The Clock Starts Ticking (Per...

By StardustMaster

2.5K 85 22

Meet the first Ace Arcana, Y/n Maruki, as he and his classmates stumble upon the world of Personas! More

Prologue: A Game?
Diaster and St. Hermelin
Oppression And Rampage

Manifestations And Personas

460 21 2
By StardustMaster

A woman is seen at a computer, typing something on a keyboard and the computer with a worried expression. The sound of metal objects alert the man to a figure behind her, she quickly turned around. "What are you doing? I know you're not allowed in here..."

"I'm begging you, Director! Please stop this!" The woman shouted, "this system is too dangerous! If we're careless and something were to happen during the the worst case scenario, not just our buildings, but the entire city could be damaged!"

The wall said: S.E.B.E.C

"And what of it?" The figure asked, "whatever happens to this city doesn't matter. Compared to our ultimate goal..."

"This can't be...are you serious, director?!" the worker asked, "that would be..."

"Where are you going?" The figure asked when the woman dashed for the door.

"I'm going to inform the police! I cannot allow this dreadful thing to continue any longer!" She shouted.

"That would be troublesome." The director said as the door was close with a metal barrier.

"Di...director?" they asked.

"You were an extremely talented engineer, but... such as same. Sonomura-kun." A gun is aimed at him as it fires. The noise cuts to Toudou slamming the phone line on the handle.

"Toudou! How was it? Is Sonomura's mom..." Inaba asked Toudou as he walked back.

"No good." Toudou said as he held a card.

"What the hell do you mean?!" Y/n asked, angry.

Toudou was angry as well, "they said that she's in a meeting, so she can't be contacted."


"Don't make a scene, monkey! Where do you think we are?" Nanjou had his arms folded.

"But c'mon!" Inaba shouted.

"At any rate, I told them to give her the message. After that, I called her house and left a message on their machine." Toudou said.

"Sonomura's mom works for that SEBEC place, right?" Yukino asked.

"Yeah, an engineer like my mom. They're close with each other..." Y/n said as Inaba spoke.

"She's still her mom." Inaba slammed his fist on the wall. "I don't care if she's an engineer or whatever. Sonomura said she's never's always, 'work, work, work' making her own kid feel lonely like this..."

"Idiot! Don't say those kind of things!" Yukino shouted at him.

"That's not just how that works." Y/n said as he messed with his pencil. Spinning it around in his hand.

"Why?! Isn't that how it is?!" Inaba shouted. "If it were me...if I were a part of Sonomura's family, I would never let her feel lonely. I'd always be by her side, and make sure she's okay."

"It can't be helped." Y/n said as Inaba glared at him.

"What's that?" Inaba asked aggressively.

"If aunt Sonomura could, she'd do just that... then how would she pay for Maki's hospital and medical bills?" Toudou explained it to him.

"Eh? Oh yeah..." Inaba understood.

"I see...Maki's only got her mother." Yukino said as she held her chin.

Y/n sighed and stopped spinning his pencil, "even if she understands that...thinking about it with pure logic doesn't make anything like this any better."

"Y'know, it's been taking a while, I hope Sonomura is okay." Inaba stated.

"Your idle chatting isn't too g to change anything, so sit quietly and wait, Monkey." Nanjou said as Inaba glared at him.

"You bastard..." he said as the lights suddenly went off. The area started to shake as everyone felt something change.

Yukino stood up in worry, "has...has it finished?"

"What the-?!" Y/n said as Toudou looked at him.

"What's,..what's wrong?" Toudou asked.

"Y/n?" Yukino asked as Y/n opened the ICU doors, to be met with a wall. "Wha-? Impossible...what's going on?!"

"I'm sure the ICU was supposed to be here..." Inaba said.

"It is, look up." Toudou said as the gang was the ICU sign above the wall.

"...Hey! What happened?! Where'd Sonomura go?!" Inaba shouted in worry. "WHY?!"


" What should we do?" Yukino asked, Y/n put his hand on the wall.

"This isn't a dream, this is real!" Y/n said with worry. A scream was heard before everyone turned around.

"Is that Sonomura?!" Inaba was on a one path minded.

"It came from the lower floor! Let's check it out!" Yukino shouted and they all started to run.

"We need to hurry...I got a bad feeling about all this...!" Toudou shouted as a woman is seen screaming.

"KYAAAAAAN NOOOOO!!!" the woman shouted.

"Miss! Hurry!" a voice rang out.

"This voice..." Nanjou started to worry, especially when saw his butler, "YAMAOKA!"

"Young master...please run!" Yamaoka was holding a pole and holding back what seemingly looked like Zombies. But Yamaoka was bleeding bad. "These Miscreants...I will...hold them here!"

"WHAT THE HELL ARE THOSE!?" Inaba backed up.


"YOU MUSTN'T! YOU MUST NOT COME OVER HERE, YOUNG MASTER! PLEASE HURRY AND RUN!" Yamaoka shouted. "The young master is an important person who will carry the Japan of tomorrow! That's why..:you must hurry!"

"Idiot." Nanjou rushed forward, "AS IF I COULD JUST LEAVE YOU BEHIND!"

"NANJOU!!" Y/n shouted as he grit his teeth.

"Meat...fresh meat came.."

"Meat. I want to eat..."

"You're in the way!" one of the undead sliced the butler aside as they stopped moving.

"YAMAOKA! YOU BASTARDS!" Nanjou punched one of the them in the chest, not that it did much.

"THAT'S DANGEROUS, NANJOU!" Inaba rushed forward.

Yukino looked at Y/n as they ran. "Do you have any of your 'gadgets'?"

"Huh?! I mean, I do but..." Y/n said as he took it out a pen. It transformed into a scythe.

"I would lecture you about bringing that into a hospital but use it!" Yukino said as she rushed ahead.

"Wait!" Y/n said as his mind flashed back to Yukino a couple years ago running away. Y/n flashed back as he gritted his teeth and ran forward. "How do you kill something that's already dead!?"

Y/n sliced one of the undead's hands off but then Y/n was about to be attacked but Yukino saved him with a kick to the back. "Watch out!"

"Egh-!" Y/n said as Yukino slashed the monster with a razor blade. "Thanks for the-!"

"RAAAAAH!!!" another monster launched at him, but Y/n rolled out of the way. Y/n was confused, until he looked to see his hand empty.

"Shit!" Y/n rolled out of the way of a slice as Toudou looked at him.

"Y/n!" Toudou passed over the scythe after kicking it.

"Thanks!" Y/n said but one of the undead grabbed his throat with their hand and raised him in the air, "GRGH-!!"

"Y/N!!" everyone shouted as Y/n's eyes suddenly turned yellow.

"RAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Y/n shouted as a shockwave blew out.

"I am thou...thou art I. You are running out of time, so let me help you get that clock of yours ticking. Your life has always been about time, so why don't you savor this moment and capture it in time?! SAY MY NAME, AND I WILL LEND YOU MY POWER!!" the voice said as Y/n's clock amulet glowed green.

"COME...PERSONA!!" Y/n shouted as the gang looked at him again. "COME TOKI NO OKINA!!!!"

The Persona appeared behind him for a brief moment. The persona seemed to be the personification of time. He appears to be an elderly man with wings, dressed in a robe and carried a scythe, an hourglass on his hip with other timekeeping devices on his belt. The others felt a same shockwave inside was well.  "I am the Sage of Time. I will stay with you until your hour has come"

"From the dark abyss, slowly rising to the it comes..." Y/n says to himself, "this man is a version of myself...I know this. With that power..." Y/n gained a dark smile, "...I CAN FIGHT BACK!"

"GRY!!" Y/n shouted as gravity suddenly got heavy and crushed a zombie into nothing.

"Hama." Nanjou said as his persona killed a monster immediately.

"FREI!" Yukino shouted as the nuclear spell as which destroyed the zombie.'

"GARU!" Toudou used a wind spell and ripped the zombie to pieces. Inaba used tackle and destroyed the zombie dorky the inside, soon the fire created died down. And everyone, started to snap out of it.

"Did this?" Yukino was confused, but then she looked at Y/n's murderous intent, "Y-Y/n?"

"Huh?" Y/n held his head. "Ugh, my head..."

"Hey, are you serious?" Inaba looked around.

"YAMAOKA! HANG IN THERE, YAMAOKA! YAMAOKA!" Nanjou shouted as he rushed to Yamaoka.

"Young master...why such a miserable face? Your noble face is...being spoiled." Yamaoka said before he coughed out blood.

"YAMAOKA!? YOU CAN'T, YAMAOKA! YOU CAN'T DIE!" Nanjou held Yamaoka, "you won't leave me behind, right...right? Yamaoka?"

"Young have my sincerest apologies. That this Yamaoka's support has already...come to an end..." Yamaoka tried to smile. "I am taking my leave...Master Kei."

"Yeah...?" Nanjou started to cry.

"Please promise this Yamaoka one last thing... must support Japan. Please become the most important persona in Japan!" Yamaoka asked.

"Of...of course! I will definitely show you that! That's why...until that timed you have to..." Nanjou shouted.

"These last 17 years were enjoyable." Yamaoka stated, "from here on, this Yamaoka...shall always be in Master Kei's heart." was silent. "Yamaoka? Hey..."

No answer, "please answer me....Yamaoka... YAMAOKA? ANSWER ME! I ORDER YOU!"

"H...Hey...Nanjou..." Inaba tried to say.

"I'm begging your eyes... YAMAOKA! If you're not here...what am I supposed to do...?!" Nanjou shouted, "NO ONE WILL PRAISE ME. NO ONE. NO ONE WILL BE BY MY SIDE!"

"Nanjou..." Yukino said as Y/n clicked a button on his scythe, turning it back into a pen.

"There's no doubt about it...I would've been killed if 'That' hadn't come out." Y/n said to himself, "that persona."

"That's right! You guys also heard that then, right?! That voice..." Inaba looked at everyone.

"That said it would lend us their power, right?" Yukino asked.

"Was that dream true?" Toudou wondered.

"'Persona' huh...somehow, I still don't believe it. That those monster like things came out, or that we managed to kill them." Yukino pondered in worry.

"Monster?! Hey, we can't be just hanging around like this! We need to save Sonomura! What'll happen if there are other monsters?! If we don't hurry up and find her, then..." Inaba stated as everyone looked at each other.

"Yeah, you're right... we gotta get moving." Y/n said as he looked behind him. "Nanjou...that means you too."

"I'm not going. I'm staying by Yamaoka." Nanjou said immediately.

"I think it's a shame what happens to the old man." Inaba said, "you can't do that forever."

"BE QUIET! I ALREADY KNOW THAT WITHOUT YOU TELLING ME! BUT I WANT TO STAY WITH HIM! JUST SHUT UP, YOU BASTARD! WHAT DO YOU KNOW...!?" Nanjou shouted at Inaba, everyone but Y/n was concerned. "If you're going to go, then go. Just leave me alone."

"...oh, I get it! What the hell is this, acting all high and mighty like a brat in a situation like this...that's just sad!" Inaba said as Y/n punched him. "Wha-?"

"You should watch what you say, Masao." Y/n said as Masao held his cheek. "His family just died and you're expecting him to be back to normal in a couple of seconds."

"But-!" Inaba tried to say something.

"But, it's not like we can leave him here by himself." Y/n said.

"That's right, Inaba." Yukino agreed. "If monsters were to come again, what would happen?"

"I...I know that! But that guy!" Inaba started to worry.

" any rate, let's bring him along, even if we have to use force." Toudou said as he and Y/n walked forward. "Give me a hand, Y/n."

"Y/n...Toudou..." Yukino couldn't believe Y/n's change in personality. Was it because his persona?

"Let's go, Nanjou." Y/n said as he didn't answer. Y/n grabbed his arm and yanked him up. "Let's go!"

Soon, they walked down the dark hallways. Yukino looked around. "It's awfully quiet."

"Yeah, it's eerie as well.. you scared?" Y/n asked Yukino.

"What? Are you not?" Yukino asked as Y/n shied away.

"Yeah, I am. Just wanted to make sure I'm not the only one." He said as Inaba looked around.

"HEY! IS ANYONE THERE!?" Inaba shouted as Yukino looked at him with a glare.

"Idiot! Be quiet!" Yukino shouted.

"Eh? Why?" Inaba asked.

"If something did show up, what would you do about it?" Y/n asked him before Inaba couldn't say anything back.

"Toudou, Y/n, let go. I'll walk by myself." Toudou and Y/n both let go.

"What the hell's going on? It's only been two hours since we were in class. We were preparing for the school festival when we made a bet... Persona-sama. That girl, the butterfly dream, Philemon, Personas, Sonomura disappearing along with the ICU." Toudou thought about it before he saw a shadow.

"What, you see something?" Y/n asked.

"More like heard something down there..." Toudou explained.

"...A human?" Yukino asked.

"I don't know..." Toudou says and wonders, "what do we do?"

"Only one thing we can... even if it's not human, we gotta keep moving." Y/n says as he looked around the corner, to see a woman undead. He moved back immediately, "GO BACK! RUN BACK THE WAY WE CAME!"

"WE...WE'RE SURROUNDED!" Yukino told them as files of zombies started to fill the halls.

"This is bad, yo!" Inaba said as Toudou and Y/n looked at each other.

"persona." Y/n said.

"What?" Inaba asked.

"CALL OUT YOUR PERSONA AND FIGHT!" Toudou followed up.

"I don't know how we got here but..." Y/n grit his teeth as he flashed back to his younger sister in the hospital bed. "But I can't die here, I just have to remember that feeling..."

"COME! PERSONA!" Y/n and Toudou both shouted.

"TOKI NO OKINA!!!!" Y/n shouted as Sage of Time appears behind him.

"SHOUMEN KONGOU!" Toudou shouted as Shoumen Kongou appeared behind him.

"GUYS!" Inaba shouted.

"LET'S GO!!" Y/n and Toudou both dashed forward, unleashing spells.

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