Two Worlds

By peepsanonymous

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After a devastating break up with her boyfriend, Carter Whitlock goes out with her friend and runs into Kylan... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Seven

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By peepsanonymous


"Carter!" I hear Elizabeth yell after I arrive home from work. "I need your help with something." She runs into the living room, a panicked look on her face. 

"Lizzie, I'm pretty tired. Do you think this could wait?" I ask her. 

She shakes her head. "I'm late." 

I give her puzzled look as I slowly place my purse on the kitchen counter. "Late for...what?" I ask and then it hits me, like a brick. "Oh Lizzie, you're joking!" 

Elizabeth shakes her head again, looking like she might burst into tears any second now. "Do you think you could head to the store and grab me some tests?" She asks.

I sigh. I really didn't want to leave my house after I just got back home. Today was tiring, there was practically nothing to do at work.

Not to mention Foster was absolutely annoying and I was super awkward myself, so who knows what he thought about me.

But that didn't matter right now, my friend was late on her period and judging by the guy she's been hooking up with quite frequently, it was extremely possible she was pregnant.

Ugh, Lord be with me. People can't keep it in their pants anymore.

"Fine." I tell Elizabeth. "I'll go, anything else you need?" I ask her.

Elizabeth takes a moment to pause. "Can you grab me some soda and candy? I need something to help me distress and if I am..."

I nod. "Got it, I'll be back soon." I say before heading back outside to my car.


The grocery store was fairly empty which wasn't surprising at this time. The crowd usually does die out by eight. Thank goodness this was the time Elizabeth sent me out for supplies.

I load my basket with sodas for Elizabeth and me before heading to the candy aisle. 

"My my, look who it is." A familiar voice says. "Hey Birdy."

I turn around, a smile plastered on my face. "Hey Bruno."

Kylan smiles. His hair had seemed to grow several inches since I last saw him, it was already falling into his eyes. "How was your day?" He asks.

I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear, fidgeting with my fingers. "It was fine. You weren't at the restaurant today, is everyone alright?" I ask him.

Kylan shrugs. "Just dealing with a roommate emergency. Whatcha getting today?"

"Just the necessities." I say glancing down at my pile of soda. "And some...other things."

Kylan glances down at my basket. He picks up a Dr Pepper and notices the pregnancy test. "Mmm, pregnancy test Birdy? That's one way to get Roman back." He says.

I bite my lip, shaking my head aggressively. "No it's not mine, it's a friend's."

One of Kylan's eyebrows quirks up. "Really? That's very interesting." He says, tilting his head. "This wouldn't be the same friend that snapped at me at the club the other night?" He asks me. I duck my head down as a pink blush flushes my cheeks. The sound of Kylan's laugh brought my eyes back to his. "I think that answers my question." 

"I'm so sorry about that, Lizzie is just...very protective." I tell him.

Kylan only smiles at me. "So this Lizzie is pregnant? Is it her boyfriend or...?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "That's personal." I say, snatching a couple candy bars off the shelf and try to move away from Kylan but he catches my arm.

"Hold on, I'm just curious." He tells me. 

I turn around to look at him, trying to get my short hair to flip dramatically as I do so. "Fine, if you must know, I don't know the man who possibly impregnated her. It's just some guy she met at the club." 

Kylan shoves his hands into his pockets and gives me a big grin. "So it's just some guy's baby?" 

"If she's even pregnant in the first place." I force a smile. 

Kylan's smile quickly fades as he watches me. I pull my eyes away from his, uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me. "You think she is pregnant though, don't you?" He asks me. 

I shrug. "Yeah. When I was hoping for some more responsibilities, I didn't mean this." 

Kylan's smile returns as quickly as it left. "What do you mean Birdy?" He asks. 

I pause, realizing he didn't know about my plans to become less dependent on my friends. "I mean I'm trying to become more independent and responsible. I rely on people too much." I tell him. "I mean with Roman and Lizzie..." 

Kylan raises an eyebrow. "You really think that?" He asks me. 

I give him a confused look. "What do you mean?" 

Kylan half laughs before quickly clearing his throat. "I mean do you really believe you depend on people too much? Here you are, buying stuff for your friend because she needs it, you helped out Holland when she needed to go see her family. You really think people don't depend on you as much as you depend on them?" He asks me. 

"I-I don't know." 

Kylan steps closer to me. "But if you're content on being more independent then you should come hang out with me and my roommates sometime." He says. 

I open my mouth to answer him but pause and start shaking my head. "I can't, I mean going out with a bunch of dudes doesn't really spell independence." 

"First off, I never said I lived with dudes. As far as you know I could live with a bunch of women. Second, whenever we're out, my roomies always ditch me so you'll end up having to fend for yourself." Kylan tells me with a boyish grin plastered on his face.

"My point still stands." I tell him.

Kylan sighs, backing up. "Fine, but if you ever change your mind, you have my number."

I burst out laughing. "No I don't!" I say, flashing him a confused look.

Kylan sighs, glancing down at his feet. "Ah I'm sorry Birdy. I thought you had my phone number." He pulls out his wallet and hands me a small card.

I take it and read the words at the top. "Hayes' construction? Is this your business card?" I ask, flashing him a grin.

Kylan rubs his neck, glancing back down at his feet. This was the first time I've seen him flustered since we met. "It's all I have on such short notice, sorry. me when you change your mind." 

"When?" I ask. 

Kylan smiles. "If. If you change your mind." Kylan takes a couple steps back before nodding. "Anyway, I'll let you get back to your shopping, see you later Birdy." 

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