Complicated Love 》StilesxDerek

Par DazalingDiva

9K 136 11

When an unexpected adventure through the woods turn's Stiles's best friend into a new person, they face the c... Plus

The Body In The Woods
The Changing
The Body
The School
Full Moon


71 4 0
Par DazalingDiva


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My eyes spring open, though everything looked as though they were still closed. Wherever I was... It was pitch black. My senses were thrown off by something, I think I was drugged. I couldn't focus, I couldn't shift.

The sound of a large door being opened makes me squint as light floods in from it. I try to turn around to see but am pulled back by immense pain all over my body, especially my chest, wrists and ankles.

Wolves bane.

I silently listen as the footsteps get closer. 2 hearts beat, they pass me then there is a click. My eyes squint again at the blinding light before they finally adjust,

Derek was there, chained and wired to some electric fence, he had pants on but he was different. He was shifted. Fully, and he was certainly not in control of it.

"Isn't he beautiful." A familiar voice coos, the woman from my house steps forward into the light.

The moment Derek's eyes land on him he loses it, attempting the launch forward and roaring out in anger, she flips a switch on one of the boards next to her. Electricity runs through the wires before they reach Derek, making him let out a mre inhumane scream... or roar of pain, his eyes flashing between normal and blue in the process.

The electricity would pulse, giving him a few seconds of no pain making him shift back, then shooting into him again bringing the pain back all over again. I watch horrified, even if I was angry at him right now... this was pure torture.

"What are you doing to him? Is that going to kill him?" A different voice speaks out and I recognise it completely?

"Allison?" I whisper out, my throat was dry and my heart was racing. Derek's head purks up slightly hearing my voice, the electricity finally shutting off.

"Come on kiddo. Don't go squamae on me now." The blond says, facing the shadows and crossing her arms annoyed, ignoring me completely/

'Who's there?" Allison asks, before I hear a click and am once again blinded by a light, this time it was shone at my face.

"That is Stiles. Your own friend." The blond speaks out, looking at me now with a satisfied grin.

"Why is he here?" Allison questions anxiously, I couldn't see her, but her heart was racing and worry and anxiety practically flowed off her. I look away from the light, letting my head drop down from exhaustion, whatever they drugged me with was powerful.

"Him and Derek... are complicated, they have a unique connection," The blond explains, making me stare down at the ground confused. If by connection she means pure hatred for one another then sure, I thought we had something more but he proved me wrong by betraying me.

"What is he?" Allison breathes out, the question I was dreading.

"Shape shifter. Lycaon. Werewolf. To me they are just another dumb animal." The blond teases and flicks the switch again. Causing Derek to scream out once again and start the torutre all over again, I close my eyes tightly trying everything to block out what I could hear.

"Allison please..." I sob out. Gripping at the chairs arms with my claws.

"They?" Allison asks, once again ignoring me completely, I look up at Derek panicked, his breathing was uneven and his head was dropped again.

"Yes.. Even Stiles." The blond says walking up to me now, I drop my head again in anger only for her to roughly grab my hair and pull my head up so Allison could see. I growl in anger, flashing my golden eyes at the blonde.

She responds with a chuckle before dropping my head pathetically making me snarl more, I try to move but the wolfsbane stings into my skin again. Instead I watch the blonde walk back to Derek.

"See these?" The blonde asks, opening Derek's mouth showing his fangs, Derek couldn't react. He was exhausted... I don't blame him. "These are canines. Also known as fangs. Made for the tearing and rending of flesh. Not something you find on those cute little herbivore eating animals is it?" The blond asks. Allison shakes her head in response and wraps her arms around herself anxiously.

"This is a joke to you?" Allison asks.

"Sweet heart. There are werewolves running around in the world. Everything is a joke to me." She chuckles. "How else do you think I stay safe?" The Blonde asks.

"So. It was him at the high school. And all of the animal attacks?" Allison asks.

"There are actually 4 of them." The blond explains turning off the light ."Another younger one, like them. . Called the beta. And then there's the Alpha. Alpha's the pack leader. Bigger. Stronger, Nastier." The blond explains, glancing between Derek and I to see if she can rile up a reaction. "Those are the real ugly ones." The blond finishes, before silently taking Allison out of the room now and continuing there conversation elsewhere.

"I'm sorry." Derek breaks the silence after a few minutes, his voice was barely a whisper. He sounded desperate. "Stiles.. Don't ignore me." He snaps after a moment with no reply.

"Why did you do it? Go on his side?" I finally ask, I hear him move around against the chains, not wanting to answer me, but we were stuck here for who knows how long, he had to talk.

"I have a plan. I knew I couldn't beat him that day in the hospital. Even with your help. So I follow along with it. It killed me knowing I was going behind your back. And I'm sorry." He answers, why is he apologising? Why does he care what I think it never stopped him before?

"Who's the blonde?" I question, ignoring his last few remarks.

"Kate Argent. Allison's Aunt. Or her fathers sister." He responds simply, the same person who shot Derek just a few weeks ago.

A long silence followed after that. It probably wasn't that long but it felt like hours, but finally the door walked in, this time Kate was by herself.

"You going to tell me who it is yet?" Kate asks Derek, receiving no response as his head hung low once again. She just sighs unamused and walks over to the table with the switches again, my heart skips a beat before she moves from the switches to something next to it.

She picks up his jacket that was laid on the table, going through it quickly and only finding a very unused phone making her roll her eyes annoyed.

"Come on Derek. He killed your sister. You know. You're not telling me because... You want to kill him yourself.. Or for some reason. You're protecting him." Kate says. She goes through his wallet and finds his licence and smirks.

She moves towards him stalking and grabs his jaw roughly, making him hold his head up, his eyes closed and pure annoyance was written all over his face, holding up the licence next to his face she continues. "Look at that Sour face." She chuckles before letting his head drop down roughly.

"Bet you always used to have people coming up to you saying. 'Smile Derek, Why don't you smile more?' Don't you just want to.. Kick those people in the face." Kate says evilly walking away.

"I could think of one." Derek snarls out scratching at the chains on his wrist angrily.

"Promise?" Kate grins cheekily, a flush of anger and disgust washes over me at this. "Cause if I thought you were that much fun. I'd let you go." She adds on before moving back to the table.

"Lets see.. Nothing.. Nothing.. Nothing.. God I hate this detective crap." She mumbles looking through all of our stuff.

"Are you going to torture us. Or talk us to death." Derek growls out annoyed, making her let out an amused chuckle.

"Oh sweetie.. I don't. I don't want to torture you." Kate says all innocently, her words were pure lies however. She walks up to him now, stalking almost. "I just want to catch up...Hm.. Remember all the fun we had together." She smirks looking at him sadistically, making me let out a small snarl of anger. His face hardens angrily.

"What, like the time you burnt my family alive." Derek snaps trying to jump forward at her, once again failing.

"No.. I was thinking more of the...Hot Crazy Sex we had." She whispers seductively, stepping even closer and grinning with pleasure when I let out a more aggressive growl at this.

The thought of that... them... made my skin boil in anger... and disgust.

"But the fire thing.. Yeah that was fun too." She chuckles. Derek growls warningly again and attempts to snap at her face this time, despite her being closer he still fails. "Ha ha.. I love how much you hate me." She teases. Her face inches from his, but knowing she is in full control. "Remember how this felt?" She mumbles leaning down to the top of his pants. I growl. Then she licks... Yeah.. Licks up his chest... seductively.

I snap completely, my eyes turning golden and feeling myself shift completely at this. I go rabid almost, clenching my hands and claws against the wood digging at them. I growl and snarl and snap, tugging at the burning chains. Derek does the same, snapping at her like he was being electrocuted all over again, trying to bite her face and trying to pull his body away from her like she was burning him.

"Sweetheart. I really don't want to torture you...." She smirks. The door opens and in walks a man clenching his fists. "But.. He does want to torture him. So. You should be in for the show of your life." She teases, grinning and pinching Derek's cheek before walking out.

The man walked up to me now, not wasting any time to punch me in the face. I tense my jaw and spit out some blood before looking at him coldly.

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My face stung once the man finally left. I was bleeding for sure, and I wasn't healing either... he must have had wolfsbane or something on his gloves... I was too overwhelmed to really provess it.

"So Stiles... Did you enjoy that?" Kate teases as she waltzes into the room. I growl softly, sending her an unamused glare making her chuckle in response.

"Wow.. You and Derek. Really are the perfect match." She thinks for a second and taps the table in annoyance. "I wonder what will make you spill. I wonder why you're protecting the Alpha." She sighs slightly. Staying silent for maybe another 10 minutes. Neither Derek or I moved a muscle.

"Unfortunately Derek. If you're not going to talk. I'm just going to have to kill you." She sighs... She was bored. "So!. Say Hi to your sister for me." She says reaching for a job before pausing, my eyes meet Derek's... he was scared.

So was I

"You did tell her about me didn't you?" She asks, dropping her hand from the lever and facing Derek. He drops his head... shameful. "The truth about the fire?" She questions studying his posture. "Did you?" She smirks now. "Did you tell anybody?" She whispers out in a mocking voice, glancing at me then back at the motionless Derek. "Oh.. Sweetie. That's just a lot of guilt to keep buried." She chuckles. "It's not all your fault. You got tricked by a pretty face." She laughs. I growl at that comment.

"It happens! Handsome young werewolf. Mistakenly.. Falls in love with a super hot girl. Who has a family? That just so happens to kill werewolves." She sighs amused. "Is that Ironic? Is it ironic that you were inadvertently helping me tag down the rest of the pack? Again?" She teases. He begins to breathe deeply. She hit a vein.

"Or just a little bit of.. History repeating." She laughs. Mocking him. She walks over to the box that sends the electricity again and pauses. "History repeating.." She mumbles to herself. She turns and looks at Derek. "It's not Jackson is it? Oh no, no, no, He's got a little scratch on the back of his neck. But he isn't in love with Allison.. No.... Not like.. Scott." Kate says figuring it out. And with that she walks out.

Solving it.

"It's not your fault. You know that right?" I speak up finally, his head perks up at this, but his eyes and face are riddled with guilt and self hatred.

"Yes it is.." He mumbles simply. I stare at him down from that comment.

"Derek. It's not. You never wished this upon your family, you never would. I know you okay? Even though you close yourself off from everyone it's because you care so much. Your family's tragedy was never your fault, your mother... your family would never blame you. They would be proud of who you are today, who you grew up to be. A strong, respected...slightly feared... but overall a great man. You're Not alone anymore Derek... you... you have me." My heart never wavers as I talk softly, his eyes meet mine as they soften slightly, before he nods and looks down... pausing for a moment thinking of how to reply.

"I think this is the longest, I haven't heard you talk." Derek whispers, making me let out a weak smile in response.



"Are you scared.."

"I'm scared. That I'll lose you." His eyes were soft but his heart was steady, he was truthful... my heart on the other hand had skipped a beat. I thought he hated me?

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