Dangerous Skyla

By Edan_Ray

532 24 2

Be warned. This is very bad. Book one in the Next Generation series Skyla and her friends are the next genera... More

The story
A little woozy
Camp fire party crasher
The chosen ones
Not such a good day
The White House
Enough with the serious
Bad timing
A big surprise
The talk
The party
Not letting go
Powers away and the date
Evan (Short story)
The surprise talk
Evil to the core
The talk and training
Off we go

Long Time No See

40 1 0
By Edan_Ray

When we arrived, I glanced at the sign to determine where we are.

I wasn't ready for the memories that it would give me. All I remember is how much pain my brain went into, and then collapsed. I was getting kind of worried about how many times that was happening.

When my vision cleared, I found found my myself in a semi-comfortable coma.

I had new and fresh clothes on. Jeans and a t-shirt, with plain tennis shoes.

A nurse was feeding me something that looked like honey but tasted like chocolate. It reminded me of home, and my mother, who I strangely remember.

I coughed once the chocolate tasting honey, went down the wrong pipe. Air suddenly whips the nurse off her feet, and all the way at the other end of the room. My eyes widened, as I got the chance to look around.

I managed to see myself in a mirror, and found out that my red eyes had turned gray. Once they turned back, I remembered the nurse.

"I'm so sorry!"
I yelled.
"That's... Quite alright. That's what I suspect from a child of the king. I'm Anna, the camps health nurse. They didn't tell me your name? You look familiar."

Anna had copper colored hair, that was in a bun, with a hat that had a plus sign on it. With bright green eyes. In the top of my mind I remembered her from somewhere.

"How did you know I was daughter of Ouranos?"
"Why, your friends told me!"
"You mean Jake, Daisha, and Victoria?"
"Why yes dear. Now your name."
"I'm Skyla. Though I don't-"

I wasn't able to finish my sentence, before Anna basically blew up,
"You're the missing demigod! Oh! We need to get you out of here! Your friends will be looking for you! The council and your friends will be so happy to see you again!"

I stared at her, shocked at her sudden change in personality.
"Lady-Nurse-Anna... I don't have a memory about some things but I do, luckily, have memories of my friends... If the certain friends your talking about are who I'm thinking of."
I said, looking at my hands. I remembered them so clearly, it pained me.

"That's good to hear. We'll put you in a wheelchair until you have the strength to walk again."
Anna says proudly, even though there's nothing to be proud of.

I suddenly felt sleepier, as she helped me into the wheelchair.

She showed me were I would be sleeping for almost the rest of my life. It was a cabin all sorts of symbols on it. I guess sense Ouranos has all the powers, that's were all the symbol go.

The trees were a green, and campers practically littered the floor. Some gave me hopeful looks, but others isn't seem very fond of me.

She helped with the wheelchair, as we bounded up the steps to my cabin. She opens the door, and wheels me in. We both flinch at the whip of air that blasts through my hair.

There were 12 bunks, all aligned and straight. I looked up on one of the top ones and found a fish tank. I suddenly knew exactly who was inside it. My clownfish Ray, that I got as a present from someone that I don't exactly remember.

There was a girl on one of the top bunks, reading a book. She had light red hair, and from the looks of it, green eyes and pale skin.

She hears the door open, and looks up. Her bright eyes light up as she looks down at me.
"Skyla! Oh my gods it seems like I haven't seen you in forever!"
She yelled, setting the book down, and excitedly jumping off the ladder. She runs over to me, giving me a hug that surprises me.

"I'm sorry but... Who are you?"
I asked, once we separated. She gives me a pained look, and I realized that might have not been the best move.
"Oh! Sorry, I have lost my memory, I don't remember who you are."
I quickly explain, earning a light sigh from the girl.

"Well that explains a lot! I was wondering why you didn't scream of happiness when you saw me. Well, I'm your 14 year old sister, Catherine."

Ok Now I'm starting to remember her.

I said, smiling. Catherine sat on the bed, and started telling me how the rules work and were I'm supposed to go each day, and more memories popped into my head.

As she went on, I got woozier and woozier, forcing myself not to go to sleep.

After a few minutes, Anna said we had to get a move on, and Catherine and I say our goodbyes.

Anna takes me over to a practice arena, and I smile at the sight of Mary. She was doing sword practice with our teacher Troy. Who I actually remember.
I yelled happily. She pauses what she was doing, signaling Troy to stop. She looks around the arena, and my smile only brightens.

"Mary! Over here!"
I waved my hands and she looked in our direction. She immediately dropped her sword and sprinted over here. She definitely looked taller. More slim and curved then I remembered her.
"Skyla? What in Hades are you doing here?! I thought you were dead!"
She yelled angrily at me. She hugged me tightly, making me wheeze.
"Can't... Breathe..."
"Sorry Sky."
That's a nickname she would call me when she's super happy. So I had to smile.

"Alright Anna. I got it from here."
Mary says, before Anna pouts, turning on her heel and walking back to the infirmary. Mary rolls her eyes, and kneeled down.

"Oh my gods look at you! You've changed so much!"
She says, as I smile again.
"So have you."
I reply.
"Your taller than I remember you. More stealth like."
I continued.
"I have been doing more healthier things ever sense you were gone."
"Have I really been unconscious for 4 years?"
I asked.
"Seems like it. How's your noggin?"
She asked, ruffling my hair. I laughed, which I haven't done in a while... A long while. Mary's smile only gets bigger at my laugh.
"You sound more different, but your laugh just keeps getting more beautiful."
Mary says.
"So do you. Your voice is a little deeper."
I say, making her frown.
"I'm growing up to quickly."
She says standing.
"My 'noggin' is a little rusty. I can only remember a few things."
I say, making her frown again.
"That seems about right. It's good that your back because when I'm over here getting more and more fit, Dion has been less fit. He's been worried sick. Come on let's go see him."
Mary says, turning to Troy who was still waiting patiently at the stage. She makes a hand motion and he nods. She smiles again and pushes me toward Dion's cabin.

On the way there she would show me things that I have forgotten like a tour. Until we finally make it to Dion's cabin.
"Dion hasn't been out of his cabin ever sense the giant threw you like a home-run in a baseball game."
Mary whispered.
"I heard you guys were really good friends."
She continues.
"Yeah... We were. Though I hated his little camera..."

We knocked on the door and we heard a tiny,
"Come in."
We came in silently, and when I saw him in his bed looking out the window I yelled,
"Hey Dion! Long time on see!"
Dion flinches so hard, he falls onto the floor. He looked so much older. So different. Everybody's life was flashing before me eyes. What about Caleb?
Dion curses in Ancient Greek.
He quickly gets up from his fumble, and trots happily towards me. He gave me an even stronger hug, and I squeak,
"Oh sorry. How did you come back? We all thought you were dead for 4 years."
He asked, his eyes looking all around my face, as he frowns.
"Gods you've grown! How could you do that on me!"
He questions, making me smile. I ruffled his hair.
"You look different too. Much more taller."
I say, not wanting to answer the other question. So I was pretty glad he changed the subject. I sighed.

"First, I lost my memory... Only some of it. Then, Jake, Daisha, and Victoria found me by the park."
I said.
"Wow... We should really thank them."
Dion said.
"Yeah we should."
Mary agreed. They suddenly grew silent. I hated silence. But I knew them... They were trying to make me ask something, and I knew what they wanted me to ask. I sighed, rolling my eyes.
"Can... We go see Caleb now?"
I asked awkwardly. They both laughed.
"Sure, let's go see your crush!"
Mary answered, smiling.
"He's not my crush!"
I didn't know if I was blushing or not. Sure he was cute, and everytime I'm around him I start to freak, but it's not like he likes me back.

He was at Archery class, and I noticed how much better he's gotten at it. He shoots more bull-eyes then he used too. He was much taller, and a little muscular. Gods how will I live?

"Hey Caleb! Guess who's here!"
Mary yelled. He turned and my stomach did 20 summer salts, which lead my heart to beat rapidly. He puts on the biggest smile I've ever seen, and I see him let out a sigh. He jogs over to me, dropping his bow and lightly hugging me.

I was at a loss for words. He's changed a whole bunch. I wish I could've been here to see them grow.

We separated and all he did was stare at me in disbelief.
"No way. This can't be you."
He says. His voice lower but still nice. I nod smiling. I hoped he didn't have a girlfriend yet. What's wrong with me?! I should be celebrating, not asking about a girlfriend!

"Holy crap you've changed! And your still beautiful!"
He says, making me freeze. Anything else he said got blocked out. He said I was beautiful! I smiled again into my hand.

"You've changed a whole bunch too."
I said. He grabbed a part of my hair.
"Wow. Do you guys see how long her hair is!"
Caleb asks, running a hand easily through it.
"Yeah. I've noticed that! Dang Skyla."
Dion says, as I chuckled. 4 years ago it was down to my elbow, now it's all the way to my butt.

He continued to stare at me, and I couldn't believe I had e courage to stare back. I felt myself getting hotter, and my fingers burst into flames. They all gasp.
"Sorry!... That happens!"
I said quickly, embarrassingly trying to put the fire out. Caleb laughs, and my cheeks burn.
"Your so unstable! We need to fix that."
He said, as Mary and Dion chuckle.
"No way! I'm as stable as a 100 year old abandoned house."
I protest, making Caleb smile again.
"Still got your sarcasm, and your humor. I never thought I would see that again."
He said.
"Me either."
I replied. They all gave me confused looks.

I told them about my dream that lasted for 4 years, as they exchange worried looks.
"Don't listen to him. He has nothing to do with you... Rather than wanting to kill you... And we will definitely get the president back."
Dion said proudly. Mary rolls her eyes, as I try not to laugh. Looks like Caleb is trying to do the same thing. I quickly changed the subject.

"So, everyone tell me one thing they missed about me while I was gone. Mary your first!"
Come on, everybody is a little selfish right?

"I missed your curiosity."
"Ok, Dion your next."
"I missed your dangerous side!"
That made me smile.
"Ok um..."
He whispers,
"Your face."
"Your voice! Your voice! I missed when we would all go camping, and when we were all hyper you would sing us a lullaby..."
They all agreed and when Mary and Dion weren't looking, I smiled at Caleb. I was surprised when he did it back.

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