part two

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This house was much weirder than I expected. I trailed behind Luther, down a long carpeted hallway. The walls were lined with a maroon striped wallpaper and there was a college of painting, some showing Randal and two other boys as children. "Is it just you and Randal who live here?" I questioned. "No, my catmen live here also, I'll introduce you to them momentarily" Luther replied, continuing down the narrow hallway. After what felt like hours we took a turn and entered what seemed to be a living room. There were two battered old couches, and I plopped down on the one closet to me. "I'll get you your tea, wait here" said Luther as he scurried away. I opened up my bag and grabbed out my phone, and started to scroll through some messages when I felt something around my neck. I jolted sideways, and looked over to see Randal. "Jesus christ! You scared me!" I yelled. Randal didn't respond, he just giggled and placed his arm back around my shoulder. I was starting to get a bit uncomfortable, but I let it slide. Randal leaned closer and whispered in my ear, "Want to meet my dolls?" I gave him a strange look, Randal gets stranger every minute I speak to him. He yanked on my hand, pulling me up off of the couch and through a doorway.

I peered around the dark room, observing the contents. There was a coffin (what??), a wide bookshelf overflowing with knickknacks, a dresser, and a desk. The entire room was a mess. "This place is a pigsty" I muttered, stepping forwards. I looked at Randal and he looked a bit upset, I guess I hurt his feelings with the comment I made. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, it is a nice room" I said giving him a small smile. His face lit up "Good! I know it seems messy but I just have so many interesting things to show you!" I nodded and than felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out and read the notification. It was from my dad, telling me to come home for dinner. "Sorry dude, I have to go home. We can hang out later though?" I said making my way back down the long hall I came in. Randal nodded, his face in a grin and his cheeks all red. I waved back at him as I stepped out of the front door, and he hollered back at me. "Goodnight Y/N! Cya later!"

I made my way into my house and threw off my boots. I went into the dining room and sat besides my sister. "We're you at the neighbors house, Y/N?" my mom questioned. "Yup. There's a boy that lives there whose about my age, he's kinda weird." my parents nodded and carried on about some restaurant they wanted to go to. After eating, I went up to my room and flung myself onto my bed. I scrolled through social media, seeing posts of all my old friends together. The friends that ghosted me the second I moved away. I groaned, screw them. I got up and went into my bathroom, and started a shower. I threw off my clothing and climbed in, letting the warm water consume me. After I finished showering I put on some shorts and an oversized band tee and washed my face. I went back over to my bed and drifted off to sleep.

It had been a few days since my encounter with the Ivory's, and I was lounging in my room watching Netflix on my computer. All of a sudden I heard a bang on my window. I ran over, and saw Randal peering through. I opened up my window and he climbed into my room, leaving a trail of dirt from his shoes. He plopped down on a beanbag and smiled up at me. "Fancy seeing you here" he said with a giggle. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the floor next to him.

The Freak Next Door (Ranfren)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن