Collapse [ Chucky Series ]

By moonwritez6

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Delilah Ray was your typical 14 year old girl, except she had a huge secret. Her father was none other than t... More

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633 12 3
By moonwritez6

Growing up I moved around a lot. My mother and I never settled in one place for longer than two months. I had never actually gone to school since every time we moved we knew we would be leaving. This time. I'm hoping this time will be different. My mom decided to move back to where I was born, Hackensack, New Jersey. She even enrolled me in their middle school. I have hopes for a permanent home.

    Never in my entire 14 years on this Earth was I this nervous about something. Today is my first day at school. I was both nervous and excited. I woke up earlier than usual today and could not fall back asleep. I sat in my bed for an hour before I decided to start getting ready for school. As I got ready I was dancing around my room and singing "We Got the Beat" by the Go-Go's. My closet was quite empty. All that was in it was a gray cropped hoodie and a pair of dark blue, high waisted, ripped jeans. I put what I had on and threw on a pair of black sneakers. My bag was downstairs in the car so I ran down the stairs. My mom was waiting for me in the kitchen. She made scrambled eggs and bacon. I sat down at the table and ate. When I was finished I cleaned off my plate and brushed my teeth. When I finished brushing my teeth I ran outside to the car. Tiffany, my mom, started the car and off we went.

    The car ride to school was silent. Deep down I knew my mom didn't want to send me to school. I had to convince her to allow me to attend this school. The entire car ride she didn't say a single word to me. After the car stopped she finally spoke to me.

"Del?" She said softly.

"Yes mom?" I smiled.

"Are you sure?" She unlocked the doors.

"Mom, I am sure." I opened my door.

"Remember, your dad is Cameron Ray. He died in a car accident years ago and your mother is Talia Ray. You can't let anyone find out who you are." She said,

"I understand mom! I'll see you after school." I stepped out of the car.

"Del!?" She yelled my name.

"Mom, I'm going to be late." I walked back towards the car.

"I love you." She smiled.

"I love you too mom." I shut the door and walked towards the front door.

    When I walked into the building I followed the sign that led to the office. As I walked to the office I looked around me. Students were laughing, arguing and kissing. Once I entered the office everything went silent. There was no noise. I walked towards the front desk.

'Hello! I am here to pick up my class schedule?" I rang the bell at the desk.

"Name?" A petite, blonde woman said as she began to type.

"Delilah Camille Ray." I smiled and looked behind me.

"Okay go pick it up off the printer." The woman pointed to the corner of the office.

"Thank you." I smiled and walked away.

    I grabbed my schedule. First period was English. I always enjoyed reading. I followed the instructions on how to get to the classroom. The day went on. English, History, Art, Math, Gym, and lunch. Nothing interesting happened until Biology. As I walked out of the cafeteria I bumped into someone.

"Oh my. I am so sorry." I helped them pick up their books.

"It's fine. It's fine um hi are you new here?" They smiled at me.

"Is it that obvious?" I chuckled.

"No, no. I've just never seen you around before." They were staring at me.

"Oh um well yeah I'm new." I smiled at them.

"Oh my apologies, my name is Devon. Devon Evans and you are?" He stretched his hand out towards me.

"Delilah, Ray. Delilah Ray! Nice to meet you Devon!" I grabbed his hand and shook it.

"Nice to meet you. What is your next class?" He picked up his last book.

"Umm, Bio." I looked at my schedule.

"Same! Do you want to walk together?" He asked.

"Sounds good." I smiled.

"Ray?" He interrupted the silence.

"Yes?" I gulped out of fear.

"As in Charles Lee Ray?" He stopped moving.

"I get that a lot. My dad's name is Cameron Ray. He died in a car crash a while back." I said calmly.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for your loss. Who do you live with?" He began walking again.

"My mom, Tif- I mean Talia Ray." I said, almost revealing the truth.

"Oh." He sounded unsure of my response.

"Anyway this is our class." I sighed.

"Yeah. I'll see you after class!" He walked through the door.

    I walked into the class and sat next to a blonde girl. I noticed her looking over at me.

"Hey!" I waved at her.

"Hi?" She answered, confused.

"I'm Delilah." I smiled.

"Lexy." She replied.

"Nice to meet you, Lexy." I looked towards the front of the classroom.

"Gosh she is beautiful." I thought to myself.

"Anyway., are you new here?" She turned to face me.

"Yep!" I looked back at her.

"I've gone here my whole life." She smiled.

"Nice. Is it any good?" I asked, smiling.

"I mean sometimes." She chuckled.

"Any events I should be aware of?" I asked.

"Actually now that you mention it, yes. There is a talent show tonight. You should come!" She touched my hand.

"Will I see you in this talent show?" I said in a flirty way.

"Indeed. I'll be singing." She quickly moved her hand.

"Then I will be there." I said softly.

"Okay, sounds good." She said blushing.

    After she finished talking she looked down at her phone. Moments later everyone's phone began to buzz. Everyone started laughing.

"What is so funny?" The teacher walked over to a boy in the front of the classroom.

"Lexy's new go fund me." A boy sitting behind Devon stood up.

"Let me see that!" The teacher grabbed Devon's phone.

"Here Jake, don't spend it all in one place." The boy who was sitting behind Devon threw a coin at the boy up front.

"Oliver that's enough." The teacher walked towards the front of the room.

"What happened?" I turned around and asked the boy behind me.

"Oh this." He showed me a page.

"Lexy?" I looked at Lexy.

"What?" She said with an attitude.

"So you are a bully?" I shook my head.

"If you want to call me that then yes." She laughed a little.

"Right." I stood up and walked over to the boy up front.

"Hello. My name is Delilah. What is your name?" I sat beside him.

"Jake? Why are you sitting next to me?" He looked up from his desk.

"Well you seemed like you could use a friend." I smiled as the bell rang.

"Do you maybe want to go to the talent show with me? I don't really have a reason to go." I asked him.

"Oh um Delilah I'm gay." He looked me in the eyes.

"Oh no me too." I chuckled.

"Okay then yeah sounds fun!" He smiled.

"Okay how about we meet here at 6:00?" I stood up.

"Yeah!" He stood up.

    We walked out of the classroom and towards our lockers. We talked about ourselves. I learned that Jake had a crush on Devon and that his mother died a few years ago in a car accident. When we got all of our stuff we walked out of the school building. My mom was waiting for me in the parking lot.

"Hey honey! How was school?" She got out of the car.

"It was good mom um this is Jake he is my friend!" I said as my mom hugged me.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Ray!" He shook her hand.

"You too. Off we go Del!" She said looking at the doll in Jake's hand.

"I'll see you tonight!" I said to Jake as my mom pulled me to the car.

"What is tonight?" She started the car.

"Oh it's a talent show! I'm going with Jake." I rolled my window down.

"Oh so you have a boyfriend now." My mom laughed a little.

"Mom...He's gay and I'm into women. You know that." I laughed with her.

"Oh yeah." We burst out laughing.

Time Skip to the Talent Show

    At 5:56 I arrived at the school. Jake was already there waiting for me. We walked into the building together. We sat in the middle row and waited for the show to start. Devon walked onto the stage. He played the piano. He was really good. When he finished everyone cheered. Lexy walked on stage next. She was wearing a shiny rainbow dress. She looked beautiful. She started speaking.

"Hello everyone. My name is Lexy and today I will be singing All of Me by John Legend. Before we start I see some familiar faces in the audience. Devon hi was that for anyone special?" Lexy pointed to Devon.

"Only for you, Lexy." Devon said, everyone laughed.

"What did you think of it Jake?" The spotlight hit Jake.

"Um, it was good." He slid down his chair.

"Just good? Now Jake, why don't you tell Dev and his mom what you really think." Lexy blinked and everyone looked at Jake.

"Hey. Lexy. Lexy. Why don't you pick on someone your own size." A voice came from behind me.

"Who said that?" Lexy looked around.

"A little help here Jake?" The voice said.

"Um." Jake turned around and picked up a doll and walked up to the stage.

"Oh look what I found." The "doll" said, pulling out a cell phone.

"My phone!" Lexy ran towards the doll.

"BOO!" The doll said as Lexy jumped backwards.

"Oo juicy. Lots of pictures of Junior aw but lots of Oliver too." Everyone gasped.

"Relax everyone has secrets. Right Delilah?" The spotlight hit me as the doll chuckled.

"What um I what no." I stuttered over my words.

"Alright that's enough." The principal walked over and pulled Jake off the stage.

    I jumped out of my seat and ran out of the building. I ran to the side of the school and started crying. While I was crying I heard a noise. I wiped my tears and stood up.

"Who is here?" I said as I stood up.

"Oh um sorry I didn't know someone was out here." A boy walked around the corner.

"No no it's fine!" I smiled and wiped away the tears again.

"I'm Junior." He sat down.

"Delilah." I sat beside him.

"Yeah did you hear any of that?" He looked sad.

"Yeah, are you and Lexy together?" I asked, curiously.

"Not anymore. She cheated on me with Oliver."

"I am so sorry." I said looking over at him.

"If you don't mind me asking what he was talking about. Your secret?" He looked at me.

"I'd rather no-" He interrupted me.

"I understand." He smiled.

"I should probably be getting home." I smiled back.

"Yeah, same here. I'll catch you at school?" He stood up.

"Yeah see you tomorrow!" I stood up and walked to the front of the building where my mom was waiting for me.

    I got in the car. I stayed silent the whole way home. When I got home I locked myself in my room and called Jake.

"Jake what was that tonight?" I said when he answered.

"You have to believe me Delilah it was the doll."

"Um what did the doll mean by me um , having a secret?" I gulped.

"Delilah...I don't know. I'm sure he was lying." He replied.

"Yeah yeah anyway I'll see you at school. Jake? Jake?" Everything went silent.

"Hold on." Jake said.

Moments passed.

"Del!" Jake screamed into the phone.

"Jake?" I yelled back.

"Del it's my dad, my dad is dead." Both of us went silent.

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