Random Marriage III

By taeyeon_mystar

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I will love you and protect you forever until my last breath ❤️ I gonna do everything for you and Our Family... More

Random Marriage III
36. The End.


302 22 3
By taeyeon_mystar

Although Tiffany revealed the two kids at the Zhai Family's wedding, children were ever changing. So, hiding the identity of the twins wasn't a difficult thing to do.

For this reason, Tiffany hired a young woman with strong fighting skills to act as the twins' nanny to take them to and from school.

The twins were enrolled at Seoul Huanglin College; the best public school in Korea.

For the kids in the school, it didn't matter what their family backgrounds were, their academic results did the talking after they entered. So, the twins had a lot of work to do.

But, there was one coincidence that no one expected: Nangong Quan's daughter, Little Eggshell, also attended the same school. She was just one grade above the twins.

Other kids were brought to and from school by their parents. These parents deliberately flaunted their identities in front of the teachers so they would take extra care of their children, but the Taeny Couple were different.

Boys needed to toughen up, they couldn't be prissy like girls. So, Taeyeon was set on his decision.

When he was only a few years old, he could already converse in English. Would his kids be any worse?

In the end, Taehyun got along well with the other kids in his class. But, Jonghyun struggled. He had a scar left from the injury on his eye, so the other kids were too afraid to get close to him.

But, Jonghyun didn't care anyway.

Unfortunately, not long after the school term started, the two brothers ended up causing trouble...

There was a chubby little punk in their class that often bullied Jonghyun because of the scar on his face. As he was a little older than the other kids, he could talk a little better, "You're ugly! You're the ugliest in the class..."

Jonghyun continued to play with his building blocks and ignored the kid.

"My Mummy said you're dumb. Only dumb kids don't talk."

At this time, Taehyun returned from the bathroom. When he saw the little punk teasing his younger brother, he immediately threw a punch at the kid's face, "Don't...don't say that about my brother..."

Taehyun didn't know how to explain how Jonghyun's scar came about, but he understood that his brother had protected him. So, now that he was being bullied, he naturally had to stick up for him.

Afterwards, the chubby punk began to cry and reported the twins to the teacher, "Miss, they hit me..."

The teacher in charge of the class had done her research and investigated the background of all her kids. She knew that the chubby kid's mother was the boss of a hotel chain, but the twins were simply escorted to and from school by a young woman in an average car. It didn't seem like they were from a wealthy family.

So, the teacher was biased towards the chubby kid.

"You two, you're both so small, yet you've learned to hit others rather than behave. Go call your parents!"

As it was the first time, Tiffany merely laughed when she and Taeyeon received the news, "Our kids hit someone!"

"Miss Hwang, the other kid was at fault. Taehyun was simply protecting Jonghyun," Su Youran explained. This young woman was a retired soldier with good fighting skills. She was hired for the twins because Tiffany liked her.

Tiffany smiled casually and leaned over to pinch her sons' cheeks, "They have no one to depend on at school, so they're bound to suffer a little."

"Why don't you reveal your identity?"

"Our identities can protect them, but also bring them a lot of stress. I'd rather they protect each other like they are doing now, than to have reporters wait for them outside school every day," Tiffany replied. "When they grow up a little, they'll understand."

Su Youran nodded her head, "You're right."

As a result, the two little dopey kids had to continue protecting each other and put up with the bullying.


But, don't forget, the two dopey kids were in the same school as Little Eggshell. Although they didn't know each other, the subordinate that took Little Eggshell to and from school, on behalf of Nangong Quan, had noticed the twins a few times. The first time he saw them walk out hand-in-hand, he simply thought they looked familiar. But, when he thought about it carefully, he realized he had seen them at the Zhai Family's wedding.

So, he notified Nangong Quan of his discovery.

However, Nangong Quan did not give much of a response. So what if they were in the same school? It wasn't like they were in the same grade or the same class.

As long as they kept their distance.

But, Qiu Jin ended up hearing about this coincidence.

He had been trying to find an opportunity to go against Tiffany, but had no luck. Now that he knew the twins were attending Huanglin College, weren't the possibilities endless?

"Look how tricky the Kim Family are. No one had any idea that their kids were attending Huanglin."

"But, the school has tight security and the kids have someone that escorts them to and from school. It's not easy to find a chance to strike..."

Qiu Jin took a deep puff of his cigarette before he extinguished it on the ground, "In that case, let's follow the car that escorts them and strike when the timing is right!"

"Yes, we'll do as you say!"

No one expected that Qiu Jin had his eyes set on the Kim Family's precious twins, but of course, Qiu Jin's​ men also couldn't predict how tough Su Youran was either. It seemed, they were asking for a taste of her skills.

Did they think she was just a weak little woman that took the kids to and from school?

In order to get back at Taeyeon and Tiffany, Qiu Jin camped outside the school for a few days in a row to confirm that Su Youran was the only one that escorted the kids. After he saw no signs of the Kim Family, he decided to make a move on the upcoming Friday afternoon. By this time, he had also familiarized himself with the route that Su Youran took.

But, Qiu Jin never expected that Little Eggshell would spot him sitting in his car.

As soon as Little Eggshell returned home, she notified her father of what she saw, "Daddy, I saw Grandfather Qiu outside the school today."

"Are you sure?" Nangong Quan asked as he carried his daughter onto his lap.

"I've seen him a few times, I'm certain. What was Grandfather Qiu doing at my school?"

What other reason could he have? He was definitely there because of the twins.

"Eggshell, don't get involved. Promise daddy that if there's any danger, you will hide yourself well, OK? You need to know that daddy can't live without you..."

Although Little Eggshell didn't understand her father's reaction, she was very obedient towards his request.

But, she couldn't help noticing that Grandfather Qiu was a little strange.

In fact, she noticed that his eyes were glued on the twins. Was he planning to do something bad?

With this thought, she decided to keep an eye on Grandfather Qiu and warn the two little boys if she noticed anything.

To be honest, she thought the two little boys were quite cute!

Especially the one that didn't like to talk. He was just like her father!

So, the following two days, not only did Little Eggshell discover which classroom the twins were in, she also found out their English names.

Soon, Friday afternoon came around and it was time to finish school.

Little Eggshell deliberately followed behind the two little boys. At first, she simply wanted to steal a few extra glances of them. But, after they boarded their car, she noticed Qiu Jin's car follow behind.

Little Eggshell immediately found her driver and yelled, "Uncle, uncle, follow Grandfather Qiu's car!"


"Follow him. If Daddy asks, just say that it was my decision."

As she was missing a mother since she was small, Little Eggshell was observant and good at expressing herself.

So, in the end, the driver had no choice but to follow behind and keep his eye on Qiu Jin's car.

Qiu Jin's​ plan was to stop Su Youran's car as soon as it turned into a quiet area and he did just that. Just like last time when he stopped Bo-ah's car, there was a loud screech as the cars came to a halt...

Su Youran's path was blocked by a black car...

Afterwards, five men stepped out of the car holding metal poles.

"We're not after you, we simply want the two kids in the car!"

Su Youran turned to look at the kids and said in a gentle voice, "Auntie will step out to handle a small matter. You boys stay in the car and don't make a move, OK?"

Taehyun and Jonghyun stretched their necks to look out the car before they obediently nodded their heads.

Su Youran stepped confidently out of the car without an ounce of panic and put on a pair of black fighting gloves, "Just the five of you?"

When the men saw Su Youran's expression, they guessed she had a few moves up her sleeves, so they grew cautious. However, at this time, Qiu Jin yelled, "Why are you guys just standing there? Get the kids!"

Four men immediately rushed forward, but the one leading the pack was swiftly knocked back by Su Youran's perfect roundhouse kick. The other three immediately stopped in their tracks. With her skills...she wasn't just a professional.


The three men and Su Youran soon broke out into a fight. At this time, Qiu Jin took the opportunity to approach the back of the car to open the door and grab the kids. But, Little Eggshell's car arrived at this time. Before the car came to a complete stop, Little Eggshell started demanding the driver to unlock the car doors, "Uncle, save them, save them!"

"Miss!" the driver said helplessly.

"Otherwise, I'm going to tell Daddy that you bullied me!"

What could the driver do? He had no choice but to step out of the car and let Little Eggshell out. After all, he knew that Qiu Jin would never hurt her.

"Grandfather Qiu, go away, go away!" Little Eggshell immediately ran over and bit Qiu Jin's arm. She then closed the car door and protected them.

"Hana, what are you doing here?" This was Little Eggshell's real name: Nangong Hana!

Qiu Jin grabbed onto his arm in pain and looked at Little Eggshell in shock.

"Grandfather Qiu, please don't hurt them..."

At this time, Su Youran finished dealing with the four men and grabbed onto Qiu Jin.

"Big sis, can you not hurt Grandfather Qiu?"

Su Youran turned and looked at Little Eggshell and realized that the little girl was selflessly protecting others. So, she threw Qiu Jin to the side and said, "If not for this little girl, I would have broken all the bones in your body today!"

Qiu Jin scrambled to his feet and quickly ran away with his men. At this time, Little Eggshell's driver approached to fetch her, "Miss, let's go. If we don't get home soon, I'm going to be fired!"

Little Eggshell glanced at the two brothers in the car and breathed a sigh of relief. She then left with her driver. But this little girl left quite an impression in Su Youran's heart. Of course, this was the same for the two brothers as well.

Soon, both families were aware of what Qiu Jin had done. Luckily, he did not gain anything in the end.

After all, he had never expected that Su Youran was so skilled. No wonder Tiffany allowed a simple woman to take her kids to and from school.

At this time, Nangong Quan called Qiu Jin into his office and handed him a block of ice, "For your face."


"I heard about what happened from Little Eggshell. Uncle Qiu, can't you give up?"

"I've waited over 20 years. How could you tell me to give up? Nangong Quan, you may be able to forget how you lost your family, but I can't do it! I can't forget how my wife and unborn child died!"

"Uncle Qiu, grandfather used to live a life of bloodshed. Have you thought about the families that he ruined and the people that died because of him? In particular, Elder Kim's good friend, the actress. Who's going to get revenge for her?"

"I don't care!"

"I know you've been disappointed in me since my return. How about this, I'll give Springfall back to you. From now on, you can seek your revenge and I'll continue to live my life!" Nangong Quan said. "Uncle Qiu, I'm really thankful that you waited for me all these years. But, I want to get revenge in an honest way!"

After speaking, Nangong Quan stood up and gave his seat to Qiu Jin...

"You don't need to go. The money for this business was from the Big Boss. I'll go instead!" Qiu Jin said before he walked out without taking a glance back.

However, it was impossible for him to give up on his revenge!


That night, Hyatt Regency.

After coaxing the kids to sleep, Tiffany walked into Taeyeon's study room and sat by his side, "Luckily Youran was there today. We should also thank Nangong Quan's daughter. Even though, I still think that Grandfather didn't do anything wrong."

"I never thought that Nangong Quan's daughter would be so understanding at such a small age. She's a good little girl!"

"I will follow up this matter. Don't worry," Taeyeon replied.

"Ting, rather than sitting idly by, I think we should look for Qiu Jin and negotiate with him in person. It's better than being secretly attacked all the time," Tiffany suggested. "I don't like doing nothing. After all, our kids' lives aren't a joke."

"I'll arrange something," Taeyeon nodded.


The following Monday morning, Tiffany woke up nice and early and baked a cake. She then handed it to the brothers and said as she knelt down, "Give this to the little girl that saved you, OK? Don't eat it yourselves."

Taehyun nodded his head blankly while Jonghyun didn't say a word as usual.

"Youran, thanks."

Su Youran held the two little boys' hands and smiled, "It's no trouble. I'll take them to thank the little girl!"

Tiffany stood up and watched the three leave. At times, she wondered if this was a tragic fate waiting to happen...

The little girl was their enemy's daughter.

Yet, not only did they not fight, they were involved in such a way!

Soon, the three arrived at the school gates. Coincidentally, at this time, Little Eggshell was just getting out of her car. But, this time, she was escorted by Nangong Quan!

Su Youran didn't think too much of it. Of course, she had no idea about the grudge between the two families either. So, she grabbed the two kids and headed straight over to the father and daughter. She then instructed the kids to hand over the cake, "What do you do when you see the person that saved you? Go ahead, my two little gentlemen..."

Jonghyun did not move while Taehyun sincerely handed the cake to Little Eggshell.

Nangong Quan was confused as his daughter looked at him, unsure of what to do.

A few seconds later, Nangong Quan finally said, "Accept it..."

"Sir, you've taught your daughter well."

Nangong Quan glanced at Su Youran and guessed that she was the woman with the impressive fighting skills. After giving her a meaningful look, he grabbed the cake-holding Little Eggshell and left.

Su Youran was confused by the encounter. So, while she drove the twins home, she gave Tiffany a phone call and mentioned what had happened. After hearing from Su Youran, Tiffany laughed, "You probably haven't noticed him or realized who he is. He's been appearing on the cameras a lot lately, he's the CEO of Springfall, Nangong Quan."

"He's the Kim Family's enemy."

"No wonder," Su Youran finally understood. "In that case, I won't greet him next time to avoid awkwardness."

"That's not necessary. We are the ones that have a grudge with him, not you," Tiffany laughed.

"He doesn't look like he's easy to get along with."

This was Su Youran's first impression of Nangong Quan: a dark and depressing man that was hard to talk to.

But, what did it matter? It wasn't like they had anything to do with each other...


Of course, Su Youran wasn't the only one that felt awkward. That night, after returning home, Nangong Quan lifted Little Eggshell onto his lap and asked, "Little Eggshell, be honest with Daddy, do you like those two little boys?"

"Daddy..." Little Eggshell humphed.

"Eggshell, Daddy doesn't want to interfere with you making friends, but you can't be too easy around boys. You need to learn how to protect yourself."

"OK," Little Eggshell nodded.

If not for the incident 20 years ago, he may have actually selected one of the twins to be his future son-in-law.

But, now...

"Daddy, didn't you say you'd find me a new mommy? Why haven't I seen a mommy yet?"

"What kind of mommy does my Little Eggshell like? What style? Do you want her to be pretty? Or do you want someone that can play with you?" Nangong Quan asked thoughtfully.

The only reason he wanted to remarry, was to give Little Eggshell a complete family. So, he didn't expect to actually find someone he liked, he simply wanted someone that Little Eggshell was satisfied with.

"Someone like that big sister. When she smiles, it feels really warm."

"Which big sister?"

"You know, that one..."

At that moment, Nangong Quan realized that Little Eggshell had her eyes on the twins' nanny. The one with the good fighting skills and clean and cheerful appearance.

"It can't be someone else?"

"I think that big sister is very nice! I like her!"

Since Little Eggshell liked her, what could he do? Hence, that very night, Nangong Quan asked his men to look into Su Youran's background. It seemed, this time, he had no choice but to snatch one of Taeyeon's people.

Meanwhile, Su Youran lay at home with absolutely no idea that she had been selected...


After Tiffany decided that she wanted to chat to Qiu Jin, Taeyeon made arrangements for it to happen. However Qiu Jin had one condition. He was happy to meet with Tiffany, but Taeyeon couldn't accompany her. Otherwise, everything was out of the question.

"President, you need to be careful!" Sooyoung reminded. "It's too dangerous for the Madam to go on her own."

"Qiu Jin simply said that I couldn't be there, but he never said that Tiffany had to go alone," Taeyeon played with Qiu Jin's words. "When the time comes, take a dozen or so men along to protect her."

"What location did Qiu Jin pick?"

"The cemetery!"

As his wife and child's death anniversary was coming up, the only place that Qiu Jin was willing to meet at was the cemetery. Otherwise, there would be no end to their battle.

In the end, Tiffany decided to come to a compromise. After all, she was already the mother of three children and, in comparison to Taeyeon, she didn't have to hold onto as much pride. So, it made sense for her to meet with Qiu Jin.

However, news of the meeting quickly traveled to Nangong Quan's ears.

"The Kim Family wants to negotiate with Uncle Qiu and resolve an old grudge, but they don't know Uncle Qiu like I do. There's one word to describe him: tormented!"

"Do you think Taeyeon actually wants to negotiate because he's coming to a compromise?" Nangong Quan asked. "He and his wife are simply being courteous before they use force!"

"Then, let's sit back and watch the show," Nangong Quan's assistant replied.

"Have you done what I asked you to do?" Nangong Quan lifted his head and checked. "Have you sent a card to the Su Family already notifying them of my visit?"

"President, will they be uncomfortable because of your identity?"

"What identity?" Nangong Quan asked.

"I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing!"

"You've looked at Su Youran's family background. Her family treats her as a sacrifice. So, do you think they would reject me?"

The assistant shook his head and laughed awkwardly.

"You better handle this matter properly, or get lost."

Su Youran's mother sent her to the military because she didn't want her daughter to be bullied. Her mother was paralyzed and was often ignored by the Su Family, but she refused to get a divorce. As a result, she stuck to Su Youran's father until now.

Meanwhile, her father didn't want to spend his life watching over a paralyzed woman, so he hired someone to take care of her while he played around on the outside.

Su Youran's life was so tough, yet she managed to smile so brightly. Who gave her the warmth to do so?

Nangong Quan was probably helpless around warm people. So, apart from it being Little Eggshell's idea, he himself became quite involved with Su Youran's matters. The reason he decided to visit the Su Family without Su Youran knowing, was so her family would know of his existence and he'd be able to convince Su Youran easier.

Previously, to please Little Eggshell, he had prepared a list of different female celebrities, but the only person that Little Eggshell liked was still the plain and cheerful woman.

So, he cleared his schedule at work and decided to take Little Eggshell to and from school every day – just so he could see Su Youran.

"Daddy, have you been really free at work lately?"

"Eggshell, didn't you say that you wanted a mommy? If Daddy's always working, how am I supposed to find you a mommy?" Nangong Quan asked as he held onto his daughter's hand.

Little Eggshell laughed and understood her father's intent, "Go Daddy! Daddy, you're great!"

At that moment, Su Youran walked past the father and daughter with the twins...

To help create an opportunity for her father, Little Eggshell threw away Nangong Quan's hand and ran over to Su Youran on her own, "Big Sis, let me take the twins to their classroom, I know where their classroom is."

Since they were already at the school gates, Su Youran let down her guard and left the two little devils with Little Eggshell, "Thank you, then."

"You're welcome!"

After speaking, Little Eggshell glanced at her father, gesturing for him to seize the opportunity. But, Nangong Quan had no plans to make a move yet.

Su Youran turned around and saw Nangong Quan. But, she did not say a word as she headed straight for her car.

Of course, Nangong Quan had no reason to chase after her.

As Little Eggshell watched her father give up on his opportunity with Su Youran, she was upset with him.

He wasn't as direct as she was. But, she didn't understand that adults were more relaxed around children.

For Su Youran, apart from escorting the twins to and from school, the rest of her time was spent on studying. She had been in the military for a long period of time and felt disconnected from society. Since she was desperate to free herself from her current family, she worked hard to create value for herself.

She understood that her mother refused to get a divorce because she didn't want to drag her down. But, she didn't believe that her mother had to sacrifice herself in that way.

With this thought, Su Youran strived harder every day. Of course, this was all thanks to the payment she received from Tiffany, which helped her find a way out and chase her dreams.

At that moment, Su Youran was attending a class. Meanwhile, Nangong Quan stood outside and watched her for half an hour.

But, Su Youran didn't just attend this one class; her schedule for the entire day was filled with classes. It seemed, her only free time was spent on taking the two kids to and from school.

After her day was over, Su Youran returned to the home that she wanted to get away from and looked at her fake-harmonious parents.

"I heard you're a nanny for the kids of the famous celebrity, Tiffany?" Father Su asked during dinner.

"En," Su Youran nodded her head.

"Does that mean your pay isn't bad? You're well aware of your mother's condition, you should contribute a bit of money from now on to help take some pressure off the family," Father Su said.

"If I remember correctly, you should have three businesses under your name, dad," Su Youran queried.

"What do you mean by that?" Father Su's expression immediately changed.

"I entered the military at a young age, so the country brought me up, not my father. As for my mother, I'm willing to pay for all her expenses, but she needs to get a divorce with you," Su Youran replied.


"There's evidence of this man cheating and flirting all over the place. If we take the evidence to court, I'm sure the judge will give you half his assets."

"Let's pretend I didn't say anything tonight," Father Su cut in. He knew that his daughter wasn't joking, so he had to hold onto the mother and daughter. However, as he stood up, he couldn't help but curse his wife, "You should just die!"

Mother Su broke down in tears. As she looked at her mother, Su Youran asked, "Why won't you divorce him?"

"That's my business, not yours," Mother Su replied. "I want to cling to him for life. If I have to suffer, then let's suffer together."

"But, you don't have to cling to me as well..." Su Youran said. "If you don't leave, then I have to suffer with you. If I leave on my own, then I feel bad for you..."

At that moment, Mother Su remembered the card from Nangong Quan. She hadn't notified Su Youran's​ father about it yet. She knew the man would definitely sell his daughter if he had the chance.

However, she believed her daughter would have someone to rely on and wouldn't be afraid of getting bullied if she actually married Nangong Quan...

So, Mother Su met with Nangong Quan in private.

Neither Su Youran or her father knew of this.


Meanwhile, Tiffany's meeting with Qiu Jin was confirmed. Qiu Jin specifically stated that he didn't want to see anyone from the Kim Family; he was only seeing Tiffany.

So, Taeyeon naturally prepared safety measures for his wife. But, what did Qiu Jin have planned?

Obviously, this was the best chance to kidnap Tiffany. He had visited the same cemetery for the last 20 years and knew every single nook and cranny.

Since Tiffany was delivering herself to him, he wasn't going to hold back.

"Elder Qiu, we will have our men outside these exits. Kidnapping Tiffany will be child's play," Qiu Jin's subordinate said as he pointed to the cemetery's map.

"As long as we watch over the entry, no one will be able to enter!"

"Let's do that then," Qiu Jin agreed. "The Taeny Couple are tricky. Make sure you stay alert at all times."

"Since we couldn't kidnap the two rascals, kidnapping his precious wife isn't a bad option either."

"If we succeed this time, it would be a good consolation for my dead wife and child."

But, who said it was that easy to go up against Tiffany? Even if Qiu Jin's men were scattered throughout the cemetery and even if every entry/exit was sealed off, no one could stop President Kim from getting into a place that he wanted to get into.


Soon, 'Parasite', which was being directed by Bai Junye, began their intense filming. At the same time, 'The Ant Queen 2' quickly prepared their resources. This was practically a film fan's dream. Because of Tiffany's determination, sci-fi films were continuously moving towards further improvement. Hence, Tiffany's status in everyone's hearts, naturally went up another level.

At this time, there was another piece of good news. After resting at home for one month after giving birth, Seohyun officially announced her return to Superstar Media and that the agency was resuming operation. In other words, she was taking over Tiffany's job of digging up forgotten talent.

Meanwhile, Sunny returned home to prepare for labor. Tiffany was currently in no need of an assistant, so Sooyoung was already enough to lend her a hand.

During this time, Chanyeol stepped up to help Taeyeon, while Sooyoung spent more time helping Tiffany.

The current entertainment industry was flourishing. While newcomers debuted every day, old artists also stepped down. Gossip continued to spread and artists continued to fight amongst each other, but none of that had anything to do with Tiffany anymore. After all, her status was already beyond that of a mere artist, producer or actress. She was a symbol of good film and the reintroduction of sci-fi. This made her a very important figure in the industry.

And, of course, Taeyeon was the one that created this important figure!

But, no one knew about the things that were happening behind-the-scenes​. In particular, they had no idea that Tiffany was currently plotting against an enemy...

On the morning of Tiffany and Qiu Jin's meeting, Mother Su also met with Nangong Quan.

At first glance, Mother Su felt that Nangong Quan was really built and tall; just like a giant. So, she believed that he would be able to protect her daughter without any problems. On second glance, she thought he appeared reliable. These were the first two impressions that she had of the man.

"Auntie, hello."

"To be honest, I'm quite surprised that you want to start a family with Youran when you don't even know her," Mother Su queried. "Be honest with me, do you have some kind of hidden disease?"

"Auntie, you don't need to worry about that, I'm very healthy," Nangong Quan replied. "I want to marry her because my daughter really likes her. I'm sorry, but I have a daughter that's almost 5-years-old. But, apart from her, I don't have any other woman in my life. If Youran marries me, I can at least guarantee that I will be very faithful to her!"

"As for my background, you must already be aware of it. If she marries into the Nangong Family, I'll make sure she doesn't suffer at all."

Mother Su understood this well.

"I heard you've been to prison?"

"I was saving someone. Even if I turn back time and know I would go to prison for my actions, I would still do the same thing without hesitation," Nangong Quan replied genuinely.

"I've understood you well from my research, but I don't think you understand how much pain my daughter has lived through. Just two days ago, her father cursed me in front of her face and told me to die," Mother Su gave a bitter smile. "I know that Youran wants me to leave the Su Family. She thinks she can take care of me and give me a good life, but she has no idea how difficult and depressing life would be for an unmarried woman to drag around a paralyzed mother."

"While other young women get dressed up and go out on dates, she will have to go home and worry about feeding and dressing me. While other young women date, she will need to work multiple jobs to pay for my medical fees and daily expenses as well as her own. She has no idea how difficult it will be."

"I don't want her to live such a torturous life. Mr. Nangong, I'm not afraid of being treated like a joke. Right now, I simply want to find a worthy man that can save my daughter from her current life. Only then can I be free of my worries."

"I can agree to the two of you being together, under one condition, she needs to like you. Otherwise, she will end up just like me."

"Following on, this is what you need to work hard towards."

"I will make her move out of the Su Family Home so you can find an opportunity to get to know her."

"But, of course, I will continue to keep an eye on you. If you don't treat my daughter well, then let's forget that we ever met!"

"I can do it," Nangong Quan nodded, "Don't worry."

Nangong Quan could sense how much suffering Mother Su had gone through.

But, it was because of this suffering, that her love stood out more.

As a result of their meeting, Mother Su returned home and gave Su Youran a phone call, "When you get home, pack your bags and move out on your own!"

"No, mom, what happened?"

"You don't need to worry about me. Your auntie will be coming over to take care of me, so I need to clear your room for her to stay in. You know how capable your auntie is. So, move out and find your own place."

Although moving out was Su Youran's dream, she had always wanted to take her mother with her. But, right now, she was being kicked out by her own mother.

If Su Youran was forced to leave her mother with someone else, she may have still been worried, but her auntie was indeed an impressive woman; she was a lawyer that specialized in divorce cases. It was because of her auntie, that Su Youran's father was kept at bay.

If he continued to treat Su Youran's mother unfairly, her auntie was going to make him suffer.

Her auntie definitely served a better purpose living at the Su Family Home than she did.

Besides, her auntie was now on her own. So, moving over to live with Su Youran's mother meant they could watch out for each other.

Because of this reason, Su Youran agreed to move out...


That afternoon, the sun was shining brightly.

Tiffany headed towards the cemetery with her bodyguards for her meeting with Qiu Jin.

Although she sensed danger as soon as she arrived, she had faith in her husband...

Qiu Jin already had control over all the entries and exits; this was obvious from the small amount of people that were inside the cemetery, but Tiffany didn't care as she continued towards Qiu Jin with her bodyguards following closely behind.

At that very moment, Qiu Jin was sweeping his wife and child's tombstone. When he saw Tiffany approach, he stood up and smiled, "I never thought you'd actually come."

"I'm sincere about resolving our matter," Tiffany said as she removed her sunglasses. She then turned towards the tombstone beside them and gave three bows.

"Resolving our matter? Did you know, without the Kim Family, my son would already be married and settled down by now?" Qiu Jin glared at Tiffany.

"In that case, let me tell you a story about a famous female celebrity who had a mentally ill father and a 13-year-old illegitimate son. Because of her death, her father was beaten to death and her son was sent to a social welfare home. Fifteen years later, the son was sent to prison for theft and has been locked up since."

"I'm sure you're more familiar with this female celebrity than anyone."

"So, who's going to get revenge for her? Is her father and son not considered people?"

"Your wife and son merely suffered the karma of your actions because this world does not accept darkness."

"How far do you think you would have gotten without the Kim Family? Without the Kim Family, how long would you have lived? Qiu Jin, you don't need to be so vengeful. If you chose the honest path from the start, your wife and child would not have been implicated by the Nangong Family."

"Isn't it obvious who truly caused their deaths?"

"It's bad enough that you implicated your wife and child, are you trying to implicate someone else's wife and children too?"

"Shut up!" Qiu Jin roared. "Who gave you the courage to insult me in this way?"

"Qiu Jin, give me your conditions. How can I make you stop?"

"Stop? When you walked in here today, did you think you'd be able to walk back out?" Qiu Jin sneered. "I don't care who implicated my wife and son. All I know is, the Kim Family are the cause! The Kim Family must pay the price. Otherwise, I endured all these years in vain!"

Tiffany laughed; her expression calm. She then pulled out a yellow diary from her handbag, "This was found from the home that you used to live in. Apparently, it was hidden inside the walls. The home has been in disrepair for many years, so it wasn't easy for me to get a hold of this."

"Do you want to know what your wife wrote in her diary?"

"Did you think I'd fall for your trap? The Kim Family has always been tricky!" Qiu Jin yelled as he pointed to Tiffany.


Hopefully everyone is safe no more injured and death.....🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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