[DISCONTINUED] No Straight Ro...


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-CHAPTER ONE: Vinyl Village-
-CHAPTER TWO: Ways of the Hunter-
-A/N: Character drawings (Not a Chapter)-
-CHAPTER THREE: Simple Beginnings-
-CHAPTER FOUR: Trinity of Terror, Great Izuchi-
-CHAPTER SIX: Cunning Usurper, Great Baggi-
-CHAPTER SEVEN: Ovivore Outlaw, Kulu-Ya-Ku-
-CHAPTER EIGHT: Venomous Commander, Great Wroggi-
-CHAPTER NINE: Kura Kura Arena-
-CHAPTER TEN: Bloodlust Incarnate, Arzuros-
-CHAPTER TWELVE: Natura Arena-
-CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Blank Stare, Khezu-
-CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Club Planetarium Arena-
A/N: Look at this-
-CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Queen of the Land, Rathian-
A/N: Damn
-CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Aggressions Erupt in the Stronghold-
NSR x Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak: -PROLOGUE-

-CHAPTER FIVE: Evenfall Arena-

42 2 14

Mayday sank her incisors into the juicy burger. The flavor of the perfectly char broiled patty and the tangy pickles cascaded over her taste buds like a harbor wave.

"Mmmm! These burgers hit the best after an exhausting hunt!" Mayday said with a mouthful of food. Zuke averted his gaze from Mayday. He disliked the sight of chewed up food in a person's mouth while they were talking. He was close to loosing his appetite because of it.

"Mm-they sure do." Zuke replied, slightly grossed out.

Just then, Mayday felt something heavy hit her shoulder. She turned around and met face to face with Tatiana.


"Sorry for the interruption, hunters. I've been looking for you two a while. After your  lunch, could you kids report back to the tower?"

"Em, sure!"

"Good. I'll be waiting." Tatiana nodded and walked away, letting the hunters eat their lunch in peace.

A large woman sauntered to BBJ unannounced, startling the hunters.

"Oh, Bunk Bed Junction! The fight was amazing!" Mayday knew that voice at once. It was Auntie. BBJ greeted her with smiles.

"Thanks, Auntie!" The woman bowed, showing her gratitude to the hunters.
BBJ quit Falk's Burger and headed straight for NSR Tower.

They saw Kliff typing something onto his tablet. He was either writing down information, an email, or was researching a monster.

"Ewah lah! Coming at ya!"

It was DK West, attempting to call for Kliff's attention. The man in the hub snapped up. With the flick of a wrist, West flung each sheet of paper at Kliff with ninja speed—Kliff not missing a single one. The scene gave Mayday paper cuts just by witnessing it.

Kliff organized the sheets of paper and set them aside for now. He'd most likely archive or display them behind him.

"Kliff?" Mayday immediately grabbed Kliff's attention. "Oh! You kids have returned! Where have you been lately?"

"We just had lunch not too long ago."

"Ah, that's why." Kliff said. "Anyway, Elder Tatiana told me she has an appointment with you two."

"Oh, right."

"Well, you kids better get going. Wouldn't want her to keep waiting!"

"Okay, Kliff! Cya!"
Mayday and Zuke leaned against the interior of the elevator. As they were silently waiting, they noticed blimp fly far across from them. A monitor with Tatiana's face greeted the citizens of the village:

"People of Vinyl Village, this is Elder Tatiana. Earlier today, you all might've seen the newest additions to our NSR Guild take down their first monster. It was a surprisingly gruesome fight for some newbies, to be sure. The strategy they used was interesting—take out the small Izuchi and come after the big one? I don't think any of my hunters ever thought of using that strategy. For the most part, they typically go for the shins, which is also a valid and effective technique. Anyway, next time you see them, make sure to give them a praise for their stoic bravery and guts—no pun intended. Thank you, and have a pleasant afternoon."

BBJ watched Tatiana's face on the monitor as she announced. They both smiled at Tatiana's praise. "Zuke! Did ya hear what she said? We were awesome!"

"Yeah, and all the villagers will all come flocking to us."

The elevator door opened. BBJ was now inside the office. Tatiana gazed outside the windows.

"Elder Tatiana," Mayday said.

"Oh, it's you." Tatiana's gaze fell upon BBJ. "I'm assuming you're here for the appointment?"

"Um, you told us to come back here after lunch?"

"Yes, but I must've forgot to explain why I wanted you back here." Tatiana beckoned. "Come here."

BBJ now arrived at the center table of the office. Tatiana held a book similar to what Kliff had in the Gathering Hub. She settled it down against the table and opened to a page full of names and other data. The table was in a planner format.

"I have created this appointment to settle your hunting schedules." Tatiana pointed to the calendar. "Sayu hunts every week on a Friday. Yinu and her mother hunt biweekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays. DJ hunts every other week on a Sunday. 1010 hunts on Mondays and Wednesdays. Eve hunts every Saturday." She had explained all the days and weeks the hunters departed on their quests.

"Hey, what about West?"

"Well," Tatiana averted her gaze and made an uneasy face. "He only hunts once a month. And it could really be any day. Mind you he only does the mushroom quests, but when the time comes for him to fight a monster, he prefers to fight the small, defenseless ones."

"Your brother is astonishingly lazy, Zuke."

"That's an understatement."

"So I've decided to propose this offer: what do you say about hunting every other day?" Tatiana suggested. "Every other day?"

"What are we gonna do for the whole day then?"

"Yes, every other day. And during that time, you can socialize with the hunters and villagers. Use that time to rest and bathe yourselves if necessary—that's if one of my hunters or a townsperson has a village quest for you."

"Well, that does sound nice. Don't you think, Zuke?"

"Hmm, maybe."

"So, what do you say? You in?"

"Sure." Upon hearing approval from Mayday, Tatiana took her quill and wrote down their names on the schedule.
"Beloved disciples! Wake up!" A sharp voice disrupted the serenity of their beauty sleep. Both Mayday and Zuke groaned.

"Hmmm?" Mayday grumbled. She rested her weight on her right shoulder. She blinked her sleepy eyes. Her blurry morning vision finally fixated on the familiar bicolored figure. "Instructor? What time is it?"

"Six o' clock."

"Why'd you wake us up so early? I was so close to finishing up my dream."

"Elder Tatiana sent me here to wake you up to get ready for my big day today."

"Big day? What do you mean?"

Eve rolled her eyes. "Ugh. Did Elder Tatiana not tell you this? I have an arena quest today!" She put her hands to her hips in an unimpressed manner. "So you two better get ready, and don't be late!"
Dream Fever District...

Biz and Encore resorted to trotting through the district upon arrival. Here they met with a crowd, hundreds or thousands of people to be precise. All of them were rushing in through the wide open threshold to enter Evenfall Gallery. The density of the crowd choked their attempts to squeeze through.

"Excuse me!"


"Comin' through!"

"Beep beep!"

"Pardon me!"

After pushing through the crowd, BBJ managed to survive the mass. However, the crowd was tightly packed together like a can of sardines.

"I feel like I'm suffocating."

"Me too."

Their lack of air issue was resolved when a bright light flashed before their eyes. When the brightness died and their eyes could adjust, BBJ found that they were sitting in some kind of seat. Looking around them, they saw that the other NSR hunters had their own seats, isolated from one another—1010 and Yinu being exceptions. The way their seats were positioned reminded Mayday of the Lights Up Audition. Only Eve didn't have a seat. In fact, she was not even with them.

"Welcome one and all, to the Evenfall Arena!" The announcer cried.

"Where's Eve?"

"She's about to come out from the gates below us."

The gates lifted up and the bicolored woman stepped out into the light. She shielded her eyes.

"Entering the arena, the top artist of NSR, the diva huntress herself, Eve!"

The woman panned her gaze up across the stands. Rows and rows of her fans cheered for her, wishing her luck.

"Let's start with some target practice!"

Three grey men carried three large targets and settled them down in the arena sand before dashing out of sight.

Eve took out her bow, Night Flight. She elegantly plucked an arrow from her quiver and set the arrow into a ready position. She drew back her arm and released the tension in the string of her bow.

Fweee! Thwack! The arrow sliced the wind and pierced the center of the target.


Eve readied her next arrow. The arrow also hit the center perfectly.

"Well, that just could've been sheer luck."

Eve scoffed upon hearing the announcer's statement. She readied her third and final arrow and released it. The arrow hit the center directly.

"Unbelievable!" The crowd erupted in cheers and applause. "But let's see how Eve does against small monsters!" The announcer said. "Release the Kelbi!"

A gate parallel to Eve raised slowly and a blue, deer looking creature emerged from the shadows. It's yellow eyes glanced around nervously. It was being poked and prodded from behind, being forced to move forward.

At last the Kelbi's hooves touched the sand. It nervously made contact with Eve.

"It's a Kelbi!"

"I hear they're very cute!"

"Better not get too attached to it, Yinu dear. Mistress Eve will have to kill it."

Eve aimed her arrow, squeezed an eye shut to better fixate on the target, and released. The arrow spilt the wind before cracking the skull of the Kelbi and penetrating the brain. It was hit right between the eyes.


The Kelbi wailed before it's body met the dry and hot sand.

"We've seen how she handles defenseless monsters, but what about monsters that will fight you back? Release the Great Baggi!"

From the opened gate emerged three bipedal beasts. The Great Baggi raised its head and stared down its nose at Eve, threateningly.

The beast barked and its two minions leapt into action. Their small jaws snapped at Eve, trying to sink their fangs into her heels. Eve danced away, her foot kicking one in the snout.

Eve cursed under her breath. She leapt over the small Baggi's heads and landed with her knee into the sand. The little monsters panned around in confusion. Eve aimed her bow and arrow at one of their heads. The arrow flung into its skull, the tip protruding out and covered in blood. The little one collapsed just like that.

But she wasn't done yet. There was still another little one out. It lunged out to bite her, only for Eve to dodge roll to the side. Without it looking backwards, Eve managed to fire another arrow into the back of the Baggi's skull; killing it instantly.

Now there was only one enemy she had to face; the Great Baggi.

The large beast opened its jaws and a blue liquid sprayed out, just barely splashing on Eve as she spun away.

"Eve was only a hair away from falling asleep, for good!"

As she was spinning around the Great Baggi, she was constantly firing arrows at it. No matter where she was, the arrows seemed to always hit the beast. One arrow pierced it's ribs, another in its thighs.

Finally Eve stopped spinning and stood right in front of the Great Baggi. She aimed her arrow and fired straight into its heart. The beast roared in pain before falling to the floor, dying out slowly. Eve shot another arrow into its skull to end its eternal suffering.

"OOH! Right in the dome!" Neon J exclaimed.

"Let's try a more challenging monster! Release the Azuros!"

Out of the same open gate the Great Baggi trodded, a burly beast resembling a bear lumbered out. Its tongue hung out, saliva dripping out.

"It looks like Eve is almost out of arrows! Will she be able to reload in time?"

Eve raised her hands and summoned more arrows using her mind and body.

"Forget I said anything! She uses her supernatural powers to make more!"

Once fully exposed, the Azuros roared and charged at Eve without any hesitation. Eve dodged it instinctually.

She looked behind her and saw that she was in front of a painting of her. This gave her an idea—she leapt into the painting, disappearing out of sight.

"Eve jumps into a painting! Is it strategic, or is it cowardly? We may never know!"

The Azuros stared at the painting, confused. It casually waited for Eve to magically appear out of that painting. It was totally unaware that Eve had already jumped out of a different painting behind it.

Eve steadily aimed her bow and arrow and fired directly at its back. The Azuros roared with surprise, agony and rage.

"Unbelievable! Eve uses the element of surprise by jumping into a painting to attack the Azuros!"

"It's called, confusing the enemy!" Eve corrected. The Azuros jumped and twisted around upon hearing Eve. It roared with red hot fury and swiped its massive paws at her. Eve ducked underneath and slid between its legs. The Azuros snapped it's head around in confusion.

Eve fired another arrow into its Achilles heel, and a third at its skull. The beast howled and fell down, laying on its side. Eve delivered the last arrow into its now exposed heart.  The beast showed no more motion.

"Final round! Release the Mizutsune!"

A pink, fox looking monster covered in pink petals over its body strutted out into the light. It flared its flowery frills upon encountering Eve. It slowly treaded in the sand, circling Eve while maintaining a fixated gaze on her. Eve glared at it back.

The Mizutsune brushed its fluffy tail in the sand, a liquid substance seeping out of it. Bubbles formed as its tail swished. It leapt suddenly and tobogganed around the arena, coating the sand in its soapy secretion.

"Wait. Did a Mizutsune just slide through the sand? Isn't it impossible for it?" Mayday questioned. "Mizutsune can slide on anything just so as long as they remember to lubricate itself. It's doesn't matter how wet or dry the surface is." Zuke replied.

The beast circled around Eve a few times before leaping into an attack position, raising its elegant head and releasing a plume of bubbles. Eve dodged the attack, but some of the bubbly liquid splashed onto her before she could make a quick getaway.

"It looks like Eve has been hit by the demobilizing bubbles!"

"It's not that bad!" Eve rolled her eyes.

The Mizutsune glared back at Eve while swishing its tail in its bubbles.

"Oh, you wanna dance, huh? Well, two can play at that game."

Eve took out her Wirebug and flung it out forward, the glowing insect carrying her up. The Mizutsune's gaze followed her as Eve landed onto its back. Eve's Wirebugs bound the monster's torso and chest. She gave the wires a powerful tug, causing the Mizutsune to rear up.

"Eve is wyvern riding that Mizutsune!"

"Eh? You like this?" Eve jeered as she pulled and tugged the wires. She planted her heels deep into its back so it wouldn't throw her off easily. With a tight jerk, she caused the beast to crash into the walls of the arena. She was careful to not damage a painting.

Eve finally freed the Mizutsune from her wire grip and leapt into the sand. She rolled down and got back up. Now was her turn to attack.

The Mizutsune was so dazed it hardly noticed one of Eve's arrows penetrate its ribs. It yelped as the arrow filled it with shock. Eve fired another arrow, this time into its skull. Eve continued to barrage the monster with arrows.

With one final wail, the Mizutsune fell like a sack of potatoes. The sound of its body collapsing into the sand echoed across the arena. The audience roared with cheer.

"The diva huntress has beaten the arena challenge! Give it up for Eve!" The crowd went wild. Eve looked up at her fans, panting. A toothy smirk found it's way to her face.
Eve was followed by the hunters as she trudged out of Evenfall Gallery—she transported herself and everyone else back to Vinyl Village.

"That was amazing!"

"Hah, thanks."

"Eve, you were spectacular out there." Tatiana began. "So go ahead and have the rest of the day to yourself. Treat yourself to a bath. As a reward, I shall command the smithy to forge you some new and more elegant armor. What do you think?"

"Well," Eve smoothed her Chrome Metal skirt. "This thing has been feeling a bit clunky on me. It's not making me feel as elegant as I hoped." Eve looked back at Tatiana. "I would like that new armor. Just make sure it makes me feel and look elegant."

"Will do." Eve bowed and headed to her bathhouse.

Tatiana turned to the rest of the hunters. "And as for you all, enjoy the rest of your day!" She glanced at Mayday. "And that means you too, Bunk Bed Junction." BBJ bowed.

"Yes, Elder Tatiana." Then they mounted their Palamutes and trotted away.

What's a Kelbi? What is a Great Baggi? What's an Azuros? What's a Mizutsune?

I'm too lazy to describe it, so it's better to just look it up for yourself.

Also, I just had to include arena fight scenes! They're just so awesome and fun to write!


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