Spinning the bottle

By Astronouk

50.5K 1K 434

Harper already had the fairy tale: she turned the playboy into her sweet boyfriend, she had the perfect grade... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eightteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter twenty-two

Chapter twenty

1.3K 21 12
By Astronouk

After my talk with Mia, I went to search for Alex. I was really hoping things wouldn't be awkward between us since I basically friendzoned him a couple of hours ago.

But when I spotted him, he walked up to me as if nothing happened. I was relieved.

"So Harper, what are we gonna do?" Alex asked.

Oh okay so he wanted to hang out and now I have to come up with the plan?

"Well, you said we should hang out so I was hoping you had something in mind."

When I looked at Alex I could see he was a bit hurt by my words, so I instantly apologized.

"Sorry, that sounded mean, I didn't mean to. Did you have any plans for this afternoon?"

The hurt in Alex's eyes immediately vanished and he smiled.

"That's okay Harp, I know you can be a bitch sometimes," he said jokingly.

I laughed.

He was right though, I can be a bitch when I want to be. I can even be one when I don't want to, like just now.

"I didn't have anything special in mind for the two of us, but we can go to a diner and just grab something to eat?" Alex suggested.

Even though it kinda sounded like a date, this day was a very long one and I was starving. I could definitely use some unhealthy food now.

"Sounds like a very good plan," I said.

So both of us grabbed our stuff and made our way to the diner.

My town isn't that big so there aren't many diners, but I still had a favorite: Sunrise Diner. Everything about that place was just awesome. The color pallet matches the name of the diner which is just brilliant. Every time I went there, it felt like I was watching the sunrise while enjoying delicious food.

Oh the food there was even better than the looks. They had everything. Do you usually eat waffles or pancakes for breakfast or would you like some eggs? Go to Sunrise Diner. Want some fries and burgers for lunch? Sunrise Diner. Maybe some amazing pizza for dinner? You guessed it: Sunrise Diner.

And since Alex was a very good friend of mine, he didn't even have to ask what diner we were going to. He already knew. Sunrise Diner.

Luckily for us, the diner was close to school so we could just ride our bikes there. After a minute or ten, we arrived.

The diner wasn't that busy at this time of day, so there was enough room for us to sit down. When we walked in, the owner, Sky (yeah the diner name might have had something to do with her own), greeted us and told us to sit wherever we wanted to.

Alex led the way and chose a cute orange booth to sit down. After everything that has happened over the last couple of months, I didn't have a moment to just sit down and relax.

To sit down and eat tons of food with my friend. Like I used to do so often before this whole mess started.

I was very very excited.

Sky brought us the menu and asked what we wanted to drink. I could really use a milkshake and the only thing I had to do was just look at Alex and he knew.

"We would like one chocolate milkshake and one banana milkshake, both with two straws please," he said.

"Coming right up," Sky answered.

When I looked at Alex I could see him smiling from ear to ear.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

He shook his head and said: "Nothing, I'm just happy that we're finally able to spend time together. I know we did yesterday but this just feels different.'

I know how he felt. Yesterday was all about me getting ready for Mia and 'shooting my shot'. Yesterday I had to lie to my friend.

Today was different, today we were just hanging out and having fun as we used to.

I looked at the menu to decide what I wanted to eat. I was hungry for everything so I decided to get small portions of multiple dishes.

Sky walked our way with the milkshakes.

"Two milkshakes for the lovely couple."

"Thank you," Alex said.

I was very confused, why didn't Alex correct Sky? We're clearly not a couple, even though we like sharing our milkshakes because we know we wouldn't be able to decide which flavor is the best.

"Did you two decide what food you want?" Sky asked us.

"Yes, some nachos, a slice of pepperoni pizza, a mini burger and some fries please," I answered.

"Is that to share?" Sky asked.

Alex laughed.

"Oh no, she's gonna eat all that by herself. For me just a Belgian waffle if you still have those at this time."

Sky chuckled.

"Yes we do, I'll go make them for you right now."

When Sky left, I looked at Alex and found him having an amused look.

"What is it now?" I asked.

"Nothing, it's just that you must be very very hungry."

I laughed, he was not wrong.

But then I thought about what Sky said earlier. Did it really look like we were a couple? Did he really think this was a date?

"Why did you let Sky believe that we're together?" I asked him.

Alex looked a bit hurt and thought about his next words.

"I don't know, I didn't see the harm in it. If I would have corrected her, she would have looked like a fool and I didn't want her to feel bad. Sorry if it upsets you."

Alex was clearly a nice guy and he was right. I had no idea why this bothered me so much. I think something inside of me felt like I was cheating on Mia by letting others think I was dating Alex.

And then I thought about how much it sucked that I wouldn't be able to take Mia on an actual date here. Sure we could just go here as friends, but I knew Mia would never agree to doing something simple like sharing a milkshake together. Because that might look a little suspicious and she did not want that at all.

Was this really what I wanted in a relationship? Maybe Mia just needed some time to tell Nora and then we would finally be able to go out like a normal couple. But somehow I felt like that wasn't going to happen any time soon. And I hated that feeling more than anything.

Before I could spiral more, Alex snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Harper, are you okay?"

He looked at me and his eyes told me he wanted the honest answer.

"Not really actually," I began, "I was just thinking about Mia and that just hurts a bit. Sorry I didn't want to ruin this day."

Alex shook his head as if he was not accepting my apology.

"No need to feel bad about it, you can always talk to me. What exactly is it that hurts so much?"

I knew I shouldn't have said that I was hurt by Mia, because now I had to lie to Alex again. I hated that so much. Mia had said that I could, but I just knew Alex would tell every single soul because he was excited and that would ruin everything. So I twisted the truth again.

"Well I like her a lot and at the dance I kinda felt like she felt the same. So when I heard that she friendzoned me in front of all of you guys, that hurt."

Alex grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"It is a bit of a dickmove from Mia to tell that to our friends first instead of talking to you. But I am sure she had the right intentions and didn't mean to hurt you. I actually think you're better off without her as a girlfriend. Now you have time for other people."

Even though I twisted the truth and Alex didn't know the full story, the first part made sense and I knew he was right. Mia never meant to hurt me.

The second part however was so wrong. I wasn't better off without Mia, she made me a better person and I didn't want anyone else. But I couldn't say that to Alex.

So instead I said:

"Yeah maybe. Would you excuse me? I have to go to the bathroom real quick."

He nodded and I walked away.

When I was in a bathroom stall, I grabbed my phone to see if I had any missed messages.

I had one: from Mia.

"Hey, are you home yet? Do you maybe want to come over?"

As much as I wanted to, I promised Alex to hang out with him and I still wanted my food. So I texted her back.

"Sorry, I'm still in the diner with Alex."

Before I could check if she answered, I made my way back to Alex.

Right when I sat down, Sky brought our food and I immediately attacked it.

Alex and I ate, laughed and talked about stuff we did together.

Once in a while I could feel my phone vibrating, which probably meant Mia was texting me. But I couldn't answer and I kinda didn't want to either.

I was having fun with a friend and the whole point of this was that I would stop thinking about Mia for once and just enjoy myself. So without looking at the messages, I turned my phone off.

After a couple more hours of laughter and food, I decided to go home.

"I had a great time with you today Alex, thank you for that."

Alex laughed.

"No problem sweetheart, I had fun too. We should totally do this more often."

"We should"

We parted our ways and I went home.

When I arrived there, I checked my phone again to see the messages I missed.

They were all from Mia.

"Okay, I just hoped you could come here because I'm having a hard time taking care of my mom. She isn't feeling that great."

And another one.

"Harper, can you please call me. I think I'm having a panic attack and I don't know how to stop it."

And another.

"Harper please. I need you."

And then the last one.

"I stopped it, I'm fine. Have fun with Alex"




Omg omg omg

15 k reads! Who would have thought?!

Definitely not me.

Even though I don't update that frequently (again, I'm sorry), you guys find a way to read this story and I'm so grateful for that.

Your sweet comments and messages makes me want to continue writing the story.

I hope you liked to see something more about Alex and Harper.

So let me know what you thought of this chapter. Did it look like a date? Was Harper wrong for turning her sound of and ignoring Mia? Do you think Mia is really okay?

Let me know :)

Thank you guys, really.


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