Arcane: Batman (Batman OC x A...


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"Your father's death changed The Lanes forever." "He's always been one step ahead of you." "Is this the futur... More

(Act 1) Episode 1: Teaching
(Act 1) Chapter 2: Piltover Enforcer Department
Batman Special Interactions LOL
Final Trailer (Bat and the Cat)

(Act 1) Chapter 3: Welcome to the Playground Part 1

973 17 9

9 years ago

A window was heard, as it shows Wayne Manor but again, the window was being opened. A gloved hand pushed the window opening it silently, as a figure enters the house. It shows a quite small and lean/skinny figure as the person pulls the hoodie back, showing that it was a girl, not even 13, chestnut curly hair, green eyes and she had black leather jacket, ripped jeans, high boots and also had some type of goggles. She heard some talking downstairs as she smirks a little, looking at a few stuff. She walks quickly to where there were a few paintings, artistic stuff and more. She smiled looking at a vase, it had grey and black designs... very complex. She kept looking at it, like she was about to steal it.

???: That's... actually a fake.

The girl jumped and looked back, seeing a kid Asher with a type of vest, looking bit too rich.

Asher: Father always told me about... that. *pointed at the vase* Is about some guy named "Zorro." He is a legend to many people, I've always been a fan of him and when dad saw that... vase of him... he bought it.

Girl: Very rich.

Asher: Y-Yeah, there was one vase which was written by Zorro himself but... no one knows where it went so... we have a fake one... many do.

Girl: *clicks her tongue* Right.

She puts the vase back in place, still looking at it, Asher looked... embarrassed, he was in own way, a history nerd, and he isn't very good talking to girls... he's like... very bad.

Asher: I-I'm... I'm Asher Wayne.

The girl looks back seeing Asher extends his hand and she smirks and shakes it.

Girl: Elara Kyle.

Scene shows the shaking hands as a punch was heard and as it shows Vi dodging a kick but later gets off balance due to another kick. Vi was on her side as she looks back looking up.

???: Fell like a rock, and hit like a wuss... expected.

Scene shows an older Elara, now 19, as she kneels in front of Vi.

Elara: Vander would be so embarrassed of how you were fighting.

Elara stood up and decided to give Vi a hand but she slapped it away.

Vi: I'm so over it.

Elara: Over what?

Vi: Getting beat up by idiots.

Elara: *smirks* Right. The old butler... Alder hasn't lost his touch and the madman... no idea who the idiot it.

Vi: Who's Alder?

Elara: The Wayne's butler, or was... nobody knows where the hell is... Asher.

Vi: The brat kid?

Elara: *nods* Yeah, the moron with a death wish. So... are we... doing the heist?

That last sentence, she said it with some interest smirking as Vi exhales smirking to the door.

Vi: We're going... right now.

Elara: Perfect.

Vi walks away about to get her brothers and sister, as Elara stayed back but she looked down a little.

Elara: Moron with a death wish...

Her smirk disappeared... she hasn't heard of Asher for 4 or 5 years, ever since he disappeared after Chill's death... no clue, nothing... is like he doesn't want to be found. Elara grabbed something from her jacket, showing the Wayne ring as she clenches her fist with the ring inside.

(Starts music)

Scene shows everything in a rocky way, as it shows a man in the ground in black as scene moves to the other side, showing a woman also in the ground glowing red, as in the middle... a kid Asher was... The Wayne Tragedy. Scene shows a blue stone, being hold by someone, which was Jayce Talis with the scene moving horizontally, as it later shows another man with a cane reading, which was Viktor. Scene changes to a wall from a temple as from the shadows shows Caitlyn as it takes a close up to an animals face, which was Heimerdinger with a blue glow behind, scene changes now to a luxurious building and a yellow glow, showing Mel Melarda with both hands in a table and quickly changes to a man with armor but a trench coat, wearing glasses and mustache... that was Captain Gordon with the Enforcer's Department Building behind. Scene changes to young Vi and Powder from far away in someone's hands, which was Vander's and behind Vander, a dark figure as the left eye glows orange with dark aura... Silco. Scene glitches showing a mask and zooms out showing a person riding a hover board with a green light and a weapon. Scene changes to Caitlyn shooting from her rifle and quickly to a light blue glow showing Alder holding a trait very gentlemanly as it turns around in red, showing him holding a shotgun by his elbow and a knife in his pockets. Later changes to Jayce holding a large hammer powered up with a blue glow, Hextech. Later changes to Jinx with a minigun glowing blue and then Vi with a pair of gauntlets about to clash with Jinx just to change to a man holding three shurikens between his left hand fingers, with blood flowing around and over him, it was Batman like about to punch him mid air, the cape in the shape of a bat and bats surrounding him as the two clash punches, exploding showing the title.

(Ends music)


Elara was climbing a building slowly as she looks down seeing Vi, Claggor, Mylo and Powder just to smirk.

Elara: Come on boys and girls, we're so close.

She kept climbing with Vi following her but Mylo was super tired.

Mylo: Aw, man.

They kept as Elara reached the top and stretched looking around Piltover, it has been exactly 3 years since she has seen Piltover from such a high building. She smiles but looks to a certain building, which said "Wayne Tower." It was as tall as the Council's building. She should visit Alder at least once, her smirk slowly disappeared but returned to smirk just to give Vi a hand, pulling her up. Vi looks forward looking at Piltover.

Vi: Hey Powder.

Powder appears climbing but almost stumbles but gets on the roof.

Vi: Come take a look.

Powder walks towards Vi who had her hands on her waist as Powder just awed.

Powder: Whoa.

Vi: It's nice getting above it all, huh?

Claggor and Elara join looking at the horizon of Piltover, with a blimp passing over them.

Powder: One day, I'm gonna ride in one of those things.

Mylo: And one day, I'm gonna shoot one of 'em down.

Elara: Honey, let me be honest... your accuracy is the worst.

Mylo: *annoyed* Elara...

Elara smiled after that and walked away as Claggor looked unease with the five walking.

Claggor: Vi, are, are you sure about this? Look, if we get caught, we're...

Vi: We're not gonna get caught. We'll be in and out before anyone notices.

They stood in another roof looking towards another building.

Elara: All right, everyone do as I do.

Vi: Pretty sure they won't.

Elara rolls her eyes and runs from one side of the building and jumps to the other very easily.

Elara: Easy jump.

Vi: Forget it, I got a safer way.

Vi slides down the roof and later puts her feet in the ledge if a balcony and jumps to the other roof... a misstep and she would've fell. Mylo cracked his fingers and stops Claggor who went to go, as Mylo does exactly what Vi did with a smirk, but later Claggor arrived with a cupcake in his mouth, easily eating it.

Claggor: Couldn't we have at least just walked there?

Vi: Gotta stay out of sight for this one.

They look to the building seeing Powder still not jumping... it was a long jump and she was breathing heavily, as Elara sighs.

Mylo: Called it. This one's on you, Vi.

Claggor: I'll get her.

Vi: *stops Claggor* No. Powder, look at me. What did I tell you?

Powder breaths slower while looking at Vi.

Powder: That... *exhales* I'm ready.

Vi: That's right! So?

Powder takes a deep breath and starts to do the action. She slides to the side of the roof later jumping and by grabbing the roof, she swings to the balcony, landing in it.

Powder: Phew!

She looks to the other roof and jumps landing but loses her balance, as Elara grabs her wrist catching her.

Powder: Thanks.

Elara kept her usual smirk and pulls her back and walks away.

Elara: We're so close for the biggest payout, c'mon.

She took lead with Vi behind as Mylo scoffed at Powder who looked shy, but returned to walk as well, but scene looks from afar, showing a figure. Some time later, it shows the five walking in another side of a building, but Claggor didn't looked convinced.

Claggor: What if Vander finds out we're all the way up here?

Vi: Look around you. You think anyone topside's going hungry? Besides, this is exactly the sort of job Vander would've pulled when he was our age.

Elara: Agreed, and tell that to me, I've been doing this since I was 10, but look, The Lanes is rotting, best we could do is slow it down from dying... so are you guys gonna help me and Vi? Or not?

The three looked at each other as Claggor sighs.

Claggor: If Vander finds out, is on you, Cat.

Elara: Yeah... really don't care. Plus... don't... screw up.

Elara swings to the balcony of the building they were and saw the lock. She looked by the windows but there was no one so she grabbed from her pockets a lock pick and started to pick the door's lock. Vi entered with Mylo next as he leaned to the wall.

Mylo: So... uuuh... do you have plans for the night?

Elara: Nope.

Mylo: Do you want to-

Elara: *looks at Mylo* Want me to be honest? You are so not my type... the answer is always noz

Mylo was definitely pushed after that as Claggor who got last looked down.

Claggor: There's tons of enforcers down there.

Vi: Means we're in the right place. You gonna get that door open any time soon?

Elara: Hold up... aaaaaand...

She hears a click and opens the door entering. They follow Elara who looks around smiling.

Elara: Jackpot.

Vi walked and dropped the bag in the ground and looked around, also seeing a drawing board, with some writings and analysis.

Mylo: You know, Claggor, for once you're right. We are definitely not supposed to be here.

Mylo checks a table with a lot of stuff, as Claggor opened a small box and puts some stuff inside, Powder moves some boxes and sees a horse figure, and puts it in the bag. Elara grabbed a piece and looked at the board.

Elara: This place... must be an inventor's one... one of "his" caliber.

Vi: His?

Elara: Just... an old friend, let's keep moving.

Powder kept looking but she looks something that called her attention.

Powder: *grabbing some kind of sphere with legs* Whoa, I think this is a real Valdiani.

She presses the Valdiani and a song was shown with a miniature solar system.

Mylo: Oh, yeah? What about this?

He shows some kind of stick with claws... that was...

Powder: That's a nose hair trimmer.

Vi: Keep an eye out for anything that looks valuable, Powder. *she closes it* Before Mylo fills the bag with junk.

Mylo who was using it stops and keeps looking for stuff, but sees a weird triangle thing with a small blue pearl holding it, just after pushing some papers away.

Mylo: Uh... guys?

The other three oldest walk towards him and sees the machine.

Claggor: Vi, how the hell did we find this place?

Vi: It was a tip from Little Man.

Mylo: Little man?

Vi: Just leave it. Come on.

Claggor: How can anyone have so much stuff?

Mylo: Simple, just get born lucky.

Elara looked at a few books and grabbed more stuff, as Powder walked away...

???: You're all very good at stealing.

The four look back seeing Asher in the exit as Elara quickly ran to the front, as Asher closed the door and locked it.

Asher: No escaping this time.

Elara: *to Vi* Find a way to get out.

Vi nods as Elara saw a knife and grabbed it, starting to swing to Asher who dodged the swings later grabbing her wrist but she kicking his elbow and with that same kick his head. It does hurt him that one as he blocks few more kicks after that, Claggor and Mylo were dodging the fight trying to break the window or open the door without him noticing and Vi runs to the back room seeing Powder finish grabbing the stuff in there.

Vi: Powder, we have to go!

Elara goes with a back swing but he blocks it later catching another kick, wrapping his arm around it, as Elara tries to break free. Asher kept an eye on her, it took him a second but his eyes widen, he managed to recognize the person.

Asher: E... lara?

His grip sort of weakened as Elara managed to break free and ran towards him. She went to tackle him which he moved but she rolled and kicked him back later this time, managing to tackle him and grabs his mouth wrap, ripping it making him look down, as she swings around him and pulls his hoodie and hat back just to throw him over her. She takes a step back as Asher slowly got up but kind of hurt.

Elara: You know my name... who are you?

Asher groans and manages to get up but holding his shoulder, where the bullet wound was, as she looks at him... eyes widening... she could recognize that face... she looked in pure shock.

Elara: Ash?

Asher: Elara.

Asher stood up and grabbed the hat as Vi arrived and looked at him who looked back frowning.

Vi: Wayne...

Asher panting looks down as Elara walks to him pulling his face and slaps it at full force which he groaned a little.

Elara: Took you a long while to show up.

Asher frowns and puts the hat back pulling his hoodie back on.

Elara: What?! Nothing?! Not even something like "Good to see you, El." "I'm sorry for everything, El." I should've told you I was leaving, El!"

Asher just ignores her pulling his mask back on as Elara was slowly killing her nerves.

Elara: Ash. *grabs his arm stopping* For fuck's sakes, Asher, talk!

Asher: What do you want me to say?! Asher Wayne, back from the dead! You're both pissed but I never intended to reveal myself to anyone.

Elara: Never?! Does anyone know you're here? Does Alder... know?

Asher frowns and breaks the grip... she picked up the message.

Elara: Wow, not even your father knows... unbelievable, Asher!

Asher: Elara stop... he is not my father, and I shouldn't tell anyone I'm back.

Elara: *angrily smirks* Then you're not Asher, are you?

Asher: People change.

Elara: I can clearly see that.

The four were seeing how Elara and Asher were shooting each other's head off. Claggor and Powder felt uncomfortable, Mylo was bit scared and Vi... she was super pissed. The butler and Jack were Alder Pennyworth and Asher Wayne. Elara has known Asher for years and a rich boy has been in The Lanes for months?

Elara: At least tell Alder you're back! He deserves to know!

Asher: Elara last time, I'm not here to stay! In a few months I'm leaving to Ionia.

Elara: Doesn't it sound very familiar, huh?

Asher scoffs and looks at the bag.

Asher: Return what you all stole, I'm not telling again,

Mylo: O-Oh hell no!

Asher glares at Mylo who was already denying it... he... wasn't very scared.

Elara: Enough, Asher! We got this cause we need it, so go play emo somewhere else.

Asher: What you're stealing is Kiramman property, part of this is Wayne... is my responsibility.

Elara: You're responsibility is to tell Alder and your... Caity that you're still alive.

Asher: God, you're incredibly annoying-

Elara: And you're very selfless and... and so over it, aren't you?!

Asher: Me?!

Elara: Yeah! You left! I cried! Ice cream! Cried again! Take care of the cats! Make sure Alder didn't do anything stupid but I think it went the opposite way! Literally stole from YOUR company! *points at the others* Met those idiots! And you come back, 4 years later in a suit so not you! Very emo and like some kind of vengeful person!

Asher: And you haven't changed at all.

Elara: Prefer not to than become... you...

That did hit Asher deeply but... he doesn't care. They heard something from behind the door, some footsteps as Asher glares at it, he looks at a chair and grabs it and locks the door taking a step back.

Man: *muffled* Hello?

Asher recognized that voice and he clenched his fist... he knew very well.

Man: *muffled* Is someone in there?

Elara: Who's that?

Asher: Jayce Talis, we have to go.

They walked back to the roof but Asher looked back to the floor, saw a type of crystal rolling in the ground, it was a Hextech.

Asher: Oh no.

He ran towards it to get it which Elara saw.

Elara: *whispering* Asher!

He went to grab it but it was too late, an explosion was created when the crystal exploded pushing Asher back to the roof. He slid to the rail, as he groaned but part of the building also started to collapse, the six of them got very together, with Vi in front.

Vi: Hold on!

The balcony slowly collapsed and parts started to fall in the streets. Asher got up and went to check on the damage as he looked in shock, Jayce was experimenting with Hextech, he didn't know what he was doing, at all. He looked down seeing two Enforcers... looking at him... well crap.

Vi: Shit.

The sound of a horn was heard as scene time skips to them running.

Asher: *mentally* How did I get myself into this?

They kept running with some enforcers following them.

Enforcer #1: Stop right there!

He pressed some kind of sphere and threw it, showing some kinds of bolas. Asher pushed Claggor out of it and he grabbed something from his belt, showing some kind of sphere like them and throws them to the ground behind him as it opens showing some kind of caltrops which does slow them down a little. They kept running by the community as they reach some stairs.

Vi: Faster!

Vi skips the stairs with Mylo sliding, Claggor and Powder run down them and Asher and Elara jump over them as Powder barely dodges another pare of bolas from the bridge, as they see some enforcers in it.

Enforcer #2: Down there!

Enforcer #3: You can't get away.

They started to reach the bridge but they saw a cruiser coming, the bridge was separating. They all hit turbo and go faster as they run over the bridge. Also the enforcers as well but one... that guy tripped and fell as they entered an alley, Asher grabbed a grenade from his belt, he got in the back, behind Mylo with him barely dodging another pair of bolas as he pulled a pin and threw the grenade to the ground, exploding, covering the alley in smoke, Vi went left quick with the other 5 following her. The enforcers lost sight of them as Asher saw a metal grate which would lead to the sewers and he pulled it, opening it and throws it away, as he quickly entered with Elara following him, Mylo was next but...

Mylo: Oh, man, not again. I just got this shirt...

Vi kicked him, as Asher fell through the dirty tunnels as he crashes to the screen... turning it black and ending the chapter.

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