Hot and Cold (Gaiden)

By Mimiyanini

505 5 2

Demon Slayer OC More

Author's Note
DeJa Vu

A Strange Boy

72 1 2
By Mimiyanini

"Get out."


Shinjuro said his voice was stern as ever as he threw alcohol at Kyojuro, but thankfully from all the training, he dodged it.

"Just quit. You can't be a big shot anyways!"

As he drank another alcoholic beverage, Kyojuro glanced at his father's back. Soon after, Kyojuro bowed before standing up and exiting the room, leaving his intoxicated father alone.

Ever since his wife's sudden demise a few months ago, Shinjuro had spiraled into a deep pit of despair. He had lost his fighting spirit, drowning his sorrows in alcohol even during missions. Kyojuro knew that his father's days as the Flame Pillar were numbered, and that a new successor should have already taken his place. Perhaps, it should have been him.


Azura's soothing voice echoed through the dimly lit hallways, prompting Kyojuro to turn and find Senjuro, his younger brother, clutching onto the back of Azura's traditional kimono. They shared the same concerns about Shinjuro's well-being and the uncertain future of their training without his guidance.

Approaching his siblings, Kyojuro's stoic expression softened, and he gently patted their heads.

"Don't worry, we can continue our training even without our father's support. We'll study from books and find a way forward!" Kyojuro attempted to uplift their spirits, but the weight of the situation left his siblings looking despondent.

Training with books seemed like a viable option for Kyojuro. He believed that as long as he had instructions, he could manage. However...

"Are all the pages ripped?"

Kyojuro leafed through the pages of the Generational Flame Hashira Record. They were all in tatters, with only a few fragments remaining legible. A wave of despondency washed over him, as he realized that he would be nothing without his father's guidance.


He sat motionless, his gaze fixed on the torn pages of the records. Azura entered the dimly lit room and took a seat beside Kyojuro, observing his expression of discontent, sadness, and perhaps even anger. These emotions were directed towards his father, who had relinquished everything.

"What do we do now...?" Azura inquired, nervously biting her lower lip.

Kyojuro eventually turned to face his adopted sister, a practitioner of flame-breathing techniques who had been trained by his father. He had failed and given up on her as well.

He thought to himself, 'How pathetic...' as he recalled the recent incident involving his intoxicated father.

"I can just work at the Butterfly Mansion..." Azura whispered softly.

During their training sessions together, Kyojuro recognized Azura's potential. He admired her relentless dedication and the remarkable progress she had made. Most of his father's students would have given up after a few months, but Azura had persevered for nine months alongside them.

"I'll train you, Azura!" Kyojuro exclaimed, his usual enthusiasm met with Azura's lowered head and clenched fist.

Azura couldn't shake the feeling that she was a burden to Kyojuro. Seeing the torn and unreadable records, she doubted their ability to learn flame breathing. Would they really succeed? Her skepticism grew, but Kyojuro noticed her distress and firmly took hold of her small, fragile hands.

"I'll make sure you pass the exam," Kyojuro declared with unwavering confidence, his smile masking his worries about losing Azura Yamazaki.

Feeling his fingers interlaced with hers, Azura felt a glimmer of relief. She understood the immense pain Kyojuro carried from losing Ruka, his mother. Ruka was like a mother to Azura too, so she mourned as well, though not as deeply as Kyojuro did.

Even in the face of adversity, he maintained his grin and a cheerful demeanor, leaving Azura perplexed at how someone could act as if nothing had happened. He reminded her of her older sister.

Her older sister had never shown any vulnerability in front of Azura. Instead, she projected an air of confidence and strength. However, Azura longed for her sister to open up and share her true feelings, so she could offer comfort in return.

In a sudden gesture, Azura leaned in, embracing Kyojuro tightly, her small arms wrapping around his neck. His eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected touch, but he soon relaxed into the embrace, finding solace in Azura's comforting presence.

"It's okay to cry, Kyojuro..."

Kyojuro blinked, his eyes moist with unshed tears, before he enveloped Azura in a tight embrace, his face buried in her shoulder. She felt the dampness on her shoulder but paid it no mind, allowing him to release his emotions and cry for as long as he needed. At that moment, the world outside faded away, and it was just the two of them finding solace in each other's arms. The sound of his soft sniffs and occasional whimper echoed in the room, serving as a soothing backdrop for his younger brother who remained in the adjacent room.

Time seemed to stand still as they held onto each other, seeking comfort and understanding. The young pair were oblivious to the passage of time, finding solace in the shared embrace and the unspoken support between them. Kyojuro's voice, husky from his tears, broke the silence.

"I promise, Azura... I will make you a hashira."


It has been a year since I joined the Rengoku Household. During this time, Shinjuro-dono's struggle with alcoholism persisted, causing him to lose his motivation to protect the weak. Witnessing his rapid descent was conflicting for me, as he was the one who saved me and I hold great respect for him. I understand the pain of losing someone dear, as I have experienced it myself, but relying on alcohol as an escape is a poor excuse.

In the midst of these challenging circumstances, significant events unfolded after the passing of Ruka Rengoku. One of them was Kanae Kocho's rise to become the Flower Breathing Hashira. When I saw Kanae-sama, I couldn't contain my joy and went to congratulate her wholeheartedly. Witnessing her achievement brought me immense happiness.

Meanwhile, my training with Kyojuro, whom I address as 'Master' during our sessions, has been ongoing. I can sense notable changes within myself, and I can feel my strength growing. Even Kyojuro himself has expressed his admiration for my progress as an individual.

I just finished training with Kyojuro a few minutes back, and now I'm on a brief break, which means...


With an enthusiastic exclamation, I entered the infirmary of the Butterfly Mansion, hoping to see my 'friend.' We had been growing closer over the past few months and days, and I considered us to be friends. However, to my surprise, she was nowhere to be found. 

Instead, I noticed a boy lying in one of the beds. His right eye was covered by a bandage, and his hands were wrapped in bandages as well. His expression was cold and distant.

Since I had never seen him around before, I felt a bit awkward. I contemplated leaving, but I wanted to meet Kocho-chan first. 

With a gentle stride, I approached the silent boy, who seemed oblivious to my presence. I took a seat on the empty bed next to him.

Glancing at him quickly, I observed his creamy yellowish-white hair. His eyes, a deep blue color, were mostly concealed by his long bangs. One side of his head featured a longer side bang, and his tired-looking eye remained fixated on his bandaged hands.

As I stared at him, he finally turned his head to meet my gaze. We locked eyes for a few moments, and then I offered him an awkward bow and a small grin. However, he quickly averted his gaze, turning his head away from mine.

"I'm seeing ghosts..." he mumbled, his voice trembling.

Ghosts? Was he referring to me?

"Um...excuse me?" I asked hesitantly, trying to maintain a friendly demeanor. He shivered and trembled in his bed.

"Shiver me tim- The ghost is talking to me..." he muttered, clearly startled.

He really was talking about me!

"N-No! I'm not a ghost! I'm a person, a human being!" I explained, attempting to reassure him and prevent further distress. It seemed like he was in a fragile state.

He slowly shifted his gaze back toward me. This time, I could get a better look at his face. He appeared to be older, possibly around the same age as Kyojuro.

After a few moments, he bowed slightly and said, "Sorry lass," with a feeble smile.

lass...? What is that?

He nervously laughed, explaining, "I thought you were one of the comrades I fought alongside with during a mission against a demon, but unfortunately, they didn't make it..."

"I-I see..." I responded, feeling a mix of relief and sympathy. It seemed like he had mistaken me for someone else, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for intruding at this moment.

"Are you new here?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity. "I don't recall ever seeing you before... I've been to the Butterfly Mansion several times for assistance, but this is the first time I've laid eyes on such a gorgeous lass."

Gorgeous? I was taken aback by the unexpected compliment. I blushed and quickly averted my gaze, feeling a flutter of excitement at receiving such kind words from a boy for the first time.

"I'm not exactly new, but I've been coming here for almost a year now..." I replied, my voice slightly shy.

"Seriously?! How is it that our paths haven't crossed until now?" he exclaimed, his eyes widening in surprise. "Fate works in such mysterious ways!"

I glanced at him awkwardly as he hummed on his bed. His demeanor seemed pleasant, but since I hadn't interacted with many boys apart from Kyojuro and Senjuro, who were like family to me, this kid is a bit...

A weirdo.

"Ah, right!" he exclaimed, abruptly turning his head towards me, causing me to worry if he had just cracked his neck. "My name is Raikou... Fujiwara," he added.

As he mentioned his last name, there was an uncomfortable pause, but I didn't dare inquire about it. I assumed he was simply exhausted from his duties.

"What's your name, little lass?" he asked, tilting his head to the side, a small smile forming on his face.

I replied sheepishly, "Yamazaki... Azura Yamazaki," to which he let out a hum.

"What brings you here, Yamazaki-chan?" he cooed my name, "You seem perfectly fine to me."

Urk- I can't just tell him I'm here to see Kocho-chan and that's why I'm here. That's far too humiliating...

"Don't tell me!" he squinted his left eye at me and exclaimed, "Kanae-sama's disciple?!"

"No... I'm actually a student of Rengoku..."

"Rengoku... Rengoku... THE FLAME PILLAR?!?!" he cried out, his dark blue eye-widening in shock, his face growing even paler. I flinched at his sudden outburst, wondering where the quiet boy had gone before I arrived.

He continued, "It doesn't suit you at all!" His words felt like arrows piercing through me.

I murmured softly, "Is that so?"

"I was hoping you'd be Kanae-sama's disciple. You would have been like the 'Blue Morpho' in this butterfly mansion!" he joked, causing me to laugh awkwardly.

"The Flame Pillar is intimidating and incredibly cool, but I heard he turned to alcohol after his wife's passing... I'm sorry," he said.

I offered him a gentle smile and replied, "It's okay."

Raikou fell into silence, seemingly regretting his earlier words. The weight of his comment lingered in the air, casting a somber mood between us.

Kyojuro Rengoku had invested a great deal of effort in helping me prepare for the exams. Despite his own ongoing training and missions, he remained dedicated to my progress. I admired his unwavering work ethic and his advice to commit myself wholeheartedly if I were to join the Demon Slayer Corps, as he anticipated. I aimed to strengthen myself so that I could fight alongside Kyojuro and save countless lives.

As the thought of saving people from demons crossed my mind, my attention shifted to Fujiwara-san. Leaning against the headboard, he gazed upward, lost in his own thoughts. His demeanor had become more serious, but when he noticed my gaze on him, he turned around and offered me a small smile.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I asked, "What happened to your... right eye?" I raised my hand and pointed to my own right eye, seeking an answer.

He blinked a few times and let out a soft chuckle. "Ask me again the next time we meet, little lass," he replied cryptically.

I wondered when the next opportunity would arise to ask him about his eye, but I hesitated. His voice carried a sense of fragility and sorrow, dissuading me from probing further. 

Soon enough, another boy rushed into the infirmary, disrupting the moment.

This newcomer sported messy black hair, forming tufts that stood out haphazardly around his head. A sloppy low ponytail secured his hair at the nape of his neck, while his irregular fringe cascaded over his eyes. His keen gaze, framed by thin eyebrows, showcased deep sapphire irises that gradually faded to a lighter blue, encompassing bluish-black pupils.

"Raikou!" the boy exclaimed, his tone laced with either irritation or fury. Yet, Raikou's smile remained undeterred as he beamed back.

"Giyuu! My matey!" Raikou exclaimed, noticing the young boy's approach and raising his hands in anticipation. However, before Raikou could react, Giyuu clenched his hands into fists and struck Raikou's face with a resounding smack.

I recoiled at the sound, witnessing Raikou immediately clutching his right cheek, which bore the impact of Giyuu's blow. Concern flickered in Raikou's eyes as he inquired, "Is this your new way of showing how much you miss me, lad?"

Giyuu only gave him an impassive expression, but not long after, his brow furrowed and he said, "You could've-"

It's Raikou's turn to smack the boy named 'Giyuu' in the stomach this time.

"Giyuu, please greet the young lady beside me," Raikou stated, his voice carrying a serious tone despite maintaining his usual smile.

Giyuu finally recognized my presence and awkwardly bowed, to which I returned the gesture.

In hushed tones, the raven-haired boy exchanged words with Raikou before departing, leaving us alone once again.

Shortly after, I heard the voice of Kanae-san echoing through the corridors, followed by a polite exchange of greetings between her and the boy named Giyuu, before she entered the room.

"Well, hello, Azura-chan and Raikou-kun," Kanae-san greeted us with a smile.

She stood beside Raikou, engaging in a conversation about his well-being and the condition of his right eye. I paid little attention to their discussion, as it didn't concern me directly. However, a few minutes later, Kocho-chan entered the room, and my face lit up with joy at the sight of her.

"What brings you here, Yamazaki-chan?" she asked, her expression nonchalant, although I hoped that she was secretly pleased to see me.

I leaped out of bed, seizing Kocho-chan's hand with excitement upon seeing her. However, her expression remained unchanged, a familiar blankness that indicated her familiarity with my exuberance and longing to be close to her. Though she didn't exhibit overt enthusiasm, I knew she valued our bond, having declared me her first "friend."

After bidding farewell to Kanae and Raikou, Kocho-chan and I retreated to another area of the Butterfly Mansion. There, we savored the flavors of tea and indulged in the delightful sweetness of sakura mochi.

"Raikou Fujiwara?"

Kocho-chan blinked her purple eyes before swallowing the sakura mochi she had just eaten.

"I don't know much about him except that he's an unremarkable demon slayer," she replied matter-of-factly.

Considering his frequent visits to the infirmary, that observation seemed fitting.

"He's also friends with that dull guy."

"Who?" I inquired, tilting my head to the side in confusion.

"Giyuu Tomioka," Kocho-chan responded, proceeding to enlighten me about his perceived lack of excitement and how she derived enjoyment from teasing him. They appeared to share a close bond, and I couldn't help but admire Giyuu for effortlessly capturing Kocho-chan's attention.

However, there was something endearing about Kocho-chan's gradual opening up to me. It felt like she was gradually becoming more comfortable and warm in my presence. I had also struck up a friendship with Aoi Kanzaki, a ten-year-old girl recently adopted into their training regimen. However, I mostly saw her assisting with household chores rather than engaging in rigorous training. She seemed to be a reserved and obedient child under the guidance of Shinobu and Kanae Kocho.

After spending around thirty minutes conversing with Kocho-chan, I returned to the Rengoku Household, where I found Kyojuro engrossed in teaching his younger brother the art of swordsmanship.

"You're back, Azura!" greeted Kyojuro as I entered the room.

"Nee-san!" chimed in Shinjuro, his radiant smile threatening to melt my heart.

Approaching me cautiously, Rengoku held a wooden sword and asked, "How's your plan to befriend Kocho-chan going?"

"It's going pretty well!" I exclaimed, and he beamed in response. "I've also met some new people there!"

"Who?" he inquired.

"Giyuu Tomioka and...Raikou Fujiwara," I replied, looking at him.

"I know them!" he exclaimed, his smile widening. "Though Tomioka-san is rather quiet, and Fujiwara-san is the complete opposite of him, but he doesn't talk much about himself."

A question sparked in my mind, "Are they older than you, Kyojuro?"



"What an odd question, Azura!" he remarked, and my face flushed as I realized how peculiar it was to inquire about someone's age whom I had only just met.

Senjuro tilted his head innocently, observing, "Nee-san is blushing..."

"Forget it, Kyojuro," I grumbled, attempting to recover from my embarrassment.

Kyojuro stated, smiling and optimistic as usual, "I just can't pinpoint nor grasp how you require knowledge regarding Tomioka-san and Fujiwa-"

"AAAAHHH!" I exclaimed, cutting him off and I snatched up the wooden sword off the floor. "L-let's keep practicing! I'm all fired up!"

"That's the spirit!" Kyojuro beamed as he walked to the center of the room with me to begin training.

'We'll meet again next time...'

✁- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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