The Freak Next Door (Ranfren)

By coolbro872

2.3K 68 21

You aren't very excited about having to move to Canada, but once you meet your neighbors life becomes much mo... More

part two

part one.

1.2K 29 2
By coolbro872

I moved to Canada around a month ago, in early August. So far, it royally sucks. My father got a new job a few months ago which was why we had to pack everything up so suddenly and move across the country to this boring dreary town. I doubted I would be able to make friends, so for the past month i've done what I do best and sat in my room.

"Y/N! Get out of bed! I'm tired of you sitting around all day, it's making me depressed. Go outside and make some damn friends!" my mom blared, pounding on my door. Me and my mother never had the best relationship, she's always called me lazy, even though I'M the one that helps her with chores unlike my asshole of a sister. My sisters name is Brielle, she's 17 and spends all her time doing who knows what behind locked doors with her boyfriend. I think she's glad we moved here, it gives her more opportunities to find guys to "keep her company". I'm not calling my sister a slut, if that's what this sounds like, I guess I'm just mad that she gets to do whatever she wants.

I climbed out of my cave of pillows and blankets and sulked over to my closet, where I grabbed a miniskirt and grey sweater off two hangers. I got dressed and fluffed up my hair, and threw on my black doc martens before heading downstairs. "Mornin Y/N" said my dad, barely looking up from his laptop. "Morning." I grabbed a few raspberries out of the bowl on the counter before making my way out the side door.

I gazed out at the scenery, expecting to have to shield my eyes from the sun. Nope, just gloomy grey skies and smoke trailing out of the chimney at the house across from ours. Wait a second, what is with that house?!? The house I was staring at was surrounded by greenery, and the paint was chipping off of the outer walls. There were lots of windows, and I could see brightly colored wallpapers furnished the  interior of the house. I continued to gaze towards it, when the door cracked open. I flinched, and jumped backwards a little. I expected some creepy old dude to run out at me, but instead I saw a boy that looked around my age. He was pretty weird looking, he had longish choppy auburn hair and a grin plastered across his face. He was wearing large black glasses, and they were slowly falling off the bridge of his nose. I approached the house and looked him up and down. I held out my hand, and he quickly grabbed it and started shaking it. "I'm Y/N, and you are?" I said, yanking my hand back and wiping it on the side of my sweater. The boy moved his face closer towards mine, and I started backing away. "I'm Randal! Randal Ivory. Who are you. Where are you from. Want to see my dolls?" I snickered, this dude really is weird. Suddenly the door flung open behind him, and a tall man stepped out of the hall. "Randal we talked about how you can't bother strangers, didn't we?" Randal rolled his eyes, turning to face the man. He stuck out his tongue and ran back inside the house, turning around to wink at me. I giggled. "Sorry about that, you must be one of the L/N right? I dropped by some food for your parents around a month ago. I'm Luther, that was my younger brother Randal." I grinned, "Nice to meet you Luther!" I exclaimed. "Would you like to come inside? I could make you some tea." Luther asked, and I nodded. He turned backwards into the house, and I followed behind him.

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