Prey (Dream SMP AU) (Disconti...

Par Lonly-wolf

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It was the radiation from the war that made the human race become two different races. The Hunters, and the S... Plus

Ch. 2
Rest Well Legend
Bye guys


255 12 46
Par Lonly-wolf

Chapter 11-A New Beginning To A New Story

Dream seemed to be in a haste to show me more of the city <per-say >of L'manburg. It was a while longer before he took me to the restrooms which was at first suspicious. He then cleared that up by saying that I smelled and I needed a good wash. Taking a shower, which frankly was an interesting experience from its wooden pipes and a bit of chilly water, was refreshing. Even the new clothes Dream gave me where-softer. He didn't give me any armor or anything leather other than a belt (that was now wrapped around my waist), But when I took them before I took a shower; I was shocked to feel the texture of the blue long sleeve shirt. It was nothing like what we made at home, it was made out of some form of wool but not made from sheep or cattle I knew of. It was just soft.

After that, he came in when I was decent and said that he wanted to continue the tour, I didn't complain.

Dream pointed at a little shack as we continued our walk, "That's where we cook our food and store it. Everyone eats together, such as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Unless of course, you're out scavenging- and of course, everyone is allowed to scavenge their food. But it's just better for everyone to eat together. Saves extra savaging being done. It wastes time in getting everyone their own rations of food."

I rubbed my arm, still in awe of the shirt, "Cool."

"Are you even paying attention?"

"Your clothes are weird," I say.

Then Dream laugh-a laugh I never heard anyone else be able to make. I hate his laugh, only because it was addictive and I couldn't help but smile, even chuckle a bit with him. If I wasn't stubborn, I would have laughed with him.

"You're such an idiot George." He wheezed out.

I tilted my head still smiling, "What?"

He finally got himself together but still seemed to have a few chuckles left, "I'm showing you around, and the only thing you can say is-my clothes are weird?"

"Not your clothes per se." I say as I pick at the sleeve, "I mean it's just-"I glared trying to find my words only to get frustrated, "This is frustrating! L'manburg is just so different. And on top of what you said, to everything, it's so confusing." I rubbed my eyes under my glasses trying to gather my thoughts in one. But even after a nice shower-taking a few minutes to breathe-I still can't seem to grasp everything. I can feel a headache forming.

Dream was quiet for a second before saying, "Tonight we will be having a huge dinner. Maybe having food will help."

I remove my hands being confused, "How the hell does that help?"

Dream shrugged, "Food."

I rolled my eyes before walking forward, "Whatever."

Dream and I kept walking around, only to stop when children came running by. I fidget as I kind of hid behind Dream, who grabbed my arm trying to force me to stand by him again. But I couldn't face them. Not when only a few days ago I was with them when they were forced to become Speed-runners.

Casey and Ethan walked over to Dream; Casey holding a bouquet. Without the masks and tears, I can genuinely see how young the two are. And with Casey smiling so innocently, and so pure, I realized that they're just children. The Hunter in me still thought about the monsters they are and their breed that killed many of my own. But yet-I wanted to hide away from their eyes. Dream was holding me in place, I was only able to look down and hope they didn't see me. Which I knew was wishful thinking, but one can hope.

"Hey, Dream!" Casey chirped, looking much different than when she left the elevator. Happier, healthier, younger.

"Hi." Dream said, even giving a wave.

Ethan's glare was painful. I looked everywhere but him, almost too ashamed to look. A day ago, no, three hours ago, I would have glared back, might have even put a knife in his neck. But now he had the blade in his eyes, and I was too much of a coward to fight back.

"This is George." Dream said, aiming his words to Ethan, hinting he knew about the hatred the kid had for me, "He might be joining L'manberg."

"He won't join." Ethan said-venom in his words," He can look kids dead in the eye as he sends them to their death. And if he does-he'll only bring everything we-you built to flames." His glare left but went almost pitiful as he looked at Dream. In silence, I could physically hear him pleading to Dream to get rid of me or kill me. Most likely, kill me.

Dream put a hand on my shoulder though, "We'll see. He's the best shot we have to bring peace between us and the Hunters."


"You just have to see." Dream even under a mask, I can tell he was smiling gently.

What was surprising was Ethan took in Dream's words and left it be. His glare was gone, the diggers out of his eyes-just a kid with his younger sister. Dream gave me a shove so that I was in clear view of them. Casey smiled at me though, seeming not to care what her brother or Dream were talking about. She stepped forward, and with her small arms, held out the flowers to Dream.

"I found these. And I want you to have them." Her voice was full of pride. Like she did something amazing.

Dream took them with a small 'aww', "Thank you. I love them."

"I like the lilies ones more." She stated, pointing at a flower that was indeed beautiful.

Dream nodded, "I like those two. But want to know my favorite?"


He then points at a smaller flower in the batch, I know the flower, "This one. It's a rose." He then in a smaller tone added, "I planted a rose bushed where I used to live."

"In Sub Terra?" Ethan asked, seeming only somewhat interested in what they were talking about.

Dream nodded, "I did. Red roses to be exact. My brother and I didn't leave our house often, so I planted it so we had something beautiful that peeped through our window."

Casey tilted her head, "You have a brother?"

Dream voice then sounded faded, like thinking about it only brought sad thoughts, "I do. I have a younger one. I use to have a twin but-" Dream brushed the rose with his fingers. I remember reading about his twin, but I never thought about Dream having more siblings, "I also have an older sister and a younger sister."

"What were their names?" Ethan asked.

"Um, my older sister is named Caer, then my twin was Nightmare, then we have Lucid my younger brother. And then Drista, my baby sister."

Each name hit something in my brain, a memory. I know those names, every one of them. But I couldn't remember why. I know it wasn't good though, there was a reason while he was saying those names a shiver went down my spine, and a dark feeling overcame me. I pushed the feelings away though, I would worry about it later.

Casey looked around the place, "Are any other them here?"

Dream shook his head, "No. I guess I'm the only Speed-Runner in my family. But hey, if Georgie poo-"

"Don't call me that." I grimaced.

"Help, then we all can go home. And I can see my siblings again."

"He better! I wouldn't know what I'll do if I was separated from Ethan," Casey then looked at me with a glare, I never felt more afraid by a six-year-old, "You have to help. You own us that."

I didn't know what to say. So I let myself nod instead. Which she took as she looked back at Dream, "Well I'm happy you like the flowers."

"I do, thank you. I'll make sure they are safe."


"Come on Casey we have to get ready for dinner." Ethan grabbed Casey's hand, leading her away.

"Bye Dream, bye Geroge."

Dream with no hesitation waved back, "Bye."

I didn't wave, only giving a small 'bye' before walking on. Dream fallowing no short later. He kept looking at the flowers, his mask hiding whatever he was thinking, whatever emotion he was feeling. But I knew that little rose meant more to him than what he was letting on. I stopped walking shortly after, letting Dream lookup.

"Why did you plant roses?" I asked, "You said you planted them because you couldn't get out much, how come?"

Dream touched the flower again, "I was born sick. So was Nightmare. Then one day I felt okay and planted them so that we both could have a different thing I guess. And why roses are, I like them. They smell good, they are beautiful. What more than that?"

"You were sick?"


I look him up and down. The guy looked like he was the healthiest anyone could be. Tall, strong arms, the very definition of a fighter. To think that once he was ill to the point he was forced to stay home was almost humorous. This was a glow-up no one could beat.

"So what happened?" I continued asking.

Dream walked on, "Simply I got better. But the cost wasn't good." He said that part quietly like he was afraid I would hear. I did.

I thought about it saying the first thing that came to my head, "The disappearance of Nightmare?"

Dream didn't stop walking, yet his shoulders tense a bit, "What happened to him?"

Call it humorous timing, but a huge bell-like sound went off, causing me to yelp with a jump. Dream stopped walking, looking around as the bell continued to go off. As the noise continued, I notice a few people also stopping what they were doing, then walking down a path into the forest. A few carrying bags, while others carry plates stack of goodies.

"What the hell is that?" I yelled when the bell stopped.

Dream then grabbed my hand, pulling me with the group of people, "That is the bell for dinner."


"Your about to have a blast."

When Dream said everyone had dinner together, I wasn't expecting that he meant EVERYBODY. In the middle of the forest, in a glass dome sat a long dark oak table. As people got closer to it, I saw a few laying down plats full of food. Soon covering it with all sorts of mouth-watering bunch. I felt jealous if this was what they eat every night. Dream kept pulling me until we found some chairs towards the end that wasn't taken. I couldn't move as I kept looking at the stack of grilled fish, freshly made rolls, and amazingly grilled chicken breast that sat right in front of me.

Then when Dream handed me a plate, things were just interesting. No one overlapped anyone. Everyone chatter with each other. I thought for sure everyone would just dig in like animals, but surprisingly everyone was calm and would take turns grabbing or handling food. I kept staring not sure how to interact.

"You going to eat or stare at it?"

That wasn't Dream's voice, I looked over surprisingly to see Karl, mouth full of potatoes, 'How long have you been there?"

"Before you got here." He then smiled, "Kind of overwhelming, isn't it? When I first saw this I couldn't believe it! I guess the privilege in having the natural sun to feed the plants and a forest to hunt in right?"

"I remember you seeing this much food the first time," I looked over him to see Sapnap, taking a huge bite out of a fish before saying, "I think you shit yourself."

"I did not!" Karl yelled.

"So did."

I looked down when I saw something in the corner of my eye. Dream put a piece of chicken on my plate. I looked at him, only to see him look at Sapnap, "You also shit yourself! When I brought home that deer you were all sorts of pissing yourself."

Sapnap threw a piece of bread at him, "Shut up piss baby!"

"Make me!" Dream threw the bread back.

As the two kept fighting though, I looked down at my chicken, hesitantly picked it up feeling the warmth, then even more slowly putting it by my face to get a smell of it. Rosemary and perhaps basil overcame my nostrils, my mouth fully watering. Then like the moment of truth, I took a giant bite of it. Flavor burst in my mouth as I chewed. It was so overwhelmingly good that I didn't catch myself tearing up as I took another bite. Each bite was good, and each moment I heard the two guys bickering in the background, the more I seemed to lose the fight in me. I even laugh as I took another bite, and this time I let the tears fall.

When night fully came, and the table was clean, is when everyone went to a lake. I knew this wasn't a common thing, as the atmosphere changed. It was nothing like it was on the table, full of laughter and fun. But here it's nothing more than silence. Looking at the lake, two small boats sat waiting, each one full of flowers, weapons of all kinds, and even though I wasn't very close to them, I could see the outline of humans underneath a sheet. I remember the boy's body I bumped into not long ago, and I remember someone saying they found another one. This was a funeral for the Speed-Runners.

I stood next to Karl, who looked sadden by the lost-

Dream and Sapnap were by the lake, pushing the boats into the water. When they both pushed hard enough, the boats took down the gentle lake, slowly leaving everyone behind them. I've been to many hunter's funerals, and none of them were like this.

Dream then turned to look over at everyone, "Tonight, we welcome two glorious souls into the hands of our fallen brothers, sisters, our people. Tiger, and Digitaldengus. They have fought well, they have served well." He then paused, "They were too young, left too early. They have left their mark within us someway. So let's welcome them to the table of Glory where they belong. For they have earned a rightful seat, with all of those who fought hard." He then turned to the boats that were floating further away and spoke like he was talking to friends, "May the Glory welcome you both. That you may know that you have earned peace. And that you are free from the burden of the Game, that you may rest and know your sacrifice have brought us closer to a free world. Glory to them!"

"Glory to them!" Everyone on the lake shouted, even Karl. It was a powerful cry, not for battle or war, but a cry of mercy. It had power but not in a way I heard before. It was to show a unity of all people, gathering as one to show respect to two. No words could describe the moment.

"Glory to them," I whispered within the cry. Feeling almost unworthy to say the words.

Sapnap and Dream then walked to a small stumped holding two bows. It was fascinating to watch the two log in a single arrow, then go to a torch that brazes, setting the tips on fire. Then almost fluently, the two got into places, drew back their bows, aimed high in the air, and like as easy as breathing, let them go. Everyone watched as the two arrows glowed through the dark sky, falling down like a fallen star. It was even more stunning though when they reach their target, hitting the boats, and within a second, became a brilliant fire. I watched, looking up at the ashes, thinking of the souls once trapped being set free into the stars, where they truly belong.

"I want to join L'manberg." I stated, not sure who I was saying it to.

Karl heard though, a smile in his words as he said, "You would be viewed as a traitor."

I kept staring at the boats, "And personally," I then look at Dream who must be comforting the Speed-runner's family, "That wouldn't  be a bad thing."

(Hello..I'm not back I just felt bad for giving you a teaser and not a chapter. So here ya go!
Okay now Bye

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