Distant Euphoria

By youdontexist2

2.9K 211 41

It's a fanfic about Kier and Dev annnd idfk <3 -- #1 on colorcrew tag :) #1 on yellowool #1 on bubbo -9/3/22 ... More



214 20 8
By youdontexist2

"Dev hurry up or we're gonna be late." Kier yelled out. Dev rushed putting on his jacket.

"It is 79 degrees outside, why do you have a jacket on." Kier exclaimed, spinning his keychain around his finger.
Dev groaned, taking it off and grabbing his keys.

The walked out, Kier locking the door and they walked together to the store, talking and laughing. They clocked in and kept talking as the day started.

As a couple walked into the store Dev walked over to Kier and pointed at them.

They had a little game they played, guessing the lives of people that walk in.

"So her," Dev asked. "Definitely a Madeline, she doesn't like her name and goes by Maddie." Kier answered.

"What about him," Kier asked turning towards him. "That is definitely a Nicholas," he said.

Something about that answer, Kier didn't know what happened. The world genuinely seemed to slow as he zoned out in Dev's eyes.

He could feel his heart speed up, He could feel his cheeks heat up.

He almost fell but didn't even notice, "Woah are you okay." Dev asked catching him. He put his hand on Kier's head. "You're burning up," He said.

Kier pushed his hand away, "I'm fine, It's probably just the heat." He said, "Let me go get some water." He quickly got out of there.

Grabbing a water from the fridge he sighed, taking a sip of the cold liquid he seemed to relax. "It really was the heat," he thought.

Why did he doubt that?

He splashed some of the water on his face, shaking his head and wiping it, he sighed, content and feeling better.

He didn't feel the same after that.

Getting home was weird, they had walked in silence, their old friend awkward tension talking over them.

Neither had ever experienced something like that. So neither knew what to do about it.

Dev figured he was gonna forget about it, as they locked the door, he hugged Kier tightly. Forcing Kier's face into his chest.

He pulled away, seeing that red face again, "Are you sure you're okay?" Dev asked. "I'm fine," Kier answered.

He wanted to sleep it off.


He needed to sleep this off.

That morning they both woke up, Kier the earliest, Dev had to work today and he didn't so he took it upon himself to make breakfast.

He made french toast with bacon, Kier had been wanting to practice cooking, he decided after a minute or two he would put some music on.

He sung along to the song, hopping on the counter waiting to flip the food. He had popped the bacon in the oven when Dev woke up.

He finished the french toast, putting some blueberries and strawberries on Dev's plate. He added a little powder sugar and syrup.

He sat back on the counter waiting for the bacon to finish.

Dev walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen fixing his shirt, Kier didn't hear any noise.

So when hands rubbed his shoulder he couldn't help but jump off the counter.

The touch felt nice, he couldn't deny it.

"God Dev you scared me," Kier told him. Dev laughed, "Sorry, what are you making?" He sat down on one of the high chairs.

The oven beeped at that moment and Kier grabbed the oven mitts opening it and pulling the bacon out. "French toast and bacon." He replied.

He placed half of the bacon on Dev's plate, "Make sure to eat it all." He said. "It's going to be packed today," He finished, placing some bacon on his plate.

"Anything to drink?" He asked. "I'll just get coffee on the way," Dev said.

Kier nodded blankly, sipping his drink and eating a piece of bacon. "Are you okay?" Dev asked.

Kier didn't like that question.

"I'm fine, I think I just needed a day off," he said smiling half heartedly. "Want a hug?" Dev asked.

Kier stiffened a little, "Sure Dev." He said forcing a small smile, holding his arms out and wrapping them under Dev's and Dev's on his shoulders.

"God why do you have to be so tall," Kier commented, giving Dev a small squeeze.

They chuckled.

"God why were we so oblivious"

It wasn't a long hug but, it was a nice one. They parted from the hug and then Dev wrapped his food up, deciding to eat it while at the coffee shop. "Stay safe, love you." Kier said.

Dev stopped mid way.

He tried to play it off.

"Love you too, don't break anything." He said, closing the door and locking it.

"Fuck" they both thought.

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