The Redeemers

By arkemedesbear

1.3K 43 4

Four girls living an ordinary life, thought nothing of the world. They had a regular family, went to school a... More

Chapter 1.0
Chapter 1.1
Chapter 1.2
Chapter 1.3
Chapter 2.0
Chapter 2.1
Chapter 2.2
Chapter 2.3
Chapter 3.0
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 3.2
Chapter 4.0
Chapter 4.1
Chapter 5.0
Chapter 5.1
Chapter 5.2
Chapter 6.0
Chapter 6.1
Chapter 6.2
Chapter 7.0
Chapter 7.1
Chapter 7.2
Chapter 8.0
Chapter 8.1
Chapter 8.2
Chapter 9.0
Chapter 9.1
Chapert 9.2
Chapter 10.0
Chapter 10.1
Chapter 10.2
Chapter 11.0
Chapter 11.1
Chapter 11.2
Chapter 12.0
Chapter 12.1
Chapter 12.2
Chapter 12.3
Chapter 13.0
Chapter 13.1
Chapter 13.2
Chapter 14.0
Chapter 14.1
Chapter 14.2
Chpater 15.0
Chapter 15.1
Chapter 15.2
Chapter 16.0
Chapter 16.1
Chapter 16.2
Chapter 17.0
Chapter 17.1
Chapter 17.2
Chapter 18.0
Chapter 18.1
Chapter 18.2
Chapter 19.0
Chapter 19.1
Chapter 19.2
Chapter 20.0
Chapter 20.1
Chapter 20.2
Chapter 20.3
Chapter 21.0
Chapter 21.1
Chapter 21.2
Chapter 22.0
Chapter 22.1
Chapter 22.2
Chapter 23.0
Chapter 23.1
Chapter 23.2
Chapter 24.0
Chapter 24.1
Chapter 24.2
Chapter 25.0
Chapter 25.1
Chapter 25.2
Chapter 26.0
Chapter 26.1
Chapter 26.2
Chapter 27.0
Chapter 27.1
Chapter 27.2
Chapter 28.0
Chapter 28.1
Chapter 28.2
Chapter 28.3
Chapter 29.0
Chapter 29.1
Chapter 29.2

Chapter 4.2

19 0 0
By arkemedesbear

After driving for a few hours, the girls didn't try and fight or rebel, they wanted the creatures to think they had the upper hand, but they haven't made a stop publicly for some time now. Arianna was keeping a look out, they knew she could figure out where they were, all she needed was a landmark of any kind but nothing was coming up, Nevaeh was starting to worry, especially with the look on Arianna's face when they turned down a back road on the highway.They all looked to each other when the SUV started bouncing around. Nevaeh looked out the window only to see trees surrounding her, before they stopped suddenly, she looked out the front window to see a lake. "Get out" One of the creatures stated. They all scrambled to get out of the SUV, why would they get out now their was nothing but a lake. Nevaeh looked around to take it all in, yes, it was a scary situation but for some reason her heart was fluttering, she couldn't explain it, it wasn't a nervous flutter or an exciting one but one that was warm and slowly spread through her body. She looked at the crystal lake, the only ripples were the ones the wind created. To the left along the Lake, looked like old ruins on a cliff up the hill. the air was fresh and welcoming to her lungs. The creatures all gathered together, one was still in the SUV's driver seat. trying hard she strained her ears to try and pick up any of their conversation. "You grab the carriage, I'll get rid of this thing, you stay with the girls." Carriage? who the hell owns a carriage this day and age, where are they taking them? The creatures went separate ways, one ran into the forest towards the ruins, one walked up to the girls, instinctively she saw Arianna and Yazmin step in front of her and Raine. They just smirked keeping an eye on them. They all looked when they heard the SUV rev up to see the vehicle speeding towards the lake, Right before it hit the water the creature jumped out rolling to safety as the vehicle drove into the lake disappearing from sight. All of their mouths dropped, that was the vehicle description the cops had to find them, how were they going to be traced now? They didn't see one car pass them in the past twenty minutes, nothing.  The creature who jumped out walked up to them brushing off before they heard hooves gradually getting louder. they looked to were the other creature disappeared to see him guiding two horses pulling a cart. No, Nevaeh thought, that was no cart it was a damn cell on wheels, Nevaeh grabbed Arianna's shirt worried. What the hell is going to happen to them? Arianna still looking at the creature, brought her arm around her back so Nevaeh could hold her hand, She squeezed it reassuringly. "Okay little ones, we are going for a walk" one said turning around and started walking in front of them as the one guiding the carriage went on ahead.. 

"Yeah we don't want to wear the horses down to soon carrying you all up a hill" The one behind them muttered. Nevaeh's eyes widened before she let go of Arianna to hold Yazmin's hand hoping it would keep her from hitting them. Yazmin looked down holding her arm and sighed knowing her eyes were saying to not do anything. They all started to climb the hill, it looked like this was an old town that was abandoned centuries ago, forest was starting to be one with the crumbling architecture. If this situation wasn't life threatening she could see her and her friends hanging out here just to relax and explore. after almost an hour of walking, and climbing the hill sweat was glistening on all of them. The carriage was already at the top, Nevaeh saw the creature jump off the cart and disappear for a moment coming back with a huge bag over his shoulder. He put it on the carriage taking out a few things before going to the back and opening the gate, fear gripped at Nevaeh as flash backs filled her mind of being locked up in a closet. Yazmin must have felt her tense up because she wrapped her arms around her rubbing her arm, she seemed like she would be defenseless with her small stature, but she was probably one of the strongest ones within the friend group. She had a temper but always without fail had a soft spot for her. The creature ahead of them jogged up to the carriage and grabbed one of the things the other got out of the back and Nevaeh's body chilled to the bone when she saw what it was, the girls all stopped in their tracks, the creature held a damn sword. It looked at them while testing the blade's edge on his fur. The hair fell to the ground and in unison the girls swallowed the lump in their throats. 

"Now all of you be good and get in." Nevaeh froze, Yazmin wrapped her arm around her guiding her into the cage, Arianna helped her up then Raine, Arianna then helped Yazmin up before getting in herself. Arianna then looked out to the creatures, inspecting them, Or so Nevaeh thought anyways. Arianna then looked behind her to Raine before motioning her eyes to the center of the cage. Raine nodded slightly before grabbing Yazmin silently pleading her to listen. They were all very good at communicating without words, body language, eyes and hand motions were all they really needed in some situations. It was how they got out of so much trouble when they all were out adventuring. They all gathered around in a tiny circle their backs to each other in the center of the cage. The creatures outside were all talking and packing up the horses after they locked the cage. Nevaeh was slightly hyperventilating being in closed spaces was never good for her. they all put a hand behind their back and held hands as some sort of comfort. "Okay, we are all packed." They heard one of them say beside them. They all looked to see one of the creatures get on the seat the other two were behind them with their weapons out. The one in the seat whipped the reins and the horses huffed and started walking. Nevaeh looked to where they were going and it looked like old arch ways of a castle, maybe where the windows would be placed? Nevaeh raised a brow when they were heading right towards them. why are they not turning? If they keep going they will fall into the lake below and that fall would kill them. Nevaeh felt the moment when the others caught on, they all tensed up. Why now? they had so many opportunities to kill them before this why wait till now? Oh God they were about to be killed. Nevaeh heard the other creatures following behind let out a low laugh. The creature up front glanced to them and grinned and whipped the reins hard. The horses neighed and took off in a run to the archway. "Shit!" Arianna turned around and wrapped her arms around all of them as best she could as they all turned into her chest holding onto her. Nevaeh clenched her jaw preparing for the fall as tears started to fill her eyes. At least they were together, at least their friendship lasted forever like they all promised years ago. Yet, the fall never came, in fact it felt like they slowed down back to a trot. Nevaeh opened her eyes to see Arianna looking up, eyes wide. Nevaeh then looked out between the bars and let out a small gasp. they were on a dirt road with lush green forest surrounding them. Nevaeh turned back to see the cliff but it wasn't there. The archway was their but almost an ethereal mist was covering it. The blue sky above them was clear, besides a cloud or two. The wind was warm as it hit her skin almost welcoming her. They all let out a sigh. 

"What is this place?" Arianna asked baffled. 

"This place?" The creature leading the horses spoke. Arianna nodded. "Adonis." 

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