Protected by the Beast ✔

By HephziLolami

251K 10.4K 1.8K

Riley Evans witnessed a gruesome scene on the fourteenth of February when she was out on a date with her boyf... More



1.5K 108 12
By HephziLolami


Riley's POV


I felt my head hit the side of a hard surface as I was jerked sideways and I groaned in pain, feeling my left cheek burn.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and frowned, trying to adjust myself so I could properly look at my surroundings. My frown deepened when I realized that it was slightly dark but there was a peek of light on the glass window on my left covered by tattered transparent polythene nylon.

With a light hiss, I looked around to see I was alone, in a small space with a paint stained rag beside my left and as ten liters container not far from me.

There was something covering my mouth, preventing me from calling out. Looking down in dismay at how weak I felt, I tensed when I realized I couldn't raise my hand to touch my face because my hands were tied firmly and placed on my thighs.

Why am I being held captive, tied and gagged in a dark room? I frowned, trying to remember what I was doing before something happened to me that led me here. The sudden rocking movement from under me made me aware that I was in a moving vehicle and not a room. Fear arose inside me as I wondered how I could get out of this situation.

I wiggled my toes and rolled my eyes. Of course my legs were tied too.

Then the memory of me getting hit in the head from behind while in the restroom suddenly came back, making me release an irritated hiss.

Remind me not to help strangers in the future because that was what led me to this current situation I found myself in.

After I left Beast - the same person that'd warned me not to go around alone because he wanted me to be perfectly safe- I got into the bathroom while Dennis waited outside.

Then I decided to touch up my lipstick and powder but a lady who was also powdering her nose - for real- asked me if I had sanitary pads. And me being me, I go around with one or two whenever I'm lucky enough to go out, just in case my red lady visits while I'm out.

I wouldn't want to tell Beast I need my sanitary pads because that would be a bit motivating.

Then I gave the lady and she started rambling about how she was having issues with her boyfriend but I wasn't interested. But she suddenly grabbed my hair from behind and tried to slam it into the mirror. In reflex, I hunched my back and walked backwards, making her hit her back on the wall. Then we started fighting. She could fight dirty while I could easily hit her in all her weak points.

Long story short, after I gave her the last punch, she hit her head on the ground going out cold. My victory was short lived though when someone suddenly suffocated me with what I guess was chloroform from behind. My eyes widened and I started struggling, ramming my elbow into their side but another person locked my right hand from beside me, then forcefully grabbed my other arm.

It was a man dressed in white.

I shook my head so the handkerchief wouldn't be placed on my face but the person in front of me gave me a hard slap across my left cheek.

That was when I felt all fight leave me as sounds of gunshots rang around me.

Even though I fought to stay awake and hoped Beast had noticed that something was wrong, I couldn't help but give up the fight after that.

And from the things I'd learnt from the training, these men probably didn't mean to kill me since I was obviously still alive and being restrained. They wanted something else.

So that would mean they kidnapped me for a ransom, or to get something from Beast because word might've got out that I was with him. Though no one knew about our relationship except those close to us because the only time we'd been seen together outside was when I followed him to his office and we didn't even show any public display of affection throughout.

Or did the person who ordered this attack just want to piss Beast off? The person must have some guts to kidnap me from right under his nose but who could it be?

I didn't know of any of Beast's enemies or even his friends. I spent most of the days at home, except when I mingled with people when I was in Italy.

Dennis didn't like me being alone with the bodyguards at the Black House so I mostly stayed in my room or in the living room, watching TV and nowadays, I'd been simply too busy with my studies to have time roaming around the house.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when I heard someone coughing from the drivers side of the vehicle I was in, which I was currently guessing was a van. At least the inside of a van looked like this from behind.

"Stop taking these death sticks or they'll take you to your early fucking grave." Growled a deep voice. "

"Mind your business Scar. Anyway, how much do you think he'd pay us if we scare her a little?" The coughing, slightly pitchy male voice asked.

"Scare? He asked you not to make any funny moves Saw. He knows you can be a pig sometimes. Don't touch the girl."


"I said no."

"Come on. It's just a little play. He wouldn't even notice we played with her." He persisted and I felt disgust rapidly coil up my guts. What an idiot. Anger burned through me and my eyes darkened. I narrowed my eyes at the window partition, wishing I could get through to them right now and strangle him to death.

The thought of him putting his hands on me made me shudder in disgust. Even Beast would often ask for my permission before kissing me.

"Fine. When we get to the hideout." The man finally conceded when Mr cough kept pleading in an irritated tone.

"I knew you were a sneaky bastard. Don't worry, we'll play with her together." The coughing pervert jested, laughing. I sneered, hoping they would at least cut these ropes open so I could attack at least one of them. Maybe biting an ear off would appease my current anger.

After what felt like thirty minutes later, the car finally stopped moving.

Then the door slammed and I heard footsteps. The door was then pulled open and a tall, lean man came into view.

"Look who finally woke up." He stated. He had slant eyes and a crooked smile that made me known he meant trouble. He was definitely the smoker, Saw.

"Let's get her in. Boss should be here in an hour or so." The short man that appeared beside him said, sounding bored. He was around five inch two and had too much muscles in his arms that one would wonder if they weighed him down. He had black cropped hair parted at the side, which honestly gave him an exaggerated look considering his stature and profession. He also had a deep scar running from his crooked left eyebrow down to his chin.

The thin man came forward, eyeing me lustfully and smiling. Surprisingly, his teeth were pure white but that didn't lessen the disgust I felt for him.

Going into my victim mode, my eyebrows scrunched up in unbelief and my lips set into a half pout. I shook my head and whimpered, moving back slowly to show vulnerability so they would feel more relaxed around me and it worked.

To the tall man, seeing me act docile and vulnerable seemed to further excite him. Stepping into the van, he carried me into his arms and chuckled at my form while I struggled weakly as he alighted the van for the short man to lock it up.

He carried me through the back of my thighs and my back, leading me towards the back of a normal looking yellow and blue painted bungalow among other bungalows surrounded by gardens in a regular looking, reserved area.

I looked around me.

I whimpered, as if in pain and my carrier laughed.

"Such a frightened kitten you are. You've definitely truly been babied by that man like what we overheard boss saying last night. It was a torture to kidnap you because your sugar man keeps shielding you from the world and your location couldn't even be tracked. Well, at least we'll get our share of you before the rich boyfriend gets here." The man kept rambling.

The short man looked behind him at us and squinted. "Stop talking Saw."

He looked at me in the tall man's arms where I was still pretending to be frightened and his eyes narrowed at me.

"I'm going to enjoy having my way wit-"

"I said stop talking. In fact, don't talk to her at all." Scar ordered, this time with an edge to his tone as he went to open the door for the tall man to take me in.

The man carried me into what appeared to be a small but comfortable looking living room. I backed away the minute he dumped me on a chair.

I looked around, thanking the stars that there were only two men in here and hoping it wouldn't be hard to take them down.

It wasn't that I wasn't afraid that I could get hurt or even killed in such an unfamiliar territory where the two strange men around me obviously had ill intentions towards me. But one of the things I'd learnt from Beast so far was that in whatever situation I found myself, I should always try to stay alert and calm myself down because there could probably be hints all around me to lead to my rescue but

"Ain't you a hot thing? You even use anklets? Such a whore to a dangerous crime organization. I'm quite sure there's more to this innocent look because there's no way a mafia boss would keep you to himself if you were boring. Wha-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Scar, the short man thundered and scar immediately zipped his lips.

I kept trembling and whimpering.

Saw came behind me and removed the gag covering my mouth harshly.

"Please sirs, just let me go. I beg you. I don't know anything. I promise not to tell."

"Gag the bitch." Scar stated, taking a seat on the sofa opposite me.

"I prefer her screaming from under me. I'll take her to the room and don't worry, I won't damage her too much." Saw laughed and my heart dropped into the pit of my belly, my palms sweating at the thought of being manhandled or even assaulted by this man.

I shook my head and tried to get away but he lifted me effortlessly and took me down a hallway and into a room.

On getting there, he threw me on the bed.

"Where shall we start-" he suddenly paused. "Her legs are still tied. I can't spread them that way. Let's deal with that."

He approached me and instantly, I lifted my legs, using all my force to hit his chest.

His eyes widened and he started laughing. "Such a hot and feisty little thing. I should've known. All redheads are the same. Now let's deal with the attitude." He went around the bed while I quickly tried backing away.

Instantly, I felt an intense but painful silence ring inside my head, his fist retreating as he chuckled. I groaned and tried to double over after realizing he punched me in the jaw, heaving.

"I should've knocked you out." He groaned and rammed his fist into my stomach. Once. Twice. Thrice. Then one on my side and the other on my thigh.

I let out a bone chilling scream and felt all fight leave me after the last punch, my eyes watering up as I tried to stabilize my breathing. My whole body ached badly.

Then he sighed. "I don't usually go violent with girls but you caused this." He grumbled more to himself. I shut my eyes to block him out, wanting to just be by myself right now and get my acts together. Was this how I would get raped here?

The thought made my eyes water but I mentally refused to accept that fact.

There was simply no way this man would touch me.

Disgust coiled up my guts when I felt warm, sticky feeling on my lips, loving over to my cheek and then slowly trailing down to my neck.

He grabbed my waist and kissed my cleavage, pushing me towards the top of the bed. He fondled my right breast and let out a long moan.

Then he moved back and lightly tapped my chin, making pain flush through me because that was the same place he'd punched at the cinema.

"Hey. Little girl. Wake up."

I didn't respond.

My whole body felt cold as I tried to stabilize my breathing.

I was burning with humiliation but at the same time angry that this was happening to me. Where was the Beast anyway?

"Did she really pass out? Her pulse is faint. Anyway, I'll untie her and do what I want. If I'm asked, I'll say she resisted and needed to be tamed." He grumbled and left a slobbering kiss on my lower lip before moving to untie my hands and legs.

He then started humming and clumsily pulling up the zip of my dress.

When he got to my waist, he whistled. Tears slowly leaked down the side of my face.

"Fresh meat. Mama mia." He groaned and pulled down my thights to reveal my black lace pantie. More humiliation burned through me.

I'd wanted to feel sexy today and that was why I took special time to wear a bodycon dress and even chose this pantie even though I knew nothing would happen between me and Beast.

All of a sudden, someone's phone started ringing. It was definitely his since I lost my purse at the cinema and my phone was in it. I slowly peeked my unhurt eye open, my heart hammering in my chest.

He grumbled some words and alighted the bed, running a hand through his chocolate hair.

I opened my eyes properly and looked down at my pathetic state.

There were bruises forming on my thighs from where he grabbed them while licking my face just now.

Summoning courage, I slowly sat up while he had his back to me and was quietly speaking to someone.

Looking around, panic started to rise within me because there was nothing here I could use to attack him. Alighting the bed slowly, I nibbled on my lower lip but immediately stopped when I remembered how this man had disgustingly sucked on it.

Then as I turned around, my eyes instantly fell on a saw placed at the top of the headrest. Why would any sane person have a saw in their bedroom?

I shuddered and realized I didn't want to know the reason.

I picked it soundlessly, feeling my torso ache due to the brutal hit it got earlier on. I walked as fast and as soundless as I could towards him and immediately I stopped behind him, I raised the saw up and instantly brought it down on his neck just when he was about to turn around.

His eyes widened as blood spluttered around, his right hand going to hold up his neck as if to stop the blood from gushing. I stood in front of him, flinching when his hand slowly fell to his side and more blood seeped out of him onto my chest.

Then he slowly fell to the ground on his knees before he went face down on the ground.

The blood spread around the ground slowly, forming a little pool and I stared at it, feeling power and indignation surge through me that I finally got him.

I was sure his partner would be wondering if he was done with me so he could have his turn. Well, he was in for a wonderful surprise then.

With a chuckle, I locked the door to avoid interruption.

Then with great effort, I dragged his body to the closet nearby, quickly cleaning myself up and erasing any trace of what just happened.

Pulling up my tights, I pulled down my dress with shaky hands, knowing the battle hadn't ended just yet. I searched Saw's clothes and found a pistol.

Picking it and confirming that it was loaded, I gave myself a motivational talk and tried to calm myself down.

"You're a badass and strong lady, Riley. Whatever happens today, it isn't your fault. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. You're defending yourself and also making yourself proud by taking the enemies down. Now go out there and get the little bitch who let this happen." I chuckled darkly and opened the door but was surprised when a fist almost met with my face.

I managed to dodge it but not fully. I groaned at the impact, almost tumbling. Taking few steps back, I aimed the gun at him but he swiftly slid down and picked the saw, swinging in fast movements while I also dodged as fast as I could.

He suddenly stopped talking and chuckled menacingly, looking around. I shuddered a little at the scar on his face but told myself to be strong and fearless. Dennis also had a scar but he was like any other man out there. I decided to imagine this short man to be a teddy bear since that would make me defeat him mercilessly.

"What did you do to him, huh? Where is Saw?" He looked around and stopped when he saw the white bloodied cloth at the foot of the closet. "Bitch! You're gonna die! You know why they call him Saw? It's because he's good with using saw to finish his enemies but sadly the saw and his love for women was what brought him down. Also I, Scar used to be the second best man skilled with the use of a saws and the most dangerous knives in the whole city. Get ready to meet your end!" As he was speaking, he charged towards me and I didn't even know when I pulled the trigger just as he brought the saw hard on my shoulder.

I screamed in pain and dodged a few seconds too late. The saw made a clanking sound as it fell to the ground and a new wave of pain hit me, a burning sensation spreading through my shoulder.

"You little bit-ch- y-you made us let do-down our g-guards." Scar spluttered as red liquid slowly spread through his shirt.

I shot him one more time, this time on the crotch. His face contorted and he slowly doubled over, groaning lowly till he finally stopped making any sound.

Then I stood up, trembling as tears flowed down my cheeks. My face was covered in sweat.

I just killed two men.

This time, it was deliberate. I sawed one and I shot the other one twice. In the damn private part!

Just then, I heard some faint movement at the window and quickly ducked, wincing when I realized I still had a wound to tend to and hoping there weren't any more bad guys out there because my whole body was aching terribly.

But the blood wouldn't stop flowing even as I placed my trembling palm over it.

"Just stop already." I whimpered, feeling weakness descend upon me.

While muttering a song I used to sing with Cindy, 'Who you are' by Jessie J, I felt my head go light and slowly sat on the tiled, cold floor but the blurry sight of a man in black sweatshirt, with a deadly look in his eyes stepping into the room suddenly made me go rigid as men in black stormed in behind him, all taking an arch position around him.

" me."

And I felt myself getting pulled into an endless, gloomy darkness.

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