Good Bye Is Not An Option: Pa...

By selestina

308 4 1

Marlena brooks, just made the biggest mistake of her life. killing herself. but after finding out last minute... More

good bye is not an option so dont say a thing
Good Bye Is Not An Option:part one: meet the family- part one
good bye is not an option: part one - meet the faimly part 2

good bye is not an option so dont say a word: chapter 2- anorbor

51 1 0
By selestina

sorry i changed the title on you guys, i like this one. its a bit too wordy formy taste, but none the less, i like it. feel free to leave a comment on a good name, i'm way open to sugestions 

recap: the pounding she took from the bottom of the pool would have killed a normal person, it knocked her into a coma, soul #1 drifted into the sky, leaving soul #666 to take her place 

I looked out the window, the sky was dull and so was the surounding landscapes, it seemed ever thing I had seen was dull, and everthing I ever would be as well. There was no color, exept (dull) greens, greys and browns, the sky was a puffed up shade of grey, and the rain hammered down on the un suspecting car roof.  The colors where dull. But they where better than most colors.

I had been locked up, in a pale white room, for some time, after going throught many mnay tests both the sycological kind and the physical kind, they had to make shure of something. They didn’t want to tell me, but I’m pretty shure its because…well 6 months ago, I tried to escape from the mentel hospital, called 4 winds. when I tried to jump to

my death, I had hit my head, and gone into a coma for a 6 days, only to wake up beeing restrained my hand cuffs, I didn’t panic, and one of the guys said that had been my bigest defence case.

you see, according to the people I had over heard in the hallway, I had been a muderer, key emphisis on had. Crazy as in completely syco and off the walls crazy, until I had lost my memory. I became more docile, more…human like was what one of the doctors had said to the guy.

who I had learned was my cousin, Alfred, of alfey (pronounced al-fee) as I liked to call him.

Apparently, I had murdered my mom, and brother at a young age (I had no idea when) and had lived here ever since.

I had been a master of escape, witch is why me sturgeling against the hancuffs whould have been a key give away, (I had been known to crack my wrist in order to get out of them befor). I had been a verry two sided girl,

the only reason why they kept me here so long was because who I was now was so similar to who I was before, according to (again what I had heard) I had been a ruthless, un remorcefull, killer half of the time, and a gentel sweet little girl the other half.

They even put me throught a polygraph test (lie dectectar test for anyone who doesn’t know) to see if I was lieing when I said I had no memories of the past 15 1/5 years of my life. I had passed it flawlessly.

That I felt, was the only real reason why I was free, well not really free, because right now, I was going to anorbor’s academey for troubled teenes. I sighed and looked out the window wishing alfey was here, we had said good bye as I got on the plane, but only after he had promiced me that he would visit at thanks giving.

The world sped past me out side, and I was too tired from the plane flight to look out of it. soon I was being shock awake as my driver told me we where there.

I had missed the view coming in, but it was obvious that anorbor was fenced in by a semi hight rock wall, you could see it reining in the forest. The buildings where artfully sculpted, with lots of windows and dommed rooftops the driver un loaded my bags and left, with out so much as a good bye.

I slung my large green duffel bag over one shoulder, and held my back pack in my left arm, and my bag with all of my extra things, and my purse in the right hand. I made my way into the front entrence, and out of the rain.

the room was grand. with marbel floring, ribbed with golden and black streaks. I made my whay to the secretaries desk, droping my bags down,

I intrupted her saying quietly  “excuse me, I’m new here, and I’m not exactly shure where I’m supost to go” she looked up at me sighing, wealing her table away from her computer to a pile of waiting files.

“are you…mara fost?” when I replied with a yes she gave my the papers and whent back to her typing, I grabed by bags, before stopping, asking the secretaries

“um, sorry but where are the dorms?”

  “the big brick buildings in the back”

“thank you” I left the building, and braved the outside and the cold elements, I didn’t see anyone. Probly only a mad man whould come out in this weather.

I stoped in front of a tall red bricked building, scared to go in. allof my feares lunged at me, Who would my room mates be? Would they like me? Would I gain back my memory and go syco? Would I be locked up again? All of theses things gripped me in fear and I failed to here someone sneaking up on me until

“HI”I jumped back wards tripping, and dropping my things, I looked up to the raining sky “HI” the boy said again, he had swooped bangs to the side with light brown hair, wore wide rimed glasses, and a colorful plat shirt, with normal sneakers and jeans, he was soaking wet.

“h-hi” I said shyly, I was never great around people I did know, especially boys. He offered me a hand up, I declined it getting up my self

“hey are you the new roomee to room 367”

“I-I ’m not s-sure” I said handing my papers to him. He looked over them his face spreading into a wide grin (not that he hadn’t been grinning nearly the entire time) he hugged(more like tackled) me, and I staggered under his weight.

“hi I’m skylar, I’m in your space mate, as we call them here at the prestigious but shitty anorbor academy” he shock my had vigorously and started leading me away after grabbing my back pack and the duffel.

“your going to love…witch is to say hate it here at anorbor, the majority of the kids here are mean cold hearted basterds but there are some nice ones” he lead me to an elevator, he pressed level 3

“the space you share with your space mates there are 15 rooms to each space, a kitchen, a few couches and a few beanbag chairs, and if we keep the room cleanly we get a TV, but lately that hasn’t happened” I gave him a look, he laughed

“well sharing one space with 13 boys, cant be a pretty sight” … … … 13 BOYS, WHO THE HELL SIGNED ME UP FOR THIS, I gave him an alarmed look


“t-they never t-told m-me I would be rooming w-with b-boys!” “

not a slut are you because the majority of them, would like that” I face palmed, not only was I rooming with 13 slobs ,but the majority of them sounded over hormonal and mean. he laughed at my paled face

“don’t worry, as long as you don’t throw your self at them they probly wont have a problem with you” we where walking down a long hall, he pulled a key out of the stack of my papers he still held

“this is your key to the room, don’t lose it it’s a pain to get a new one” he was about to turn the door knob when he spun around, he looked un comftorble

“uhhh…what’s your name?” tock you long enough



"just Mara” he shrugged then had a thought full look on his face

“Mara…I like it” he opened up the door and entered. Just like that I fell over, the smell was…. repulsive to say the least, incapacitating me on the ground, I saw skylar’s head plop into my vision “it it that bad” I cofed

“yes, yes it is”

he pulled me up I looked around the room, it was quite large, circular, with 3 white couches and 5 colorful been bag chairs, the floors where a dark mahogany, there was a counter that swooped in a wide half circle to my left.

the floors where covered in everything from pizza boxes, chirp and there bags, massive amounts of candy and energy drink (and bear) bottles, and even….ewwwww, a lacy red thong, I stepped over the things to where skylar was leading me

“your glad the guys aren’t here, they never miss a game, if they had been, they would probly been annoying basterds like they always are, and neverlet you get some peace and quiet” door encircled all of this section of the large circular room, each had a name on it , I was too tired to read them,

he lead me to the last one witch had no name in the slot on the front, he opened it up to a room, the flooring was a warm pine it had on window, a desk , and a bed pushed up by the wall opposite the window  I plopped my stuff on the floor and collapsed on the bed, falling un willingly to sleep.

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