The Last Dragon Ninja/Ronin

By MysticIce22

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A ancient ninja clan thought to be extinct long ago but one member survived many things are to come for this... More

Chapter 1: The Elemental Dragon Clan
Chapter 1 page 2: the kingdoms
Chapter 1 page 3: Mana
Chapter 1 page 4: Vessels
C1 Page 5: The Fresh Start part 1
C1 Page 6: The fresh start part 2
C1 page 7: First day of school
C1 page 8: Developing feelings
C1 Page 9: First mission/The Confession part 1
C1 Page 10: First mission/The confession part 2
C1 Page 11: First date
C1 page 12: Newcomers part 1
C1 Page 13: newcomers part 2
C1 Page 14: End of the shadow Clan part 1
C1 Page 15: EOTSC Part 2
Chapter 2: The Styx Clan
C2 Page 2: Frost vs Char
C2 Page 3: The battle of the Styx and lilacs
C2 Page 4: Frost's past part 1
C2 Page 5: Frost's past p2
C2 Page 6: Aiding a village
C2 page 7: The dream part 1
C2 page 10: end of spring break

C2 page 8: The dream part 2

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By MysticIce22

It was Saturday morning and Everyone was watching a sparing match between Magenta and another fellow member, since the outdoor was full due to other members training the match was taking place in the indoor training room. They were doing hand to hand combat and both we're doing well while the fellow clan member had the agility but Magenta had the speed while for strength they were both evenly match countering each-other blow for blow, The battle was quite intense that either one of them could win the match.

As they continued to clash Magenta slowly began to slow down from exhaustion, as it looked like her opponent had the upper hand and the win the fellow clan member charged in to finish it but little did she know Magenta was luring her in and before she could land a blow she also left herself an opening and Magenta took advantage of it and launched an unexpected uppercut and finished off the fellow clan member with two powerful strikes being the match to a close.

Magenta: You did pretty well

Styx member: As did you lady Magenta

Magenta: I will admit this was quite the match you could have one if you didn't leave yourself open.

Styx member: You really think so?

Magenta: Of course we were neck and neck with each-other, your skills have greatly improved keep up the good work.

Styx member: I will

After that the two then bowed and left the dojo, as they left they heard the sounds of horses approaching only to see it is some farmers and fellow clan members with some money from selling their crops and some meat from hunting, when they arrived many clan members went to help them with the supplies as the farmers and hunters went to report to Char of their progress.

Frost: It's really nice to see everyone working together.

Magenta: Yep it sure is and but the looks of it today's hunt and deliveries went really well.    

Sakura: Yep 

Pinkie: Well I'm check on farm house to help with the crops.

Fuchsia: I'm gonna head to our blacksmith i was told that my weapon was repaired. 

Sakura: I'll join you too I need to get my sword repaired.

And so the girls left leaving Frost and Magenta alone with nothing to do.

Frost: What weapon does Fuchsia use?

Magenta: She uses a Spiked metal bat

Frost: I see but why not just use a kanabo instead?

Magenta: kanabo?

Frost: It's a war club used by samurai warrior it made from either strong wood, or iron, or metal and it can deal devastating blows especially when wearing armor.

Magenta: I see that sounds very interesting

Frost: I can request some to be made along with any other type of weapons and bring them here if you want?

Magenta: That would be nice we are running a bit low on materials

Frost: Ok then I'll go talk to Char to let him know about it.

Magenta: ok then I'm gonna go shower ok?

Frost: Alright let's meet up in the in the living room then

Magenta: sounds like a plan

Magenta then kissed Frost's cheek and the two separated, as Magenta was showering Frost was talking with Char about the weapon request for the Styx clan and it was accepted since they both knew it was needed.  As the agreement was settled and Magenta was finished with her showering both her and Frost met up at the living room as they both planned, when she arrived she saw Frost had snacks and drinks for them.

Frost: Glad you came

Magenta: What's this for

Frost: Since we didn't have anything to do I thought it would be cool for us to spend time together by doing something fun like maybe watching cartoons or maybe playing so video games.

Magenta: Nice that sounds like fun

Frost: What shall we do?

Magenta: How about we play some video together?

Frost: sure thing come We can sit a nd play together on the couch

Magenta: *giggles* Ok I'm coming

And the two decided to play many types of games while having plenty of funny moments from playing them while enjoying some snacks and soda, as they continued to play they also taught some video game tricks they knew to each-other to improve at the games they played soon enough the others joined and the whole gang played together in tag-teams, battle royale, and racing games and while they played let's just say small rage moments happened but way more funny moments and laughter from having fun and unexpected wins and moments.

"Later that night" 

Magenta's P.O.V.

I was sleeping but in the dream world everything was dark when suddenly i heard a voice calling out to me

???: Please save me sister

Magenta: Sister?

??? I need your help my name is Cerise please i beg of you please help me i'm so scared i don't like this laboratory in this mansion you and the others are my only hope.

Suddenly I woke up from shock and looked around and saw i was in my with Frost sleeping next to me I wondered if that dream was a dream or a true call for help but i knew i had to think about it in the morning, and so I laid back down and went back to sleep.

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