Demons | TWICE FF.

By kdhville

178K 12.8K 7.3K

"This school is meant only for demons" Y/n never expect for her real identity to slowly unfolds upon entering... More

1: crypthon hell
2: seven deadly queens
3: twisted personas
4: demons
5: dangerous play
6: demon inside me
7: ally in disguise
8: agony meet destruction
9: cold as ice
10: walking disaster
11: exposed identity
12: danger
14: unexpected
15: sacred flame
16: emerald eyes
17: calm before the storm
18: damaged
19: pride (not anymore)
20: seventh layer of hell
21: allies and enemies
22: a glimpse behind¹
23: a glimpse behind²
24: dilemma
25: unfortunate incident
26: demon of destruction
27: the journey continue
28: the purpose of the mission
29: mission complete
30: unexpected surprise
31: rise of the devil
32: a dangerous trade of life
33: his command

13: transferee(s)

5.9K 374 134
By kdhville

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two new gorgeous faces

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The members of the Councils and the rest of deadly queens gathered around the meeting room, before them, kneeled a very familiar woman. The pale demon recognize her as the woman who gave her the drink that cause her to went berserk.

"Tell us or you'll walk with stitched mouth." the voice of the most superior demon made the woman shudder in fear. Fearing for her life.

The head councilor narrows his eyes at the unspoken woman. His lips opens in dissatisfaction as he started counts numbers.. "1.... 2 - "

"I'll tell it! I'll tell it!" a series of desperate yells slips out of the woman's mouth, her hand clasping in forgiveness but that was just nonsense.

"Okay then, who order you to give that drink?" it was the pale deadly queen who spoke this time, monolid eyes piercing trough the low class demon's soulless dark eyes. That made the woman cower in shame and fear. But she lift her head and drifted her gaze at the two familiar faces, looking at her sharply, as if warning her to be careful with her words.

Her head bow down again, "I don't know who. The mysterious person said, I need to comply in order to save my life or else I'll be drag back to the seventh layer of hell."

The head councilor, and the rest widen their eyes in surprise. Not all powerful demon can bring back another demon back to the seventh layer of hell. Where the worst scenario would flashes before your eyes. The only ones who can do that are the deities.

After snapping to his senses, Jiyong felt his blood boil at the foolish words of the woman, "NONSENSE!" he growls loudly, enough for everyone to be on their guard.

"Head councilor calm down." Jackson spoke, in attempt to calm Jiyong down.

"I'm saying the truth." the woman insist, no hint of fear. She's confident.

Everyone head snapped towards her.

"She's saying the truth." Nayeon affirmed, not wanting to let the conversation goes further more. Waste of time.

They went silent, eyes shifting to look at Pride who sided the woman. In doubt, Wrath narrows her eyes trying to figure Nayeon out but couldn't comprehend what is it. She let out a defeated sigh and look away.

Jiyong ran his hand trough his hair, pondering about something. Who could that be? His eyes flicker down on the woman before them, eyes scrutinizing her facial features. She looks normal. A normal demon.

"Head councilor." He was snapped out of his thoughts after Yoongi had called him out. He turned around and sees the other demons waiting for him to speak.

"What is it?" he question.

"Everyone is waiting for your decision." the first hand councilor replied, back leaned against the wall.

"Oh.." Jiyong cleared his throat and drifted his eyes to the woman behind him, "You can go now. But consider this as your last warning." he remark, earning a questioning look from the others.

Someone is probably helping that mysterious person. It's either one of our student or one of them.

"Now get out of my sight." he demand and the woman immediately gain her footing, scurrying out of the meeting room.

Everyone look at Jiyong, so many questions swirling in their curious mind but decided to keep it to theirselves. The head councilor probably planning something.

On the other hand, as the woman left the meeting room, she runs as fast as she can...

Unintentionally bumping onto somebody. It was mascular, obviously belongs to a man. It even send her stumbling to the ground. In thought that it was him, she felt her forehead sweats uncontrollably. She looks up and about to beg for forgiveness but her words got swallowed at the sight of a lovely youg male demon. His face was stoic. Every features of his face was attractively sharp.

The woman got her breath knocked away when his eyes flickered down upon her, velvety voice sending shivers down her spine, "Look where you're going." he only remark and started to stride his feet away from her, shoe cladded feet tapping against the marble floor as he take a step.

The woman had no doubt on her thought. She's sure, she have never seen that man before wandering around this school. So how come?

Yoon Y/n

"Hi I'm Kim Min Seok but I preffered to be called Xiumin."

My eyes squinted in utter confusion. How in the world Minseok get in here? He's a human.

Or did they just copy his appearance? But I was too young back then to remember every detail of him. It will be surely difficult.

"You can take a seat at the back." Professor choi motions for him to go ahead. He complied without a word, every eyes taking in every detail of him, along with noisy murmurs.

He paid no mind and continuosly trudges to his assign sit and settled down, his face blank and lifeless.

"Okay students that's enough." Mr. Choi shushes them down, his hand raised mid air.

"Listen here. Today will talk about the three different kind of demons. The naturally born, the reborn and the sacred."

Everyone was silenced at his words, exchanging glances to one another.

"So listen here. We already know yhe three ranks of demons and now will move to discover how demon was ... born." he smiles amd open his book, he always carry around. "The first one is the naturally born. This demon was made by naturally demon parents or it can be also between a human and a demon." he pauses momentarily.

"Human? That's impossible!" someone scoffed in disbelief, not hiding his disappointment. He hates human so much.

But instead of getting offended by the slang remark, Professor choi's lips curved into an amuse smile before he erupted to a sickening laugh, "Impossible? You might not know someone of you might have a connection to a human." He let out an amuse chuckles and continue, "There's a proccess between human and demon. Before even the chosen baby human was born she's already bound to carry the child of devil or he's already bound and committed to a supernatural being. These humans are called the descendants." he went silent for a bit and casted his eyes upon us, specifically to me and Ryujin direction.

Then his eyes travels among the student before diverting his gaze back to his open book, "Descendants are human who was sacrifice to pay for the debt of their great great great grandparents unpaid deal with demons. It's either their reckless ancestors wishes for money or for fame and chooses to pay their debt with their descendants." he cloncluded and sent us a smile, "want me to continue?"

Everyone fell silent before snapping out their thoughts and yells "YES!" simultaneously.

Professor Choi let out a delighted sigh, "That's good then." he said then flips the page of the book, "The next one is the reborn. Reborn demons once become a human. And their humanity are also ruin by humans and the society that surrounds them." he stop for a second to look at us, "I bet.. half of this class knew a reborn demon?"

Right after he said that, someone raise her hand.

"Yes Miss." Mr. Choi urges him to continue. And the girl hesitantly answered, "I know one Sir. It's First Hand Councilor... Jihyo."

I suddenly remembered..

"Why does Jihyo looks so fond with human?" I ask out of curiousity.

"Because she once become a human."Nayeon answer surprise me. I smash my lips together, seeing the look on Nayeon's face as she gazes ahead. She looks like she doesn't want to talk about Jihyo's past.

I blew out an air and shake my head, not wanting to interfere into someone's life.

"Very good." Mr. Choi showers the girl with praises, motioning for her to sit down. "But it will be excellent if you said 'most of the seven deadly queens'. But Jihyo have the most you know.. a little tragic past compared to others. And Jihyo is the only one who remembers about her past. That's why she doesn't mind if ever you talk about her past just don't try to meddle, understand?" his student nodded in response.

I gaze at Minseok only to see him sleeping...

Mr. Choi spoke again, "So let's return back to the topic. Like I said, reborn demons are once a human. They're originally human. But because of the cruel word they live in, they become servant of the darkness. They were like the victim and the possesor at the same time."

"Reborn are the one who can't forgive the evil people from their past even or can't move on from their tragic past even though their memory from the past is long forgotten. That's why they were called reborn. They were reborn not as a human, but as a demon instead. Because in the world of departed, they get only reincarnated if they chose to forgive and let go of the people from their past even if it's disturbing and tragic. But sadly not all can forgive the human who did something bad to them from the past.. right?" he smiles, but something in his eyes catches my attention. It glint with sadness.

He sigh quietly and flashes a tight-lipped smile. "Because we all know even it is in the past it is still a mistake and worst evil. Even though they said they change. But did they ever thought if the pain they had cause to us change. Even if really heals, they're not the one who help us closes the wound. Because no matter what they're still the one who cause the pain. And the worst thing being said.. betrayal never comes from enemy."

It was silence for a moment before Mr. Choi broke it, clearing his throat, "So! Let's move to the mos important one." his eyes searches for mine then abruptly averted it away. His gaze cast upom his open book and read the first sentence. "The sacred, a forbidden child of an angel and a demon." he began, receiving a multiple gasp from them: his students, excluding me and Ryujin and the sleeping Xiumin.

Then he continues, "Angel was made by light and demons was made by darkness. Conflicted is the right word to describe them together. However someone is always brave enough to break a rule."

-"But like I said, it is forbidden and will always be forbidden and forbidden always get led to tragedy. And...... that's all for today, you can have your break now." he dismissed and gathered his thing- which is the book he brought.

As soon as exited the room, everyone leap up from their seat and run to the door, opening it with a loud bang!

I let out a sigh, standing from my seat. follows along, Ryujin who looks tired. No scratch that, I meant is exhausted that she can barely stand up.

"Is there something wrong?" I spoke.

She gently shook her head, "Nothing I just like something bad is about to happen today-"

"Ryujin!" A familiar voice interrupted her. I look over to my shoulder and sees Lia and Yeji. Oh.. Is that why Ryujin was being in despair.

"Why are so scared? Lia and Yeji looks nice." I frown taken aback by Ryujin glares. Did i say something wrong?

"They looks nice by appearance by they are a duo of psychopaths..." Ryujin whispers, prolonging the last syllable.

I only nod.

I move my eyes and realize that Minseok is still sleeping. I turn away and gives the semi-blonde a comforting pats, "I got you." i assured and smiles at her. She purses her lips and nods defeatedly.

We start to make our way towards the two female. I gestures a small wave as soon as we reach their places. "Hello too Y/n" Lia returned my greetings while Yeji stilled her sharp eyes on Ryujin, causing for the latter to trembles.

She's scary.

Then Yeji shifted her attention to me, "Do you want to join us in the cafeteria?" I was taken by surprise after she ask, even Ryujin had her mouth agape.

I abruptly compose my posture and sends her small smile, "Of course."

As soon as the snacks arrive, we quickly dig in, stuffing our mouth with expensive snacks.

"This is heaven." Ryujin sigh contentedly and stuff her mouth another one. I ate silently as I watch the three girl as they talks about something after they reconcile.

The ding! that was emitted from the entrance of the cafeteria gain my attention. I tilt my head and saw Xiumin walking in.

I just watch as he orders a food then wait for it. After receiving it, he started to walk out of the cafeteria. Eh!? It is okay to take out food with the tray?

I abruptly stand up, earning a confuse look from the trio. "I'll just check up on something. Continue eating." after excusing myself, I run after Xiumin. Once I exited the place I saw him under a nearby tree, peacefully eating.

I sauntered towards him and stop three feet away from him. "Hey." i spoke, attracting his attention. His head tilted as he look at me, eyebrows furrowed.

"Do I perhaps looks familiar to you?" I went straight to the point, and I saw his furrowed brows soften.

"No. You don't look familiar and I'm certain that I have never seen you before." the colds words that rumbles out of his chest made me realize something. It wasn't him. They're far way different from each other. Or maybe that just what I thought.

Minseok turn away and ignores me, resuming his interrupted snack.

In the meeting room..

Around the table of the meeting room, the councilor along with the deadly queens gathered around. It was silent as they wait for someone to start something.

knock! knock!

The quiet atmosphere was shattered by a couple of knocks.

"Envy." Jiyong spoke, and Tzuyu clearly knows what does mean. She rolls her eyes and stride her feet towards the door to open it. As soon as she opens the door, an unexpected face - she never knew she would see at this state of time - shows up.

Her brother.


The man before her smiles, but his eyes remain lifeless, "It's nice to see you here little sissy. I guess we'll see each other more often then."

Tzuyu remain rooted on her spot, as her face scrunched up in confusion.

Noticing it, Jiyong stand up from his seat and scan every detail of the intruder then it click to him, "Oh you must be the transferee." he spoke.

The intruder bow down a bit and straighten his posture and introduce his self casually, "Yes I am. I am Junhui or just Jun, Tzuyu's older brother, it's an honor to meet you all."



Welp, there's no any interaction between Y/n and twice well atleast I hinted something.

Just saves it for the next chapter ;)

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