Hold Me

By DyellaHaim

21.7K 348 109

Danielle meets a model named Carter. Neither of the girls knew what it was like to fall in love, until they m... More



1.5K 17 5
By DyellaHaim

^Alana and Annie Clark (St. Vincent)^

*Danielle's POV*

"Why are you pouting?" I ask Carter. She is laying on my stomach looking at her phone. She came over about an hour ago.

"Because." She sighs.

"Why?" I ask again.

"Because Coachella starts tomorrow." She complains. "Look! All these cool people are talking about it and I don't get to go." She puts her phone in my face.

"I'm going." I say.

"See and you're going too!" She sits up. "Everyone is going but me." She pulls her knees to her chest and folds her arms.

"Stop being a baby." I pinch her cheek and laugh at her child likeness. She lays back down and takes my pillow from behind me. She lays down on it and pulls it up to cover her face. She inhales deeply.

"This is really therapeutic." She says through the pillow.

"Why?" I laugh.

"It smells like you!" She says and jumps on me. She buries her face in my hair and I can feel her breathing against my neck.

"I need to go get something, stay here I'll be right back." I go into the other room and grabs my Coachella wristbands off of my desk. "Hey." I say and sit back down next to her. She looks at me and raises one eyebrow.

"Where'd you go?"

"Just in the other room for a second." I smirk. I'm excited to see her reaction when I give her her wristband that she doesn't know about. I was going to give it to her tomorrow morning as a surprise, but since she mentioned it I might as well give it to her now.

"Ooo what did you have to get?"

"It's a secret."

"I don't like secrets." She wraps her arms around my waist and looks up at me with a pouty face hoping I will tell her. I kiss her. "Tell me! Or I won't let you kiss me," she pauses, "for the rest of the night. Plus I probably won't see you tomorrow cause you'll be at Coachella."

"I will see you tomorrow." I say.

"No you won't, I'll be home building more furniture while you are having fun listening to cool bands and partying with cool people."

"You're right, I will be partying with cool people. You're one of the coolest people I know." I basically tell her she is coming with me.

"Are you not going anymore?" She raises her eyebrows and looks at me like I'm crazy.

"I'm still going, but I'm taking you with me."

"What!?" She freaks out. I laugh at her and struggle to get the bracelets out of my pocket.

"Carter, will you go to Coachella with me?" I ask in the cheesiest way possible. I take her right hand and put the bracelet around her wrist. She holds her left hand over her chest and looks at me surprised.

"Yes, I will." She smiles and encases me in one of her signature tight hugs that I like very much. "You can kiss me all you want now. Thank you so much Dani."

*Carter's POV*

"I'm so excited for tomorrow." I say for probably the fiftieth time.

"I get it, now would you shut up?" She teases.

"Make me!" I say. She grabs my face and kisses me roughly. "I'm so excited," I whisper. She shushes me and kisses me again and again.


"I'll pick you up in the morning." Danielle says as she opens the car door for me.

"I don't know how much sleep I will get, I'm too excited." I get out of her car.

"Well try to sleep, it will be no fun if you sleep on me the entire time like the other night."

"That was like two weeks ago. Are you mad about it?"

"No, not at all. I really liked you sleeping on me, in a non-weird way. I just meant it would be no fun for you if you're unconscious." She explains.

"Well, I'll have to fall asleep on you more often." I wink at her and she blushes.

"Come on, I'll walk you inside." she grabs my hand and we go into my house.

"Have a good night." I say as I hug her tightly.

"I will. Sleep well, okay baby girl? Remember if you need anything you can call me no matter what time it is."

"Thanks Danielle." I look up and her and she kisses my forehead softly.

"I'll see you in the morning." She leaves a soft kiss on my lips and I let her go.


I push my blankets off of me and roll over for the fiftieth time. After a minute I get cold and pull the blankets back over me. I roll back on to my other side and look at my phone. Danielle did say I could call her anytime, but she is probably asleep and I don't want to wake the sweet girl up. I lay there and stare at nothing but darkness, I let my thoughts take over and I get scared. I pull the covers over my head and quickly call Danielle.

"Hello?"she answers in a tired voice after about the fourth ring.

"Hi, sorry for waking you." I say quietly into the phone.

"No worries cutie, what's up?" I hear her moving around.

"Well I can't sleep, and I'm scared." I say and I suddenly get more terrified. I throw the blankets off of me and run to turn on the light.

"Scared of what?" She lets out a small giggle.

"Everything I could imagine." I stand in the middle of my bedroom looking at everything, making sure nothing came to life in the dark or anything like that.

"Do you need me to come make sure there are no monsters?"

"No, you should just go back to sleep. I'll be okay." I start pacing back and forth.

"I already put my shoes on. I was actually not asleep, I've been up thinking of you, hoping you would call me."

"Awwww..." is all I make out.

"I'll be over in a few minutes, just hold tight for a bit." She says and I here a door shut, she is already leaving. I seriously cannot get enough of this perfect girl.

"Okay, see you soon." I say and hang up. I get back in my bed and get cuddled up in all my blankets.


"Good morning!" Danielle smiles as she walking into my bedroom.

"My hero!" I smile widely.

"Hey." She sits down at the edge of my bed. "so, is there a monster under your bed or in your closet?" She asks making me laugh.

"I'm not scared anymore."

"Okay good, because I am a musician, not a ghostbuster." I laugh at her and say nothing. "Now I'm kinda tired, do you mind if I lay down?" I push the covers down and make some room for her. She takes her shoes off and climbs in next to me.

"Thanks for coming over." I say and give her the best hug I can while laying down.

"No problem." She smiles and starts running her fingers through my hair and I lay down on her chest. I quickly look up and peck her on the lips then I lay back down and she continues playing with my hair.

"Goodnight." I mumble as I fall asleep.

"Goodnight gorgeous." She whispers.


*Danielle's POV*

My phone starts to ring and I quickly answer it. "Hello?"

"Danielle, where are you?" Este asks.

"I'm at Carter's place."

"Already? I stopped by your apartment to pick you up, but you aren't here."

"I got here late last night." I say.


"Carter called me, so I came over." I answer.

"Oooo what did you do?"

"Went to sleep."

"That's it?" She asks sounding surprised.


"Lame. I'm headed there after I pick up Alana, okay?"

"Sounds good."

"See you."

"Bye." I hang up and Carter walks back into the room.

"Do you want some breakfast?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry."

"Okay, I'll make you something." She winks and walks back out. I continue to get ready in her large bathroom. When I'm finished I walk out and into the kitchen. The first thing I see is Carter somehow dropping all the bread onto the floor. She quickly picks it all up and puts it back in the bag. She turns around to see me and laughs, "Hah, ten second rule." She holds up the bag of sliced bread then puts it away. "I made you a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, sorry I'm not a chef." She hands me a plate with a messy looking sandwich.

"It's perfect, thank you." I say and kiss her cheek. I sit down at her table, that she amazingly built herself, and begin eating my sandwich. She soon joins me with a sandwich of her own.


"Let's go!" Alana yells excitedly when her and Este walk into Carter's house. They come into the kitchen all dressed in their festival clothing.

"My shirt looks good on you." I say to Alana.

"Thanks," Alana smiles.

"Do you have a back yard?" Este asks walking towards the large glass sliding doors that are covered with a curtain.

"Yeah, I always cover my windows because I get afraid that people are looking in at night." Carter answers. Este opens the curtain and slides the door open.

"Holy shit! It's beautiful out here." She says from outside and Alana quickly follows her out. I get up from the table and make my way outside as well. It is beautiful out here. Nice green grass and colorful flowers. She even has a hot tub. How did I not know this?

"It's cool, huh?" Carter asks from behind us. "I'm going to get some furniture and a hammock to put out here. I've spent barely any time out here at all."

"I think I'm officially moving in with you." Este says and walks back inside the house.

"You all can just come live with me." Carter says. I would love to, this is way better than my apartment.

"Sounds good!" Este smiles.

"Come on let's go! I want to get settled in the house before we go to Coachella." Alana whines pulling on my arm.

"House?" Carter asks.

"Oh shit. I forgot to tell you-"

"We are staying in a really sweet house for the weekend, it's gorgeous and has a big pool." Alana cuts me off.

"So should I go pack some things?"

"Yeah, do you want me to come help?" I ask.

"Yes I do." She says and I follow her into her room. She pulls out a couple boxes from her closet, "help me find some things I will want to wear over the weekend."

"Woah, most of this stuff is designer." I say as I pull out pieces of clothing.

"Most of it's left over free stuff from photo shoots I've done."

"Don't let Alana see it unless you want everything to slowly disappear." I say and her and Este walk in as soon as I finish my sentence. As I thought, they both begin going through Carter's clothes. Alana asks to have a bunch of things and Carter just lets her.

"Oooh! Can I keep this too?"

"Yeah, sure. As long as I can wear it when I want." Carter answers. To be honest I want to wear a lot of her clothes too, but I'm not going to take anything, I'm sure she would let me borrow something if I wanted.

"Alana, that's enough. Seriously." Este says what we are all thinking.

"I'm sorry Carter, I won't take anything." She puts everything back and pouts.

"It's okay, you can come over and borrow anything whenever you want." Carter says nicely and folds another shirt and sets it on the small pile of clothes she made. We help her put the boxes back in the closet and she puts her things into a small suitcase. "Okay, I think I am ready to go." She says holding two bags.

The long car ride there consisted of singing loudly to whatever came on the radio. Este, Alana and I started singing, because we usually do. At first Carter sat back and watched us and laughed at us. Then she joined in and then we were all a little amused, no one knew she could sing like that.

"Am I that bad that you guys can't even sing with me?" Carter asks sadly.

"No, just the opposite actually. I think you're too good for us." Este says while keeping her eyes on the road.

"But I'm not even a singer."

"Maybe you should be, cause damn girl." Este says and we all laugh.

"I'm pretty good at what I do." Carter says.

"Pose naked and in designer clothes?" Este asks.

"Yup!" Carter smiles proudly.

"Tell me some of the coolest things you've done."

"I have walked the runway at a Victoria Secret fashion show, ummm this is hard I have done so much!"

"No way!" Alana turns around and looks at Carter.

"Way! Oh and I've know some cool people, we'll sort of."


"Miley Cyrus, Ellie Goulding, Rihanna, you guys and more." She lists them out on her fingers.

"If you know all those people, then why do you hang out with us?" Alana asks and I wait for Carter's answer.

"Because, they are no where near as cool, funny," she points to me, "and beautiful as you girls. Especially this one here." She puts her arm over my shoulders and continues to look forward.

"Aww thanks, but that can't be true." Este says.

"It is. It is very true. I'm so in love with your personalities." She says.

"Awe you're so sweet." Alana smiles.


"Woah, is this the house? It's so beautiful!" Carter says as we pull up to the house we will be staying at.

"Yep, it is." Este answers and turns the car off. We all get out of the car and get our bags out of the trunk. I hand Carter her things and she thanks me. I walk in behind everyone. Alana quickly runs to the biggest bedroom and claims it for herself. "I don't think so Lanz! I'm the eldest, therefore I should have the best room." Este says and goes into the room that Alana is in. Este throws Alana's things out of the room and I can hear them yelling at each other.

"Maybe I should get the room." I suggest.

"Yeah! Dani should have it!" Alana agrees.

"Fine." Este says and takes her things back out of the room. I put my stuff down and go back out.

"Where'd they go?" I ask Carter.

"In the other two rooms. Uhh, where do you want me to stay?"

"In with me of coarse." I say and pick her bags up from the floor and take them inside the bedroom. She comes into the bedroom and lays down on the bed. "I'll be right back." I make my way into the room Este is staying in.

"What's up sis?" She asks.

"Uhh, is it weird to share a bed with Carter after only dating for two weeks?"

"No. Why?"

"Just wondering." I say and walk out. She follows me out, "Let's give ourselves a quick tour of this place before we leave." She says then goes into the other room to tell Alana the same thing. I go into the room I'm sharing with Carter. "Wanna come see around the house with us?" I ask.

"Yeah!" She looks up and smiles. She slides her phone in her back pocket and follows me out the door.

"Yes! The fridge is fully stocked!" Alana says excitedly as she searches for something to eat or drink. Carter walks up behind her and grabs a can of soda. She pops it open and takes a sip. They look through the rest of the cupboards and drawers then we make our way to the back yard. It's beautiful. It has a nice big pool and a jacuzzi, and a lot of patio furniture. I watch Alana and Este take a seat on a swinging bench and smile.

"Should I jump in?" I hear Carter yell from behind me. I turn around and she is at the edge of the pool ready to jump in with her soda in her hand.

"No!" I yell back.

"It's okay, I'll jump in later with less clothes on." She says as she walks back over to me. "Look, there's a hammock." She points out. She takes my hand and pulls me over to it. She sits in it and pulls me down onto her then wraps her arms around me. Pushing off with her foot we start rocking back and forth as she begins humming a lullaby.

"Are you trying to put me to sleep?" I ask laying my head back on her shoulder.

"No, I'm just cuddling you." She answers.

"Okay rad." I giggle.

"How cute are your freckles though?"

"Not cute." I answer.

"Eh! Wrong. The correct answer is very cute." She says. I feel my face get hot and my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Let's go lovers!" Este yells as she walks back into the house behind Alana. We struggle getting up and end up in a fit of laughter.


"I'm hot! And I'm thirsty!" Carter whines as she follows behind us. We haven't even made it to our destination yet, it's a long walk there.

"How can I help?" I stop and wait for her to catch up to me.

"Need. Water." She says as if she is literally dying from thirst.

"Your fine, come on." I put my hand on her back and push her along trying to show the least amount of affection. To be honest I'm really afraid of what people would say if they knew I was dating Carter. Not that she isn't fucking gorgeous and has an amazing personality, but the fact that I'm a lesbian. And that brings a question to mind, "Carter?"

"Yeah babe?" She asks and I look around to see if anyone heard that. Luckily no one is very close to us except for my sisters.

"How did you know?"

"How did I know what?" She looks up at me confused.

"That I'm gay." I whisper.

"Oh! Hah!" She laughs. "It's obvious love." She says seriously.


"Oh yeah." she nods her head up and down slowly in a sarcastic way.

"Oh." I say realizing just how obvious it really is. I am not good at hiding things.

"You're such a lesbian!" Carter laughs loudly. I shush her. "Sorry, I know you don't want anyone to know and there is a good reason for it. Trust me I know everything about coming out, from the worst to the best." She says and I'm suddenly more interested in hearing her coming out story.

"Tell me your story." I say.

"Well I was born gay. Like I was legit born with a rainbow painted on my forehead." She says jokingly.

"No, seriously."

"Hah, hat story is saved for one of those nights that we stay up all night having deep conversations. Trust me it's not a happy story." She says and I start to feel bad.

"Is that why you won't talk about your family?" I ask before I can think about the words coming out of my mouth. I must of triggered something because she doesn't say a thing back.

*Carter's POV*

I stand back while the sisters get their pictures taken and they talk to a bunch of different people. I think about what Danielle asked me earlier, I really don't know how to tell her. I definitely think I need to be more comfortable with her, because there is no way I can't talk about my family without completely breaking down. She has already cried around me, but I have been strong with hiding all my problems. But it also pisses me off that she doesn't know about it.

"Hey, are you ready to go get a drink? It's officially the afternoon." Alana says and grabs my arm. I forget how long I've been awake for, I think Danielle and I only got like three hours of sleep and it's showing for both of us. Alana drags me through a crowd and grabs a couple drinks. She hands me one of them then puts her arm over my shoulders. "So, how are you enjoying your Coachella so far?" She asks. I take a sip of the drink then answer, "It's been alright."

"What did D say to upset you?" She asks reading my mind.

"Nothing, I just want to go listen to the music." I answer playing it off.

"Who do you want to see?" She asks.

"MØ, St. Vincent, Marina and the Diamonds and more." I answer.

"Well, I don't know if they're playing today. But we'll find something good to cheer you up. Este is playing with Hozier later, that's going to be rad."

"Sounds awesome." I fake a smile and she smiles back. "where's your sisters?" I ask.

"Over there." Alana points directly to them. Este is being Este and taking pictures with people, while Danielle looks like she is having a good conversation with a pretty girl. I instantly get jealous and don't know how to react. I look at Alana and she looks at me. She nods her head and leaves my side. She goes up to Danielle and interrupts her conversation. Telling her something that causes a surprised reaction from both Danielle and the other girl. Alana shakes the girl's hand and quickly starts a conversation with her. Danielle starts walking towards me and I feel scared to talk to her.

"You okay?" She asks and takes my hand softly. I shake my head and try my hardest to hold back tears. Why do I have to have emotions? Especially ones this strong and confusing. I'm quickly embraced in her much needed hug.

*Danielle's POV*

Carter finally started to cheer up. I don't know why that gets her so upset every time I mentions something about her family. There are so many possibilities as to why she doesn't want to talk about it and why she gets so upset.

"Look at them!" Alana grabs me and turns me around. I was busy watching the people on stage I didn't realize the attraction going on behind me. Carter and Este are dancing while a bunch of people are cheering them on. "Who knew she had those moves?" Alana asks about Carter. She is just as shocked as I am.

"I didn't know." I say still watching them.

The band's set is over and the dancing girls make there way over to us. "That was fun, good job little girl!" Este says and smacks Carter in the butt. Carter rubs the spot where Este hit and makes an 'ow' expression.

"I need a drink!" Carter says out of breath.

"Here, keep hydrated." I say and hand her my water bottle.

"Thanks." She smiles and drinks every drop in the bottle. "Time to go get a refill." She says and shakes the bottle in front of my face. I put my hand on the bare space on her back.

"Ew your sweaty." I laugh.

"I know." She says and wipes her face on my shirt.

"Thanks." I laugh.

"Let's go get some more water, seriously I am thirsty!"

Carter grabs links her pinky finger with mine like the first time we hung out. I look at her and smile. She looks up and I look away before she kisses me. There are too many fans of my sisters and I don't want my relationship status all over the Internet just yet.


I walk out the door and around the trailer looking for Carter. I find her and the first thing I notice is the smoke leaving her mouth, "Where'd you get that?" I ask Carter.

"Oh hey!" She smirks and I can tell she is high. "That guy in that band over there offered it to me when I was coming back from getting food." She answers my question. "Do you want to smoke the rest of it?"

"One drag." I answers and she hands it to me. I breath in the smoke and start to feel the effects. "I haven't gotten high in a while. I remember the last time, it was me, Alana and Este parked in Este's car listening to Kanye. It was great." I say and decided to take a couple more drags. We pass it back and forth a couple more times then throw it out. Everyone else is inside the trailer while Carter and I are out here alone except for the frequent passing people.

"Do you think we could get on top of the trailer? I want to look at the stars." Carter asks.

"Just look at them from down here."

"Well up there is closer to the sky."

"True. Is there a latter?" I ask following Carter as she walks around the trailer.

"Yeah, here it is." She says and starts climbing it.

"Be careful." I say.

"Don't worry," She gets to the top and I follow her. She sits down and crosses her legs, I sit close to her and she wraps her arm around my waist. I look over at her as she looks up at the sky. I look up and take in the beauty of the night sky.

"Shooting star," I whisper. Carter wraps both of her arms around me and kisses along my jawline. I lay down and she looks down at me. She gets closer to my face and looks into my eyes.

"You're so gorgeous." She whispers and softly kisses my nose. I grabs her face being impatient and lock my lips with hers.

"I thought you were going to watch the stars." I say.

"Yeah, but then I saw something even more beautiful." She runs her fingers through my hair with a smile on her face. She kisses me softly and whispers, "How'd I get so lucky?"

"You're high." I laugh.

"So are you!" She laughs with me.

"True." I turn my attention back to the stars and Carter lays her head on my chest.

"The stars actually scare me." She says spontaneously after a long period of silence.

"How so?"

"Just think about it." She says and I take a moment to try to understand what she is thinking.

"Like aliens?"

"No, well yes but that isn't all of it. Its just insane how big the universe really is. And how big and far away each star is."

"Oh, I see what your saying." I do agree with her, it does kind of freak me out but I try not to think about it too often.

"Where's Danielle and Carter?" I hear Este ask from below as she walks out of the trailer.

"Where were they going?" Alana asks.

"Danielle went to look for Carter because she disappeared a while ago." Este answers with the truth. Carter left without telling anyone and I didn't notice for a few minutes because we are practicing for our surprise appearance tomorrow.

"Where did you go?" I ask Carter.

"I told you. I went to get food because I'm hungry, but I didn't get far obviously." She explains and I just laugh at her feeling too funny to be serious even though she shouldn't have left by herself. "I was also tired of hearing the same song over and over again." She continues and I laugh harder.

"Danielle?" I hear Alana call my name. Carter sits up and crawls to the edge. She turns around and drops her legs off the side and next thing I know she is gone.

"Holy Shit SpiderWoman! You scared the hell out of me!" Este yells and I hear them all laughing. I laugh and scoot myself towards the edge and start repeating what I seen Carter do.

"Woah! Dani don't jump down right there!" Carter yells, "Come over this way and get down onto this table." She says and gets back on to the table. She helps me down. I hug her tightly once we are both on the ground again.

"What were you doing up there?" Alana asks and I start to giggle again.

"Star gazing." Carter's answers.

"Are you high?" Este asks.

"What!? No!" Carter laughs.

"Don't lie, where'd you get it?"

"I don't know." I answer honestly.

"Some guy gave it to me." Carter gives us her answer.

"What did you do for it?" Este interrogates her further.


"Well thanks for sharing." Este says sarcastically.

"Sorry." Carter and I say in unison.

"Well get your things because we are going back to the house." Este says.

"Got my things." Carter says and holds up my hand.

"Good job. Now let's go we have a long walk to the car."


"I'm going swimming." Carter says after a while of her pacing around the bedroom. I'm already in pajamas and in the bed watching reality TV shows. She hasn't even changed her clothes.

"What time is it?"

"Time to not care." She answers.

"Are Este and Alana still up?"

"I'll go see." She walks out of the room shutting the door behind her. She walks back in, "Nope, they're both out."


"Are you coming with me?"

"I'm tired, aren't you?" I ask yawning. She yawns after me and nods her head. "Then go change and come get in bed."

She grabs some clothes and goes into the bathroom to change. She takes a while and I start to fall asleep.

"Danielle?" Carter wakes me. "Do you want the TV off?" She asks.

"Yeah." I answer. She reaches over me for the remote and I hear the tv go off. She moves around and gets underneath the covers. Her soft lips press against mine and she whispers, "Goodnight Danielle."

"Goodnight." I mumble softly, barely awake.


I wake up from being cold and notice the covers have been taken off of me. I roll over searching for the blankets. Carter's foot meets my face and I get really confused. I search around for the lamp switch to turn it on. The light flashes on and I can now see what is going on. Carter is upside down, missing her shorts, and the blankets are pushed down to the foot of the bed. I'm assuming she did all of this while unconscious. "Carter?" I shake her body trying to wake her up. "Car?" I try again.

"Huh?" She finally wakes up.

"Why are you upside down?"

"What?" She sits up and looks at me confused. "I don't know." She shakes her head. I laugh at her because she is so out of it. "I'm sorry" she apologizes and rubs the sleep from her eyes.

"How can I prevent you from taking all the blankets and kicking me in the face again?" I laugh.

"And taking off my pants?" She laughs with me.

"Well I don't know if that one is much of a problem." I tease her.

"I know a way to keep me still,"


"You have to cuddle me."

"Sorry, that's too hard." I say with sarcasm.

"Okay fine." She gets back in her previous position and kicks me in the shoulder. I grab her foot so she will stop kicking me.

"Get up here." I demand and she makes her way up to me. She kisses me quickly then lays down on her side. I pull all the blankets back up over us and cuddle up next to her.


"I'm so excited!" Carter repeats three times in a row as we stand side stage waiting for MØ's set. Carter loves her music. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Carter screams as the girl makes her way on to the stage and starts singing. Este and Alana wanted to do something else, which I wanted to do as well, but Carter made it clear she was coming here no matter what so I accompanied her. I don't want to let her out of my sight. "Would you ever crowd surf?" She asks me yelling over the loud music.

I shake my head, "Este has,"

"I looks fun. You should do it loser."

"I'm not a loser."

"But you're a dork." She laughs and wraps her arms around me.


"Hey you girls look familiar!" MØ stops and says as she walks by.

"I'm Carter, and this is Danielle Haim." Carter introduces us.

"I do know who both of you are, I've seen you in all sorts of ads. Nice body by the way." She says to Carter and I get jealous. I do realize you can't look through a fashion magazine without seeing my girlfriend, but she is mine.

"Thanks," Carter smiles. "I love your music."

"Thank you. Maybe I'll see you around?"

"Yeah." Carter says and MØ walks off. I put my arm around Carter and she puts her arm around me and we walk off.

"Danielle Haim!" I hear someone yell and I look behind me. We stop and I let go of Carter. A guy, who I'm assuming is a fan, comes up to us. "Hey, I'm a fan of your music." He says trying to be charming but he really just seams like a cocky douche.

"Thanks." I say and put in a fake smile.

"Wait, I know who you are." He says pointing to Carter. "You're hot by the way. Can I get your number?"

"First of all, that's a terrible way to talk to a woman. And second, I'm taken." she shoots him down and I can hear his manhood being crushed. She simply turns around and walks away pulling me along, holding my hand loosely.

"What a woman." I chuckle.

"Well that's like the fiftieth person who has tried to flirt with me today." She sighs and seems angry.

"I've noticed."

"Do you get jealous?" She asks.

"You have no idea." I shake my head.

"I'm sorry. I like you and only you, you have no worries."

*Carter's POV*

I watch as Annie Clark walks off the stage after her amazing set. Annie and I were dating a couple months ago. She was really into me, and I was into her for a while to, but then I started to lose feelings. We spent a lot of time together when I was living in New York. I had to break it off with the excuse of me moving across the country, which I really did. Things ended on a good note and we still text every so often just to see how each other is doing.

"Annie?" I walk up to her and she turns around.

"Carter?" She looks at me surprised then quickly embraces me in a tight hug. "I've missed you." She says into my ear so only I can hear then lets go of me and and I just smile unsure of what to say. "I wasn't expecting to see you here." She smiles brightly, genuinely happy to see me.

"There is no way I would miss your set. It was amazing by the way."

"Thank you." She smiles. "I just need to make sure everything gets put away properly then would you like to go get a drink or something?"

"Annie, I should probably tell you this," I pause.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I'm in a relationship." I say.

"Oh," She nods her head and her mood changes.

"But I would love to go get a drink as long as her and her sisters can come."

"Of coarse, I would love to meet this girl." She smiles and I can tell she is hiding a deeper feeling.

"Sweet! I'll go get them, where do you want to meet?" I ask. She gives me a place to meet her and we walk off in separate ways. I didn't think she would still have feeling for me, especially ones that obvious. She made me happy at the time and we made some great memories, but I've moved on. I really like Danielle. She has quite a different personality than Annie's that I think I like better.

I make it back to the girls, who are still talking to some of their fans. I'm not sure they even know I left, which is probably a good thing.

"Danielle." I say flatly hoping she will turn around. I sigh loudly and walk in a circle. "Dani!" I say louder and again, no response. I make some weird noises that I thought would catch their attention, but don't. I would interrupt them by getting in their faces or something, but it seems like they're having a good conversation. I just feel like saying their names repeatedly is the better way to go. "Danielle, Este and Alana let's go!" I say trying to be masculine. I point in a direction and walk that way. I turn around because no one is following me. "Babe!" I yell and guess who finally turns around.

"What's up?" Danielle asks.

"My friend invited us to go hang out, she is probably waiting for us." I explain.

"Your friend?" She asks in a surprised tone.

"Yes, I have friends unlike you, you nerd." I say. Danielle laughs then turns back around to tells her sisters it's time to go and they all give their fans goodbye hugs. I let them know where to go, it isn't far, just around this stage. We start walking and my legs start to ache and I feel tired. I keep the complaining to myself as I walk behind the three sisters. An idea comes to mind and I don't hesitate to act on it. I quickly grab Danielle's shoulders and jump on to her back. She screams because I scared her with my sudden actions. I laugh and wrap my arms and legs around her better. "Hey!" I smile and kiss her cheek.

"You scared me." She laughs embarrassed then grabs on to my legs to hold me up.

"I know, sorry boo." I kiss her cheek again then lay my head on her shoulder. "I'm tired."

"I know baby. Maybe your friend will want to get out of here and go eat or something."

"She probably will." I reply lifting my head up. Knowing Annie, she would probably like to get out of here. I lay back down on her shoulder as she carries me and transfer my hat from my head to Danielle's.

"So adorbs! I must take a picture!" Alana says and the next thing I know a flash goes off.

"Hey! I better look good in that!" I say reaching for Alana's phone even though it is out of my reach. Alana hands me her phone with the picture, "Awwww, Dani we look so cute!" I say and put it in front of her face, probably a little to close.

"That's because we are cute." Danielle says. I squeeze her tighter and she laughs. I send the picture to Danielle and myself from Alana's phone then give it back to her.

I get off of Danielle's back when we get close to where Annie is waiting. She is talking to some guy and it seems she is giving him directions for doing something. She finishes her conversation and starts walking towards us. "Holy shit! Your friend is St. Vincent?" Este asks.

"So did you decide what you want to do?" Annie asks me.

"Yeah, I think. Would you want to leave and go get something to eat? We are all pretty tired and hungry." I say.

"Yeah, sounds good." She smiles and looks over at the three girls who are currently silent, unlike usual.

"Oh, I should probably introduce these dorks." I laugh and Annie nods with a small smile. "This is Alana, Este, and Danielle. Also known as HAIM. Danielle also known as my girlfriend." I say and Danielle goes red from that last part. Oops, I sorta just outed her to someone. Or maybe she is blushing because I called her my girlfriend. I don't know.


"You've never eaten here?" Alana asks Annie for the third time and gets the same answer as the two times she asked before. And again Alana continues to tell her how good it is and what the best thing in the menu is.

We finally find a parking spot and unload ourselves from the car.

"How many will be dining tonight?" The waiter asks once we get inside the restaurant.

"Five." Este answers.

"Okay, right this way please." He says and we follow him to a less crowded area and take our seats at a table. Danielle sits on the right side of me and Annie sits to the left of me while I face both Este and Alana. We order drinks then I stare at the menu in silence while everyone else discusses the contents of the menu.

"I can't make a decision, order for me?" I ask Danielle.

"Okay, what do you think you would like?" She asks.

"I can order for you." Annie offers.

"No, it's okay I think I know something she will like." Danielle says.

"I know what she will like." Annie argues back and I just feel awkward.

*Este's POV*

I take out my phone to text Alana from under the table,

This is weird... I send to Alana.

I know

How do you think Carter knows Annie?

I don't know

I think she is her ex

I don't know about that

Notice the way Annie looks at Carter.

Oh, well maybe she just likes her or something

I don't know

I put my phone away when the waiter comes back to take our orders. Alana orders first, then me, then Annie and lastly Danielle orders for both herself and Carter.

"Good girl D, you're treating your girl right." I say and she kicks me from under the table.


"Will someone come to the bathroom with me?" I ask hoping Carter volunteers. Alana starts to scoot her chair back and I hit her in the leg.

"I will." Carter offers and Danielle moves over so she can get out of the booth.

"So, how do you know Annie?" I ask Carter once I get her away from everyone else.

"Uhhh, she is my ex girlfriend." She answers.

"And you're still friends?"

"Yeah, it ended well. I haven't seen her since I moved though." She explains.

"Where did you move from?"

"New York."

"Oh cool. California is better, huh?"

"Yeah." she smiles. "I'm glad I moved here, now I can hang out with you guys all the time." She laughs.

"We are the coolest."

"That is true." She says. She waits for me as I use the restroom then we continue our conversation once I'm finished.

"Do you still have feelings for Annie?" I ask her probably over stepping my boundaries.

"Oh no. But I have all the feels for your sister." She blushes and I can tell she means it.

"Alana?" I ask teasing her.

"No! The other one." She laughs.

"Well I'm glad, because Dani really likes you. Like a lot a lot." I say and she blushes even more. We head back to our table and I'm happy to see Danielle and Annie having what seems to be a sane conversation. I sit down next to Alana and realize they're talking about writing music. Carter sits at the edge of the seat trying not to interrupt their conversation. Danielle turns around and puts her arm around Carter. I smile at the sight, I love seeing Dani so happy.

~~~ I feel like this is a long chapter, I don't know know if that is good or bad hah. Any way please vote and leave a comment :) feel free to give suggestions if you want! Thanks for reading :) ~~~

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