Yandere Females x Male Reader

By SteveJones687

884K 8.1K 5.4K

Everybody loves a good yandere story, so here we are. P.S. I don't own any of the photos I use. More

EP 1 Jedi Reader x Yandere Fem. Clone Squad
EP 2 Powerless Sidekick x Yandere Royal Pain and Layla (L)
EP 3 Male Reader x Yandere Boss
EP 4 Male Reader x Yandere Helen Parr
EP 5 Male Reader x Yandere Nekos
EP 6 Male Reader x Yandere Female Magician
EP 7 Male Reader x The Yandere Store
EP 8 Male Reader x Yandere Mermaids
EP 9 Male Reader x Yandere Poison Ivy (L)
EP 10 A Very Yandere Easter(Female Easter Bunny)
EP 11 Jedi Reader x Yandere Fem. Clone Squad Part 2
EP 12 Male Reader x Yandere A.I
EP 13 Teacher Reader x Yandere single mom
EP 14 Male Reader x Yandere Booette
EP 15 Male Reader x Yandere Demon (L)
EP 16 Yandere Time Loop
EP 17 Male Reader x Rich Yandere
EP 18 Male Reader x Yandere Highschool DXD
EP 19 Male Reader x Yandere Resident Evil (L)
EP 20 Male Reader x Yandere Female Pokemon
EP 21 Male Reader x Yandere Female Orc
EP 22 Male Reader x Yandere Nezuko
EP 23 Male Reader x Yandere Hermione Granger (L)
EP 25 Male Reader x Yandere Werewolves vs Yandere Vampires
EP 26 Yandere Reunion
EP 27 Yandere Female Disney Plus
EP 28 Male Quirkless Reader x Nana Shimura
EP 29 Male Reader x Yandere Female Pirate
EP 30 Male Reader x Yandere Ghost
EP 31 Male Reader x Yandere Alien
EP 32 Male Reader x Yandere Teacher (L)(T)
EP 33 Male Reader x Yandere Alice Angel
EP 34 Male Reader x Yandere Fae
EP 35 Male Reader x Yandere Corpse Bride
EP 36 Male Reader x Yandere Female Jason Voorhees
EP 37 Male Reader x Yandere Female Frankenstein
EP 38 Male Reader x Yandere Succubus Girlfriend and Daughters (L)
EP 39 Abused Male Reader x Yandere EX-Girlfriend
EP 40 Male Reader x Yandere Other Girlfriend
EP 41 Male Reader x Yandere Tribe (L)
EP 42 Male Reader x Yandere Resident Evil Part 2

EP 24 Male Reader x Yandere Attraction Syndrome

18.7K 199 190
By SteveJones687

I based this off on yandere audio I heard on Youtube from Turry and Juniper Justice ASMR. It's a really interesting concept, so I hope I can turn it into a great story for you guys.

(Y/N)'s POV

I was walking down the street with my hood pulled up and my head down to prevent anyone from seeing me. I don't think it was working though because I could feel some people watching and even following me. I just started walking faster until I reached the front doors of an office building and went inside. I made my way to the second-floor door marked 213 at the end of the hallway. I went inside to find an empty doctor's office.

(Y/N): Hello.

After I called out I heard something move in one of the side rooms that had the door closed. The door opened and the nurse stepped out.

???: Hello, I'm sorry I didn't hear you come. I hope you weren't waiting long.

(Y/N): It's ok, no need to apologize.

???: You are (y/n) (l/n) right?

(Y/N): Yes.

???: Perfect, I'm nurse Holly. Why don't you go ahead and have a seat on the bed then we'll get started.

She walked back into the other room so I followed her instruction to get on the bed. She came out a minute later with a clipboard.

Holly: There's no need for you to keep your hoodie on, why don't you take it off. Are you a little shy?

I didn't say anything.

Holly: It's ok if you are, but there's no need to be it's just me and the doctor here and we don't bite.

She was making me feel better, so I took off my sweatshirt.

Holly: See isn't that better. Why would you ever wanna hide that handsome face of yours?

I could feel my face heating up.

Holly: Let's get started, be sure to answer honestly we don't judge here. Are you currently on any medication?

(Y/N): No.

Holly: Do you have any allergies?

(Y/N): No.

Holly: Do you use or do you have a history of using tobacco?

(Y/N): No.

Holly: Good. Do you use or do you have a history of using illegal drugs?

(Y/N): No, I don't do drugs.

Holly: Excellent. Do you consume alcohol? If yes, how often and when was your last drink?

(Y/N): Yes. Occasionally and four days ago.

Holly: Are you sexually active?

(Y/N): Not at the moment no.

Holly: Ok.

She put her clipboard down.

Holly: Follow me and we will get your height, weight, blood pressure, and we will also need to get a blood sample from you.

(Y/N): Then I will see the doctor?

Holly: Yes, don't worry she is very nice and also my older sister.

She took me over to the scale to get my weight, then got my height, we did my blood pressure, I had to do a vision test, and a hearing test. Everything was fine until we got to the blood sample.

Holly: Are you ok? You seem very nervous.

(Y/N): Not really.

Holly: Are you afraid?

(Y/N): Kinda. I have had a few bad experiences with needles.

Holly: It will be ok I promise.

She got closer, but I nearly jumped off the bed.

Holly: Everything's ok we don't have to do this now. Why don't I get the doctor? Just try to relax for me ok.

(Y/N): I'm sorry.

Holly: Don't apologize, it's ok.

She gave me a warm smile, but I still felt like an idiot for freaking out like that.

???: Well you must be (y/n)?

I looked up to see the doctor and nurse Holly.

???: I'm doctor Jasmine. We spoke on the phone.

(Y/N): Hi. It's nice to meet you.

Jasmine: It's nice to meet you as well. I looked over your chart and everything seems fine, so why don't you tell me what's the problem.

(Y/N): I've had an unusually high number of yandere encounters.

Jasmine: Inserting. Most people never encounter a yandere so meeting one is already unusual, but you are saying you've had multiple encounters.

(Y/N): Yes.

Jasmine: Are you sure they were yandere?

(Y/N): You don't believe me?

Jasmine: I do, but we just need to be sure. If you can state some examples it will help.

(Y/N): My high school girlfriend drugged me at our prom and tried to kidnap me.

Holly: Tired too?

(Y/N): Well as she was dragging me to her car some other students saw her. She got arrested, but she still writes me letters.

Jasmine: How many letters?

(Y/N): Three to five a week.

Holly: That is a lot.

Jasmine: Any other girls?

(Y/N): My neighbor stalked me and was able to keep me tied up in her basement for a week until I was freed when the barista broke in to take me for herself. While the two of them were fighting I ran away.

Holly: You poor dear.

(Y/N): My house has been broken into on 13 separate occasions.

Jasmine: Are you sure they weren't robberies?

(Y/N): The only things they took were my clothes and sometimes they left stuff.

Jasmine: What kind of stuff?

(Y/N): Notes, chocolate, and other stuff.

Jasmine: Did you ever eat any of it?

(Y/N): Once.

Holly: Really?

(Y/N): Well it was the first time and I didn't realize that someone broke in. I ate a piece thinking I had bought it and forgot.

Jasmine: What happened after you ate it?

(Y/N): I felt very happy then really sleepy. I slept for almost two days.

Jasmine: Were there any other incidents?

(Y/N): Well my mom was a yandere for my dad and he still isn't able to leave the house. My mom wanted me to end up with a yandere like her so to keep me from dating other girls than the ones she approved or running away she drugged constantly to keep me home. That's the reason I don't like needles.

I was starting to get choked up thinking about it.

Jasmine: Oh no my dear, don't get upset, please.

She used my hand to make me look at her and then stroked my cheek in a caring manner. She gave me a warm smile to let me know it was going to be ok.

Holly: I think you could use this as a pick-me-up.

She handed me a lollipop.

Holly: We normally keep them for the children, but I think you need it.

(Y/N): Thank you.

I accepted the lollipop.

Jasmine: Did you ever contact the police?

(Y/N): I did because I heard about a government program that took in yanderes and people could basically adopt them, but they said that they don't deal with yanderes anymore.

Jasmine: Oh you're talking Yanderes R US. They closed down after a yandere hellhound, a neko nurse, and a girl kidnapped the security guard. I hear they are doing well and are very happy together. Back to the matter at hand what you have is called yandere attraction syndrome.

(Y/N): What?

Jasmine: It's not very complicated. Basically, you attract yandere like bees to honey. You can also invoke yandere-like behavior in completely normal people. Certain genetic factors can increase the risk of contracting the virus. Based on what you told me your father has it too and passed it down to you. The bad news is there is no known cure, but don't get too down there is a treatment we can take to help mitigate your symptoms. The worst news is that you seem to have the second most severe form of the disease type seven.

Holly: For reference, there are 8 types. Type 1 will result in stalking. Type 2 can result in someone breaking in to watch you sleep. Type 8, the worst type is believed to be the reason for the Trojan war. For your type people are going to die. I mean people probably have already died. It's not your fault though.

(Y/N): What's the treatment?

Jasmine: Well I have to be honest with you when dealing with types 1-6 there is no risk of infection so people can undergo treatment while maintaining a normal social life, but types 7 and 8 can be passed from person to person. Knowing the symptoms you can see why it would be so dangerous for it to spread. In the past and even today in some less modern countries, people who have the diseases are killed on sight. We are civilized which means the CDC has ordered that anyone with the virus has to be under strict quarantine for the rest of their life.

(Y/N): WHAT?!?!?

Holly: Please don't get upset. Lollipop.

I took the lollipop even though I was freaking out because my life was literally over.

Jasmine: It's not so bad, it's just the crippling isolation, the institution food, the lack of funding at the containment facility, and potential abuse by the staff. Ok, it's pretty bad. Lollipop.

She handed me another lollipop.

Jasmine: It will probably be the last decent treat you'll ever have.

I had tears streaming down my face because it was either to live a life running from insane girls or be isolated forever.

Jasmine: Unless you want me to get you out of it.

(Y/N): You can?

Jasmine: Yes, it's not your fault you were born with bad luck and for being so handsome. Hears what you are going to do, don't tell anyone that you have the disease. If someone asks, just tell them you came in for a fever or a bruise. After work, we will come to pick you up, and then we'll take you to our basement. It's very comfortable and has plenty of stuff to make you feel at home. You'll be safe if you stay there plus I can give the treatment. I won't keep you in ropes all you need is one chain around one of your legs. It will be long enough for you to move around the basement.

I was getting the picture.

(Y/N): Wait you're.

Jasmine: Yes we are yanderes for you.

I got up and ran for the door but I felt so weak. I was able to make it to the door when I tried to open it but nothing happened.

Holly: I locked the door silly.

I fell to the ground and Holly dragged me back over to them.

Jasmine: Didn't you read our letters? I told you we would be coming to save from all those bitches who wanted you for yourself.

Holly: You know if you weren't so difficult about needles none of this would have happened.

(Y/N): You were going to drug me.

Holly: That's right I would have given you the drug and you would have passed out. When you woke up you'd all safe in your new home with us.

Jasmine: The three lollipops you ate were full of the same drug.

(Y/N): You had a backup?

Jasmine: Of course we don't take chances. We have been in love with you for years.

Holly: Your mother interviewed us to be your yandere girlfriend, but she didn't like the fact that there were two of us.

Jasmine: She felt that we would fight and that would put you in harm's way meaning you could get killed or escape.

Holly: But that's never gonna happen. I'm sure she will be surprised when we show up at Thanksgiving if you are a good boy.

Jasmine: What should we do with you when we get home?

Holly: Shouldn't we start his treatment?

Jasmine: That's right. I wasn't lying when I said that there was a treatment for yandere attraction syndrome. The treatment is being taken in by a yandere that can love you and protect you from all others.

Holly: Well make sure you never go without your treatment cause.

Jasmine: The doctor is in.

Both: We love you (y/n).

I was blacking out and could see the two of them smiling.

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter if you did, be sure to like and comment. Did you guys enjoy the small through back to EP 7 The Yandere Store.

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