Sector 51

By AnimalX23

1.3K 13 10

In the not-too-distant-future, Earth has become a safe haven for a myriad of alien species that want to live... More

The Plot
The Characters part 1: The Heroes
The Characters Part 2: The Villains
The Characters Part 3: Miscellaneous Characters
Season 1 Opening and Ending
Episode 1: Things Change
Episode 2: I Want To Believe
Episode 4: School of Hard Rocks
Episode 5: Friends of Earth
Episode 6: Garden of Evil
Episode 7: Deathstalker
Episode 8: Powerless
Episode 9: Coming of the Zodiacs, part 1
Episode 10: Coming of the Zodiacs, part 2
Episode 11: Friend or Foe
Episode 12: Family Secrets, part 1
Episode 13: Family Secrets, part 2 (season finale)
Special Prequel Episode: Adventures in Starchild-sitting
Season 2 new characters
Season 2 Opening and Ending
S2 Episode 1: Scorpion's Reign
S2 Episode 2: The Grey Agenda
S2 Episode 3: Freak-out Friday
S2 Episode 4: Weed-whacked
S2 Episode 5: The Cattle Conspiracy
S2 Episode 6: The Assassin
S2 Episode 7: Revenge of the Zodiacs
S2 Episode 8: Battle at Aquarius Base
S2 Episode 9: Settling the score

Episode 3: Predators and Prey

39 1 0
By AnimalX23

We open up with a hooded figure walking through the streets of Alien Town, a sectioned-off area of the Lincoln county area home to a bustling community of Alien Immigrants. the hooded figure then enters a restaurant called "Joe's galactic diner" where all of the alien patrons stare at the mysterious hooded alien with a look of fear in their eyes. the owner, Joe, looks at the mystery alien and asks him "hey, who are you? haven't seen you around Alien town before". the mystery figure then pulls down his hood revealing himself to be a Marronian, introducing himself as Q'Rell the famed Intergalactic bounty hunter. Joe asks him if he came here to eat or what, only for Q'Rell to say "I'd like the fried Zoidbergian space squid tentacles, to go since I'm in a hurry to chase after my next bounty". while Joe is busy preparing Q'rell's order (using his fire-breath to cook the tentacles no less) he asks Q'rell what his next bounty is, and Q'Rell tells him "I'm chasing after the starchild who works with Sector 51, ever heard of her?" Joe then tells him "I've heard of her, but never met her. I don't usually associate with humans, especially not Sector 51. It's hard for us aliens seeking asylum on Earth, took forever for me to finally establish a successful business on this forsaken rock with the Terrans keeping us ETs down. one day, I'll earn enough money to set up an entire chain of restaurants on planets all over the milky way, plus enough for me to afford a ship to get off this planet". Joe then hands Q'Rell a bag of the fried tentacles he ordered followed by Q'Rell leaving Joe's diner, Joe asking "Hey! don't forget to pay for that!" Q'Rell then turns around and tells him "You'll get paid when I collect my bounty" before walking out and snacking on his fried space squid tentacles. After that, we cut to Sector 51 HQ where we see Alex walking into Lena's room, Lena asking Alex what he's doing here. Alex tells Lena "Agent Delta told me that I could come visit you after school" before pulling out his laptop to show Lena his UFO conspiracy theory blog called "I want to believe" saying that he's been posting all his evidence for the existence of there being aliens secretly living among us on Earth. Lena looks at Alex in confusion, asking him "does Sector 51 know about this?" followed by Alex telling her "I hope not, they probably wouldn't approve of me posting photo evidence of something they've been trying so hard to cover up" Lena then looks closer at one of the alleged UFO photographs on Alex's blog and tells him "this is what you consider photo evidence? pretty sure that's a weather balloon". all the while a tiny insect-like spy robot flies into the room through the ventilation shaft and takes aim at Lena, Q'rell watching from the bridge of his ship the Night Hunter smiling, saying "I've finally got you in my sights, girl" only for Alex to spot the drone shouting "Lena look out!" and pushes Lena out of the way as the spy drone fires a laser blast from its single cycloptic eye saving her life in the process. Agent Delta then enters the room and destroys the drone with a blast from one of his laser pistols, asking the two kids if they're okay. Lena and Alex both tell Delta that they're okay, Lena thanking Delta for the save. Delta picks up the damaged spy drone, wondering what it is and just how the heck it got past HQ's security systems. Lena shrugs, saying "your guess is just as good as mine, teach". Delta tells her that Joe would probably know, telling the two "good news kiddos, we'll be taking a field trip to Alien town". Alex asks "what's alien town?" followed by Delta telling Alex that he'll let Alpha explain it. our heroes then go down to Alpha's chamber where they get a debriefing from Alpha about Alien town, explaining that Alien town is a sectioned-off area of Lincoln County built by Sector 51 to provide sanctuary for Extraterrestrial immigrants from various different races and planets seeking asylum on Planet Earth. Alex is intrigued, saying "So it's like Chinatown or Little Tokyo but for Aliens". Alpha tells him "precisely" before explaining to our heroes "be warned: the residents of Alien town don't take kindly to humans, so I had the LGMs build you disguises" followed by the LGMs handing our heroes holo-bracelets giving them holographic disguises allowing them to pose as aliens. Alex is impressed with the LGMs handiwork, saying "man, these little guys are geniuses! they have an invention for every occasion" only for Delta to tell him "that's because the LGMs built ALL the technology used by Sector 51" followed by Alpha telling our heroes "those holographic disguises have a time limit to them so you need to get in, find Joe, get whatever you can out of him, and get out as quickly as you can" followed by Alpha ending transmission. Lena asks "okay... so who's this Joe guy?" only for Alpha to tell our heroes "He's the owner of Joe's space diner, you'll know it when you get there. Commander Epsilon will drive you there" followed by our heroes entering the vehicle hangar with Epsilon telling our heroes "get in". after that, we cut to our heroes riding down the desert road inside one of Sector 51's armored ground vehicles being driven by Commander Epsilon, Alex who's riding in the back asks Agent Delta why Lena needs a disguise since she's already half alien. Delta gives him the harsh answer saying "Because inter-species relationships are generally frowned upon, Starchildren are seen as outcasts by both human and alien society alike. she won't be accepted in either world, that's why I've been trying to protect her from the outside world my whole life out of fear of her being judged and ridiculed" all the while Lena looks away in shame, Alex feeling sorry for her saying "I had no idea". Lena tells him "I had no idea either". Epsilon tells our heroes from the front seat "I knew you've gone soft, Delta" with Delta saying "shut up, Epsilon" while looking at the damaged spy drone. Epsilon tells our heroes "alright everybody, we're here! I'll be here to pick you up when you're done" followed by the Sector 52 van driving off. our heroes then hide behind a rock and activate their holographic disguises, turning them into Grey versions of themselves. Alex freaks out, saying "OMG I'm an alien!" with Delta telling him "not really, these are just holographic disguises. now let's move" followed by our heroes in disguise entering the gates of alien town, all the while they are being watched by a cloaked Q'rell from the shadows. our heroes are in awe of seeing the variety of weird and wonderful aliens walking the streets while trying their best to keep a low profile. the three then enter the building with all the alien patrons looking at them with suspicion, one Manticorian growling at Alex making him nervous only for Joe to intervene telling the Manticorian "hey, that's no way to treat potential customers! this isn't a wretched hive of scum and villainy you know" Joe then turns his attention to our heroes saying "well well well what do we have here, three greys. don't usually see greys around these parts, what brings you here? name's Joe" followed by Joe shaking Delta's hand. Delta shows Joe the busted-up spy drone, Joe examines it and recognizing it as a Marronian assassin drone, like ones used by Q'Rell. Lena asks Delta who's Q'Rell, and Delta explains to her "Q'Rell is a Marronian bounty hunter, and one of the most feared men in the galaxy. Sector 51 has had run-ins with him in the past". Joe then interrupts, saying "hold up, did you just say Sector 51?" followed by their disguises wearing off exposing them as humans to an entire crowd of alien patrons who look on with shock and horror, all the while a hooded Q'rell watches on from behind the crowd, smirking while saying "finally my prey shows herself". Joe then tells our heroes "didn't you read the sign on the entrance? no humans allowed in alien town! you folks at Sector 51 think you can come in here and police the streets like you own the place? you may have built this sanctuary for us, but this is OUR turf. and even worse, you got a filthy half-breed with you. what are you standing around for? get out of my diner, NOW! you're scaring my customers!" our heroes walk backwards slowly, only for Lena and Alex to bump into none other than the hooded Q'rell who takes off his cloak, grabbing both the teens, saying "finally I have caught my bounty, the fabled starchild. along with an extra snack for the road, even better. allow me to take these children off your hands, Joe. oh and here's the money I owe you for the fried tentacles, they were delicious" followed by Q'rell tossing a bag of 5000 gylaks to Joe before walking off with the two teens, Delta whipping out his twin laser pistols shouting "Lena! Alex! don't worry, I'll save you!" before chasing Q'rell through the streets of alien town, Q'Rell dodging laser blasts from Agent Delta's pistols. Q'rell then hides inside a building that turns out to be his ship the Night Hunter disguised by a cloaking device followed by the ship taking off. Delta then slams his fist into the ground while he is surrounded by a crowd of onlooking alien pedestrians. Delta then leaves Alien town where he is picked up by Commander Epsilon aboard the Sector 51 van, Epsilon asking Delta where the children are, and Delta informs her that Q'rell took them. Epsilon sighs, telling Delta "I should have known Q'Rell was behind this. he and I go way back, knowing him he's probably gonna hunt Lena for sport and once he's had his fun he'll hang her little head in his trophy room". Delta tells Alpha "We got to do something!" only for Epsilon to tell Delta "It's too late, Delta! I was lucky to escape Q'Rell's sick game unscathed, there's no telling if she'll survive" followed by Delta saying "We have to try" followed by Delta contacting the LGMs to see if they can find a way to track down the location of Q'Rell's ship. After that, we cut to Lena and Alex waking up in some kind of alien jungle, Alex asking Lena "where are we?" followed by Lena saying "your guess is as good as mine" followed by Lena closing her eyes and lifting a rock with her telekinesis, chucking it into the air only for it to hit the "sky". Lena tells Alex "we appear to be in some sort of artificial environment" followed by Alex saying "you mean like animals at a zoo? we're doomed". only for Q'Rell to show up riding on the back of a large beast, saying "Oh you have no idea. this here beast is the mighty Kibaron, an apex predator that hails from my homeworld of Marros-4, and she's hungry". Q'Rell unsheaths his knife made from the beast's fang from his back (evident by this particular kibaron missing one of her fangs) and holds it in front of the beast's eye causing the Kibaron to get angry and let out a loud roar before chasing our heroes through the artificial jungle. we then cut to the Sector 51 van driving through the desert until they come across the Night Hunter parked on top of a rock formation. Epsilon then calls on the troops informing them that he and Delta have found the ship. after that, we cut back to Lena and Alex running through the jungle dodging booby traps Q'rell set up for them, Lena using her force field to to deflect lasers back at the turrets blowing them up much to Q'rell's frustration. the Kibaron lunges at Lena and Alex and tries to stomp our heroes with its giant foot but it's blocked by the force field, however the pressure shatters the force field forcing Lena to teleport herself and Alex out of the way. Lena tells Alex to get to safety while she holds off Q'Rell and his pet, activating her fist constructs. Q'Rell then commands the Kibaron to kill the girl, and the Kibaron swings its tail at Lena only for her to evade the attack with her teleportation before teleporting onto the creature's back to punch Q'Rell in the face knocking him off the Kibaron's back followed by the Kibaron retreating into the jungle. we then cut back to Delta and Epsilon along with a squad of Sector 51 agents storming Q'rell's ship, Delta and Epsilon coming across his trophy room shocked to see the severed heads of different aliens mounted on the wall, Delta saying "jeez... I understand the guy's a marronian and the hunt is a big part of his people's culture, but this is still pretty messed up". Epsilon tells Delta "tell me about it, I almost became one of those trophies adorning his wall". a Sector 51 agent informs Epsilon that they found a door on the other end of the hallway, saying that the children's life signals have been detected on the other side along with Q'Rell's followed by the two men running down the hallway where the agents plant explosives on the door blowing a hole revealing the artificial jungle on the other side. they are then surrounded by turrets that pop out of the ground, Agent Delta blowing them up one-by-one with his twin laser pistols before the Sector 51 agents proceed through the jungle until they come across the sleeping Kibaron, Epsilon recognizing the beast as Q'rell's pet from the fact that it's missing one of its saber teeth, saying that the knife Q'rell carries was made from the beast's fang as slaying a Kibaron is considered a rite of passage in Marronian culture, but Q'rell for some reason took pity on the beast so he decided to keep it as a pet. as the Sector 51 agents try to sneak past the sleeping Kibaron,  only for them to bump into poor Alex who informs them that Lena's in trouble, saying she's fighting Q'Rell by herself. this scares Delta into action, shouting "what is she thinking? she's gonna get herself killed!" we then cut back to Lena having a one-on-one fight with Q'Rell, Lena dodging Q'rell's knife attacks with her teleportation before landing a couple punches on him from all sides with her energy fists. Q'Rell then tells Lena "I like the kind of prey that gives me a real challenge, hit me with everything you got you filthy half-breed!" just to get her angry, and it works Lena's anger getting the best of her as she recklessly charges at Q'Rell to punch him in the face only for Q'Rell to whip out his sniper rifle only for Lena to dodge every blast from his rifle with her teleportation only for Q'Rell to flip a switch causing Lena to get caught in a net trap that leaves her hanging from a tree. Q'Rell taunts Lena as he sharpens his knife saying "this was fun, but now the time has come for me to put you down so I can add your head to my trophy collection" before aiming his sniper rifle at her head, only for Alex, Delta, Epsilon, and the other Sector 51 agents to arrive on the scene to arrest Q'Rell, with Delta pointing both of his blaster pistols at his head. Q'Rell growls and whips out his knife leading to all the sector 51 agents pointing their guns at him, however Q'Rell surprises everyone by using his knife to cut Lena free from the net trap, saying "go ahead, you can keep her. we will finish this some other time" followed by Lena running up to hug Alex while Delta tells the two teens that he's glad to have them safe and in one piece. Q'Rell then tells everybody to get off his ship and they reluctantly comply and leave. we then cut to our heroes watching as the Night Hunter takes off, Lena asking "so did Q'Rell just surrender or what?" our episode then ends with Epsilon telling her "I think he realized that he was outnumbered and chose to forfeit the game, Q'Rell was never a fan of an unfair fight. it's best we be ready should he return to finish what we started" as our heroes watch the sunset together.

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