Black Lagoon: The World Is Yo...

By Otel_Moskva26

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A sequel story to my Black Lagoon: The Grim Gunman. This fanfic takes place between Black Lagoon: The Second... More

Part 1: [The Vampire Twins]
Part 2: [City Hunt]
Part 3: [Swan Song at Dawn]
Part 4: [Through the Bad Times]
Part 6: [Greenback Jane]
Part 7: [The Roanapur Freakshow Circus]
Part 8: [The Undivine Reveal]
Part 9: [Tying Up a Loose End]
Part 10: [Smiling Faces Sometimes]
Part 11: [Driving Home for Christmas]
Part 12: [New Year's Eve]
Part 13: [Beyond the Layer]
Part 14: [The Succession]
Part 15: [A Cold Day in Hell]
Part 16: [The Dark Tower]
Part 17: [Between Life and Death]
Part 18: [The Gunslingers]
Part 19: [Fallen into Darkness]
Part 20: [Collateral Massacre]
Part 21: [Office Man's Tactics]
Part 22: [Silver Bullet]
Part 23: [Face to Face]
Part 24: [Grey Fox]
Part 25: [Rise to the Top]
Part 26: [A Takeover To Remember]
Part 27: [El Baile de la Muerte]
Part 28 [Run Through the Jungle]
Part 29: [Justice Will Prevail]
Part 30: [Recovery]
Part 31: [Hail To The Kingpin]
Part 32 [The Night's Still Young]

Part 5: [One-Night Stand]

586 11 14
By Otel_Moskva26

1:47 PM, 27th May, 1995

At the café, Tony was drinking his coffee with Leo, the city's doctor who worked in the Bleeding Stitch Clinic. Leo was having a lunch break after sorting out some stuff who got stabbed in some dank alleyway. Tony was just done with his curry lunch and planned to do something else in his free time.

Tony and Leo were having a conversation about recent events and how they dealt with them.

Tony: Thankfully, I managed to wrap up my arm with gauze after one of the little bastards bit me and sunk his fangs into me. I was lucky to not need a blood pack if it went much worse than it did.

Leo: Yeah, I get it, Tony; you can bandage up your bite wound out from a first aid kit. That's wonderful(!)

Tony: Christ, what's the point in havin' a conversation with ya if you're just gonna be pissy with me most of the time?

Leo: Well Tony, we're barely good friends. [sips his tea] Don't get me wrong, I like chatting with someone who isn't dead or bleeding out, but I hardly see anything that we can relate to.

Tony: I don't need to relate to ya, I just want to talk to someone who isn't a complete dickhead while my mates are off delivering some firearms over to Cambodia.

Leo: Or... you're talking to me, because Dutch put you on a week suspension leave after that stunt with Bao and what happened to one of the twins. And since they've gone without you, I'm one of the only closest friends you've got.

Tony: [sighs] Yep... You got me there, Leo. Clever bastard... [sips his coffee]

It was true: After Tony got a little overemotional with Gretel's death and almost killed Bao over a misunderstanding, Dutch gave him a week suspension with full pay so that he can clear his head up and eventually get back to work once he was mentally prepared again. Revy had even went on the job with the crew, leaving Tony by himself in Roanapur. She didn't want to leave him behind, but she had to. It was probably for the better.

Tony: Anyway, Dutch told me that you did a good job patchin' up Bao after that time I beat him up and smashed a bottle right at his fuckin' head. How'd it go, Leo?

Leo: [shrugs] Eh, it went okay. Bao kept on whinging about you always being a pain in his ass, so I gave him some painkillers after stitching his open cuts and cleaning his wounds. Bao's gonna have some scars, but he'll be fine.

Tony: Even though I nearly beaten the cunt to death, I don't regret leaving him scarred for life for opening his mouth at the wrong times.

Leo: That's why I don't drink in bars in this damn city, especially at night. Way too many violent crooks and uptight thugs who think they're hot shit. Apart from that, Bao's a complete dummkopf.

Tony: [chuckles] Tell me about it.

Tony noticed that Leo kept shifting his eyes over to one of the waitresses at one of the tables. The Thai woman was cleaning the table from scraps of food with a cloth. She was quite the looker, probably about mid 20s, short black hair and had a smooth, tan complexion.

Tony: So, you gonna ask her out or what, man?

Leo: Huh? What're you talking about?

Tony: That bloody waitress you've been staring at. Either you ask her out or just wank over her. Choice is yours.

Tony then drank the rest of his coffee, finally finishing his lunch.

Tony: I should get goin', Leo. Even though I'm on suspension, I still gotta do somethin' around this shithole, like gettin' drunk or gamblin' some of my reward money away.

He got up from his seat and gone to leave the café through the door.

Leo: Wait, Tony! What about the bill?

Too late. Tony had already left and went back to his car, leaving Leo by himself.

Leo: [sighs] Billiger hurensohn... (Cheap son of a whore...)

A gorgeous, Thai waitress walked over to Leo's table, inspecting either an order of desert or payment from the customer.

Waitress: Are you going to pay the bill or have some desert, sir?

Even though he had the money to pay off the meals and drinks, Leo was unsure how to respond to the question. He was a little nervous, he hated to admit that.

Leo: Do you want to... [rubs the back of his head] uh, go to the Rich Velvet Club with me?

Waitress: Huh?


[Addicted to Love by Robert Palmer plays on car stereo]

Tony drove up the road around the streets, going past some other vehicles on the way. He had a fat envelope in his shirt pocket, filled with cash from the bonus money from those vampire twins days ago. Tony intended to do something with the money, probably spend it on something that would make him feel like it would matter or benefit to someone else.

He kinda missed Revy already, since she had gone with the rest of the Lagoon Company to deliver some goods to some clients in Cambodia.

Tony: (Sometimes, I just wanna waste a bit of good money to either have myself a great time or just give some of it away to do some sorta contribution. Either way, I might as well enjoy the rest of my suspension. I definitely fuckin' need it.)

A few minutes later

So Tony decided to drive over to the Rip-off Church to donate some money there in the place. Once he made it there, Tony parked his car close to the church and made his way inside. As he expected, it was empty. Tony walked over to a stone pedestal with a tray on top of it with a paper message read as "for the blind and poor". Clearly, Eda was making the donations seem more convincing for the ingenuous visitors.

Despite knowing where it would truly go to, Tony took out the cash from the fat envelope and put it on the donation tray. It didn't matter that the money would help out the church or the people in need, Tony just wanted to do his part in charity. He then heard a voice close to his right. It was already familiar to him.

Eda: Hey! Glad to see your face around here, Tony! So, what're you here for?

Sister Eda walked towards Tony with a wide grin on her face. Tony didn't feel as irritated or pissed off to have her show up. Instead, he felt a little indifferent.

Tony: I'm just here to drop some money, that's all.

Eda: Drop some money? You mean, you're actually donating? [chuckles] I dunno why, but I find it kinda amusing.

The blonde sister checked the amount of cash that was placed onto the tray. she counted $10,000 inside. Eda could hardly believe that kind of cash was being donated over to the Rip-off Church.

Eda: Damn! Ha ha ha! What made ya donate that much money, Tony? Don't tell me that you're doin' this for the folks in the city, cos you clearly knew about the scam last year.

Tony: (Heh... smart gal. She remembered that spat of mine towards her, about taking advantage of everyone's kindness and money to profit their own church.) You got me. I actually came here to give ya half the bonus money from over a couple of days back. Thought that it'd be fair.

Eda: I see. [adjusts her purple shades] So you're giving me my share. I really don't see why you'd bother. Besides, you're the same guy who was said to have murdered one of the twins at Pangkal Pinang.

From what he heard what Eda said about Gretel, Tony was offended by the assumption and glared at her fiercely. Eda had clearly noticed this and was unsure how he was going to react.

Tony: [seriously] I didn't kill her...

Eda: Oh, did you really think I believe that, Tony? I didn't say that you really did that. Both the locals and the news have no idea what really happened. But then again, neither do I.

Tony: [looks away, sighs] What do you want, Eda?

Eda: I'm just wondering why you've come here. I'm afraid that Sister Yolanda isn't present. She and a few missionaries are delivering the finest goods from this church to some well-paying customers from Brazil.

Tony: Is that so? And by "missionaries", you meant "priests with guns", right?

Eda: [shrugs lightly] Probably. Any other reason why you've come here? Why not just hang out with that heartless bitch or the rest of the Lagoon, huh?

Tony: I'm on suspension leave. I'm off the crew for a week and they're all off to Cambodia to sell some guns. Since everyone else is gone, I'm just wasting the week away by spendin' some cash or doin' somethin' to enjoy myself, instead of just sittin' in my apartment, doing nothin' but drinkin' whiskey and rum.

Eda: Well, that fuckin' sucks. So they just suspended ya and ditched ya like that? [shakes her head] What a bummer...

Tony: After nearly beatin' that prick, Bao, to death, I feel like I need a break from the job for a while. Having to deal with one of the twins was enough, so I don't need to hear his fuckin' opinion.

Eda: So that was you, Tony? You musta really lost it then. [chuckles]

Tony: (What's the point in speaking to Eda about my actions? She's either gonna mock me or patronise me.) Look, I just came here to waste a bit of my reward money and do somethin' for the rest of my free week. I should be going.

Tony left the church hall and was about to make his way back to his BMW, until he heard Eda calling out to him.

Eda: C'mon, Tony! You're just gonna leave like that? Have ya really got somethin' else to do 'round Roanapur on your suspension? Cos to me, you seem like you've got no clue what to do here.

Tony stopped at his tracks and thought to himself for a moment. He realised that Eda wasn't wrong about what she said. There were clearly some activities for Tony to go to and have fun, but he wasn't sure, since he already played some darts, finger fillet, drinking contests and done some target practise at the gun gallery. He sometimes done those activities with Revy for bonding times, but now that she was gone, Tony had little to no one to hangout with.

He then thought that he might as well ask Eda to have a drink with him. Not that it'd be a date, but at least he would have someone to speak to. Besides, it wouldn't exactly be like cheating on Revy, or at least not to the Tony himself. He realised that through her obnoxious tone, Eda was doing her best to keep him in high spirits, like she had sort of saw something in him.

Tony: [turns to face Eda] Christ... You know me too much, woman. You know that?

Eda: [smirks] I know plenty enough about ya, that I can read you like a book.

Tony: Oh really? [crosses his arms] Can you even read a book, Eda?

Eda: [scoffs] Do you really take me in as just some braindead whore? You'd be surprised.

Tony: I doubt it.

Eda giggled. The banter was getting a little amusing, rather than downright insulting. Even Tony was starting to smirk. This blonde bimbo was something else. Tony realised that Eda was quite different from Revy; She was somehow smarter than she looked and was more diligent than Revy. He thought that maybe having a night out with Eda might not hurt, unless a brawl ensues.

Tony: So, I was wonderin' if you'd wanna go out with me. Maybe we both go out and have a few drinks, get to know each other a bit?

Eda wasn't too surprised, as she hummed and smirked intriguingly.

Eda: I like the sound of that. But I gotta ask; why're you interested?

Tony: Since you've helped me out last time, I might as well return the favour. You know, I'm not always ungrateful.

Eda: [stroked her chin with her thumb] Hmm... I thought you'd much rather just stick with Revy and her dumbass. You really want me to go out with you?

Tony: [shrugs] Why not? I've got nothin' else to do. You free for tonight, unless you got more of God's tasks to perform?

Eda: Oh no. I'm totally free tonight. [twirls around her hair strand] So, where should we go together? You mentioned about grabbin' some drinks...

Tony: I think the Rich Velvet Club's the best place to grab a lovely drink. The place has got better drinks and great music playing. What do ya say?

Eda: Yeah, that sound rad. Don't bother taking your shitty-lookin' car. I'll come and pick you up, so I'll drive us to the Rich Velvet.

Tony: Fine with me. We got a deal.

Eda: [grins] Ha ha! Great! It's a date.

Tony: (Ugh, of course she says that!) Don't take this the wrong way, darlin'. It's not a date. It's only a night-out.

Eda: [teasingly] Mm, I dunno, Tony. It sounds a lot like a date.

Tony: [sighs] I'll be waitin' for you to pick me up outside my place at 9:30, so don't be fuckin' late.

Eda: Don't ya worry. I promise that you won't be disappointed.

And with that said, Tony gone back to his car and drove all the way back to from the area to the streets. Eda watched the Grim Gunman leave with a amused smile.

Eda: Mmm, I can't wait to get to know you personally, Harper. Eventually, you'll be my own key asset.

Several Hours Later

[Sharp Dressed Man by ZZ Top plays on Tony's Walkman]

As the music played in his bedroom, Tony was getting himself ready for his night out with Eda. He had recently popped out of the shower and just finished shaving. Once he was clean shaven, Tony used some anti-chafing cream around the lower half of his face before he combed his hair and gave it a smart style.

Coming out of the bathroom, Tony gone through his closet and picked up the best-looking clothes he could find for tonight. He put them on and took a good look at his reflection in the mirror.

After spraying on some expensive aftershave, Tony then placed his knife in his inner blazer pocket, gone downstairs and finally left the apartment to wait for Eda to show up at the driveway in her own car.

Tony knew that it was 9:30 PM, so he arrived outside right on time. He smoked a cigarette while waiting for Eda to come pick him up for about a minute. Eventually, a red Mustang had showed up from the road and parked at the driveway, having its left side facing Tony. Inside the car was Eda, who was already smoking and blowing out smoke through the other side's car window. Relax by Frankie Goes To Hollywood was playing in her Mustang. Eda slightly lowered her purple sunglasses to check Tony out clearly.

Eda: [amused] Damn. Look at Mr. Sharp!

Tony: Took ya long enough...

Eda: So, what're ya waitin' for? Hop in! [pats the passenger seat]

Wanting to enjoy the night with Eda, Tony got inside the Mustang and sat on the passenger seat. Just as he stepped into the car, Eda started driving her way to the Rich Velvet Club. The place wasn't far away from Tony's apartment, so it would be a seven-minute-drive. Enjoying the ride, Tony started smoking one of his Marlboro cigs.

Tony: I gotta admit, this is a fancy-lookin' motor you got, Eda! Where'd ya get this?

The two had to yell out to each other, due to how loud the music track was playing on the stereo.

Eda: Glad you asked! [exhales smoke] I got this baby from Watthana for a nice cheap deal! Probably cheaper than your own "motor"!

Tony: (The fuck's she talking about? I can barely hear her through the bloody music!) What?!

Eda: [groans briefly] Hang on! [tones down the volume of the music] I said I got this Mustang from Watthana that came with a cheap deal.

Tony: Oh yeah? Where's that?

Eda: [cackles] You fuckin' serious? You have no idea? Watthana' in Thailand, ya fuckin' moron! Thought you been around the country with the crew?

Tony: Oh, sorry for not givin' a shit about the city names of foreign countries, luv(!)

Tony realised on how unfitting he and Eda look together. He was wearing a black suit and a red shirt while his date was wearing her usual slutty outfit. Despite how ridiculous they looked as a couple, Tony internally couldn't help but admit that he thought Eda looked much better in that kind of clothing than that that nun outfit of hers. He was watching Eda focusing on the road with a smirk, and he saw her breasts bounce about when she dove over a couple of bumps.

Eda: [teasingly] Can't get enough of my rack, can't ya? [laughs]

Tony: [scoffs] It's not my fault your tits are bigger than your blonde head.

Eventually, Tony and Eda made it to the Rich Velvet Club. The car was parked on the curb near the place before the two had made their way inside. Once they were in, classic music from the 80s was already playing through the mini speakers.

[Little Lies by Fleetwood Mac plays in the club]

The Rich Velvet Club had a slightly different interior look. Tony noticed that, but he wasn't complaining. In fact, he thought the club looked nicer than before. He and Eda gone to the bar counter and sat down next to each other. The music gave the place a really relaxing vibe, like it felt right with the atmosphere.

Tony: Yo! Bartender!

A Thai bartender showed up in a couple of seconds to listen what his customer wanted to drink.

Tony: I'll have a cocktail drink. [nods to Eda] Get Blondie here rum and coke. I'm paying for both drinks.

Bartender: Sure. What cocktail would you like, sir?

Before Tony could even remember what cocktail he was referring to, Eda spoke out and told the bartender.

Eda: [nods to Tony] Tim Roth here wants a Mai Tai.

Bartender: Certainly, ma'am. That'll be $12.

Tony placed the $5 and $15 dollar notes onto the counter, letting the bartender take the money.

Bartender: Mai Tai and rum 'n' coke coming right up.

As the bartender went to get a couple of cocktails, Tony looked at Eda confusingly. Was she even sure, he thought.

Tony: Did I mean it? A Mai Tai?

Eda: I'm sure. In a bar like this, you might enjoy yourself a Mai Tai. I heard that those cocktails are one of the best here.

Tony: Is that so? Have ya ever been in the Rich Velvet before, Eda?

Eda: Uh-huh, occasionally. [twirls her hair strand] Anyway, how'd you know I'd like a rum 'n' coke?

Tony: Just a wild guess, luv. Besides, you look like a rum 'n' coke lass to me. (Especially with those slutty clothes on.)

Eda: [grins] Heh, thanks! You always look like a rum kinda guy to me, any day.

Slightly amused by Eda's comment, Tony was starting to feel more comfortable around her. Sure, Eda was still a pain in the ass at times, but she didn't seemed to be as bad as he thought. For once, this was starting to feel like friendly banter just getting exchanged back to each other. Sooner than expected, the bartender showed up with the cocktails; one Mai Tai for Tony and a rum and coke for Eda.

Tony took a sip of his cocktail as Eda sipped her own drink. The taste of the Mai Tai was really good. The ingredients and mixtures of the drink really touched Tony's tastebuds. It was so good, that the drink jogged his memory back to the last time Tony drank that type of cocktail: It was back from last year, where he went to speak to Balalaika about the traffickings of young children. Tony remembered that the drink tasted absolutely amazing.

Tony: Man, I remember now... I haven't had this cocktail for months.

Eda: I thought ya might love it.

While enjoying his drink, Tony looked around the club and noticed some other customers staring at Eda and the way she was dressed. She looked quite out of place, compared to Tony and everyone else, who were all in formal and fashionable clothing.

Eda: [exhales in delight] This is nice. It's great to have a drink that ain't some cheap shit in a dirty glass. This place has got great music playin' and fancy drinks that have higher quality. Don't ya agree?

Tony: [shrugs] Sure. This place is a bit too rich for my taste, but it isn't so bad.

Eda: What about the music, Tony? What d'you think?

*Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies*

Tony: Fleetwood Mac? They're alright, but I don't listen to much of their songs.

Eda: Not the band, shithead. I'm talking about the kinda music they play here. Sure, I like to listen to some heavy rock songs around this decade, but I prefer the classic ones, like from the '60s, '70s and '80s. Ha! Those were the good ol' days...

Tony: Don't get me wrong, Eda. I listen to some pop, funk and classic rock every now and then whenever I'm drivin' around the city or chillin' at my apartment.

Eda: Now that you mentioned it, I sometimes put on a good track whenever I'm done playin' fuckin' church service for the day. [sips her drink] I play one of my favourite songs, like Relax by Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Wild Thing by The Troggs or Simply Irresistible by Robert Palmer.

Tony: [sips his Mai Tai] You listen to Robert Palmer?

Eda: [shrugs] Why not? He's a good-lookin' guy and I love his damn voice, especially when he sings. The guy's seriously under-appreciated. [sighs quietly] Fuckin' mainstream...

Tony: Hmm, I've heard a few of his songs. Even half of them that nobody these days have fuckin' heard of.

Eda: Right? There was even that one song from The Power Station that only ever made it on the charts.

Tony: Yeah, I liked hearing him with that Duran Duran lot. Kinda wished that they kept on makin' music together. [drinks more of his cocktail] (God, look at us... Some bloke in a suave suit chatting about music with some slutty-looking chick in purple shades. Still, this doesn't feel wrong to me.)

Eda noticed that Tony was being momentarily quiet while he kept glancing at both her and the people in the club. She was concerned on what he was thinking about, so she had to ask. The music in the club had faded away, leaving the place in silence for a few seconds.

[Heart of Glass by Blondie started playing in the club]

Eda: Hey, you ok there, Tony? Is somethin' bothering ya or what?

Tony: Huh? [shakes his head] No, nothin' at all.

Eda: [scoffs] Yeah, right... I look like some stupid whore hangin' around with this fancy-lookin' limey. Maybe this ain't the place for us to have a few drinks together. Shoulda just gone to the Yellow Flag.

Tony: But in there, I'd be the one who looks outta place. You'd look just fine.

Eda: Fair point. But still... to everyone else, I look like some cheap, street-corner bitch. Admit it; you think the same as much as those cocksuckers do.

Tony: Nah. You actually look pretty cool.

Eda: [confused] Wha..? You're not, uh... you're not fuckin' with me, are ya?

Tony: I'm not. I think you look more easy to look at than those lasses with their fuck-off dresses and cheap jewellery.

Eda: [blushes slightly, chuckles] Thanks for the compliment. I wasn't sure that you were being legit with me, since you called me a "slag", remember?

Tony: Oh, I remember that... I just wasn't in the mood talkin' to someone after that fuckin' event. Not only that, I was just gettin' on your nerves like how you get on everyone's nerves.

Eda: It's one of my favourite hobbies, Tony. One of the only joys in Roanapur, so I can windup people like Revy, just to see them make a fool outta themselves.

Tony: [laughs] You know... after some time, I kinda realised what sorta woman you really are, Eda.

Eda: [raises one brow] You do?

Tony: Yeah... [sips his cocktail] You're just some hired gun who just loves to fuck around with people's minds. That's what you do for a living, I bet.

Eda laughed, quite amused by Tony's estimated judgement before sipping her rum 'n' coke.

Eda: Yep, you got me there, Tony. True, I love to fuck with everyone's heads. [grins] One of my own true pleasures. At least, you didn't call me some dumb whore from Alabama or somethin' like that.

Tony: Alabama? I never thought you'd come from a fuckin' redneck state.

Eda: [smirks, chuckles amusingly] I'm surprised you didn't ask if I'm inbred, but I guess that wouldn't be too original.

Tony: Honestly, the first time I saw ya... (Assuming that was probably the first time we met.) ...I thought you were just some slag in that nun attire, runnin' some brothel under the Rip-Off Church.

Eda: Ha ha! Really now? Well, you know the old saying: "Don't judge a book by its cover".

Before responding to Eda with another remark of his, Tony drank the rest of his Mai Tai.

Tony: There's another saying to this: "Looks can be deceiving". Speakin' of which, you looked even more fake in those church clothes than the bloody church itself.

Eda: Heh... That sure is sayin' a lot. [drinks the rest of her cocktail, exhales] But enough about me. Why don't ya tell me about yourself, Tony? I bet you're pretty interesting.

Tony: (Hmm, what should I tell her? Doesn't she know enough stuff about me. Fuck it, I might as well play along.) Well, I'm a professional gunslinger born and raised in Manchester. Grew up rough 'round the streets of Crooked City, a real shithole in London. Heh... And they say that Croydon was bad. When I was sixteen, I served ten years behind bars in Parkhurst for shootin' up a hotel, killin' both staff members and rival gangsters. Let's just say I had a real bad day.

Eda: [intrigued] Damn. So that explains why they used to call you the "Grim Gunman". How many did ya kill, psycho?

Tony: Pfft, I dunno. Math ain't my specialty, luv. Besides, it'd be fuckin' sick to keep count.

Eda: Maybe you're right about that. I wouldn't even had kept count.

Tony: Barkeep! [knocks on the counter] We'll have the same again.

Bartender: Of course, sir. That'll be 12 more dollars.

Tony simply gave a $20 note to the bartender, not caring how much money he was spending. The bartender gone to make the same order of drinks for Tony and Eda.

Eda: So, back in the States, I used to get in some sports activities, like cheerleading and volleyball.

Tony: Cheerleading's not a sports activity.

Eda: Yeah, it fuckin' is. It's physical exercise, so it's still an activity.

Tony: [mockingly shakes his head] Still doesn't mean it's a sport.

Eda: Are you tryin' to piss me off, Tony?

Tony: Wasn't trying to. I'm just correctin' ya, cos you're dumb enough to think that.

Eda: Says the guy who's never heard of Watthana in his damn life.

Tony: Ha! What're ya tryin' to prove? We ain't got proper education. End of.

Eda grumbles as she glared right at Tony, Tony leaned towards her closely. Their faces inches away.

Eda: Seems like you did too well to piss me off...

Tony: Mmm, I thought it was workin'. So, what're you gonna do about it?

Each forehead of theirs were close to touching as Eda and Tony continued staring at each other menacingly. However, both of their feelings slowly changed into something completely different, like something switched on inside their own minds. Eda then laughed quietly, amused by Tony's imposing glare, as well as being impressed by his nerves of steel.

Eda: I think we're definitely gonna get along as pals.

Tony: Pals, eh? [smirks] I'm surprised you didn't say we might be... more than just friends.

Their sexual tension was getting the better of the two as Eda flirtatiously smirked back at Tony, already getting his suggestion. But then, the bartender's voice broke off the tension.

Bartender: Here are your drinks. Enjoy.

With their drinks on the counter, Tony and Eda switched their own attention to the cocktails they were gonna have. However, the chemistry was still going on between them. After they had a sip of their own drink, the two turned their attention back to each other.

Eda: Now, what should we do together?

Tony: Dunno... I was gonna ask ya the same question.

Eda: [chuckles] Thanks to you, I'm in a mood for some fun. Doesn't the sensation of being in harm's way excite ya?

Tony: Oh, half the time. Sometimes, I just gotta enjoy the ride.

Eda: What about fighting the other crooks? Doesn't that get ya into a real competitive mood?

Tony: [grins] Always.

The two took sips of their own cocktails before they went back to smiling at each other devilishly, clearly getting somewhere on that interesting night.

Tony: So, Eda... where should we start first to make this date intriguing?

Before Eda could answer, the music in the club had finished and switched over to the next track on the playlist. The next song was another '80s classic...

[Some Like It Hot by The Power Station plays in the club]

Tony and Eda didn't expect that song to be playing soon, which was quite the coincidence for the two. Eda laughed cheerfully, seemingly amazed by the next track playing in the Rich Velvet Club.

Eda: Aw hell yeah! Now this is where we're gonna make this really fun!

Tony: Oh yeah? How?

With a suggestive smirk, Eda offered Tony her hand.

Eda: C'mon, Tony! Let's have a dance going!

Tony: Pfft, no way I'm gonna dance. (Is she taking the piss?)

Eda: Aw, don't ya wanna dance to this? It's Power-fuckin'-Station!

Tony: (Christ... she's got me...) Fine, fine. Let's go for a bloody dance.

Eda: [cackles] Great!

Tony took off his blazer so he get himself ready to dance with Eda, revealing his red silk shirt. He placed his hand onto Eda's, which had then been held by her fingers, before she pulled Tony away from the bar stool and dragged him over to the dance floor. The music of a rock track was setting this kinda fitting atmosphere for the two to dance together. Eda already started dancing close to Tony, raising her free hand up in the air and cheering on.

The way she was swaying to the song and cheering very loudly, the other customers watched as they were unsure how to react to some blonde bimbo enjoying her night. At first, Tony was hesitant to dance along with Eda, but he eventually got into the mood and joined with the rhythm. He was rocking his shoulders and putting his legs into the beat.

Eda: Woo! Some like it hot, baby!

Tony: This is fuckin' awesome!

Sitting at the table nearby, Leo was watching Tony and Eda dancing to the music. He was hanging out with his date, who was actually the waitress that Leo asked out at the cafe earlier. Leo and the waitress, Mali, were witnessing both Tony and Eda in bewilderment.

Leo: Heh, look at these morons go.

Mali: Hey, isn't that the same guy who you had lunch with at the cafe?

Leo: [laughs] Yeah, that's Tony. I don't know who he's dancing with, but it looks like she's enjoying herself there.

*Feel the heat
Pushing you to decide
Feel the heat
Burning you up, ready or not*

Back with the other two, Eda turned around and started rolling her hips as she was getting herself closer to Tony. At that point, Eda had her smooth ass against Tony's crotch. While at it, she flashed a perverted grin as she looked back at Tony seductively. Tony laughed it off, clearly having as much fun as Eda was.

*Some like it hot and some sweat when the heat is on
Some feel the heat and decide that they can't go on*

Following the rhythm, Tony placed his onto Eda's hips. Eda licked the corner of her own lip as she began wrapping her arms around Tony's neck and turned her body towards his. In each other's hold, the two kept on dancing to the song. Tony smoothly slid his fingers down Eda's thighs and then picked her up by her legs. Eda was surprised, laughing passionately after getting herself lifted by her date. She and Tony gotten themselves closer so Eda wouldn't fall on her ass.

Eda: [giggles] Don't drop me, tough guy!

Tony: Don't worry about it. [grins] I've got a good hold of ya.

Eda: Hm, if you say so- Whoa!

Tony suddenly swung to the right and did a spin with Eda while she was laughing from what she didn't expect. The two spun about on the dance floor while listening to the song still playing. Everyone else in the club watched them in both awe. The customers had no idea how to react to what they were witnessing.

Eda: Ha ha ha! You do realise that everybody's lookin' at us, right?

Tony: [charmingly] So what? Let 'em bloody stare at us. This is how everyone in a club like this has fun.

And with that said, Tony quickly leaned his face closer to Eda's and pressed his lips right against hers. At first, Eda had paused momentarily, but then she carried on with it just when their tongues started wrestling for dominance while in each other's mouth. The rest of the customers were amazed from seeing the couple started making out whilst on the dance floor. A loud mix of "woahs" and "oohs" filled the room. None of them expected to see such a bold mood in a club like that. However, the bartender was having none of it and he called Tony and Eda over, signalling them back to their seats. Tony and Eda released each other's lips and walked back over to the counter.

Bartender: Hey, no more of this dirty dancing, you two! This is a civilised club, not some sex party!

Eda: Oh, lighten up, will ya? Me and Tony here were just havin' fun!

Tony: Exactly! It's not like we're gonna fuck right on the dance floor, are we?

The mischievous couple laughed from one another's remarks towards the bartender, who sighed deeply in defeat, before they went back to drinking their own cocktails. From that dance they just had, Tony and Eda needed a drink to cool themselves since they were sweating a little. Tony then put his blazer back on.

Tony: Damn, that was pretty good. Didn't think that this shit could get any better.

Eda: [giggles] Neither did I, Tony. So... now that you're in a better mood...

Tony: [curious] Yeah? What're ya gonna ask me now?

Eda: I was gonna ask if you're interested in a one-night stand. [grins playfully] You wouldn't mind, would ya?

Tony didn't answer Eda's question at first, he was then thinking to himself quickly before he could give her an answer.

Tony: (Shit... Maybe, this is all going way too fast..? I mean, I'm clearly with Revy, but I'm now hanging around with Eda. It feels a little bad, but I'm not exactly cheating on Revy outta love or some shit like that. I... guess that a one-night stand couldn't hurt if I try things out...)

Eda: Well! You gonna reply to me or what, hot stuff?

Tony: [clears throat] Now that you're sayin' this, I-

His sentence got interrupted by a couple of loud, smug voices. They were already inside the club and gone closer to Tony and Eda. Not only were the voices familiar to Tony, but their appearances were very similar too. It was the same two men who tried to intimidate Tony and Revy back in last year's Halloween at a cafe place the gunslingers tried out at the time.

The two men turned out to be "made-guys" of Verrocchio's Crime Family. Their names were Georgie and Frankie. Georgie was the pint-sized prick with tan skin and black greasy hair. He wore a beige suit with a white shirt underneath. Frankie was a big, bald son of a bitch. The tall bastard wore a black suit with a light blue shirt, trying to look more menacing than his own close friend.

Before they went to tell the bartender what they wanted to drink, they caught the sight of Tony, sitting at the counter in the Rich Velvet Club with some blonde bimbo next to him.

Georgie: [points at Tony] Hey Frank, is that the limey who stabbed ya last year?

Frankie: Oh, I recognise that goddamn face of his. He's gonna pay for fuckin' with us. I wanna snap his spine like a wishbone when I bring him on his knees.

Georgie: Still, who's this bitch? Is she some kinda whore this douchebag pick up from the streets?

Frankie: Who gives a shit? Let's go pay our friend a visit.

Georgie: [chuckles evilly] Gladly. I've been waitin' to meet one of them Lagoon fuckers.

The two gangsters in suits approached Tony, who already knew that they were coming to see him after their fierce encounter from October. Eda looked at the two with sheer curiosity, she was eager to know what was happening right then.

Frankie: [feigns a happy smile] Hey! Remember us?

Tony: (God, not these two cunts again... It's official: These guys are far worse than Eda and those vampire twins.)

Georgie: Are ya listenin' to us, pal? Do you remember us?

Tony: [shrugs] Nope. I don't recognise you both.

Frankie: Oh yeah? [chuckles lowly] Well, we know who you are, Harper. Your face is all over the news.

Georgie: Now, lemme ask you somethin', Tony. What the fuck happened to your damn clothes?

Both Frankie and Georgie roared out in laughter, while Tony and Eda simply reacted by staring blankly at them. Was that meant to be a joke or some kind of jab towards Tony's fashion taste?

Georgie: Anyways, we didn't expect to see you 'round here. Always thought you'd be stuck in that rut of a bar. Ha! Fuckin' Bao! Too bad, his face ain't gonna be the same after what you did!

Frankie: Yeah, Tony! Maybe after you killed that little Romanian cunt for us all, you've just gone fuckin' nuts!

Frankie and Georgie laughed again, even louder that time. Tony gave the irritable duo a menacing stare after Frankie told him he killed Gretel over a couple of days ago. Being remembered for killing a child was not something that Tony would be proud of, regardless if the child was innocent or not.

Tony: In all fairness, lads, I already became mad once I arrived on this godforsaken city. Only a madman goes to a place like Roanapur to live. [sips his Mai Tai]

Georgie: Ha ha! That's funny, Tony! You got some jokes as well, huh? I don't remember you being a fuckin' comedian!

Frankie: Speakin' of remembering, where's that nice piece of ass of yours? She gone to have her bikini wax, huh? [laughs nastily]

Eda: Revy's out doin' her job, trafficking illegal firearms somewhere else. [sips her rum 'n' coke]

Frankie: Revy, huh? Man, I thought her name was Levy or somethin'... So, she not enough for ya, Tony?

Georgie: Yeah, I'm kinda missing her already, Frankie. I still remember that time where that little Chinese twat threw her fist right into my mouth. Lost a few good teeth after that.

Frankie: And as for you, Tony... After you stabbed me with your fuckin' knife, I had to get my wound stitched up and had to swallow some painkillers for three weeks. Remember that, motherfucka?

The tone in Frankie and Georgie's voices were becoming more resentful and sullen. It was quite obvious the two were still pissed off about the first time they encountered the two gunslingers of the Lagoon Company.

Eda: Could you guys just back the fuck off? We're enjoyin' our drinks.

Frankie: And who the fuck are you, bitch? Some street rat whore that this limey piece of shit brought cheaply?

Eda: [groans lowly] You'd better watch your damn mouth, cocksucker.

Georgie: Oh! You dare to speak to a earner like Frankie?!

Frankie: Yeah! Who the fuck d'you think you are, huh?!

Eda: A fine woman in a tight top who's talkin' to a couple of Goodfellas rejects. And maybe, a couple of secret fags.

Georgie: Who'd you call us?! You wanna piss us off even more?!

Tony: [mockingly] Relax, pal. We're just breakin' your balls here.

Both Tony and Eda smirked and chuckled at the two gangsters in such smug tones, frustrating the men even more.

Frankie: Oh, don't you get so smart, you piece of shit, crumpet-eatin' prick!!

Frankie pulled out a small blade from his pocket and pointed it at Tony. While everyone screamed and gasped from what was happening, Tony and Eda were completely unfazed.

Bartender: G-guys! Take it easy! There's no reason to-

Frankie: [points his knife at the bartender] Shut the fuck up, Dale!! You wanna get involved too?!

Dale shook his head, giving the armed customer his frightened answer as Frankie turned his attention back to Tony and Eda.

Frankie: See this, asshole? I got the knife this time! What have ya got, apart from that big gun of yours?

Georgie: And where's that other whore, huh? [menacingly] We want a word with her too.

Eda got up from her set, taking the gangsters' attention.

Eda: Hey, how 'bout you two just shut the fuck up and go fuck yourselves? [cackles]

Frankie: [growls] Fuckin' slut..!

Frankie seized right towards Eda and attempted to cut her face, but Eda managed to dodge away from the blade and kicked Frankie in the balls. He yelled out in pain as he dropped his knife and fell onto his knees. Before Georgie could even react, Tony had thrown his fist right into his cheek, sending him right towards one of the tables and knocked it over. A couple who were sitting at that table screamed in shock and ran out of the club for their lives. As for Leo and Mali, they were amazed from what they were watching during that moment.

Tony: [grins sadistically] Oh, this gets better and better!

While still on the floor, Frankie groaned from the painful sensation of his testicles after he had been kicked below the belt. Eda watched him trying to slowly get up.

Frankie: [winces in pain] Shit..! You wanna fuck with me, bitch?! You'll be fuckin' sorry-

Eda had then struck Frankie in the head with her knee. Because of how brutal her knee attack was, Frankie had been knocked out-cold. Tony observed what was going on with a sly smirk and was clearly enjoying what he was seeing.

Tony: Nice to see a woman fight like that.

Eda: I told ya I'm no stranger to bar fights. This ain't my first rodeo. [gulps down her drink]

Tony had stepped over to Georgie, who was still on the floor by the knocked down table and a couple of broken glasses. He took his knife out of his blazer pocket and grabbed Georgie by the jaw as he pointed the tip of his blade at his mouth.

Georgie: [gasps] W-wait! I'm sorry, Tony! I-I swear I won't piss you off again! I swear!

Tony: [menacingly] Could ya say that again, dickhead? All I heard was a squeal.

Georgie: D-don't kill me! Please, Tony!

Tony: [chuckles smugly] I'm not gonna kill ya.

Georgie: Huh? Y-you won't?

Tony: [shakes his head] Nah. I just gonna ask you one question.

Georgie was breathing anxiously as he felt the sweat going down across the temple of his own head.

Tony: [grins widely] Have ya heard of a Glasgow smile?

Georgie: Wait, what-

Unexpectedly, Tony slashed his knife at the left side of Georgie's mouth, cutting his cheek open as he exclaimed in shock. Everyone else, apart from Eda, screamed and gasped in fear. They just witnessed a man in a club mutilating another customer's face. Even the bartender was disturbed from both the scene and the cries coming from Georgie.

Georgie: AARRGH!! FUCK!! [yells in agony] YOU SONOVABITCH!!! AAAAGHH!!

Tony walked back to the counter to finish his Thai cocktail drink while listening to the recently scarred gangster continuous scream loudly.

Eda: Damn. Now that is brutal. Glad to see those greaseball cocksuckers get a taste of their own medicine.

Tony: They keep comin' back, the bastards'll get it worse.

Dale: You... you people are savages! J-just get the hell out of the club!

Tony: No problem, Dale. [takes a handful of cash from his pocket and gives them to Dale] Money for the table and glasses.

Dale: Uh... Thanks?

Tony: C'mon, Eda. Let's get outta here and head over to my place for tonight.

Eda: Hmm. So is that a yes to my offer?

Tony: You bet your arse it is.

Tony and Eda then left the Rich Velvet Club with amused looks on their faces. Georgie was still moving frantically on the floor about while yelling at the top of his lungs while Frankie was still unconscious.


Leo: [sighs] I'm not even gonna bother.

Mali: [nervously] So, you wanna go to my place, Leo?

Leo: Huh?

10 minutes later

In Tony's apartment, both Eda and Tony were making out in the bedroom. They were kissing deeply as they felt each other's bodies getting stroked and grabbed by one another's hands. Tony's hands were fondling with Eda's natural big rack while Eda was grasping Tony's ass, squeezing it. Both Tony's bloodied knife and Eda's holster with her gun were lying on the floor, since the two had no need for them.

Eda: [muffled] Man... you're such a fuckin' hunk...

Tony: [muffled] Mmm... Is that so?

Without letting her know, Tony squeezed one of Eda's tits, causing her to gasp and jerk her head back, releasing her mouth from Tony's.

Eda: Ah!

Tony: For a pain in the arse, you've got a nice set of tits on ya.

Eda: [exhales in delight] Oh yeah? Since you really can't get enough of my knockers... how 'bout I treat ya somethin' you prolly never had before?

With that said, Eda lifted her top up, giving Tony a nice titty drop, and exposed her bare breasts before tossing her pink top away. To Tony, her pair of breasts were slightly bigger than Revy's and her pink nipples were already getting hard. Eda was still wearing her purple sunglasses, which had Tony a little curious about. However, he was much interested in the sweet action he and Eda were gonna have that night.

Eda: [grins] Want me to give ya a nice
tit-job, Tony?

Tony: A tit-job? You wanna gimme a tit-wank?

Eda: Yeah, pretty much. So d'you want it?

Tony: [chuckles dirtily] Sure. Cover my cock with your jugs.

While Eda was giggling from Tony's answer, Tony was already going for his belt, loosening it and then pulling down his trousers, along with his underwear, down to his ankles. His cock was already out and semi-hard, which had Eda herself smiling with anticipation. Once Tony was lying down on his bed, Eda had placed her plump pair of boobs onto his hips and had his dick in-between them. He could feel her breasts on the skin of his rod, which had more aroused.

Eda: Just relax and lemme stroke your bad boy.

Once he was lying his head down on one of his pillows, Eda began stroking Tony's dick up and down with her breasts. This was something that Tony never had before, or something Revy never did. It was really getting stimulating and kinda prefer a tit-job over a typical bloke job, since the feeling of someone's boobs rubbing against his cock.

Tony: Oh yeah... Oh, this is gettin' good...

Eda: Glad you're lovin' this, baby. I've only just started.

Eda kissed the tip of Tony's throbbing cock, making Tony gasp briefly while the sexual rubbing had carried on. She then started licking the tip, getting much more confident in her time.

Tony: Ah... Fuck me, this feels amazing..!

Eda: Oh, I'll fuck ya after this. I guarantee ya that. [giggles]

She continued licking on Tony's hard prick, getting the man even more excited from both the tit-fuck and the fantastic feel of Eda's tongue. Eda had picked up the pace, rubbing her own breasts against Tony faster. This was starting to get a little too much, the pressure was already building up.

Tony: [moans] Your tits feel so fuckin' great, baby..! Shit, this is turnin' me on so much..! Keep going!

Eda: [chuckles playfully] Okay, Tony. Lemme know when you're gonna cum. Don't want your man-juice all over my damn shades.

Tony: Just take your fuckin' sunglasses off then. [breathes deeply] It't not like you're hidin' your identity from me or somethin' like tha- Ah..!

Eda's tit-job was going more faster, it was getting very sensational and Tony could feel the climax coming soon in him. If that wasn't exciting him enough, Eda had her lips around Tony's cock and began twirling his urethra while she was sucking him off. The tingles were getting stronger.

Tony: Ahh..! Fuck! I'm gonna cum!

Eda hummed playfully when she heard the man letting her know about his upcoming climax. She carried on licking and stroking his throbbing member until Tony had finally released the pressure building up in his cock. Eda had stopped as she felt the hot essence spurting into her wet mouth. She kept the white liquid in her mouth just as Tony had groaned loudly and felt the pressure rushing out. Eda moved herself from Tony's crotch and got up from the bed, probably to get herself ready for what was coming next.

Tony: [breathes heavily] Oh..! Fuckin' hell, that was so damn incredible... You're real good at this, Eda...

Eda: Mmm...

After a few seconds of catching up to his own breath, Tony sat up and saw Eda, who was looking down at him with a dirty smile. Tony gave her a smirk, signalling her that he was ready for some more.

Tony: Now... let's enjoy ourselves a sweet slice of heaven.

Eda: Can't wait to feel ya in me, baby. I bet it's an experience I'll never forget.

Tony: So what're ya waitin' for?

Tony had unbuttoned his red shirt and pulled it off him, along with the blazer, and tossed them onto where Eda's top was, becoming a pile of clothing. His trousers and underpants had joined the pile as well, leaving Tony totally nude.

Tony: [sensually smooth] Do me, you unholy trollop.

Eda: [giggles] I like it when you talk dirty like that, hot stuff. Just lemme sort myself out and then I'll get right into this.

Eda had pulled down her skirt and her panties, revealing a small trail of pussy juice stuck onto the inside of her underwear before the rest of her clothes had dropped onto the floor around her bare feet. She was already a little wet down there, thanks to the arousing tit-job just then. There was a small tuft of blonde pubic hair just above her pussy. Tony didn't mind seeing a woman, whether it'd be Revy or someone else, with a bit of hair around their own private area. Either way, a pussy's a pussy.

Now that she was naked, Eda had gone back on the bed and crawled her way towards Tony, who was eager to feel a piece of her. Eda noticed that Tony's cock was still harder, probably more so after that amazing tit-job.

Eda: You gonna use protection?

Tony: Hate to break it to ya, but I ain't keen on rubber johnnies. Hope that isn't a disappointment to ya.

Eda: Ha! Don't sweat it, Tony! I'm on the pill, so don't worry about knockin' me up!

Tony: A'right, if you say so.

As Eda set her hands on his shoulders, she and Tony kissed to get the sex started up. He can taste the residue of his essence inside Eda's mouth, but he didn't seem to care, since he was really getting into it. Eda broke the kiss away before she shifted herself up to sit on Tony's lap. She felt his cock pressing onto one of her inner thighs. She chuckled softly as she adjusted her sunglasses.

Tony: (God, I can't hardly believe this... I know this shit ain't romantic, but I can't help but feel a little bit guilty, since Revy and I are still together. Since this is a one-night stand, maybe I shouldn't feel too bad.) So... you ready?

Eda: Uh-huh, just waitin' on you to make a move.

Tony adjusted himself a bit, getting into a more comfortable position. Once he was now ready, Tony pressed the tip of his erect penis against the wet entrance of Eda's pussy. Eda hummed as she felt him about to push himself into her. Then, Tony slowly inserted his dick, pushing through the slick tightness until it was already in. Eda moaned out from feeling Tony going deep into her cunt.

Eda: Fuck..! it feels bigger than I thought...

Tony: [groans softly] I can feel ya tightening around me... This is already gettin' better...

Eda: [breathes shakily] Shut up and just fuck me already, Tony... Move...

Prompted by her request, Tony started moving his hips, slowly going in and out of Eda as she let out more soft moans and cursed under her breath. He could feel the inner walls wrapping around his member and it was such an exhilarating sensation.

Eda: Shit... Keep going..! Faster..!

Tony had quickened his pace and panted away as he thrusted his hips against Eda's pussy. Eda whimpered out and moaned louder. She was holding onto Tony by his broad shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist as she started to move her hips up and down. As for Tony, he had one of his hands on Eda's ass and his other hand was cupping one of her boobs, squeezing it and making Eda moan passionately.

Eda: You make me feel so good..! I'm gettin' more hot from this..!

Tony: Urgh..! Yeah..? This is makin' feel good too..!

The two were already drenched in sweat from their passionate fucking. Tony kept on panting as his pleasure was making him go faster and fuck through Eda's slick inner wall. Both of their hips were moving at the same time, which made their sex feel so amazing and thrilling to them. Tony was felt weirded out from seeing Eda still fucking with her sunglasses on, but at that rate, he stopped giving a shit and let his pleasure take his concern off of that thought. Eda leaned towards Tony neck and gave it a few pecks, feeling his sweaty skin on her lips. Tingles were going down in Tony's body from feeling those kisses on his neck and groaned out through his teeth. The anticipation was becoming stronger.

Eda: I'm getting close..! I'm close to cumming, Tony..!

Tony: [through pants] Oh..! I'm gonna cum again..! Cum with me, Eda..!

Eda: Ah... A-ah..! Fuck, I'm cumming!

The exhilarating sensation was too much for the two and they were already about to release their own climax together. Eda was the one to cum first, as she let out a long moan and jerked her head back in her orgasm. Tony had groaned lowly just as he came into Eda. He wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her closer to himself and grunted with effort against her shoulder. The rush felt so intense, that Tony had bit onto the skin of Eda's shoulder, giving her a small love bite while he came inside her. Eda mewled from feeling Tony's teeth against her skin. She felt the warm white stuff spurting into her sweet hot pussy and could hardly get enough of it.

Once the rush of their own passionate climax had died down, Tony and Eda laid down on the bed, feeling their heads on the pillows. They felt so hot and sweaty, but damn, they felt completely satisfied! Tony was feeling incredibly exhausted, the date night and the sex took the energy out of him. He was panting heavily, trying to catch his breath. Eda sat up, adjusting her sunglasses again.

Tony: [pants in-between breaths] Damn... This is way more fun than how I imagined it'd be.

Eda: [swipes the sweat off her forehead] Yeah... Didn't know that you'd feel that good in me. [chuckles] Revy was right about you.

Tony: So I take it that you totally enjoyed that amazing shag? [smirks flirtatiously] You know, we can go for round two. I'll let ya go on top, if that's what you like?

Eda: [giggles] Nah, I'm all good, Tony. I'm satisfied enough for tonight. I appreciate the offer though.

Tony: Well, I'm glad you loved it. (Shit, I almost forgot! I should ask her about Revy!) And Eda?

Eda: Hm? Somethin' on your mind?

Tony: You're not gonna tell Revy about this, are ya? About us fuckin' in my place while she's away for business?

Eda: [shakes her head softly] Don't worry about it, Tony. [grins playfully] I promise, this'll be a nice secret between us. Besides, if I were to tell Revy, then...

Eda did a finger gun gesture, pointing her finger against her own forehead and imitated a gun going off.

Eda: ...Boom! There goes your brains.

Tony: Huh. (Well, if she does find out about this, then I'm fucked.) Thanks for remindin' me, luv(!)

Eda: [chuckles] You're welcome. [clears her throat] So, you don't mind if I smoke in here, do ya?

Tony: [yawns] Knock yourself out.

Tony was beginning to feel really tired, since his sex session with Eda. His eyes felt a little heavy, like they were carrying a big weight over them. Eda quickly got up from the bed, still in the nude, and picked up her lighter and pack of cigarettes to have a relaxing smoke. Just when she lit her cig, Eda inhaled the smoke deep into her lungs before exhaling it out through her nostrils after a few seconds, blowing the smoke into the room.

Eda: Mmm... So smooth... So Tony, got anythin' cooked up for Revy when she gets back or what?

Just when she turned around, Eda realised that Tony had fallen asleep. He had his duvet covering his lower body, leaving one of his feet, arms and his chest exposed to the cool air.

Eda: Huh. Glad that got you to sleep.

Eda's tone of voice seemed to have changed, like it sounded more serious. She gone over to her clothes and put them back on, not even bothered to have a shower in Tony's apartment. As soon as she redressed herself, Eda took off her purple-coloured sunglasses, revealing her glowing blue eyes, and stared down at the sleeping Tony.

Eda: Good thing that I managed to get a sample out from you, Harper.

She went for her back pocket of her skirt and took out a sort of small plastic bag. The bag had a sample of Tony's semen inside. Apparently, Eda managed to quickly spit out Tony's essence while he wasn't looking. A wicked smile grew on her face, having a sort of plan cooked up.

Eda: You're gonna be our new own grubstaker. When the time comes, we're gonna make you one of the most infamous criminals since Al Capone.

Several hours later

In the warm morning, Tony woke up in his bed. He sat up and stretched out his body, feeling a bit worn out after last night. Looking around the bedroom, Tony had noticed that Eda was gone, same goes for her clothes. However, he found a note on the bedside drawer. He picked it up and read it:

Hey Tony,

Sorry if im not here in the mornin. Id like to have a cup o coffe with ya, but i got a job to do. Gods requests dont wait 4ever. Anyway i wanna say thanx for havin that one nite stand with me. Your a real hot stud you know that? Maybe next time we mite catch up and share a few drinks. Ive never met a guy like you Tony. Your prety interestin.

Lotsa love, from Eda XXXXX

Tony couldn't help but laugh from reading Eda's note, due to the bad grammar and spelling. But he still understood what it all said and what Eda meant with her writing. He placed the note inside the drawer and went to get himself dressed so he can get himself something to eat and drink. This was not the only time that he and Eda were gonna have a secret time together.

Stay tuned for more

Notes: I apologise that I took weeks to get this all done. Like I've stated before, I've been busy sorting out the house and keeping the place clean. Anyway, I hoped you all enjoyed this chapter. There will be more to come.

And now, I'm gonna work on the Greenback Jane chapters that y'all have been waiting for!

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