kissing lessons

By hutchersontbh

351K 6.3K 1.1K

Rosalina is the quiet girl at school, but little did everyone know what she did once those school bells rang... More

authors note
another story???
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
authors note.. again 🙄
twenty six


17.7K 381 52
By hutchersontbh


I was shocked to hear what he was saying to me. He was blushing like a mad man, while looking at the ground and lightly moving his legs.

"Kissing lessons?" I asked him.

He nodded his head slightly, with a light shade of pink still evident on his face. I thought about it for a minute. I decided it would be an okay thing to do. I could teach him my ways, and I could get free make out sessions with a cute guy. It's kind of a win win.

I smiled wildly at him when I said, "Get prepared to wow the girl of your dreams, Grayson."


I told Grayson to meet with me in the library to discuss when we would have our little 'meetings'.

When I got there, I had to wait for Grayson for a couple of minutes, so I started to browse through all of the books.

After about fifteen minutes of reading, I saw the familiar beautiful face that belonged to Grayson. His eyes met mine and he gave me a shy smile and a little wave. He's just so cute!

"H-Hi," He stuttered.

"Hey," I said back. "So, when would be good days for you to have the lessons?"

"U-Uh well I-I can do pretty much any day, i-it doesn't really m-matter."

"Well okay, we can start now if you want," I told him while winking. He started to blush like crazy.

"T-T-Today? Uh- I mean y-yeah s-sure why n-not?"

"Well okay, c'mon, lets go," I said as I led him to my car


We got to my house and my parents weren't home. They both had to work late for the rest of the week, so I practically had the house all to myself. Besides my brother. We walked up to my bedroom, and after he walked in, I shut the door.

"Come sit down," I said patting the spot next to me. He sat down nervously while fidgeting with his hands.

"So I'm gonna ask you a couple of questions," He nodded his head. "So, have you ever kissed a girl before?"

He shook his head slowly, heat creeping up his neck. I smiled. "Okay, well what was it you were wanting to learn about?"

"Anything to make a girl like me," he said with a sigh.

"Okay we will start with the kissing. Small kissing, and then leading into more steamy kisses," he blushed at my statement. Which wasn't a surprise since he pretty much blushed at everything I said.

He sat there for a minute, just looking around. "Well?" I said out of nowhere.

"Well what?" I could tell he was trying to avoid the situation.

"Kiss me," I grabbed him by his flannel and smashed his lips onto mine. He made a small sound from surprise at my bold action. I held onto him for a couple of seconds before I let him go. We slowly pulled apart from each other, and I looked into his eyes. He looked like he was in a daze, he was breathing hard and his glasses were perched on the tip of his nose.

"Not bad. For a peck. You have to move your lips a little. Give the girl something she won't forget."

He nodded his head quietly, and reached back in to kiss me again. We reconnected our lips, and I started to move mine, he slowly started to follow my movements. He grabbed the back of my neck, and I gasped at his movements. he smirked against my lips, making me even more shocked. Who knew he could have a bit of arrogance?

I put my hands against his chest for support, and I felt him shiver. It was my turn to smirk. He pulled away breathless and said smiling, "Wow, I really might be able to learn something from you, huh?"


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