CLN's Freak Show

Da CLNighters

299 69 14

❝So yes, this may be entirely about us. Who we are.❞ This book is for everyone and anyone out there and to sh... Altro

CRAZY Founders of CLN
The FOUNDER whose name is "KINKY"
The FOUNDER who loves "HINOS"
The FOUNDER who is Obsessed With a Yellow-Furred Pokemon

The FOUNDER Who Works As It Part-Time, But Is A Full-Time Cat-Meme Journalist

14 5 4
Da CLNighters

Interviewer: chaotic_naturx
Interviewee: cinnamonskies-
Interview editor: _Summer14

* * *

Hey! I'm Mags (or Waffa, take your pick) and I'll be interviewing you for Freak Show. Please tell me the name and pronouns you'd like to be referred to in this interview.

Hi! I'm Maxxie, she/her, and it's great to be talking to you!

Ayyy Maxxiee! I'm super happy that the higher-ups let me interview you! Now we shall create ALL the chaos! But, first of all, why and when did you decide to join CLN?

Hehe, yess we will! I joined CLN on the 31st of April 2021 as an open server mod and the reason why is because ... well, I like communities (eep!!) and no one knew me in CLN which was refreshing, lol. I thought it would be great fun.

Heyy I knew you! You forget about me 😭 Now this whole interview will be purely professional with a tad bit of chaos duh. You mentioned you joined as an Open Server Mod. What are your positions now?

Hey I knew about you but I felt completely fun and at ease to create some chaos around you hehe. My positions now are: Founder, HR Head, Communications and Open Server Moderator.

Aww you're soo nice Spaxxie!! Now, it's time to create some much-needed ✨c h a o s✨ Since you are a Founder and know the ins and outs of CLN, let me ask you something you may not be able to answer. Is there any project the CLN Admins and Founders teams are working on that will blow everyone's rockers off?

Ahh, eep, that's secret hehe. But we are working on some spiffing stuff!

And I figured you wouldn't be able to answer that one, so let's take another direction on the crazy train. You mentioned above that you love communities. So, I assume you're in a bunch of communities. Tell us about 'em! How do they compare to CLN?

So well, once I was in a bunch of communities! I was in quite a lot-over 30, I think-and they were as communities are. Some went inactive (well, most), some flourished for a while then went inactive, and some are still flourishing to date! My first ever community was back in December 2020 (it's been a year, holy banana peels!), and it did die. But not after I made some great memories. Long story short, it died, I got promoted to Admin/Founder along with another member, we revived it for the longest time, but then when we left, it went dead. Sadness all around. But anyway! The best thing about all those communities were the people I got to meet. Most of the time, they were the same people all around (because I wasn't the only hyperactive community person), but sometimes there were new people and it was amazing meeting them. They were all great and I'm glad I was once part of them. Right now, I'm not on any joining spree. I'm part of two: CLN (which I love), and a small 'lil one I started with two supercalifragilisticexpialidocious people, The MultiPlex Community (which I also love and which is also going strong and it's fun).

Oop- I think I know which one you were talking about...I just left that community a month ago after trying my damnedest to revive it and I low key forgot MultiPlex even existed. Guess I have to join it now 🤷‍♀️

Bahaha no you don't have to 🤣 though that's sweet of you

Oh, thank God. Don't wanna get into too many communities again🤣 Well, let's talk about your Admin position! How did you feel when you realized you were being promoted to this position after such little time of being staff?

I was stunned when I heard the news, lol. Kinky pinged me in a party-section channel telling me to check my DMs, and I got so scared about whether I was getting fired or not. A promotion was not the first thing that crossed into my mind. The second I entered my DMs, she told me and Meera we'd been promoted, and oh phew. It was a great day-got promoted twice: HR Head and Admin (I'm bragging lmao!)-albeit confusing cuz so many channels and servers. But it's great fun to be an Admin, and I love being one!

Note: Maxxie was made a founder one day before this interview was published, and this interview had been taken . . . well, almost a year ago. So some frantic editing happened, and this was published.

Hey, you have every right to brag, Spax! Any Admin and founder of CLN does. This is because CLN doesn't promote just anybody, they promote the most dedicated people who love CLN with all their hearts. That's why all Admins and founders are loved so dearly by all of CLN! You guys are the heads and brain while we are the body! That being said, the Admin position has a lot of responsibilities. How do you manage all of them?

Eep, ty! It is a lot of hard work, but it isn't necessarily hard because I enjoy it. I like doing it. The typical situation is me and Pika spamming Etti for work, lol.

Lmfao so it's not necessarily management so much as begging? 🤣

Bahaha yes

Lmfao priceless...Only you and Pika Poo 😂

Lemme be 'm crazy cock-a-doodle no one understands

Oo chaos alright! Let's get on to your relationship with the Founders and Admins! Working so closely with all of them daily, you must have built relationships with all of them! Tell us about it!

Of course, yes. They're some of the most wonderful people I know, and I'm extremely glad to know all of them. They're one of the reasons I love CLN so much <33 I've made some great memories with them all-looking at baby photos, talking amongst ourselves, watching snow, and so much more-that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Aww so sweet!! Now, as an founder, you have access to all of the CLN servers. Which servers are those?

Aah, it's a long list that's constantly updating but it is our sworn duty to keep top secret for the rest of our lives, even if the day turns into a never-ending night, even if the . . . you're going to have to think of something for me. I'm not good at poetry. It's mainly just work servers for the departments though :))

"...even if the dead come to life." the end xD I'm really gonna get nothing out of you, am I?


Sed :( No harm in trying tho 🤷‍♀️ Now, may I ask which server is your favorite if it's not supposed to be "top-secret" CLN information?

Hmm, the staff server I suppose, so much goes on there. So much tea, diary keeping, shipping, spamming ... and so on

Yess love it! Now, we've gotten past your relationship with your fellow heads and the CLN servers, so let's move on to your relationship with the rest of the staff! What is it like? Do you like us? Do you hate our guts? Do you feel sorry for us because we are such dumbnuts? Give me da deets woman!

Ah, of course, you are all my little peasants to be commanded, to do my will, lol. But apart from that? You guys are great people, and being Rae's "mistress" 💀, arguing with Zee about whether dranicorns can exist and the clinical nature of the process, spamming and shipping people . . . it's all incredible and I'm really glad i know you all as well!

Now, let's move on to your overall relationship with CLN itself!

My relationship with CLN is the relationship I have with everyone in it, because that's what's most important to me! So eep, it's great, and I love it.

Awww lovely! Now let's get into the ✨drama✨ tell me EVERYTHING you know and what you think about it.

Everything I know about ...?


Bahaha that much doesn't happen. Let's see ... Carl-bot, my adoptive "brother" is in love with Zee and almost overthrew her as head of the communications department. I don't know much drama though, tbh. We need the phoenix confession hunters for that.

I am a Phoenix Confessions Hunter smirks I didn't know Zee was almost overthrown like wtf...All the departments have been so rebellious in this Wake the Dead Era of CLN! Speaking of the Wake the Dead Era, do you have any info for us on this topic?

Aah, it's going on successfully! Most people's exams are almost over, lots of rebellions are being planned, and . . . lots of other stuff is being planned as well!

Ooo imma go out on a whim and guess that you won't tell you what this other stuff is, hmm?

Err, your whims are pretty accurate.

Yes, they usually are 😌 NOW, enough about boring ol' CLN! Let's move on to you! What do you like to do in your free time?

Mee? I like to read, chat with friends, sleep, and currently, try to code!

Oo another coder! I think you already told me that once, earlier. So, what do you like to code anyway? We've never really talked about this.

Well, I mostly do Python! I learnt a lot of it at home with a teacher. There used to be 4-5 kids apart from me and we learnt it together. We'd done the basics, then moved onto loops, classes, objects, etc. etc. At the start of the pandemic, I also did a bit of Jupyter Labs (Anaconda) which basically uses python and a few extra things for data handling! And right now, I just started trying to code a Discord bot, lol. It's fun!

Ayy so fun! I've tried Discord bots, but I'm really bad with bots...I'm better with websites and data type stuff, y'know? But, anyway, what do you usually read?

Eep, almost anything! Though my favourites are fiction: fantasy, humour or adventure

Oo love 'em! I read everything but fanfiction...I'd say my favs are sci-fi, fantasy, horror, mystery/thriller, historical fiction, etc. What's your favorite book? Any recommendations for book lovers?

Eep, my favourite of all time is a book called Salt to The Sea. It's by Ruta Sepetys. It's a historical fiction, and though the characters aren't real, it's based off a very true event. It takes place during World War II, and details the lives of some refugees fleeing Stalin's forces, and going through Germany to take a boat to Denmark, where they'll be free. The boat is The Wilhelm Gustoff and it was quite real ... before it sank. It had been carrying 10000 people, of which more than 9000 died, making it the worst maritime disaster in recorded history (far more than the Titanic). I loved it so much because it was so bittersweet and so real and so well written. The characters weren't black and white, but grey and real.

Omg! I should read this! It sounds so good! Now, how about a favorite movie and tv show to recommend to our audience?

Eep, movie would definitely be Shang Chi and the Legend of the 10 Rings!! I adore Marvel. Any marvel movie works. And TV show? 100 percent Agent Carter.

Me loves it too...You're really into Marvel, ain't you?


Who's your favorite Marvel character?

Eep, either Spiderman or Captain Marvel (though I love pretty much most of them)

Aww... my fav is either Spiderman or Hawkeye

Eep, I love Hawkeye! That show currently ongoing is epic! That cliffhanger in the last episode though (episode 4) crazy! We knew something like that would happen because of the after-credits of black widow, but still!


Ikr, 'twas for the poor peeps who haven't seen it that I didn't spoil too much.

Now, any music recommendations? What do you listen to? Tell us everything.

Aah, I listen to practically everything but jazz, death metal . . . that kind of stuff. According to my Spotify year-end wrap, I listened for about 43,000 minutes and am in the top 99.5% of India, lmao. My top genres were dance pop and pop and my top artists were Selena Gomez, Alan Walker and Taylor Swift! Do you want to see my two favorite playlists as well?

Yes plss! (Playlists linked inline here.)

Wow, these playlists are awesome tho! Did you make these yourself? Cause me loves them.

Eep, yes I did! These are all songs I like and listen to!

Ooo so amazing!

Eep ty

Alright, now, let's end with a good one! What's your favorite memory of your time spent here in CLN?

Eep, this is blasphemy! There've been so many good memories, how do you expect me to choose?


Hmm, I suppose when I got a lovely lesson in Hindi slang XD

Yes, dat was just purely amazing! Now, the actual last thingymajigger! Do you have any lasting thoughts from this interview or just in general? It can be abso-fruit-ly anything. What's on your mind? What do you have to say to those reading this and such, lmao?

Oop, nothing! Just stay safe, take care, eat good food, and have fun!

Oof boring ending, Spax...the others had better ones...even Mags Senior ;-;


Lmfaoo i made hell for him...but we also bonded and he has promised not to sell me on the black market even tho i created the black market

Bahaha, but at least that means now I can sell you jk

Anyway, I expected more from you

☹ Dude I'm in online school atm, my brain is frazzled, what do you expect?

Disappointment *shakes head* Now, I shall end this godforsaken interview with a thank you and an adieu!!

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