+82...WRONG NUMBER? [yoonmin]

By YoongiAndHisMochi

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In wich Yoongi gets his friend's new number but had been given the wrong digits. He ends up texting an unknow... More

🌼twenty one🌼
🌼twenty two🌼
🌼twenty three🌼
🌼twenty four🌼
🌼twenty foive🌼
🌼twenty six🌼
🌼twenty seven🌼
🌼twenty eight🌼
🌼twenty nine🌼
🌼thirty one🌼
🌼thirty two🌼
🌼thirty three🌼
🌼thirty four🌼
🌼thirty five🌼
🌼thirty six🌼
🌼thirty seven🌼
🌼thirty eight🌼
🌼thirty nine🌼


1K 74 41
By YoongiAndHisMochi

It was finally time. The moment Jimin had been looking forward to all week.

*knock knock* There were two knocks on his door like always before the attendant entered his room.

"Jimin, your friends are here to see you" she smiled at the boy with a happy smile. She had been Jimin's attendant since the start and knew his friend very well. So when she saw them walk into the hospital she immediately let them inside and brought them to Jimin's room.

"let them in, please!" Jimin was so excited that he got out of his bed to hug his best friend who barged into the room with so much excitement.

"Jimin!!!" Taehyung said a little too loud that it turned heads in the hallway. the attendant kindly waved them off and shut the door.

"Please be careful with him. dont over do yourself Jimin" she said seeing how weakly jimin fell into taehyung's arms who had to catch the older.

"Sorry miss. i'm just so happy to see you guys" jimin smiled actually tearing up. he gave Jungkook also a big tight hug and then got back onto his bed. sitting cross-legged on top of the covers. "how are you?"

"We're doing great, look" Taehyung pointed to Jungkook who held a bouquet of dahlia flowers.

"I made you a bouquet while I was at work. i hope you like it" jungkook smiled as jimin took the flowers in his hand and looked at them touched.

"I love them, thank you so much."

the attendant walked to the door. "I will come check on you three in a bit. enjoy your visit Jimin '' she smiled one more time before closing the door. She was really happy to see Jimin this happy. He deserved it.

"So how are you Jimin?"

"It's...alright," Jimin said, his smile fading.

"it's getting worse isn't it? the attendant told me you've been falling back"

"well.. yes but.. i just try not to think of it too much"

"you're strong, I admire it. you still are the same, besides your condition"

"Of course, I am still Jimin. just a little less....active" jimin chuckled.

"oh Chim, i have just signed the papers to provide you with your mental treatment as well, so you can finally get over these nightmares of you"

"you...did?" Jimin looked up with big eyes.

"i did Jimin, for you"

"Tae...you don't have to. i-i can figure something out"

"Jimin, you can't work. you don't have your parents. I can help you. And you will let me because I am not stopping. I can spare the money. you're too important to me, you're like me brother. I will treat you as family and pay for the treatment you need. please don't feel like you're a burden"

"I can't thank you enough. you do so much for me, both of you"

"were just happy to help" jungkook smiled "really it's nothing"

"But I won't make it. you know that...why waste-"

"Stop" taehyung quickly interrupted the other. "please don't say it...i can't hear you say it" the brunette teared up and rubbed his eyes. "Just don't say it, okay? you're fine...you're okay"

"Im... Im okay...yes" jimin smiled a little guilty, he wrapped his arms around the other and pulled him for another hug. ruffling his fingers through the others neatly styles hair.

"y-yah, stop that!" Taehyung chuckled and pulled away, letting Jimin wipe the tears from his cheeks.

"enough sad, let's play a game" Jungkook said, taking out halli galli. both boys started to smile and put on their 'fighting mode'

"I'm gonna beat your ass today. No more loser Jimin!" Jimin said, pointing his fingers at the two guests.

"Well see about that," Jungkook squinted his eyes and opened the box.


"I won! hah!" Jimin said and clapped his hands. the two slumped in their seats dropping the cards on the bed with a heavy sigh.

"stupid game" jungkook mumbled.

"just because you lost, you suddenly hate it?" taehyung raised a brow. "such a baby"

"I'm not a baby, have you seen these arms??" jungkook widened his eyes and flexed his right arm. "a baby doesn't have these"

"aish, stop flexing. we both know you have muscles" taehyung rolled his eyes.

"i wanna walk a little bit. See something other than this small room, it makes me feel stuck," Jimin said while motioning his hands around him to the stuff in his room. Aside from that it was quite a colorful room with the photos, posters and little things. still you could see the cold white hospital walls, the device next to the bed, the reports on his magnetic board, no matter how many decorations you can't cover the fact this is still a hospital.

"Sure, let's walk to the end and back, not too far okay?" Taehyung said standing up. Jungkook got to Jimin and helped him out of bed onto his feet. Holding his hand to let the other use him as a stability to head out of the door.

"My legs don't want to cooperate today. I was better yesterday. I walked all the way to the scan"

"really? It's so unpredictable with you" Taehyung chuckled. "maybe you're just lazyyy"

"i-i'm not! I'm trying to get active!"

"I know I know, i'm just joking with you" the three were halfway through. Jimin seemed to be more stable now and let go of Jungkook's hand, placing his palm on the wall in case he needed to lean against it.

"i'm so happy you two are here. I was looking forward to it all week"

"mee to, I wish we could visit more often. But work doesn't allow me to leave so much. This is the most as i can manage"

"i'm grateful you both set work aside for me"

"Anyways Jimin, we are still your friends. It's what we do '' Jungkook smiled.

"best friend i can ever wish f-for..." jimin returned the smile but a few seconds after he stopped walking. Staring at the ground, placing a hand on his chest.

"Chim? You okay?" Taehyung halted too and turned back to his friend that had stayed behind a few meters. His eyes widened when he saw Jimin's breathing was off. He was panting.

"i-i gotta s-sit" Jimin said feeling out of breath. His body was heating up. "c-cant..Breathe"

"Jimin! Slow breaths!" Taehyung held Jimin giving him support, but it didn't help as the other passed out in his arms.

"we need a doctor!" Jungkook shouted while running away to go get help.


It felt like ages while it's just been twenty minutes max. Yet for the two outside the room it felt like hours and hours had passed. Both drowning in worry once again.

They don't know how they were able to survive each time they had to sit in such heavy and painful worry. But they did every time. Maybe because they knew this wasn't the time, they didn't know the answer. All they can do is think and hope.

"I'm afraid, Jungkook..." Taehyung said, looking at his knees. "I don't want to lose him...."

Jungkook smiled sadly and pulled his boyfriend close against him in his arms, placing a soft kiss on his head. 


Thank you for reading see you in the next chapter!

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