Angel Eyes

By Alchemygirl8

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Keith and Lance were soulmates. They could tell. But one day, Lance up and breaks up with Keith to take over... More

Breaking Up Is Never Easy
Mystery Solved
I'm Keeping It
New Job and A Friend?
Can You Keep A Promise?
Another One Gone
Our Last Summer
The Twins
The Concert
Blast From The Past
The Twins Choice
A Dilemma
It's You
A Date
Too Good To Be True
A Promsie
The Planning Begins
The Bachelor Party
With This Ring

When All Is Said And Done

144 6 0
By Alchemygirl8

"And now, please join me in welcoming our newlyweds!" The DJ announced with a smile, the crowd cheering as Keith and Lance walked in, smiles on their faces and their hands clasped with one another. "And now, our newlyweds will set the night off with their first dance."

"May I have his dance?" Lance asked with a smile, bowing in front of Keith.

"You're so sappy," Keith said with a roll of his eyes.

"Humour me," Lance protested with a smile. The music began and Keith let out a soft chuckle.


"I was a quick wet boy

Diving too deep for coins

All of your street light eyes

Wide on my plastic toys"

"So, how does it feel? Now that we're married," Lance asked as they danced.

"Funny enough, it feels...." Keith trailed off trying to find the right words.

"Complete?" Lance finished.

"Yeah," Keith said softly.

"Then when the cops closed the fair

I cut my long baby hair

Stole me a dog-eared map

And called for you everywhere"

"So, whose last name are we giving the girls now that we're married?" Lance asked. "I mean, they've had your last name for the longest time and you've taken my last name now."

"Who says we have to choose one?" Keith asked. "Why not give them both? They can be Camilla and Marina McClain-Kogane."

"I like that idea," Lance replied with a chuckle, sparing a glance to their girls who were watching them dance with huge smiles on their faces.

"Have I found you? Flightless bird

Jealous, weeping

Or lost you? American mouth

Big pill looming"

"I've forgiven myself," Lance said.

"What?" Keith asked.

"I've forgiven myself," Lance repeated. "For all that happened, me breaking it off, leaving you to be a single parent. It took me a while, but I think I finally forgave myself for everything."

"I'm glad," Keith said with a smile. "You were just doing what you thought was right at that moment. But we're here now and you need to move past it."

"I have," Lance replied with a nod. "Thanks to you."

"Now I'm a fat house cat

Nursing my sore blunt tongue

Watching the warm poison rats

Curl through the wide fence cracks"

"So, who do you think is the next to get married?" Keith asked.

"Oh, definitely Veronica and Acxa," Lance said with a smile.

"What makes you say that?" Keith asked.

"I helped Acxa pick out a ring last weekend," Lance said with a smirk, glancing at Veronica and Acxa who were sitting close together, Acxa's arm wrapped around Veronica's waist with a soft smile.

"Pissing on magazine photos

Those fishing lures

Thrown in the cold and clean

Blood of Christ mountain stream"

"So, ever think about having another kid?" Lance asked with a smirk, causing Keith's cheeks to flare up.

"Never thought about it," Keith mumbled. "Didn't even think I'd have this chance to get married to someone. But we have these two wonderful girls, so, anything is possible."

"Would you like to?" Lance asked with a chuckle as he dipped Keith gently.

"Slow down there," Keith said with a roll of his eyes. "We just started the night."

"Have I found you? Flightless bird

Grounded, bleeding

Or lost you? American mouth

Big pill, stuck going down"

"I love you," Lance said with a smile.

"I know, I love you too," Keith said as the song came to a close, ending the dance with a kiss.


After their dance, Keith and Lance sat down so they could eat. Keith didn't realize how starving he was until now.

Halfway through the meal, speeches began. Rosa was the first one to give a speech.

"Ever since Lance was a baby, I promised myself I would do the best I could to raise him and help him with whatever he faced. However, the choices I made ended up hurting the very baby I promised to protect with my heart. Now, here he is, making his own path. And I could not imagine anyone beside Keith by his side, you see it whenever they look at each other. Son almas gemelas. Congratulations to the both of you."

Following Rosa was Krolia.

"I've watched Keith grow up before my very own eyes and it still seems surreal that he's finally found the one who holds his heart and is now his forever person. We lost his father when Keith was very young but I know if he were here today, he would be very proud of his son and all that he has become. I wish the both of you a long and prosperous marriage and a life full of happiness together."

The next to give a speech was Allura.

"I've looked at Keith as my own little brother I never had since we first became friends. We've been through so much together and helped each other through so much. I watched him go through heartbreak, time and time again. I've watch him raise two beautiful little girls who I look to as my own nieces. I know he's made the right choice to marry Lance, I see the way his eyes light up when he looks at him. I wish you both the best in the world and wish you every joy possible. And Lance, just know that if you break his heart again me and Shay will personally hunt you down."

Following Allura was Hunk, the last speech of the night.

"Lance and I grew up together since we were practically in diapers. I've known this man a long time and I can tell you that you will not find any other man like him. I mean, I would trust this man with my very life. That is, if it were to ever be threatened in any way. But, I've also come to know Keith as a friend and I knew ever since they first began dating after my own wedding, that they would end up getting married. You both deserve the world and now you have each other to spend the rest of your days on Earth here together, with your amazingly beautiful daughters. Best of wishes to you both."


As the night came to a close, Lance stood up from the couple's table to give a speech of his own.

"We want to thank you all for attending tonight," Lance said as he turned to Keith a smile. "We've gone through our ups and downs before we were even married. But now we get to move past our past and look forward to the future. I for one, cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with Keith and our amazing daughters. We wouldn't be together today if it weren't for them."

"Cheers!" the crowd cheered with smiles on their faces, everyone lifting a glass to toast.

"So, to close the night one, we have one more toast to give," Lance said with a smile.

(Note: Word = Lance, Word = Keith)

"Here's to us

One more toast

And then we'll pay the bill," Lance sang earning a laugh from the crowd.

"Deep inside

Both of us

Can feel the autumn chill

Birds of passage

You and me

We fly instinctively

When the summer's over

And the dark clouds hide the sun

Neither you nor I'm to blame

When all is said and done"

Lance turned to his husband and held out his hand, Keith rolled his eyes, Lance was so cheesy. However, Keith could never say no to Lance. He to stood up and started singing.

"It's been there in my dreams the scene I see unfold

Who at last flesh and blood to cherish and hold

Jealous fools will suffer

Yes I know and I confess

Once I lost my way when something good had just began

Lesson learned its history when all is said and done"

Camilla and Marina ran up to their parents. Keith and Lance smiling as the girls stood on their chairs to hug them. The crowd awing at the display of the happy family.

"In our lives

We have walked

Some strange and lonely treks

Slightly worn

But dignified

And not too old for sex," Lance sang with a wink to Keith. The crowd cheered but Keith's cheeks flushed.

"Clear-headed and open-eyed

With nothing left to try

Standing calmly at the crossroads, no desire to run

There's no hurry any more when all is said and done"

At the last chorus, the crowd began to sing along.

Some drunk.

Some sober.

Some exhausted.

Others fully energized.

Keith and Lance could care less, their focus was on each other and their beautiful girls.

"Standing calmly at the crossroads, no desire to run

There's no hurry any more when all is said and done"


"How do you think the girls are doing?" Keith asked as he lay on the bed in their hotel room. They had left the twins with Krolia and Kolivan for two weeks while they went on their honeymoon. Lance had wanted to go back to Paris and they decided to take their honeymoon to Paris.

"I'm sure they're fine," Lance said as he walked out of the bathroom, a pair of blue shorts on, and a towel around his neck. "We still have some time before they're supposed to call when they wake up. So, let's kill time."

"What are you suggesting?" Keith asked as Lance climbed onto the bed, crawling towards him before he ended up over top of Keith.

"Easy, let's recreate our wedding night," Lance said with a smirk.


It had been a few weeks since their honeymoon and Keith and Lance had settled into their married life fairly well. Not much had changed around the house really, they had already settled into a routine prior to their wedding.

On this morning, the twins were surprisingly sleeping in. Lance had woken up early, fully expecting the twins to already be awake and causing mischief. However, the house was silent and Lance had instead chosen to watch his husband as he slept, curled into his chest.

He spent an hour doing this, occasionally running his fingers through Keith's raven hair. Even when Keith roused, Lance didn't stop brushing his fingers through his hair.

"Morning amor," Lance said with a smile.

"Morning," Keith said with a yawn. "Where are the twins?"

"Still sleeping, can you believe it?" Lance asked with a chuckle.

"That's a first, they're always up early."

"More time for us to-"

"Move," Keith said suddenly, interrupting Lance.

"Huh?" Lance asked.

"Let go," Keith said squirming out of Lance's arms, out of the bed, and running to the bathroom. A moment later, Lance heard Keith retching.

Lance climbed out of the bed and headed into the bathroom to find Keith emptying his stomach into the toilet. Lance walked over and held Keith's hair back, his hair had grown longer and Keith had debated cutting it shorter again but Lance disagreed against it, he liked Keith's long hair.

Once Keith finished emptying his stomach, he leaned back against the bathtub and let out a groan. Lance flushed the toilet before grabbing one of their mouthwash cups and filled it with water so Keith could rinse his mouth.

"You okay?" Lance asked.

"For now," Keith said with a sigh before he took the cup from Lance and drank the water with a sigh. "Funny, last time I threw up like that in the morning, I was pregnant."

At his words, the couple froze and stared at each other.

"You don't think-?"

"I-maybe," Keith said with a nervous chuckle. "Might have to buy a pregnancy test."


"Are you sure it said five minutes?" Lance asked as they stared at the test which was face down in front of them as they sat on the bathroom floor.

"Lance, I've taken one before," Keith said with a sigh. "Yes, it is five minutes."

"Alright, alright," Lance said with a scoff. "Sorry, I've never had to do this before."

"Try doing this not knowing you could ever get pregnant," Keith said with a roll of his eyes. Lance went to retort but the timer on his phone went off. "Alright, here we go."

Keith picked up the test and turned it around, Lance leaning in to get a view. Both of their eyes widened.

"Holy shit."


Song(s) Used:

Flightless Bird, American Mouth

Sung by Iron & Wine, 2007

When All Is Said and Done

Sung originally by ABBA, 1981

Covered by Pierce Brosan and Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia! 2008


Author's Note:

And we have finally finished off the wedding!

I'm so happy with how it turned out. Writing the speeches made me very emotional, choosing who was going to give speeches was very hard though. I tried to pick people who were significant for both Keith and Lance.

But I'm happy with how it turned out and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Until the next (and final) chapter!



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