The Bestest of Them

By Saki-gem

45.9K 804 280

A/N: Bestest- It's not a word. I meant for it to be a riff on "The Baddest" Y/N was a lonely child until he m... More

Lore Guide, Kinda (Revamped)
Hello...and Goodbye (Revamped)
Y/N's Present Day Life (Revised)
The Concert (Revamped)
The Reunion
The Mall
A Little Closer
The Barista and the Shock


1.9K 48 12
By Saki-gem

A/N: Hey all! This is a chapter with music in it! If you flame me for my music choice, well fuck you! Hope you all enjoy!

--Evelynn's POV--

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. That's what they all say, isn't it? But when life gives you prime man meat, what do you do with it? Why you savor every bite and make sure to have some whenever you can. At least that's the analogy going through my head as I walk with Y/N by my side. Don't get me wrong, I don't like him. We're friends, but I know a hunk when I see one and let me tell you, Y/N was a hunk. Six feet tall with vibrant H/C locks. Built but not too muscular, y'know? Lean! That's it he, was lean and muscular. Let's just say momma likes what she sees.

"So Y/N~," I say, I lean into him a bit, pressing my body close to his. What's the harm with a little teasing? I look up at his face to gauge his reaction. OMG! he looks like a tomato. His whole face is red. Ooooohhh~ this is gonna be fun.

--3rd Person POV--

And thus, Y/N's personal hell began as Evelynn began to rub herself against his side while making small talk.

'Must. Not. Get. Boner!' he thought as they walked through the halls together to the talent side of the school. The classes on the music side were all spaced apart and soundproofed so that they wouldn't bother the other. Let's just say when they didn't do that, the result wasn't pretty, and many went insane from the combined sounds. Why did everything in this universe turn into some kind of eldritch abomination? Y/N continued to walk Evelynn to her music classes, taking her from singing to piano and guitar. As they walked, they caught up with each other talking about what they've been up to and how they've been.

"I've just been in a constant state of singing and working after high school. It's been from band to band, to going solo, to meeting up with Ahri and, creating K/DA with her." Evelynn said.

"Must've been tiring," Y/N responded.

"Please, darling, do I look like the type of person to take it easy?" Evelynn tilted her glasses down while smirking.

Y/N chuckled. "Yeah, guess not."

Eve just crossed her arms under her bust, smirk still ever-present. Y/N looked down at his watch. 

"Oh," he commented. "We need to get to singing class." Evelynn followed him to the classroom, still trying to memorize the path.

"Well, darling," she started. "Can't wait to hear what your voice sounds like."


--Music Class--

"Hello, class!" Their teacher greeted them.

Y/N's jaw dropped, and Evelynn's shades fell forward; there in front of them stood Ahri in a professor's outfit. The uniform, however, seemed a little...risque. She wore a lace halter top that showed off her midriff and ripped jeans. The only thing that seemed remotely professional was the lab coat she wore, and somehow she made that seem somewhat sexual. \

Of course, no one was complaining, except for the girls whose boyfriends were staring at Ahri with barely hidden lust. Of course, Ahri didn't notice the glares or drooling men. She instead focussed on Y/N and Evelynn, smirking at their looks of disbelief.

Y/N finally spoke, stuttering a bit. "S-so, w-why are you here? I thought you'd be a student...not a professor or anything."

"Oh! I was just as surprised as you," she exclaimed. "The school called me and asked me if I could teach singing. Apparently, some of the teachers and the principal are secretly huge fans of mine. Also cause I won the 2013 Pop Shines Awards as the most talented K-pop artist and stuff."

Evelynn rolled her eyes and sneered. "Yeah, this class is a waste of time."

Ahri glared at her. "What do you mean, 'a waste of time'? You get my precious input on your songs and singing. Isn't that something you should be grateful for?"

Most of the boys nodded their heads, which only proved to make Evelynn angrier.

"Please, you aren't that talented, darling. I already know most of your techniques, and you're hardly a better singer than me."

Ahri smirked. "Is that a challenge?" she asked.

Evelynn glared at her. "And what if it is?"

"Well then..." Ahri drawled. "Why don't we let the class decide?"

"Please," Evelynn scoffed. "I know a rigged contest when I see one. You've already got most of the male votes simply based on how slutty you dressed."

'You take that back whore!"


Before the two could resort to punches, Y/N stepped between them. "Enough!" He screamed. "I'll judge the two of you. I think the both of you can agree that I'm probably going to be the most impartial one here."

Evelynn and Ahri looked at each other before nodding. "Fine!" they both said at the same time.

"I'm going to get ready," Evelynn walked off to the back of the class to find something to sing.

"'Ready' to lose?" Ahri taunted.

Evelynn flipped her off as she continued walking away.

--30 minutes later--

"Are both of you ready?" Y/N asked.

"Yes," Evelynn responded.

"Mhm!" Ahri sounded.

"Alright. Ahri will go first. She'll sing, and I'll give her a score from 1-10. After that, Evelynn will go, and I will score her performance from 1-10. Whoever has the highest score in the end wins. Are both of you ready?"

Both Ahri and Evelynn nod.

"Alright Ahri, you're first. Come up here and strut your stuff." Ahri walked up to the mic and breathed deeply. The lights dimmed, and a spotlight shined down on her. She exhaled before the music began to play.

A/N: Yes I know it's nightcore, but idc. I like the nightcore version better than the actual song.

Put your make up on
Get your nails done
Curl your hair
Run the extra mile
Keep it slim
So they like you, do they like you?

Get your sexy on
Don't be shy, girl
Take it off
This is what you want, to belong
So they like you, do you like you?

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try
You don't have to try

Get your shopping on, at the mall, max your credit cards
You don't have to choose, buy it all
So they like you? Do they like you?

Wait a second,
Why should you care, what they think of you
When you're all alone, by yourself
Do you like you? Do you like you?

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to bend until you break
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try

You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try
You don't have to try

You don't have to try so hard
You don't have to give it all away
You just have to get up, get up, get up, get up
You don't have to change a single thing

You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try, try, try, try
You don't have to try
You don't have to try

Take your make up off
Let your hair down
Take a breath
Look into the mirror, at yourself
Don't you like you?
Cause I like you

The lights turned back on and the class stood silent. Y/N's hand faltered a bit before lifting up an 8, right as the class exploded with applause, some even crying because of how emotional they got. Evelynn scoffed, but clapped, respecting Ahri's performance.

Ahri walked off, confident as Evelynn took her place.

"Eve, are you ready?" Y/N asked.

"Yes," she responded, a little tense.

"Alright, get ready." The lights dimmed once more, the bright spotlight on Evelynn.

Why you always gotta be so stubborn
Stopping in the headlights like you're choking
Wanting to be right, but you got problems
Yeah we all got problems
I'm not here to solve them

Tell me why you gotta be so stubborn
Using up my time with all that moping
Thought I gave a fuck, gotta be joking
Looking for some wings
You better keep on hoping

It's like you're puppets on a string
One jerk to send you dancing
While I'm standing over here

I won't dance 'cause you told me to
Never find me jumping through hoops
See the cracks, fixed with super glue
It's alright 'cause I'm not broken

I won't dance 'cause you told me to
Never find me jumping through hoops
See the cracks, fixed with super glue
It's alright 'cause I'm not broken

Why you always looking for a way out
Scared of every mirror in your glasshouse
Looking for the light like you were promised
I'm not here to solve this
I'm just being honest

Why you always looking for a way out
You can eat your words out in the playground
I'll be outta sight, nothing to say now
Look where you are, uh huh bet you're real proud

It's like you're puppets on a string
One Jerk to send you dancing
While I'm standing over here

I won't dance 'cause you told me to
Never find me jumping through hoops
See the cracks, fixed with super glue
It's alright 'cause I'm not broken

I won't dance 'cause you told me to
Never find me jumping through hoops
See the cracks, fixed with super glue
It's alright 'cause I'm not broken

It's like you're puppets on a string
One Jerk to send you dancing
While I'm standing over here

It's like you're puppets on a string
One Jerk to send you dancing
While I'm standing over here

I won't dance 'cause you told me to
Never find me jumping through hoops
See the cracks, fixed with super glue
It's alright 'cause I'm not broken

I won't dance 'cause you told me to
Never find me jumping through hoops
See the cracks, fixed with super glue
It's alright 'cause I'm not broken

Cheers and applause overwhelmed the senses as the class roared. 

Evelynn walked over to Ahri, confident. "Well I guess we know who won, huh darling?" She smirked while Ahri looked down, a little dissapointed.

However, before Ahri could respond, Y/N interrupted.

"Hold up, you still haven't seen my decision yet." Both Evelynn and Ahri looked over at Y/N to see Eve's score.

In his hand was a card with the number 7 on it.

A/N: Sorry if the ending was a little abrupt, but  I didn't want to extend the chapter any longer. In other news, I'm thinking of doing a different K/DA story. I want to have it be set in a Solo Leveling AU and it would be based on some of the animation in "Burn it All Down" with some changes and stuff. Probably will start that in a month maybe. Anyways, love you guys, bye! 

hope you enjoyed

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