Dressed as a Stand-in for the...

By Kessho_Yuki

231K 6.9K 845

COMPLETED Associated Names : 穿成霸总白月光的替身 Author : 曳萝 In the dog-blooded BL novel "Substitute", the main charac... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twentyone
Chapter Twentytwo
Chapter Twentythree
Chapter Twentyfour
Chapter Twentyfive
Chapter Twentysix
Chapter Twentyseven
Chapter Twentyeight
Chapter Twentynine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirtyone
Chapter Thirtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Thirtyfour
Chapter Thirtyfive
Chapter Thirtysix
Chapter Thirtyseven
Chapter Thirtyeight
Chapter Thirtynine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourtyone
Chapter Fourtytwo
Chapter Thirtythree
Chapter Fourtyfour
Chapter Fourtyfive
Chapter Fourtysix
Chapter Fourtyseven
Chapter Fourtyeight
Chapter Fourtynine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fiftyone
Chapter Fiftytwo
Chapter Fiftythree
Chapter Fiftyfour
Chapter Fiftyfive
Chapter Fiftysix
Chapter Fiftyseven
Chapter Fiftyeight
Chapter Fiftynine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixtyone
Chapter Sixtytwo
Chapter Sixtythree
Chapter Sixtyfour
Chapter Sixtyfive
Chapter Sixtysix

Chapter Sixteen

4.5K 178 71
By Kessho_Yuki

Su Yuli thought of countless ways to repay Lin Suiyan's kindness, but he rejected them one by one.

When Aunt Xu asked for leave due to family affairs, Su Yuli suddenly had an idea, and he decided to cook a meal for Lin Suiyan.

In Su Yuli's heart, starvation and injury are very serious things. Moreover, he thinks that he grew up in a honey pot since he was a child, never entered the kitchen, and even his family has never eaten the food he cooked. He is willing to cook for Lin Suiyan, which was cultivated by Lin Suiyan in his previous life. good luck.

If it weren't for this accident, Lin Suiyan would never be able to eat the food he cooked in his life.

Su Yuli was very happy and decided that his first cooking was very meaningful and valuable, which could completely offset Lin Suiyan's kindness for protecting him.

As long as he pays back this love, he should continue to scold and continue to use it, and there is no need to feel guilty at all.

Su Yuli was elated and his eyes were shining, but the housekeeper was very worried.

The housekeeper knows Wen Jin's family background, how could such a young master who is cared for by his family be able to cook, and it would be a good idea not to blow up the kitchen.

He tried to dissuade him: "Master Wen, if you don't like the hotel's dishes, I'll ask them to make some home-cooked dishes and bring them here."

Su Yuli shook his head: "No, I want to cook a meal for Suiyan myself."

Seeing Su Yuli's look of anticipation and happiness, the housekeeper knew that he couldn't persuade him, so he could only smile: "Okay, then I will trouble Young Master Wen."

Su Yuli didn't see the housekeeper's worry, he patted his chest and said to himself, "No trouble, just go and rest, just leave the rest to me."

The housekeeper responded with a smile, turned his head and went to complain to Lin Suiyan. Lin Suiyan was having a video conference with the company's executives in the study, and when the housekeeper came in, he closed the computer.

After listening to the housekeeper's words, Lin Suiyan was a little surprised: "Xiaojin wants to cook by herself?" He smiled, "Okay, why do you think of doing this."

The housekeeper said: "Master Wen said that he wanted to cook a meal for you personally. But I think Master Wen should be the master of keeping his fingers clean. What if there are knives and fires in this kitchen? ."

His original intention was to let Lin Suiyan talk about Su Yuli and let him get rid of the idea of ​​cooking, but after hearing what Lin Suiyan said, he said, "Since he wants to do it, let him do it. Please watch more. Just don't let him hurt yourself."


Originally, he thought that Lin Suiyan would persuade him, but he didn't expect him to be so spoiled. What else did he want to say, Lin Suiyan had already picked up the documents on the table and looked at it.

When the housekeeper went downstairs, Su Yuli had already quickly decided what to do. He checked the Internet and found that shredded potatoes and tomato scrambled eggs are the best cooking methods for beginners.

Considering that Lin Suiyan was injured and needed to supplement nutrition, Su Yuli decided to make another crucian carp soup, and finally steamed rice.

The ingredients that the Lin family uses every day are delivered in the morning, and they are very fresh. Several ingredients that Su Yuli needs to use happen to be available at home. Potatoes and tomatoes are brightly colored, and the crucian carp is kept in the kitchen tank, fresh and plump.

Su Yuli rolled up his sleeves, rinsed the potatoes, and said in his mouth, "Shred the potatoes." However, it was easy for others to cut them after watching the tutorial, but it was not so easy when it came to his hands.

Su Yuli frowned slightly as he looked at the results he had finished on the cutting board, "I obviously cut the same way as him, why..."

The housekeeper made a round of the game: "It doesn't have to be shredded, stewed potatoes... cubes are also good."

Su Yuli: "..."

It doesn't matter, this is the first time he does it, Su Yuli comforts himself, he will be able to cut the tomatoes beautifully next time.

After preparing the ingredients properly, Su Yuli opened the fire. He soon discovered that chopping vegetables was already very simple, but cooking them was really difficult.

He followed the online tutorial step by step, but the potatoes he made were burnt, and when he scrambled the eggs, the pot caught fire and the bottom of the pot was red.

Su Yuli hurriedly took a bowl of water and poured it into it, the housekeeper sighed, it was too late to stop thinking about it.

The cold water rolled into the pot, and the fire burned even more vigorously. Su Yuli was startled by the sudden high flames. The housekeeper quickly stepped forward and pulled Su Yuli open, covered the pot and turned off the fire.

Although the range hood was turned on, the kitchen was still full of the smell of oil smoke, which was bitter and choking. Su Yuli couldn't help but sneezed several times.

The housekeeper pushed Su Yuli: "Master Wen, go out first, and come in after the smell dissipates."

Su Yuli nodded, and when he left the kitchen, he saw Lin Suiyan approaching.

Su Yuli's first reaction was to prevent Lin Suiyan from seeing the mess in the kitchen, so he quickly closed the kitchen door.

The housekeeper who is preparing to come out: "..."

Su Yuli wiped his face and said to Lin Sui with a relaxed look: "Hungry? Just wait a while, it will be fine soon."

Lin Suiyan looked at Su Yuli, just upstairs, he clearly heard the screams of Su Yuli and the housekeeper, so he came down to check the situation.

Seeing that Su Yuli was fine, Lin Suiyan didn't hurt him, so he didn't pierce him, and said in a low voice, "I'll come down and pour a glass of water."

The housekeeper's uncontrollable cough came from the kitchen, Su Yuli turned his head, then pulled Lin Suiyan to sit down on the sofa, "I'll pour it for you, wait here, don't walk around."

After setting up Lin Suiyan, Su Yuli fought again and again, and the cooking failed, he could still cook fish soup, this is simple. The housekeeper had lingering fears, but looking at Su Yuli's bright eyes, he could only swallow the unspoken words silently.

Seeing that Su Yuli was clumsily holding the knife, he would have hurt himself, so the housekeeper killed the fish himself, and handed it over to Su Yuli after cleaning it up.

Su Yuli heated up the oil, and when he picked up the fish's tail, the fish that had already opened its stomach and belly throbbed violently. Su Yuli let go of his hands in surprise, and the plump crucian carp just slipped into the pot, jumping even more joyfully.

The housekeeper groaned and shouted, "Dodge and dodge, be careful of getting burned."

The kitchen was a mess. When Lin Suiyan pushed open the kitchen door, the fish was still churning in the pot. He put his suit jacket over Su Yuli to prevent him from being scalded by the boiling oil.

Lin Suiyan pulled Su Yuli out, checked his condition again, and was relieved to see that he was not burned.

Lin Suiyan said: "That's it for today, try again next time."

The housekeeper replied in the kitchen, "Yes, Master Wen, there will be more opportunities in the future. This meal will be the same whenever you cook it. Wait for the next time. Try it again next time."

He said in his heart that if he persuaded him to stop this time, the next time Su Yuli entered the kitchen, he would not know it was the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.

Su Yuli didn't want to be very insistent, he didn't want to wait for the "Monkey Year and Horse Month" to try again, he vowed to make a meal today.

Su Yuli insisted that not only to wash away the guilt he felt towards Lin Suiyan, but also to his dignity as a man.

Su Yuli hates people who don't talk much. He said that if he wants to cook for Lin Suiyan today, he must do it.

Su Yuli rushed Lin Suiyan and the housekeeper to the living room with a sullen face, turned around, and entered the kitchen.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, the housekeeper widened his eyes in surprise. He said to Lin Suiyan, "Master Wen listened to you the most before, but today..." He rushed Lin Suiyan to Lin Suiyan with a stinky face. The sofa is up. This has never happened before.

Lin Suiyan smiled and shook his head: "Yeah, spoiled."

The housekeeper looked at Lin Suiyan's smiling handsome eyebrows, and his heart moved. He felt that after getting married, Lin Suiyan's temperament was much gentler, and the young master of the Wen family also changed slightly. The biggest change is the relationship between the two.

When they were in love before, Wen Jin often came to Lin's house.

At that time, Lin Suiyan treated Wen Jin well, but every time Wen Jin left, Lin Suiyan would have a very cold and tired look on his face, as if he brought Wen Jin here, but it was just a passing scene to complete the task. generally.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lin Suiyan is undoubtedly very fond of Wen Jin, but the housekeeper thinks otherwise.

The love in Lin Suiyan's eyes is real, but the love is in the deepest part. When he looks at Wen Jin, he seems to be looking at someone else through him.

Compared with Lin Suiyan, Wen Jin is completely in love. He will act coquettishly, be angry, be petulant, and expect his lover to coax him.

Lin Suiyan can indeed coax, but his patience is limited, as if Wen Jin would abandon him if he keeps going like this.

After a few times, when Wen Jin faced Lin Suiyan, he restrained a lot, and stopped being petty for no reason.

Aware of Wen Jin's sullenness, Lin Suiyan explained that he was very busy and tired with his work every day, and he hoped to have a sensible and intimate lover.

Wen Jin loves Lin Suiyan too much, but after hearing this, he feels guilty instead.

At that time, the housekeeper thought that Lin Suiyan didn't love Wen Jin so much, and maybe he was only with him for some reason, but later, they got engaged, and they got married like lightning.

Looking at it again today, Lin Suiyan is clearly very kind and tolerant to Wen Jin.

After getting married, Wen Jin became more casual when he got along with Lin Suiyan, and was not as sensible as before—yes, sensible.

Although the housekeeper is middle-aged, he has a girlish heart. He thinks that it is normal for lovers to be petty and capricious.

During the period of Lin Suiyan's injury, the relationship between Wen Jin and Lin Suiyan became more and more natural.

The housekeeper wondered, is all this change due to marriage? Or is it that I was not good-looking in the past?

But no matter what, the master's family is harmonious and happy, which he is happy to see.

After an unknown amount of time, the kitchen door opened. The housekeeper thought that Su Yuli had finally given up. He stood up, but saw Su Yuli put two plates of fruit on the coffee table, "Eat some fruit to cushion your stomach first."

Abandoning these words, Su Yuli went back to the kitchen again.

The housekeeper had to sit down again, listening to the ping-pong-pong in the kitchen. The housekeeper was frightened, but Lin Suiyan was drinking tea with a leisurely expression.

The housekeeper endured it, but still asked, "Sir, are you really not going to take a look?"

Lin Suiyan pushed the fruit plate in front of the housekeeper and said, "Eat some fruit to pad your stomach first."

In the kitchen, Su Yuli looked at the full trash can and fell into deep thought. For a long time, he had to admit that he really had no talent for cooking.

Su Yuli is not someone who doesn't understand workarounds. He decisively gave up cooking and cooking, and asked for help outside the venue.

Su Yuli quickly went through the people he knew in this world in his heart, his mother Yao Yuxiu must not be able to help, Mother Wen has been a daughter of daughters since she was a child. clear.

My sister-in-law is a workaholic like his brother, and she doesn't know how to cook. Yang Shuo? Even more impossible.

Finally, Su Yuli asked a girl in the class. The girl is a gourmet expert and has a lot of experience in cooking. After some inquiries, Su Yuli finally decided what to do - hot pot.

Su Yuli sighed with emotion, why didn't he think that he is best at hot pot, safe and convenient, and can't go wrong. It's just that Lin Suiyan lives alone, so it's impossible to eat hot pot.

Su Yuli called someone to bring the ingredients and pots over. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when he cleaned the ingredients and put them on the table.

Su Yuli sat down opposite Lin Suiyan and said, "You have an injury, so you can't eat spicy food. I made a mandarin duck pot, and you can eat it that's not spicy."

Lin Suiyan looked at him busy, and said casually, "Why do you suddenly remember to cook?"

Su Yuli was immersed in the joy of finally being able to repay the scumbag's kindness, and said without thinking, "In order to protect me from injury, what should I do for you."

Lin Suiyan smiled, "It's hard work."

The hot pot boiled quickly, Su Yuli used chopsticks to rinse a piece of mutton into the bowl in front of Lin Suiyan, and Lin Suiyan picked it up and ate it.

Lin Suiyan injured his right arm. During this time, he used his left hand to eat, and he became more and more proficient.

Su Yuli watched Lin Suiyan's expression expectantly, and asked expectantly, "Is it delicious?"

Lin Suiyan nodded: "Yes."

Su Yuli's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and he was so happy that he gave Lin Suiyan another piece of meat and said, "If it's delicious, then eat more."

Lin Suiyan said: "You eat too, don't just focus on me."

Su Yuli said ok, and he took a duck intestine and washed it. He thought that Lin Suiyan ate the meal he made, and he and Lin Suiyan had a clear relationship, and he no longer had to feel guilty.

Su Yuli was very happy to eat this meal.

The housekeeper who was invited to dine with them smiled and watched their interaction, thinking that his eyes were really not very good before. At the same time, I sighed with emotion that young people today are really tired of falling in love.

After eating a meal for about two hours, the table was full of messes. Lin Suiyan said, "Wait until Auntie comes back tomorrow to clean up."

Su Yuli was too lazy to clean up, nodded, and took the washed fruit and went to the sofa.

Su Yuli has been busy since the morning, and when he was full, he fell asleep before the fruit in the fruit bowl was finished.

Lin Suiyan went back to the room and took a blanket over Su Yuli.

Su Yuli turned over and muttered something. Lin Suiyan smiled and sat back to his original position.

He didn't go back to the study to do business, nor went back to the room to rest, but just sat quietly, his limbs stretched and relaxed in a rare way.

After entering this world, men have not been as relaxed as they are now for a long time.

Yes, he is not from this world.

For some reason, he had read the book "Stupid". After reading it, he didn't say anything, just closed the page with a light expression.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would "become" Lin Suiyan. The scumbag who was scolded by others in the book and even despised himself.

The man's eyes fell on Su Yuli, who was asleep. In his opinion, Wen Jin, one of the protagonists, was very good. He was gentle, kind, and dedicated.

Such a kind and gentle person should not be trampled on like in the book, he deserves better.

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