6 days

By folkswave

91.6K 1.3K 483

"Hmm I see but I don't want to be in a relationship " I say sternly "Okay princess what If I go underneath th... More

Commercial flight
It's nothing personal
The bus
Heat of the moment
Sin city part 2
Motherland part 2
No place like home
I don't play nice
Who you
Who you part 2
The voicemail
Voicemail part 2: I like crazy
Evil's lurking
I love you
Sisters in Mexico
Betrayal at it's finest
Just tipsy
Sector 8
Okay and...
The Ball
The Truth
Loving you seems impossible
Authors Note

Sin city

4.6K 50 14
By folkswave

Zuri POV:
"Thank you so much "

"No problem ma'am hope you enjoy" the cab driver says stopping outside a hotel in Las Vegas

"Uhm here's 50$"

"Ma'am it's on the house" nodding and smiling I exit the car . I have to say Las Vegas is very flashy I wanna see this place properly at night though. Heading inside the hotel, the cab driver recommended, I book a room. I wheel my suitcase to the elevator doors but just my luck it's broken .Sighing I drag my suitcase up the flight of stairs as soon as I reach my last flight of stairs I bump into someone.

"Fuck are you serious" I say as I watch my suitcase fly down the staircase

"Oh I'm sorry miss" a deep British accent can be heard . Looking up ,our eyes meet

"You" he says smiling

"Me?" I raise my eyebrow confused

"Oh my bad" he says extending his hand

"Sorry to say but I'm the same guy that bumped into you back in South Africa" looking back at the day shit I didn't even bother looking at who it was

"Oh uhm lol" I awkwardly chuckle

"Can I help you take your suitcase to your room it's the least I could do, love "

"No thanks but thank you for the offer" I say climbing down the staircase but he stops me

"Trust me I insist" he says sternly but he hides it with a smile . Letting him bring my suitcase up ,we walk down the hallway towards my room door. Sliding in my key the door clicks open

"Well this is me " I say stepping inside turning to look at him

"Here's your suitcase" taking it from him I put it beside me. We both stand there in awkward silence

"I'm sorry is there something you want" I say raising my eyebrow

"Nope just admiring"

"Oh" I smile shyly

"At the painting behind you" he finishes his sentence ,turning around I look there's a beautiful painting that hangs on the wall.

"Haha ,yeah it's a wonder" I say scratching the back of my head

"Well I better be going" he says fixing himself

"Yeah well thanks and nice meeting you" I say closing the door but he stops it with his foot.

"What you doing later on"

"A lot" I say

"A lot" he quizzes

"What exactly is a lot" he folds his arms waiting for me to explain

"Well I uhm you know the casino or uhm the I uhm", I honestly don't know what I'm doing here I just wanted to be spontaneous but I can't tell him that

"Hmm that sounds like a lot fun " he says sarcastically

"Let me take you out" he says taking out a piece of paper and writing digits on it

"Uhm no" I say pushing the piece of paper back at him

"Look love, I'm not exactly asking you- I wanna take you out you clearly don't have enough funds to be going around Las Vegas" he states rather rudely

"Uhm what makes you say that" I scoff

"Well from our first encounter when your suitcase fell open, If I remember correctly you don't have any heels or fancy attire " he leans on the frame of the door making me feel so small just by his stare.

"I really can't" I shrug

"And why is that " he raises his eyebrow intrigued

"I have people on my tail that won't exactly like the fact that I'm hanging out with another male" I shrug

"Is that so , why don't we test the waters and see "

"No sir I can't" I say trying to close the door but his not making it easy for me as his blocking the door 

"You can't or you just won't" he says stepping inside the hotel room

"Fuuuuck ,ekse(dude) can you just leave me alone" I say rolling my eyes

"Let me take you out and then I'll lea-" ring ring ring

"Yes" he says speaking into the phone his smirk falls and he stares at me

"Oh so she's yours, I see" he grins again, dropping the call he stares at me

"You know some very important people , don't you" looking at him confused he runs his hand in his hair

"That was Mark and he said that if I even lay one finger on you he'll kill me " shocked I look at him

"Yep but I rather take my chances" he hands me his number

"I'll pick you up at 7pm if I'm late call me " before I could even respond he left closing my room door . I have had it up to here with these men. I have made no new friends but I sure as hell met a lot of men.

Placing my suitcase on my bed I look through it and I hate to admit it but mystery man was right, I have no fancy attire. Heading out my room door on my way to the streets of Las Vegas to find an outfit. Exiting the entrance door I turn left ,seeing different stores but none catch my eye. Walking down the same street, a dress catches my eyesight and I swear I could cry right now . Stepping inside the store a lady comes forward

"Welcome Miss , how can I help you " she smiles sweetly

"The dress in red uhm it's beautiful do you have it in my size" I say pointing at the dress by the window

"We sure do miss and it is the last one in stock" heading to the back she comes back with the dress

"The fitting rooms are right this way " thanking her I head towards the fitting room. I change ,stepping out the curtain to look at the mirror I scream

"What the fuck , oh hey " my smile instantly dropping into a hard frown

" 'Hey' are you freaking serious is that the best you can say" he seethes out


"Don't fucking say a word" he takes out a cigar to smoke it

"Oh uhm sir no smoking in the store" the store assistant says

"Like I give a fuck step away from me right now " he says drawing out his gun , the lady and I freeze . He ushers her to go away with his gun and she hurriedly leaves . He continues staring at me harshly , blowing clouds of smoke

"You know Zuri , the least you could of done is wait for me to come back"

"Amir I- "

"Like fuck just a couple of fucking hours you had to wait and now what your buying a beautiful dress that sure as hell is hugging all of your curves for what a date with Sebastian"

"How do you know mystery man"

"How do I know about mystery man" he scoffs

"His my client" he says relighting his cigar


"You really don't know much do you" he chuckles

"I'm known around as the viper and why you may ask ..I supply the best guns and drugs but I sell to the highest bidder" he says staring at me intensely taking notes of my every move

"what " I say softly

"And I am tracker as well as a ex military sniper" he says blowing another cloud of smoke eyeing me up and down

"Me telling you this means I have every right to kill you" standing up he walks towards me

"Amir " he walks even closer , I am completely glued to the ground

" I fell for you Zuri and you what walked away from me " he says rubbing the gun on his head

"I divorced my wife for you" he says pointing the gun at me

"Your married!"my heart broke into pieces I didn't know he was married and he looks so young so I didn't expect him to be

"Yep and I flushed it down the drain only to find out you fucked another man couple hours after leaving my house" a evil chuckle leaves his lips

"Amir I- " tears roll down my face

"Was it good " he quizzes

" What" I question

"Don't play dumb Zuri was he good " I  look at him stunned that he'll even ask that question

"Answer me dammit" he says firing a bullet into the air and I scream

"Yes , yes he was " I spit out without even thinking . Looking up at his face to see his reaction ,he grins

"I see" he says coming close very close as his about to touch me , someone barges in

" Viper if you lay even one finger on her I will kill your son and have my men rape your wife " Amir stops in his tracks and he turns to the man so do I . Stunned looking at the direction of the man ... it's Mark

"Fuck ,she's been fucking you too " Amir chuckles coldly

"Step away from her" Marks comes close his gaze hard and serious his gun pointed directly at Amir

"Calm down Mark , she's just some girl why create such a fuss" Amir Snickers

"Some girl ...just some girl" bang Mark shoots Amir in the shoulder. Shaking I stare at Amir who grunts in pain

"She is not some girl in my fucking eyes you cunt" Mark barks out . Looking at me his face drops , he comes close to wrap his hands around me but I step away

"Zuri ,what's wrong princess" he says looking concerned

"What's wrong!?, you just shot him and now your asking me what's wrong" I ask truly baffled .Sighing he runs his hand in his hair

"Okay look I'm sorry ,I lost control" he tries grabbing my cheeks to cup them but I pull away

"Zuri , come on please" he starts getting down on his knees

"Mark please get off the floor" I start tearing up I don't know why but my emotions are all over the place right now

"Zuri , I think I love you and I - " he sighs ,his blue eye's stare back at me .

Pleading with me to choose him and love him

"Mark , we don't know each other" I say kneeling down in front of him

"No , princess ...you shouldn't kneel down , please stand " he ushers me to stand up

"Kings shouldn't be on the ground either" I jokingly say

"Kings would do anything in their power to make their Queens happy" he says grabbing my hand to plant a kiss on it

"Stop your being cringey" I say beaming but rolling my eyes . Getting up he opens his arms for a hug but he stares directly behind me his face stone cold and he pauses

"Zuri , get behind me " Mark states with no emotion in his tone .Doing as he says I walk to stand behind him

"Really Zuri ,you are seriously going to pick this man over me "Amir barks out

"Why shouldn't she ,I will make her happy " Mark growls out

"Oh really , well Zuri I hope you try to recreate the moments we had together but we both know it would never feel the same" at his words I think back at the strawberry and ice cube situation and chills go down my body. Mark looks at me with the corner of his eye's and I'm sure he saw how my body reacted cause his jaw clenched.

"Amir , get the fuck out here while you still breathe" Mark seethes

"Shut it pretty boy , I just want the girl " Amir says whilst waving his gun in the air like it isn't loaded

"Remember what I said darling 'your mine to please ,mine to fuck and mine to play with' don't you forget "he grins , Mark starts tensing up and his soon going to explode

"Amir I think tha-"

"Zuri" Mark says in a warning tone and I keep quiet

"Darling ,step away from him and we'll go home" Amir says sweetly , tucking his gun away

"Listen here Viper ,I will give you 3 seconds to leave this room or else " Mark says reloading his gun pointing it at Amir . Amir smirks crossing his arms

"Mark , big guy hey look we both know you can't kill me "

"Is that right ? " Mark says with amusement .Okay this is taking too long... taking Marks other gun from his holster I point it at them

"Look boys , we have had an eventful chat clearly all of you know each other and that makes me feel even more of a slutty shitty person but I don't have time for this " they both stare at me ,shock written all over their faces

"Zuri put the gun down darling" Amir says each word with caution

"Princess , I know your upset and confused but put the gun down" Mark says with caution but his eyes twinkle with amusement

"Aight then" I take the gun and I start firing all 5 bullets into the air once the last bullet went out the gun I dropped it on the floor.

"Fuck" Amir yells with rage

"Okay that turned me on " Mark says covering his mouth with his hand

"Me too" I start giggling like a school girl

"Okay but on a serious note Amir leave I wanna talk to Mark" I say folding my arms. Amir looks at me with hatred ,he grabs his wounded arm and he leaves. Police sirens could be heard but as soon as Amir opened the door of the shop the siren's evacuated. Looking at Mark disappointedly I shake my head

"Mark what are you doing, I kindly asked you and your brother to leave me alone but you aren't listening" I say crossing my arms under my chest .He starts pacing the room running his hands in his hair trying to come with the right words . Stopping he turns to me

"Zuri I told you this before I think I love you" he hangs his head low, reaching out to hug him he rests his head on my shoulder

"Mark I-"

"Zuri , you don't have to say anything but please let me take you out" he says grabbing my face staring deeply into my eye's , blue meets brown , ocean meets sand dunes. Nodding my head sightly I agree .I mean I like Mark but love it's too early for that .He smiles looking so happy he kisses my forehead but grows all stern

"Whose the dress for" his gaze drops down on my dress

"Oh uhm myst- I mean Sebastian asked me out earlier so I wanted to get a dress" I say twirling around but I stop when I see his jaw twitch and his knuckles turn white from him squeezing them.


"No" I look at him confused. He gives me a warning look and he leaves the shop. Huh I wonder what that was about. Looking at the dress one more time I go back into the dressing room changing back into my normal clothes. Heading to the front desk the women looks frightened

"They are gone, you don't have to worry" I place the dress on the counter and I take out my purse to pay but she waves her hand in the air . She comes out of her hiding spot

"The man said you must get any dress you want from this shop and he'll pay for it ,he left his card too and said you must take it" she says handing me the black card . Looking at her dumbfounded I take the card and she packages the dress. Taking the bag from her I head out

"Wait ma'am I forgot" ,looking back she runs towards me

"Take my phone he said he'll call " taking the phone I apologize to her .As soon as I step out the shop , the phone rings...

"You got the card " he questions

"Yep but I-"

"Zuri use it... buy yourself anything and I mean it ,there's no limit. All I care about is your happiness and if your happy I'm happy " before I could protest he hangs up. Okay well let's see what this bad boy can get me .

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