Like Boys Do (Jenlisa)

By YnahRivera2

56.6K 1.5K 194

Lisa will make her best friend realize that she's the one for her because girls like girls... like boys do. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 20

2.5K 68 8
By YnahRivera2

Lisa's POV

"Are you two okay? Why did you skip school?" Jisoo greeted us with her question "I thought Lisa will skip practice too."

Though I really don't want to practice today, I couldn't bring them down. Today is our last practice and we need to perfect everything.

"I couldn't bring you down, guys."

I busied myself talking to Jisoo and Rose while we are waiting for Jungkook. The sight of Kai and Jennie who are sitting across us bothers me. I can't stand them.

"Sorry if you waited." Jungkook barged into the studio holding a bouquet of my favorite flower; pink roses "Happy 100 days, Lis."

Is he serious? Is this part of the act?

"Hey." Jisoo nudged me "Are you just going to stare at your boyfriend?"

I slightly shook my head "T-thanks, Kookie. My god, I'm sorry, I forgot." I stood up and accepted the bouquet

I could feel her intense glares. May the ground swallow me now. Wait, no. I want to confirm something.

"It's okay, Lis. I also want to say that I forgive you." He leaned and kissed my cheek "I love you, Lis."

His eyes were so sincere. Jungkook...

"I love..." I was interrupted when the door slammed shut and that was none other than Jennie Kim

Yup, confirmed.


"Are we okay now?" I asked Jungkook while stretching "J, why did you do that?" 

"I already lost this war, Lisa. It was always been her, right? Why would I risk losing the remaining thing that connects us?" 

"Let's talk after this?" 

I was hoping for him to say yes. I need someone to tell him about all the events that happened while he's avoiding me. 

"Sure but V invited me to hang out. I'll come to your house after." He patted my head "I missed you." 

I spread my arms wide "Give me a hug?" 

I squealed when he carried my bridal style and spun me around. Our laughter echoed in the four corner studio. I missed my super J.

"Ahem!" Seulgi faked a cough "Shall we start?" 

We forgot that they are still here. 

I gulped when I saw Jennie's killing stares at me. No, you can't look at me that like while you're with Kai. No, Jen.

Instead of letting myself get intimidated by her, I smirked at her teasingly. She raised her right eyebrow made me laugh mentally. 


"You're showing too much skin. No." Jennie pushed me back inside my walk-in closet "Change!" she said before shutting the door in my face 

We've been doing this for thirty minutes and I'm getting frustrated. She's helping me to choose my outfit for the band. Irene said that they will take care of our outfits for the dance competition. They better make sure that the kitten won't transform into a tiger because of those outfits. 

I opened the door "Get your ass in here, choose for me. I'm tired." 

Her eyes almost popped out when she looked at me. I was only in my undergarments. I don't care, she already saw me in my undergarments before. I pulled her inside when I noticed she wasn't making any movement.

She cleared her throat then proceeded to go through my clothes. 

"Why are you so tensed, Jen?" I decided to tease her 

She threw an executioner look at me "Shut up, Manoban!" 

I giggled and watched her resume her thing. I won't get tired of watching her. I've been dying to complement her in my black skinny jeans and powder blue Chanel crop top. She was so lazy to go home and change, instead, she went through my closet. 

"Wear this!" She threw a bathrobe to my face "And stop watching me. You're scaring me, you creep."

I burst into laughter "It's just amazing how you can rock any outfit." 

She took a black muscle shirt from the rack and raised it to hide her face, I bet she's blushing "Do still want me to help you?" She irritatedly asked me "Because if not, I'll go ahead."

I bit my lower lip to stop myself from laughing. I held my hands up as a sign that I'll stop teasing her. 


"What are you doing here?"

Jennie volunteered to open the door.

"Uh, I'm here for Lisa."

Upon hearing Jungkook's voice, I paused the series we were watching and walked towards the door.

Shit. I forgot that Jungkook will come over tonight. I was too occupied by Jennie's presence.

"J, come inside." I awkwardly smiled at him

"It's okay, Lis. We can talk anytime tomorrow. I'll go ahead." He was about to leave but Jennie spoke

"No, you two can talk now." Then she faced me, her eyes were saying don't do anything stupid "I'll wait for you upstairs."

"I see progress now." Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows while we are watching Jennie going upstairs

"Shut up." I playfully punched his chest "Let's talk outside."

It's too risky for us to talk in the living room.

"Tell me, aside from missing me, what else you want to talk about?"

"Ugh, I hate when you're teasing me." I rolled my eyes on him "Jennie and I kissed." I blurted out, though I know it's so insensitive on my part for him, he is the only one I need to talk to about this matter

"K-kiss? When?" I expected this for him to be surprised "Who initiated it?"

"Her. She was drunk then after she kissed me she said she loves me more than just a best friend." I sighed "But she forgot it."

"People tend to say what they truly feel when they are drunk, Lis." Jungkook said that made my hopes high "She loves you too, Lis."

"I don't want to hope for something that is impossible, J. Everything about us is impossible as long as she's with Kai." Then the pain came back again but this time it's more crushing "She's confusing me. After the kiss we shared, I can't help but fall for her deeper where I can see myself drowning into her."

"Why are you so scared, Lis? We made it this far where we can see changes to her towards you. She's starting to realize things. A little more push, she'll be yours."

"Let's end this, J." My lips quivered saying those words "I don't want to lie to her anymore. Her, knowing about this will ruin everything for us."

"Is that what you're scared of, Lis?"

"Yes." I admitted

His rough and firm hands cupped my face and made me look at him "Just a little more, hold on a little more." he leaned in to kiss my forehead "Even if she cut all her ties with you, I'll help you restore everything. I'm with you 'til the end." 

I threw myself to him and released the tears I'd been holding back "J, I can't do this anymore. Please. Now that I see a little hope, I don't want you to get involved again. Every time I look at her, every time I remember how I acted when she broke promises my conscience is eating me alive because I know to myself that I'm lying to her. I'm the one who is being unfair to her, J. Please, let's stop this."



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