CLN's Freak Show

By CLNighters

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❝So yes, this may be entirely about us. Who we are.❞ This book is for everyone and anyone out there and to sh... More

CRAZY Founders of CLN
The FOUNDER whose name is "KINKY"
The FOUNDER who loves "HINOS"
The FOUNDER Who Works As It Part-Time, But Is A Full-Time Cat-Meme Journalist

The FOUNDER who is Obsessed With a Yellow-Furred Pokemon

15 5 1
By CLNighters

Heya, Pearl here. Today I am here to take the honour of interviewing our lovely person for the freak show. Can I know your name/pen name? What are your pronouns?

Hellooo pearly. Thank you for having me today. Spoiler alert - I am always hyper so bear with me. My name is Sundas Ali aka Ali or pika, because I am obsessed with Pikachu. My pronouns are she/her. I like to confuse people with the name Ali.

It's my pleasure, nice to meet you Ali. Not gonna lie, I thought of you as a boy at first. But nevertheless, I am sure, I am gonna enjoy this meeting. So, when did you join CLN?

Yay! Mission accomplished then. I like confusing people too. Hehe... I'm going to enjoy this interview too. And about joining this amazingly awesome family, I joined 15 August 2020, just had my two years anniversary last week. This feels like home.

Aye, it's been a long time since then. Sure, I couldn't agree less there. It's basically a family. What are the positions you are holding now?

I am currently a founder/owner, reviewing department head, co-head of interview department and Head manager of CPS server. I love work.

So many positions! Indeed, you deserve all of them. So, how do you handle the workload here?

Well, it's because the oldies believe in me, and by oldies I mean the lovely fellow founders. These hoomans can give you enough motivation to work well. About the workload, it's tough. It's hectic with life but it's good at the same time. It keeps me grounded. There is not too much because we work as a team and don't let only one person take all the responsibilities and die. We believe in equality and teamwork. And I love my team so much. They are who made me a leader and I am glad to have them to make my work easy.

It's incredible. I must agree with you there, the team work & co-ordination are actually praised worthy. That's something I admire too. It's like, they are always there to have our back here. So, how did you find this crazy yet lovely family?

Hehehe that's stupidly magical. So one day I was roaming on my wattpad account. I was a new desi writer there but I suddenly wanted to try my luck in GD so I took part in many graphic design contest books and one day someone approached me through that. I thought it was a freelancing thing. Believe me, I really think it's some job or what. But then I joined the link after talking with my cousin sister, downloading discord for this specific purpose. I did the interview and failed but one of the heads wanted me to try for another department because I like books and reading. I said review and I got I haven't found the answer till this day but here we are after 6 months of silence, two months of learning and almost 1 and half year of being extremely crazy and making friends.

That's interesting, to be honest. From thinking of it as a freelancing job to jumping here in the crazy family xD, nevertheless you described your journey here as well. And it's undoubtedly crazily amazing. You said about making friends, so with whom are you mostly close here?

There are many people worth mentioning here. First of all, my guardian angel, the person who is very precious to my heart, and will always stay like that. Then, each and every founders and our admins too...  My currency (Rupa), my personal sassy (Alexa) and my zoo bacha (Zee), my Jarvis (ettila), my buttercup (maxxie) and of course monkey.

(These are the nicknames I used for them but oh well). They are indeed amazing. The heads, the staff, and my team are amazing. As I have said already they are who made me what I am today. I am the hyperactive, bubbly girl of the bunch. I love to know people, new cultures, new stories, it intrigues me. This is indeed a crazy family, but this is now my family. I have ancient parent here, I have siblings and I have love. This is complete. Even when I am trying to conquer a boundary each day and I will one day, I hope so, Insha'Allah. I am trying to learn and be there. Baby step work. But yes, I love everyone here. Every single one.

I was expecting one name xD but you have totally brought out the whole definition of family here. Of course, kudos to the ones who have seen the real talent in you. That's leading to our next question, you have mentioned that you like books and reading. Can you elaborate on it? How has it helped you?

In general reading works wonder. I feel like I am escaping the world and normal life just for a moment when I read. Reading is a passion actually.

I have been a wattpad reader for three years now and that's what leads me to write too. Because there is a saying, "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."

And that's what inspires me to read more. Reading lets me help understand different cultures, povs, situations and that's what grounds me. Books help me understand that there are many different types of people in this round world.

Even if I can't meet and know everything, I am still exploring and not slowing down. So yeah, reading is good for me because a good writer is always a better reader before putting words on pages and living hundreds of lives in one.

I can totally feel you, since reading has been a biggest escape for me as well. Be it from my stress, or when I want to get lost in another world, reading has always helped. I guess that's the specialty of readers- we can understand each other's emotions better. Of course, Toni Morrison is right. How has your writing journey been?

It's amazing actually. I was just writing to put my emotions and feelings in words but the journey till now is memorable for me. I am not some big shot author where big publishing houses are lining up but I am happy with the little family I have gained in these years. It teaches me many things. Good and bad. Wrong and right. Ups and downs. Writing is also an escape like reading. But this way I can show people the things I can't say, the life I may want to live or experience but the life those stories and characters teach me and how that makes me Better. I am proud today to say that I am finally free when I write and I want to suggest everyone to at least do something you think you don't think you can. Because this is life, there are always firsts for everything, maybe this is yours. Also writing gives me the feeling that I am a reason my culture, my values, my Morales are shared with the world and so we humans can understand each other better.

It's remarkable that you decided to pen down your thoughts, how many of us can do it? I'm glad to know that it has been an irresistible teaching part, where you gotta learn new things. As we have a writer, free like a bird today. Any future plans to pursue writing as a career?

I never thought about it that far actually... For me writing is a passion, a hobby, not a duty. There are still some barriers in our nation that need to be improved: the culture, the tradition, the values and most importantly some concepts. But that's what life is, challenging at each step. And yes, If I have a chance in life then I will definitely move towards it and grab it. Because why not? It's never too late for firsts. I will wait for that time because never say never.

Exactly never say never, who knows you might be the upcoming best selling author. xD Insha'Allah one day, we all can overshadow this barrier. What do you like most in CLN?

The craziness, the willingness to never stop even when you have no staff or people come & go. It doesn't matter because the craziness must go on, the show must go on. This craziness and amazingness is the main ingredient and factor of this great family.

Indeed, it's a good trait. Anything you wanna do for this beautiful family?

Anything I can for them. This family deserves anything and everything. I am looking forward to taking this family to the heights and the best place where we will stand together and shine like the brightest star. But together Insha'Allah ❤️

Amen, may one day we see it on the highest peak of success. You know, a journey is incomplete without all the spices. Along with good memories, there are hardships as well. Have you faced any struggle here till now? How did you overcome it?

Each day is a struggle to be honest. Each work is a challenge but if you are willing to learn and ask someone for help even if that person is younger than you then you will learn one day. We should never stop that. Learning is important and yes, I am proud to say that each day in this amazing community, I learn many things from people younger than me and I will until the day I die. As for overcoming, I have many people who have my back so I am lucky to have them.

Really glad to hear that. The fact that you're willing to learn no matter what happens, is even more enchanting. What do you want to say to your friends here?

Ok! To my CLN family, to my wattpad family, and to my friends, You guys are amazing and you are who made me this. Yes,I work hard but I can't if I don't have motivation and knowing that working will take my books or my CLN family or my review department to new heights. That's the motivation I only get from you all. So thank you for doing that. Keep loving and supporting me because I love it. (P.S. I love full stops and dragged wordddssss, and hugs and chocolate and stuffies).

Ayee, that's undoubtedly so sweet. I'm glad that your friends have been there to motivate you through every shell. You know, as humans, we always learn to get better but as a member have you seen the growth of yourself here?

Yes I have. I was once the silent staff member who didn't know or talk to anyone, the one sheep who was odd. But with time, responsibility and with the passion to learn, I have grown up to achieve something I never thought I would. But today I am a department head, staff member of other departments and most importantly, the admin of this community. Though, I am willing to learn more and grow with time even when I am a toddler stuck in an adult body.

I must say, that's a constructive growth, from the beginning till now. I hope we will get to see more of the essence of your existence here. Have you faced any negative criticism here? How did you deal with it?

To be honest, no, I have never faced any kind of negative criticism here. The serious kind though, I remember one person who anonymously confessed through a bot that they hated me and that I am fake but then they had millions of stabby chicken and angry people at their bum. I was laughing as it was my first hater. Believe it or not haters gonna hate but they are the one thing that motivates you to get up each day and strike back with good work, more success and a better you; not with hateful words and bad actions, that will prove them right.

Aye, it's true. Haters are gonna be haters. We should never stop because of them. I'm ecstatic to know that you didn't let yourself be affected by it. So, if someday you have to write a book on yourself, what would be the book's name?

I would love to call it my 'FIGHT SONG' because that's what it is for me. My fight for life, my fight for passion. My fight for learning... my fight to love and be loved in my heart. Not to mention, I love Rachel Platten's 'Fight Song' and I feel connected with it.

'Fight song,' that's undoubtedly a magical name. The reason behind this name is more charming. You're right in every way. Thanks for sharing it with us. So, do you have any people who have been a real inspiration for you?

Many people are. My teachers always teach me the best values, my friends show me what loyalty is worth. My family has shown me that your real pain and achievements are only felt by family. My little brother showed me that being innocent is not bad. But the most important thing, my parents who put food in my belly even if it meant it was their portion, who guide me through right and wrong, who showed me the good in everything, to feel blessed for everything I have and say Alhamdulillah for the things I can't because they might not be good for me. They are my lighthouse in this crashing world. They are my world. My lifelines. Because I am doing my best each day and every moment for my parents and my little brother. So yes, my family is my inspiration. My bestie too.

Family and teachers are the ones who inspire us most in certain ways, I guess. I am glad to know that they have been an incredible part of your life too. What can be great is that the people whom we spend our time with mostly, are the ones who inspire us as well. You're a reader and a writer. So, is there any particular author who has stolen your heart?

Many. But mostly Pakistani authors, Bano Qudsia, Ashfaq Ahmed Sahab, Hashim Nadeem for Khuda Aur Mohabbat; Jannat Ke Pattay, Great Expectations, Jane Austen and John Green are some of my fav books and authors. And I am a big fan of poetry. If you know me through my Wattpad then you know my passion for poetry. I love Urdu adab and ghazals. So do all Urdu and English poets too.

Wow! So many talented authors. I am sure their writing has been incredible too. I didn't know you liked poetry, I like poetry too. But the real question is, what do you like most in their writing?

I like the passion, the emotions, the devotion, the observation, the lesson they teach the nation with their amazing stories and how they see what we can't. For poetry, it's all about expression and how few words can explain so many things. The essence of poetry is indeed the unspoken words.

Wow! You have brought it out in one sentence. That's amazing, especially the poetry one. Since I am a poetry lover as well, it feels like I can relate to you. Each & everything has their own beauty. So, I know this question is kinda skeptical, but exactly 5 years from now, where would you like to see yourself?

I want to see myself smiling with my friends, relaxing and talking with my family, taking care of them and showing them my gratitude. I want my parents to smile when they see me, I want my little brother to feel safe knowing his sister will protect him. I want my friends to know that I will be there to help them, laugh with them and not feel sympathy but give them strength when they need it. I just want to be happy with a peaceful mind and clean conscience. Money, success, hardships, tears, pain, everything comes and goes. But memories stay behind, good or bad. So, I want to have as many good memories as I can with my loved ones.

Wow! You never fail to surprise me. I mean people say that I wanna be that & all. . . but your answer was fantastic. Like you want to be in people's memories. What can be more joyful than this? It's looking like we are coming to the end. So, last question today. Do you have any special message for your friends here?

Yes, I have. To all my friends, to my family, you guys are my power, my strength, my inspiration and my motivation. But I believe that you should only be open to those who show effort and affection. And this place has shown me very much appreciation and respect and I am very thankful and proud that I joined this family. One message to my lovely friend Pearl, thank you so much for your precious time and this interview. Also, I love you all and every single one because you are amazing and worth everything. One last thing. . .

Don't stop when you fall down in the dark...

Look up and see around for the stars...

They will guide you to your fate...

In happiness or regrets...

Don't lose patience and fight for yourself ...

Because you are worth every single tear...

Life will feel like a dark abyss...

deep jungle with no way out...

You will find your way through the dark..

Because you are a fighter, Your Own Star.

This is dedicated to each and everyone I love and know, especially you Pearl! 💖

Oh my gosh- this is so beautiful. Indeed, it's even more beautiful the message hidden in this poem. We are grateful to have such a sweet, carefree soul like you here. Never ever thought someone would dedicate a poem to me. Thank you so much. I'm grateful that I had the chance to interview someone like you, so really thanks a lot for your time. Wish you all the success & keep smiling. Always cheer us with your smile. 💕

Thank you for having me and alwaysss. I am not planning on changing myself. I love this two years toddler stuck in an adult body but I do get serious when I work so don't think they made a crazy person 😂 Thanks for having me and showing me a good time.

Interviewer: preciouspearl20


Interview editor: sassy-weirdo

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