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"Thank you, Kanae-san."


After our conversation and Azura Yamazaki finished eating the onigiri I offered her, she succumbed to exhaustion and drifted off to sleep. She's such a gentle and vulnerable girl, but the world can be unforgiving for souls like hers. Silently, I make my way out of the room, carrying the empty tray with a cup and plate.


I spot Shinjuro-dono standing before me, his face expressionless. Before proceeding to the kitchen to tidy up, I offer him a small smile and a bow.

"Is she asleep?" Shinjuro-dono asks, his voice filled with concern.

"Yes, she's still shaken by what she's been through, but she's eager to understand and learn," I respond, conveying Azura's determination.

Shinjuro-dono contemplates for a moment, his voice monotone and hoarse, "Do you think she could be of assistance here? Perhaps helping in healing the injured demon slayers."

"She seems keen on training under you, Shinjuro-dono," I reply as I enter the cooking area, rounding the corner.

I begin to wash the dishes and tray at the sink, while Shinjuro-dono remains silent. He crosses his arms, leaning against the doorway, deep in thought. The furrowed brows and visible wrinkles on his face betray his contemplation.

"She won't be able to handle it," he finally asserts, his voice carrying a tone of resignation.

"How can you be so sure, Shinjuro-dono?" I inquire, rolling up my sleeves to my elbows as I begin the task of cleaning the tray, empty plate, and cups. "Azura-chan shared with me what she went through, how the demon loomed over her for three long hours." 

Shinjuro-dono responds, his eyes widening slightly in awe of the young girl's resilience.

"Those kinds of individuals are... your cup of tea, aren't they, Shinjuro-dono?" I remark, a smile playing on my lips, before redirecting my focus to the dishes.

Shinjuro-dono has trained numerous Tsuguko in the past, but many of them quit due to the immense difficulty of the training. He is known for his rigorous schedule, with minimal breaks. However, I have a feeling that Azura can handle a bit of chaos in her routine.

A Tsuguko (継つぐ子こ) refers to a highly skilled Demon Slayer Corps soldier who is chosen as a trainee and eventual successor to one of the Hashira.

"It just so happens that she holds great admiration for you as well," I add, emphasizing Azura's respect for him.

Shinjuro-dono let out a snort, his chest puffing up with confidence. It was no secret that he had a weakness for praise, and I was strategically using it to appeal to his ego, hoping he would consider training Azura.

"I suppose I can give her a chance," he conceded.

Ara~ Men can be so easily swayed.

"Wonderful!" I beamed, rinsing the cup under the running water. "Because I might need to take her under my wing and teach her the flower-breathing technique instead." I carefully set the cup aside to rinse, then casually added, "And, well, Shinjuro-dono, you're getting older and will be retiring soon."

"I'm not that old..." he muttered before adding, "Well...the young girl would make a fine playmate for Kyojuro."

Though he would never openly admit it, Shinjuro-dono had always held a soft spot in his heart for his two sons. It was a pity because I had heard that his wife was unwell. I sincerely hoped that nothing terrible would befall her and that she would recover swiftly.

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