
Por arizonagirlemi

475 1 0

Apotelesma - the influence of the stars on human destiny Ten years ago, Obi-Wan Kenobi stepped onto the plane... Mais

table of contents
part one
part two
skinny love
part three
bonus content


14 0 0
Por arizonagirlemi


(n). a place where one feels safe, a place from which one's strength of character is drawn


Two days had passed since Adam's coronation, and Anakin was restless.

They had been sent to Aetherius to protect the recently crowned prince and his family from any potential threats, but since their arrival, there hadn't been any threats. When the two Jedi weren't doing their duty protecting the royal family, they spent time with the royal guard improving their techniques as swordsmen.

On a day like today, Anakin found himself bored. It was a sunny afternoon and both the princess and the king were spending time with the Aetherian children attending their lesson in the cathedral, something they had started doing a few years ago. Obi-Wan stood by his side, attentive to the group of children that was listening to Adam tell them a story while Eve kept them focused on her brother.

"Master, I'm beginning to doubt there was any threat in the first place." Anakin expressed his doubt after a moment of silence, letting his gaze shift from the group to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan drew in a deep breath, knowing that sooner or later, Anakin would have brought this up. He was always on the move, and having to stay on this planet for too long was getting to him. "It was the same way when I was here ten years ago, but something feels different this time."

"You say that, but you could just be paranoid because you're in love with the princess."

The Jedi Master scoffed. "I am not in love with her."

The former padawan rolled his eyes. "Sure."

Laughter erupted from the group of children, causing a smile to appear on both of the Jedi's faces. Deep down, Obi-Wan didn't want to leave yet. Granted he was still unsure about their threat disappearing, but it seemed that the royal family wasn't in any immediate danger. "I agree with you, Anakin," he spoke after gathering his thoughts. "However, I think it would be in our best interest if we stayed through Coniunx Mea next week. If nothing happens by then, we will report to the council and leave Aetherius."

Anakin nodded in agreement to his terms. Despite his cocky nature, he also wanted to make sure that no one was in danger here. If there still was a threat, then it would be their fault for not taking care of it. In a similar way, that's what had got Satine killed, and he doubted Obi-Wan would have been able to forgive himself if any harm came to the princess or her family.

The Knight was pulled out of his thoughts when some little girls ran up to them, tugging on their robes to join the circle. Obi-Wan immediately followed after them, rolling his eyes and calling for Anakin to join them. With a sigh and a smile, he reluctantly let the little girls pull him over to the group. Adam let Eve take over for the storytelling, and told them the story about a famous knight and the princess he was supposed to watch over while she traveled the kingdom.

They stayed until the sun began to set. The children hurried on their way to their homes, and the Jedi walked silently behind the siblings as they talked about Coniunx Mea. Obi-Wan caught Eve mentioning something along the lines of her dress, and he found himself unable to contain his excitement.

"Excuse me, your highness, your majesty," Anakin grabbed their attention and the siblings slowed their pace so the two Jedi could catch up. "I've heard this event mentioned a few times, Coniunx Mea. Master Kenobi has mentioned it once or twice, but I was wondering if I could get an explanation from one of you?"

The princess's smile grew tenfold at the mention of her favorite holiday. "Coniunx Mea is the soulmate ball," she began to explain. "We celebrate the deity Conamen and according to the legend, that's where you find your soulmate."

"It's the most popular holiday in Aetherius," Adam added, his chest swelling at the thought of the upcoming festival. "It's where our parents met, so we're biased to believe the legends."

Anakin's infamous smirk was directed at Obi-Wan. "Interesting. And if the legends are true, how do you know?"

The former padawan found it peculiar when the princess's smile fell slightly. "It's said that Conamen will appear to you in a dream after you've met them." Her gaze fell to the road in front of them, the soft, rushing water of the canals heard in the distance. "But we're unsure if that is true."

"Would your partner know if they were your soulmate?" Anakin asked next, and Obi-Wan glared at him. He didn't need this, especially with what had happened with Satine and Ahsoka leaving the Order.

"It's complicated," Adam answered. "For any Aetherian, yes, Conamen will appear to you and confirm your suspicions. However," his quick glances at Evangeline and Obi-Wan didn't go unnoticed by Anakin. "Any non-Aetherian won't receive the same vision. It's unfortunate because someone could know that you're soulmates and the other person could be halfway across the galaxy, never the wiser."

The padawan had a sneaking suspicion as to who Adam was referring to, but he would keep his theories to himself. They approached the palace gates and entered the grand building, heading their separate ways.


Obi-Wan had bid goodnight to Evangeline, who had barely said anything in return. When he returned to the room he was staying in with Anakin, he immediately glared at his former padawan, who was relaxed on his temporary bed. "What?"

"Really?" he scoffed, folding his arms over his chest. "We are here to protect the family, not fix my love life, Anakin."

The padawan rolled his eyes. "Obi-Wan, I was just curious about the holiday, that's all."

This time the master rolled his eyes. "I saw you smirking at all the information the siblings were giving you. You have something up your sleeve and I am not condoning whatever scheme you're planning."

"If I was scheming, it's not like I can act upon anything I have planned." Anakin ran a hand through his hair, finding a stray braid that one of the little girls put in his hair when he hadn't been paying attention. "You heard his majesty, a non-Aetherian wouldn't receive the vision from the deity Conamen if they had met their soulmate."

"Please, all I'm asking you is to behave for once and not meddle in any of our affairs."

"I'm not meddling! I'm just-"

"You are too-!"

Frantic knocks sounded on the wooden door, and Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes at Anakin, letting him know that the discussion wasn't over. On the other side of the door was Koa, his clothes slightly disheveled and his hair messy, and the two Jedi assumed he had just come from training practice.

"Koa, what is it?" Anakin asked, taking in his terrified state.

The head of the guard took in a deep breath and pointed down the hallway. "It's Adam, he's received another threat."


The family had gathered in the throne room, and while everyone else looked worried, Adam looked scared out of his mind. Koa was by his side dutifully, eyes peeled for any remaining threat. The rest of the guards had been alerted and went after the assassin while they waited for news.

Deep down, Koa hoped that whoever had tried to take the king's life would be caught and brought to justice. He even tried to assure Adam in hopes that soon they would all be able to go back to bed.

Argus looked tired as the frown on his face remained, but one could tell the former king was deep in thought. Selene rested her head against her husband's shoulder, thankful that her son was alive. She was also grateful that no threat had been made to Evangeline's life. Who knows if they had been successful and if Adam had been killed, would they have gone after her next?

Milo and Dacre entered the quiet throne room, and all eyes were on them as they awaited the news. Dacre shook his head with a sigh and Milo spoke for him. "We were able to catch up to the assassin, your majesties, but they were killed before we could get any information. As such, we believe that they were hired to do our true assassin's dirty work so their identity wasn't exposed."

Everyone felt their hearts drop into their stomachs, knowing that this whole thing wasn't over. Argus gently rubbed his eyes while Selene patted his arm in comfort. They had decided on their way down what action they needed to take. "This is a very serious matter, and I will not put my son in danger as bait so this assassin can be found," he took a deep breath and released it, almost like he was releasing his nerves into the air. "I will take the crown as acting king while the crown prince and princess spend time in the country until this is over."

"Father," Adam's weary tone echoed through the giant room. "I understand that this is for my safety, but I don't want the kingdom thinking I am some coward and abandoning my duties on day one. Surely there is-"

Argus held up his hand to stop Adam from continuing. "I understand your position, my son, but the kingdom will understand that it is for your safety. I plan to address Aetherius on the account of what happened tonight, and I have no doubts that they will be more than understanding of the situation."

Adam bit his lip and kept his mouth shut, nodding silently. He turned on his heel and gestured for Koa to follow him back to his room, intent on getting together a few things for the country house. Selene dismissed Eve as well, and Obi-Wan followed her out of his obligation as protector.

He would be lying to himself if the whole situation with Adam didn't put him on edge. He was glad to have followed his gut; now with a potential criminal out in the kingdom wanting to take the prince's life, that meant they could also take Eve's. "Obi-Wan?"

The Jedi Master brought his gaze up to hers, and he could sense the fear rolling off her in waves. She had hidden it well earlier, but now that they were alone, it was all he could sense in her signature. "Yes?"

"You and Anakin will catch these people, right?" his heart broke at how small her voice sounded compared to earlier when it was light and full of hope.

"Of course, Eve. That's what we are here to do, and we will not leave until this perpetrator is found," he assured her with a smile, opening her door to sweep the room before letting her grab what she needed.

Patiently he waited until she appeared once more carrying a small bag. He offered to carry the bag for her which she accepted. The walk on the way down to the palace entrance was quiet, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Eve's thoughts were getting the best of her being, and he stayed quiet so she could sort them out.

He wasn't expecting, however, for her to gently take his hand as a form of comfort while they walked. He was grateful that the corridors were dim because his face had lit up bright red as a result. Scared that she would notice his stiffness, he squeezed her hand back to reassure her that the gesture was welcomed, and calmed his nerves when she squeezed his hand back.

Vaughn was waiting for them along with Adam, Koa, and Anakin. Adam was silently sitting in the boat while Koa and Anakin conversed, most likely on the best way they could protect the prince at the country house.

Obi-Wan handed Vaughn the princesses' case as he stepped into the boat, and helped Eve step in as well. She shivered and sighed; in her haste, she had forgotten to grab a cloak, and the chilly night air nipped at her skin. Crossing her arms over her chest, she hoped that it would generate some warmth, but when it didn't do any good, she attempted to control her shivering.

They had gone up the canal about a mile when Obi-Wan realized that she was shivering. Without a second thought, he shrugged his robe off his shoulders and draped it around hers. "Won't you get chilly?" she asked him softly, ignoring the stares of the other three in the boat.

Obi-Wan simply shook his head. "You need it more than I do."

Her appreciative smile told him everything. "Thank you."

The rest of the trip was quiet, Obi-Wan staring down Anakin attempting to warn him that they would not be discussing their little moment later. Once it seemed his padawan finally got the message (he had scoffed and folded his arms over his chest), Obi-Wan released a deep breath and looked up toward the stars, praying to whoever was listening above that they would all make it out alive. They had a mastermind to find once they returned to the palace, and he hoped that they would be able to find them before anything fatal came to the family.

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