Friday Night Funkin Soft mod

By SanmiittaiChan

3.2K 85 89

After Benjamin decided to run away from his "family" with his boyfriend, some hijinks come along. With twists... More

Chapter #1 The chase
Chapter #2 Old rivalry
Chapter #3 Hair-raising Hideout
Chapter #4 Childhood friend.
Chapter #5 Mother Knows Best
Chapter #6 An important conversation
Chapter #7 Recovery, Reflection and Memories
Chapter #8 Grace's family life
Chapter #9 Sisterly love


660 12 11
By SanmiittaiChan

Our story takes place in a city called "Golden City." Also known as "The city of the stars."

A place where the celebrities and rich live lavishly and where the not so fortunate ones struggle to thrive day by day.

One night in Golden City, Benjamin dealt with another "rough time" with his parents. His little sister Miku Mairest wanted to comfort him, but she has to go to bed for her singing practice tomorrow.

Yet again Ben was alone with paint and tears on him and a few more sets of cigarette burns on his neck.

After sometime, he hears a sound of tapping on the window, like someone's finger was tapping on it. Which it actually was someone is doing right now.

Ben immediately recognized this unexpected visitor to come to him at this moment or any other moment. Pico N.Grounds. His loving and supportive boyfriend who helped him in any situation he's in and BF in return spended some quality time with him.

Ben in joy ran to the window and quickly, but quietly opened it to see his hooded and masked covered face.

"Hey B. How you've been?" Pico asked.

"Hi Pico. I'm still in pain from the neck, but I'm alright." Benjamin reassured.

"Did your father do this to you again?"

The light blue boy went quiet at the question. Pico immediately recognize that he rather not talk about it.

"Sorry baby blue. I didn't mean to ask you th-"

"It's ok Pico. I know you're concerned about me, but I don't think this is a right time to talk about my parents right now."

Pico nodded in an understanding way, knowing well about his boyfriend and his parents relationship.

"Speaking of which, there is something I had in mind for quite some time." Pico said.

"What is it?" Benjamin asked.

"Well I know what's been happening since you told me what's going on in your life. I don't want you to live like you're a puppet for them. So I've been thinking if we can runaway from them together."

"WHAT? I-I'm not so sure about that. I know you're concerned for me, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea. I'll might get into more trouble than I already have. If my sister hears about that I'm afraid she'll tell on my parents about it. Grace might also be worried me. What if th-"

Ben paused for a moment, he was already stressed from his parents, now he made things kind of worst.

"Sorry... I'm just worried that's all."

"I'm more worried about you than what they think. Plus Miku is the nicest to you out of your family members, so I think she'll understand. As for Grace... I don't know honestly."

Footsteps that sounds like high heels clicking on the concrete floor, sounds like it's coming to his bedroom and the boys immediately knew that it's Mother Mairest coming towards them.

"Uh oh." Ben trembled a bit and looked at Pico.

"I think my mom is coming."

"Well I doubt she wanted to see me. You need to hide me now."

Benjamin in a hurry signaled Pico to back up so he can close the window without him being hurt, then he closed the window and uses the curtains to cover Pico.

Luckily, Pico was standing next to the window so the shadow from the streetlights shining won't be a dead giveaway.

Just in the nick of time, a light blue, long haired woman walked in the bedroom wearing a light yellow, short sleeved night gown.

"What's with all the noises?" She yelled a bit with annoyance.

"Oh. Sorry mom. I was just talking to myself, while I'm trying to close the window, cause I had enough fresh air from my window, so I decided to close it and pull the curtains." Benjamin said, trying to lie to his mom and hoping she believed him.

"I guess I can let you go on that, but it sounds like you're talking to the pest you like to "hang out a lot." Are you sure that you are?" Mother Mairest asked, while feeling a bit suspicious to him.

"I am talking to myself. Sorry that I confused you for a moment. I'll try to be a bit more quiet." Benjamin replied.

"Alright. Guess that's a relief. I appreciate the apology sweetie, BUT! If I find out that you are lying, you're in big trouble. Capuche?" Mother Mairest said.


"Good. Now don't stay up for too long, don't disturb your sister and DON'T let that gay street rat "friend" of yours inside of the house."

Mother Mairest walked away and closed the door behind her, before yelling out in a "caring" tone "Goodnight my baby." She left his room to her and his father's room.

Once she's out of hearing range, Benjamin quietly reopened the window and signaled Pico that the coast is clear.

Pico noticed the signal and came back to him.

"I know your worries, but at the same time I can't see you suffering like this. You deserve a better life. If you still feel concerned and don't want to run away with me, I understand, but we know you can't live like this any longer and I doubted suicide is an option."

Benjamin then went quiet again, but is thinking for sometime.

Few minutes he finally made his decision.

"Alright. I'll try to run away with you."

"Good. I know it's not the right choice, but is sort of a last resort for you. I suggest tomorrow when your parents left, pack up as much as you need as soon as possible and meet me in the backyard of your house where I'll be hiding in the bushes."

Benjamin nodded.

Pico lowered his mask and kissed his boyfriend goodnight on the forehead.

"Goodnight softie. See you in the morning." Pico softly said, before sliding down from the roof and landing on his feet.

Benjamin yet again closed the window and curtains, before putting pajamas and went to bed in sleep.

The next morning, Miku and her parents left the mansion, leaving Benjamin behind and wanted the rest of the body guards at home to keep an eye on Benjamin to make sure he doesn't escaped.

So Benjamin has to be as sly as a fox and try not to get caught.

When the coast is clear, Benjamin got out his backpack from the closet, packed his clothes, art supplies, sleeping bag and at least a few snacks and a few bottles of water so he won't starve or get dehydrated and at least a couple of bucks.

Once he got everything he needed, he try to sneak out from the window of his bedroom, before closing it to make it not look like he didn't sneak out and try to quickly get down from the roof and run to the backyard.

As promised, Pico was in the bushes and peeked his head to let Benjamin know where he's at.

After some close calls of getting caught and trying not to make a sound, they successfully escaped Benjamin's so called home and they ran as far and fast as they can to the city.

But as expected, Benjamin's parents figured out he ran away and they we're upset and Grace also figured out Benjamin ran away Pico and she was concerned and mad that he is with Pico.

Now Father Fairest and Mother Mairest are on a quest to find their so called "son," while both Benjamin and Pico knew his parents are looking for them.

They tried the best they can to get away from them, but that was just the only beginning of their adventure.

More events occured, but for now that's what we hear for the runaway love birds.

But it's up for the reader to figure it out yourself. (Unless you know what went down in the soft mod.)

Hope you enjoy the prologue.

Word count: 1331

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