Building Back Up Again

Da 0ldW1ll0wTr33

37 1 0

Robyn Green is not interested in Heroes. Honestly they aren't anything special. They're just over paid mutant... Altro

Part One: The Night
Part Two: How do you socialize again?
Part Three: Why is talking so hard?
Part Five: A Big Decision
Part 6: Powerful Purpose

Part Four: Dreams

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Da 0ldW1ll0wTr33

Authors notes: I'm in school doing this- I hope you liked 1-3! 

Tw: Mention of death, suicide, screaming, yelling, attachment issues, trying to revive someone, panic attacks, depression. 

      It happened after he was gone. Right after she found him. Alexander, her best friend all throughout middle school, hanging there. Lifeless and still. His sharp personality kept her in check, and now he was gone. It's been an entire year since that day, and yet she still has dreams. Dreams of him there. Dreams of her screaming out, cutting the rope and holding him. Chest compressions, breathing into him, screaming for him to come back. Alex never came back. He never breathed another breath. Nothing worked, so she tried to move on.

But she couldn't. It was eating her up, what she did to push him over the edge, how she could've done more. She read all of his notes, she replayed all of the memories with him, trying to get an answer to her one word question "Why?". After restless nights, waking up unable to breathe, crying out, she made the decision to do Alex's plan. He wanted to be better than Heroes. He wanted to make a society built on helping people instead of helping people just to get money and fame. To help the poor, not just the rich. They didn't care about the consequences. If getting arrested meant making a difference they would do it. They made the costumes, they built the voice changers, they had it all. The plan had been set in full motion. All they had to do was make an appearance into the world. Influence others to do the same as them. But...The Accident happened. Costumes was never going to be worn, because one of the the creators no longer existed. The other refused to let him completely go. Three weeks Robyn couldn't leave her room, but after waking from her dream she knew exactly what she would do. "We'll be better than those scumbags. Heroes and Villains can do whatever they want, I don't care. All they want to do is cause destruction and get paid. They don't care about the people of this country. That's why we will be better. We will do this for the people, not for ourselves ok? That's the whole point of this whole job. We may not have powers, but we have determination and well do anything and everything to make this work. That makes us dangerous."   Alex said this to her two weeks before the incident. She wanted to do this, it was their plan but...She couldn't do it alone. She already had secrets: the small pink, purple and blue flag in the drawer, the scars that littered her arms and legs, the empty pill bottles. She couldn't do it alone. So she wouldn't. She shoved the costumes deep into her closet. She threw everything that Alex had given to her underneath her bed. She extracted herself from society. She made sure not to talk too much and to not make friends. She didn't want to hurt someone again... so she stayed away. 

She had made a decision. She was over hiding from her fears. She was being selfish. Alex wouldn't want her to do this. He would want her to make friends. He wanted her to pursue their Dream. So she did. She followed every single thing he said except for one important aspect. This wasn't entirely for the people. This was for him. More so herself. The vigilante costumes no longer sat in the closet. She was going to follow their Dream and not even God could stop her.

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