By guccitaefic

58.6K 1.6K 451

Creepy stories made by me---. "Breaking news! Dangerous serial rapist Jeon Jeongguk, also known as The Wolf o... More

Heartless-1/2 (sad ending)
left alone
Bad feelings-1
Bad feelings-2


1.1K 34 9
By guccitaefic

💜Very Long chapter💜

2 days later:

He did his research thoroughly this time. It's not like he usually killed someone on purpose.

He had his fair share of accidents. No fatal ones but some were a close call. He had friends that teased him a lot. He wasn't a typical-looking snake hybrid. Too pretty for his own good. The natural orange color of his locks wasn't the usual look for a snake.

Also, he couldn't control his skin changing into blueish scales. He was more enticing that way, but other boys made fun of him. They dared to bite them and test if he wasn't a coward. And he wasn't, he was as impulsive as them back then. And you know how it ends. In the ER. For dickheads obviously.

So, he figured that he needed just to slightly prick the skin and even then, the amount of venom would be enough to put anyone into a deep slumber.

There was one more issue though. He was a predator. His first instinct will be to eat his pretty crush. And the second to mate. Or vice versa.

Jungkook sighed and dialed.

"Hi, is this Taehyung-ssi?"

"Yeah, but I am not a grandpa, you know Jungkook"


"I guess, you are a bit older, so you are my hyung, no ssi. ?"

"Um... yeah. Anyways, I called so we can set up a meeting, not discuss this."

"Oh, God, yes we are doing this."

"Don't get your hopes-s up. I have conditions-s."

"Okay, mister grumpy Snake. What should I get?"

"Ropes, then ..."

"Woah... kinky, Jungkook-ah. I thought you were a vanilla type of guy."

"Don't interrupt me and write it down or I'll hang up. Brat."

"Okay, okay. M sorry."

"Ropes-s, antiseptic, couch comfortable for two, first aid kit, and some s-strong hybrid friends to hold me down if everything goes to shit. And charged phone in case of a bad outcome."

"Okay, noted. Can we do it today? I want to be fresh for my date."

"If you have everything at yours, I will come over. Send me the address-s."

"Yes, Grumpy Snake. I am grateful and will wait for you perfect ass."

Before Jungkook could combust from anger, tiger hybrid hung up.

He was doing this.


*Kim Taehyung sent you the location.

He is lucky that it's 5 minutes from his apartment.

When Jungkook arrived, he thought that the building was neat. He certainly didn't think about certain tiger hybrid and his sweet smell. And surely, he wasn't nervous. It wasn't even his idea after all.

Damn it. His hands are clammy. Why is he doing it again?

Before he realized it, Taehyung opened the door to the nicely lit stairway. He was beaming. Probably waiting to fall asleep peacefully. And he was in PG.

"I thought you will chicken out. So, I came to catch you. Come meet my friends."

"Um, okay... Ouch, not so fast I'm gonna fall." Tae was dragging him with not-so-comfortable speed.

"I got you, Jungkook. We are here."

When Jungkook stepped into the apartment he wasn't ready to take in all the chaos. On the couch spider and squirrel hybrids were in the middle of a wrestling match.

Some loud noises were coming out of the kitchen. And some of them sounded like a mouse hybrid? And whose shiny tail is that?

Before Jungkook's brain could come up with explanations, tiger hybrid got his hand and shoved him in the middle of the room.

"My moronic and loud friends, this is Jungkook. He is a snake hybrid, and he will help me. Please be civil. Or not. Just be nice to him."

Jungkook was tense. Why all these hybrids together and having fun? Shouldn't a squirrel be 10 meters away from a spider? And why he feels like he found a home away from home.

"Hi, everyone. Nice to ... uh ... Sssss-see you. It's a pleasure."

"You are way too polite for this room, s-sweets."

A gorgeous-looking lizard hybrid came out of the hall.

"I'm S-Seokjin. You can call me hyung. I'm usually in charge of the living room and tasty food."

Jungkook. Nice to meet you."

"I'm park jimin.. Feel at home. I think I'll be helping you and Tae with ... eh.. biting thing."

When out of breath and smiley Jimin turned to Jungkook, he became slightly less worried about outcomes. The kid looked muscly and he was a predator too, he'd know what to do in case of frenzy.

"Okay, let's finish up with introductions-s. I am a lizard, but you probably know that already. The s-squirrel one on the couch looking dead is Hos-seok. In the kitchen, trying to ruin everything is Namjoon, he is a koala hybrid. Smart but clumsy as fuck and sleeping on everyone all the time. Mousse hybrid is Yoongi. He was trying to s-save our dinner, but I guess takeout it is."

After all the rambling and slight hissing characteristics for reptile hybrids, Seokjin gave Jungkook a bottle of water and showed him where Tae's bedroom is.

He asked Taehyung and Jimin to wait for 5 minutes outside the room. He prepared all he needed in two minutes and now was thinking what he would do if boxy smile will be dead in a couple of minutes.

That's why he didn't notice when hybrids got in the room. Jungkook looked at them with badly hidden nerves.

"If you don't want to do it, we can cancel, Jungkook-ah," said Tae and looked at Jungkook with those pretty doll feline eyes.

"He will be fine, Jungkook hyung. I once bit him, and he just slept through the day" said Jimin.

"Then why you just don't do it all the time?" mused Jungkook.

"I'm tarantula hybrid, hyung. He felt like a piece of shit after and didn't talk with me for two days" giggled spider hybrid.


Ok, they will do it.

"Taehyung, lie down on the bed near me and get your hands up. I will tie you down, so you won't flinch and hurt yourself badly. I will bite the ankle since it's safer and Jimin can knock me down in case of ... yeah"


“Jungkook, you worry too much. I won’t move I promise,” said the tiger.

“Okay, and one lasst thing, Jimin. If my eyes turn flashy green and I will try to hug Taehyung, don’t s-sssstop me. My snake has two options: eat and mate. I think I will try to protect my “victim” from you, so no sudden moves.”

“Got it, hyung.”

When Tae was already in bed, Jungkook  sat near the end of it and got his right leg on his knee.

“I’m gonna do it now. It’ll be quick but it will s-sting for a while. You will fall asleep in a minute. Jimin, listen to his heartbeat. If it’s gone, s-sssscream for others.”


When Jungkook concentrated, he got his fangs out. He didn’t let the poison get out of his sharp canines. He bent over and paid attention to the tiger’s breathing.

It was a little quicker than usual but not bad. Before the two hybrids could blink two little fangs pierced the tan skin of the tiger’s ankle. Tae gasped but didn’t move. The euphoria was making its way quickly in Tae’s system.

Whatever was in Jungkook’s venom was warming him up from the inside. He didn’t get scared or repulsed. He was horny. Holy shit.

When Jungkook removed his teeth, he saw that Taehyung was breathing not normally. Tiger stopped inhaling.

“Taehyung? Are you alright? Why did you stop breathing on purpose?” asked amused Jimin. When jimin was about to start teasing the tiger on his obvious hard-on, a low hissing sound came from the snake hybrid. When they both looked at Jungkook. they didn’t expect to see a green piercing gaze and blue patches of scales on his jaw and neck.

Everything came to a halt and Taehyung felt lost in Jungkook’s gaze. And the said person was slowly coiling around unmoving “victim”.

He didn’t try to suffocate, there was no need because he injected venom.

In a minute Tae was asleep and Jungkook got around his side and was hissing with a little threat at Jimin.

“My prey.”

“Sure. I’m just gonna sit with you and listen to Tae’s breathing. Sorry, jungkook. He is my best friend, and I would cry if he died poisoned like that because of his stupidity.”

It’s not like Jungkook understood what he said just now but Jimin didn’t go so he was staring at him with intent.

In half an hour, nothing happened with the sleeping tiger hybrid. His frame was raising consistently and there were no signs of a stroke or anything.

“Jungkook, I’m gonna grab some food for us. Will you take care of him for 10 minutes?”

“My prey. Keep warm.”

Well, it’s an answer then.

After no more than 5 minutes Jimin came back with sandwiches and offered some to Jungkook. Snake just looked at him once and then got back to guarding his “prey”.

“Jungkook, your prey is safe. And you haven’t eaten for a while. I have a sandwich with chicken. I swear chicken is better than Taehyung” giggled amused spider hybrid.

No one prepared Jimin for loud hissing from the snake. He got angry over Jimin’s words. It looked like Jungkook will bite sleeping Tae one more time.

K Fangs protruded and scales were on display, small and pretty snake looked deadly.


  “Jungkook hyung, I’m sorry. Please don’t do anything stupid” said Jimin already accumulating webs in fingers.

But Jungkook didn’t latch onto Tae. He pecked hybrid’s neck and hugged him closer. When Jimin felt more at ease he decided to relax and go to the living room to watch anime. He figured that Jungkook didn’t want to eat Taehyung anymore. And that’s all that mattered to him now.

7 hours later:

Tae woke up with a warm fuzzy feeling. It never was easy to get up cause he never felt refreshed after short naps. Now he was a well-rested person. Gods, how long ago did he sleep so much and felt so safe?

            He of course planned to tell Jungkook that his date was a trick to make him jealous. It's not like he succeeded anyway.

They were strangers and Jungkook helped him. But. He desperately wanted to keep snake hybrid to himself. He looked so soft and dangerous at the same time.

The duality fucking made him all tingly.

            When he finally looked up, those pretty flashy eyes were staring back at him. So intense and so mesmerizing. Jungkook looked like a dream. Really hot and wet one at that. Taehyung swallowed.

            “Hi, my sleepy pill. Did you stay around to tell me how good I look with bed hair?”

He didn’t get a response. Jungkook didn’t look like his usual self at this moment.

Tae got a little bit scared when those green eyes didn’t recognize him. At this moment he felt excited and screwed all at once.

Apparently, he read on some shitty website that if snake hybrids feel like mating with another type of hybrid (read having sex), they will most likely use a different type of venom than usually and won’t be verbal for some time.

Tae didn’t know if Jungkook has that type of venom. But he couldn’t stop him even if he wanted to.

In a matter of seconds, a younger but more deadly hybrid had Taehyung pinned to the bed with his arms.

Tiger hybrid wasn’t terrified, but he still tried to release his hands from a firm grip.

Those movements were quickly calmed by Jungkook's low hissing and the slow grind of hips.

            At that moment, Tae felt conflicted. He could be calling to Jimin, and he will be freed in a matter of seconds.

But … he didn’t want to.

Oh, Gods, his kinky mind wants to get bitten and fucked by the sinful dick of a snake. Is it true that they have two dicks?

            He saw Jungkook's eyes crinkling in a smile. Shit. He was talking out loud.

“Jungkook-ah, we need to stop pretty. I like you and your body, but we have to talk first. And then you can hiss at me all you want. Pretty please?”

            Jungkook smiled at the word “please”, but the smile was devilish and smug. The other words didn’t register in this type of mindset.

The only thought in the snake's head was to subdue his prey and fuck him seven ways to Sunday. The next thing Taehyung knew was the feeling of nip at his neck.

What will happen next?
Will jungkook do something with tae?

Love senpai❣️❣️❣️





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