amelia and Dani looking at me with sneers.

"You're an idiot for joining the marines Storm LeDoux." I do not want to deal with this bullshit right now.

"You're a worthless piece of shit." Dani smirks. Deep breaths Storm, don't lose your cool to these two idiots.

I take a deep breath and walk away from them. I try to continue my shopping, but they follow me, calling me all kinds of nasty names.

"Leave her alone or I'll make you!" A voice practically growls from my left. I look up from the pasta section to see a very pissed off Delaney.

I then look to my right at Amelia and Dani. The two seem to be shaking in their hundred dollar shoes. "Y-yes Delaney." Dani stutters before taking a few steps back and fleeing. Amelia follows close on her heels.

"Thanks." I can't help but remember watching her body change as I look at her. Will she change in the middle of the store?

"Why didn't you stick up for yourself?" She asks as she walks up to me. "I didn't want to blow up on 'em." "And? I blew up on them once. That's why they're so scared of me." She says like it's the most natural thing to do.

"The difference is if I blow up, it's gonna be all hell. I learned how to yell in the marines." I grin at her. "You know what I am. You don't think I can yell?" She grins back.

"You know Delaney, you're not too bad." I tell her before grabbing three boxes of Mac 'n Cheese.

"Thanks. I don't believe what they say about you." "What do they say?" I ask as we walk to the next aisle.

"That you ran off with some heart throb at seventeen. They say you got knocked up by him and that's why you never came back." She explains. I let out a chortle.

"That's as far from the truth as it can get." "Knowing you now, I can see that." She says.

We walk together down different aisles, not saying much. "Delaney, do you know anything about the wolf around Frog Splattin' Lake?" I finally break the silence.

I watch her with curiosity as she gulps. "I know a little. I know that he's been out there for five years and he kills the farmer's cattle."

"Do you know anything else?" She's a werewolf, shouldn't she know about this wolf? "He hates having people in his territory. That's all I know." She says with an almost panicked look on her face.

"Thanks Delaney. I bought the cabin out on Frog Splattin' Lake and had a run in with the wolf my first day there. That's why I wanted to know." Her face drops that panicked look as soon as I say that.

"Well, I best be going. Cowboy hates when I leave him alone for too long."

Wilder's Pov.

I've made my decision and that's why I've stayed away from her all week.

I'm going to practice shifting back, once I know I can shift back to human form and actually stay human for as long as I want, I'm going to meet her in person.

A rumble in the distance tells me she's home. I don't know why, but that makes me excited. I should go visit her.

But I can't visit her, I have to stay here at my den and keep practicing shifting. I need to be able to meet her in person.

I take a deep breath and focus on what my human form looks like. I then focus on what my tattoos look like, I can see them on my shoulders. I don't know why, but focusing on my tattoos make shifting easier.

As I focus on my tattoos I feel excruciating pain. Good. That's means I'm shifting.

I watch in awe as my paws change into hands and feet. I then focus on my tail retracting and it does.

Just as I start to focus on forcing my body to fully shift, the scent of a deer wafts to my nose. My shift stops and reverses, leaving me as a wolf again.

Dammit. I was so close this time! I'm going to kill that deer for ruining my shift.

I put my nose the air and take a deep breath. The deer is going in the opposite direction of Storm's house.

I keep to the shadows as I track the deer, it's moving fast. So it's either a buck chasing a doe, or a doe being chased by a buck.

As I track the scent I spot it. It's a buck and a big one too. I take a step forward and a stick cracks beneath my paw.

The buck's ear flick back and he takes off. I chase after him.

I'm gaining on him when he gets an extra kick of speed and I lose him in the brush. A splash follows his disappearance and I know he's in the lake.

I'm not giving up that easily though. I plough through the brush and jump into the lake after him. I can swim better than any deer can, he stands no chance.

He kicks frantically as I gain on him. He turns right, swimming towards the closest shoreline.

I'm only a few feet behind him when he gets on shore. As soon as my feet touch the shore I leap forward, sinking my claws into his back.

He lets out a scream of pain and collapses. I sink my teeth into his throat, crushing his wind pipe.

Once he's dead I start gorging on his warm flesh. By the time I'm done eating, all that's left of the buck is his bones, head, and some fur.

Storm said she likes hunting, maybe she'd like his head. He's an eleven point buck.

I grab him by the antler and start walking towards Storm's cabin. I'm not even a quarter of the way there when I start feeling sleepy.

I drop the buck head and lay down. I'm so tired. A little nap won't hurt. I'll bring Storm the buck head after my nap.

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