Unity Squad (Season 4)

By tomodaphne

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Unity Squad tells the story of five kids with superpowers who come to terms with who they are and come togeth... More

Episode 1: The Cold Shoulder
Episode 2: Uncle Hysteria
Episode 3: Grace Key
Episode 4: Armed and Dangerous
Episode 5: Cinnamon Crumb Cake
Episode 6: Window Shopping
Episode 7: Getting Keyed
Episode 8: Maybelling Become Human
Episode 9: Echoes of the Past
Episode 10: Keys to Success
Episode 11: Mean Canteen
Episode 12: Spring Broken
Episode 13: The First Steel Butterfly
Episode 14: Amazing Grace
Episode 15: Getting a Leg Up
Episode 16: Makeover Takeover
Episode 17: Saving Grace

Episode 18: Connaughty or Weiss (Season 4 Finale)

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By tomodaphne

(Start in MAX's room. MAX is wearing a suit underneath an unzipped purple graduation gown. A purple mortarboard sits crooked on top of his head. DEBBIE and WILL sit on the bed.)

Max-Lemme get this straight: I have to wear the suit underneath the gown?

Debbie-Yeah. It's tradition to wear something nice to your own high school graduation.

Max-Isn't the gown nice enough?

Debbie-I don't make the rules, Maxie.

Max-It's gonna be so hot!

Debbie-We are in Colorado. How hot do you expect it to get?

Will-Yeah. At least you're not in Texas. Just think, in an alternate universe, I'm going to be sweating my guts out at my graduation two years from now.

Max-I get it. I've got it so nice.

Debbie-Yes, you do. This is graduation day! This is the day you've been studying 12 years for!

Will-Yep. Just to get a piece of paper and a handshake.

Debbie-(whispering) Not helping. (out loud) Now, get that gown zipped and that hat straightened out. Mom and Dad are waiting for us!

(She and WILL leave. MAX zips up his gown and runs out after them. Opening theme. Cut to the living room. WILL, DEBBIE, and MAX run down the stairs. GREG and HADLEY are waiting for them.)

Hadley-There you are, Maxie!

(She and GREG scoop him up in a hug.)

Hadley-I can't believe my little boy is actually graduating high school!

Max-Mom, I'm not a little boy anymore.

Hadley-Oh, that's what they all say!

(She and GREG let go.)

Greg-I can hardly imagine what it'll be like without you around.

Max-Relax. You're still gonna have me for the summer, and I'm going to CSU, so I'll still be in town.

Hadley-Yeah, but it won't be the same.

Greg-Hey, at least you're not going to Virginia or somewhere like that.

(Fade to AMIE's mom's car. AMIE's sitting in the backseat holding her acceptance letter from Virginia Commonwealth University. Her mom, LANA, is driving.)

Lana-You're being awfully quiet, Amie. You got pre-graduation jitters?

(A pause.)

Amie-Yeah. I mean, I'm going all the way to Virginia, and everyone else is staying in-state.

Lana-I get how you feel. It's more common for people to go to college in their home state than to leave. You're doing a very brave thing, Amie.

Amie-I know. It's just...what about Max?

Lana-Max? I haven't heard that name in months. What's got you talking about him?

Amie-It was just the first name that came to mind. I know we broke up, but he's still a friend of mine.

Lana-Friends with your ex. That's not something you hear every day.

Amie-It's not just him. Dinah, Mickey, Zola. I'm not going to have any friends when I get to VCU. What am I supposed to do then?

Lana-Make new ones! What else? College is going to be the best four years of your life, Amie. You've got to make the most of them.

(AMIE looks out the window.)

Amie-If that's true, my life's really going to go downhill.

(The car pulls into a parking space at Fort Collins High. The camera pulls to HADLEY's car a few spaces down. GREG, HADLEY, MAX, DEBBIE, and WILL have gotten out and are making their way towards the school.)

Greg-So Max, are you ready for the big day?

(MAX sighs.)


(Cut to inside the school. MAX and his family [including WILL for convenience's sake] enter. The place is full of graduates and their families.)

Max-This place is pretty packed.

Will-You bet it is! The entire Fort Collins High School graduating senior class plus four guests each is here!

Chaz-(offscreen) Make that six!


(ALIST and CHAZ appear in the crowd.)

Max-Alist! Chaz! How'd you get here?

Alist-No one can catch you trying to get in without a ticket if you hover over them with an anti-gravity grenade.

Chaz-We wouldn't miss your gradutation for anything, Max!

Alist-It's graduation.

Chaz-Tomato, tomato.

(Emphasis on the message playing on loop over the PA.)

PA-Last names A through C please report to the boys' dressing room. Last names D through F report to the girls' dressing room. Last names G through I report to the choir room. Last names J through L report to the orchestra room. Last names M through O report to the band room. Last names P through R report to the boys' locker room. Last names Q through T report to the girls' room. Last names U through Z report to the tech room. Valedictorian and salutatorian please make your way to the auditorium.

Max-P through R. That's the boys' locker room. Guess I better make the trek there. See you soon!

Hadley-I'll see you too!

(She kisses MAX on the cheek before he walks off. Cut to the boys' locker room. The place is already crowded with students. MAX pushes his way in.)

Max-Geez, isn't there anywhere I can get some fresh air?

Amie-I know, right? They should have gotten a bigger venue.

(They notice each other.)



(MAX sits down next to her.)

Max-I should have known you were in here.

Amie-I mean, my last name is Richard. Yours is Powers. It just makes sense.

Max-So are you excited?

Amie-You expect me to say yes to that?

Max-Yeah, you're right.

Amie-This is the first big step of the rest of our lives. That can weigh heavily on anyone.

Max-I guess I knew I was going to CSU since I started freshman year. You had tons of options.

Amie-Yeah. Common App lets you apply to 20 colleges. My mom wanted me to make the most of it.

Max-So what was your first choice.

(AMIE thinks for a moment.)



Amie-And then we started dating, and we agreed to go to CSU together. Then we broke up, and Butler rejected me, so now I'm going to VCU.


Amie-Virginia is fancy. They're not a state. They're a "commonwealth."

Max-So it's like CSU but in Virginia.


Max-You're really going to go across the country instead of staying in town.

Amie-I mean, it would be nice if I could be with my friends forever, but I think the worst thing for me would be to stay in this town.

(She checks her watch.)

Amie-It's almost 4:00. The ceremony's about to start. I wonder how everyone's doing in the auditorium.

(Cut to the auditorium. Every seat is taken. WILL, DEBBIE, GREG, HADLEY, ALIST, and CHAZ sit in the middle.)

Greg-I guess they're removing another guest per graduate next year.

Hadley-Or maybe they could spring for a larger venue.

Debbie-Yeah. I don't think I'd be able to handle being in a graduation ceremony where the graduates can't even be in the auditorium unless it's their turn to walk across the stage. The only two seniors in here are the valedictorian and salutatorian.

(HADLEY checks her watch.)

Hadley-Oh! It's 4:00. We better silence our phones.

(They silence their phones. The lights go down except on the stage. The principal, BORIS BRENNAN, stands at a podium.)

Brennan-Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Fort Collins High School class of 2019 graduation ceremony. My name is Boris Brennan, and I'm the principal of Fort Collins High. Thank you for bearing with the space we have. Once again, the district doesn't have the budget to let us rent an actual venue.

(Sparse laughter from the video.)

Brennan-Venue....Anyway, I'm glad you're all here to celebrate the achievements of these 450 graduates and all of their hard work with a piece of paper and a handshake.

Will-(whispering) I knew it!

Brennan-A piece of paper and a handshake that will open the door to a whole new world of possibilities! But you're not here to hear me talk. I think this will be better said by this year's salutatorian. Everyone, give it up for our opening speech given by Grace Key!

(Everyone applauds as GRACE takes BRENNAN's place at the podium. DEBBIE gasps.)

Debbie-(whispering) She actually made salutatorian!

Grace-Yes, it's me, Grace Key, your former academic decathlon captain and now, your salutatorian, thank you very much, George Mendoza from Mr. Black's chemistry class.

George-(offscreen) You're welcome!

Grace-Either you're throwing my sarcasm back at me, George, or you don't deserve that valedictorian title.

(WILL facepalms.)

Grace-Sorry if I seem a little jumpy. It's just that I've been through a lot this semester, and I'm still getting over it. Now, how do I give a speech? I have a much better time writing equations on a whiteboard than speaking in front of a bunch of people. Kudos to everyone who's the other way around, but that's not me. I wish I could say something memorable that wows the crowd about how amazing my four years of high school were, but I'm just going to say what's on my mind: I cheated.


Grace-Yep, I admit it. I was trying my best to hide it, but I realize you can't hide from your mistakes. I wish there was a way to show you without leaving the microphone. I guess I'll just explain it to you. At the start of the semester, I was so desperate for my final semester to end successfully that I asked a mad scientist to give me an implant that would let me hack into any computer within 15 feet with my mind. The first time I used it, though, it malfunctioned, and I found myself unable to help myself from looking into every computer within 15 feet.

(People begin exchanging glances in the audience.)

Grace-You don't have to believe me. I don't expect you. It's still what happened. I only got it fixed last week, all because I was too stubborn to see that I was suffering. So take my salutatorian title away from me. I don't care. I just want to impart one lesson on you all: don't cheat. Cheaters might win, but they only win the one time. Then that one victory comes back to bite them in the brain stem over and over forever. I don't know what else to say, so I'll just say that is my speech. Goodbye.

(Just then, CUT walks onto the stage.)

Grace-Hold on. Who are you?

Will-Oh no.

(He, DEBBIE, ALIST, and CHAZ jump up.)

Debbie-Grace, watch out for him! He's a kidnapper!


Brennan-I'm sure that's not true. He's probably just a guest who lost his way. Isn't that right, sir?

Cut-No, the girl was right. The name's Cut the Kid, kidnapper for hire!

(He grabs GRACE and begins dragging her away.)

Cut-Now, you're coming with me, little missy.

Grace-I really wish I had some offense-based powers right now!

Will-Luckily, we do!

(He zips up his jacket.)

Will-With the power of wind and a very fabulous jacket, I am Windbreaker!

(DEBBIE puts on her mask and takes out her hammer.)

Debbie-The lady of lightning and the countess of currents, I am Blitzkrieg!

(ALIST turns on his flying machine.)

Alist-Gifted with the power of flight and decked out with alien technology, I am the Aviator!

Chaz-And, uh, I left my superhero hat at home, but I'm still the terrible tween with a knack for splishy-splashy stuff, Amazon!

(They all look at each other.)

Chaz-Man, that felt good!

Brennan-That's nice, but if you're looking to save her, she's outside.

(They look at the stage. GRACE is gone.)


(Cut to the boys' locker room. MAX gets a phone call.)


(He checks his phone. WILL is calling.)

Max-Will? I didn't think he'd be making calls during the ceremony.

(He answers.)


Will-Max, you need to get out here right now. Grace has just been kidnapped!

(Commercial break.)

Max-Oh no!

(He runs out.)

Amie-Wait! Where are you going?

(She follows him. Cut to the hallway. MAX and AMIE are running beside each other.)

Amie-What's going on? We're supposed to wait in the locker room until we're called.

Will-(through the phone) Is that Amie? I thought you two weren't seeing each other.

Max-We're seeing each other in that our last names start with P through R.

Amie-But seriously, what's going on?

Max-Grace Key's been kidnapped.

Amie-Grace Key. You mean Coach Key's daughter?

Will-Yeah. She was giving her salutatorian speech when the Cut the Kid came on stage and snatched her.

Amie-Cut the Kid. I recognize that name. What would he want with her?

Max-That's for us to find out. Now, let's go!

(He spreads his wings and flies off.)

Amie-Hey! What about those of us who don't have butterfly wings?


(He turns back around.)


(He picks AMIE up and carries her off. Cut to the school parking lot. WILL, DEBBIE, ALIST, and CHAZ are waiting together when MAX and AMIE fly in.)

Will-There you are!

Debbie-Cut's pickup truck has already driven off. We have no idea where Grace went.

Chaz-Alist, is that GPS you got gonna help at all?

(ALIST takes out his multipurpose device.)

Alist-I mean, it works as a great map, but I'm not sure if I can find specific people with it. Lemme see if I can track her implant.

Amie-What implant?

Max-Grace has an implant that can let her hack into computers.

Amie-And when was I going to find out about this?

Max-We're exes! Do I have to tell you everything?

Will-Quit arguing, lovebirds. Big Brain is figuring something out.

Alist-Wait, I think I've got something.

(Shot of a white dot moving down the street on the GPS.)

Alist-I think this is Grace.

(The others look over her shoulders.)

Debbie-It's moving away from Fort Collins High. That must count for something.

Will-It wouldn't hurt to check it out. Anyone here unable to fly?

(AMIE, DEBBIE, and CHAZ raise their hands.)

Will-Well, Debbie can ride on my back. Max and Amie had a thing going on. Chaz...you can figure something out.

Chaz-What if I surf in on a giant wave of water?

Will-You can figure something out that doesn't cause significant water damage.


Will-Unity Squad, let's roll out!

(DEBBIE gets on his back, and he zooms off. MAX flies off with AMIE in his arms. ALIST flies off on his flying machine. CHAZ just stands there.)

Chaz-Well, if I can't surf across town, what can I do?

Alex-(offscreen) I can give you a ride.

(CHAZ turns around to find ALEX with her go-kart.)

Chaz-How do I know you won't betray me again?

Alex-I promise I won't.

Chaz-How do I know you've turned to the side of good?

Alex-Are you like this to everyone who offers you a ride?

Chaz-Only the ones who hold a death ray to my friends.

Alex-So do you want to follow your friends or not?

Chaz-For all I know, you're part of their evil ploy to take Grace away to wherever she's going. You'll convince me to ride with you and then WHAM! You run me over with that go-kart of yours!

Alex-Dude! I can phase through matter! Why would I do something that doesn't require using that power?

Chaz-So you admit you want to hurt me?

Alex-Um, well, look at the time!

(She gets in her go-kart and speeds off. Cut to the others flying down the street. ALIST is looking at his GPS.)

Will-You see anything, Alist?

Alist-We should be coming across Cut's truck...

(Shot of the back of CUT's truck coming closer to them.)


(He lands in the bed, as do MAX and AMIE. WILL and DEBBIE land in the street and hoist themselves into the bed.)

Will-And we just stay in here until they get to their destination. It worked with Debbie, it worked with Jett, and it'll work here.

(The passenger's seat window rolls down. JETT sticks his head out of it.)

Jett-Did you guys say my name?

Will-Jett?! What, are you Cut's personal bodyguard for this mission?

Jett-Well, one of them.

(WENDY's voice comes from inside the truck.)

Wendy-Jeez, Jett! It is so cramped back here, especially with the bounty! I am Cut's niece! I should get the passenger's seat!

Jett-You get the passenger's seat every single time! It's my turn!

Will-Oh, cool. They're too busy arguing with each other to fight us.

Chaz-(offscreen) GUUUUUUUUYS!

(ALEX's go-kart zooms in with CHAZ on the hood. CHAZ jumps into the bed of the truck.)

Jett-Oh, no. We've got the whole Unity Squad against us.

Wendy-And this is a problem how?

Will-Chaz? What happened to you?

Chaz-So after you all left me in your dust, Road Wrecker showed up. We got in a little scuffle, and I wound up on the hood of her car.

Debbie-See? You did make it here after all.

Chaz-That's not the important part. I made her reveal the whole plan!

Will-What plan?

Chaz-You know how Cut the Kid kidnapped Grace?


Chaz-Well, Jett and Wendy have come along to guard her from anyone who might want to rescue her. Like us.


Chaz-Hey. Anyway, Alex stayed at the school to beat up anyone who got left behind and still wanted to follow them.

Alist-So where are we going?

Chaz-Get this: we're going to Connaught Weiss's headquarters. Rebecca and that other guy, Icecrusher, are already waiting there on guard duty. Connaught wants to remove the chip from Grace's brain and use it for his own definitely evil purposes!

(Gasp! Then WILL looks back at JETT.)

Will-So are you going to fight us, or are you just going to stare at us? What kind of bodyguards are you?

Debbie-Will, you're just going to provoke a fight.

Will-I'm just saying these bodyguards aren't really doing their job.

Chaz-I don't think you're grasping the situation: if we don't act, Grace is going to die. Or something like that. I'm not an expert on these implants.

Max-Yeah, death seems pretty imminent. And just as she got her life together.

Alist-That's why we gotta ride this truck all the way to Connaught's HQ. Guys, it's time to pull off the biggest rescue ever!

(Cut to CONNAUGHT's headquarters. CUT's truck parks in the driveway. CUT and JETT get out, followed by WENDY dragging an incapacitated GRACE behind her.)

Wendy-And would it hurt to get a truck with four doors?! I've got a whole victim here!

(WILL jumps out of the bed.)

Will-There's Grace! Now's our chance!

(WENDY notices him.)

Wendy-Oh, hey. Didn't see you there. I've been meaning to give this to you.

(She creates a flashbang, blinding everyone. When the light goes away, CUT, WENDY, and GRACE are gone.)


(DEBBIE gets out of the truck.)

Debbie-At least there's still one left.

(She points at JETT. CHAZ stands up.)

Chaz-So what do you say? It's six of us and one of you.

Jett-Grace is inside.

Will-I'll take him. You guys go inside.

Debbie-Will, you don't need to take him. We need to rescue Grace.

Jett-No, it's alright. I've been waiting to do this.

(He pins WILL against the truck.)


Will-I told you to go inside! I'll deal with him.

(The others nod and make their way to the door.)

Max-There's the question: how do we get in?

Chaz-Allow me.

(She walks through the door.)


(Cut to inside the building. CHAZ is standing in the entryway. She turns around and opens the door from the inside. The others enter.)

Debbie-How did you do that?

Chaz-When Alex turned on her matter-phasing powers, I was touching her, so apparently, I got them, too.

Max-That checks out.

(They look around.)

Chaz-This place looks huge! Now, if I were a girl at risk of death by removal of an implant connected to the brain, where would I be?

(All of a sudden, we hear distant arguing.)

Cut-This is what I get for letting you take the wrists. Now you're bumpin' her all over the place!

Wendy-How do you expect me to support the weight of a whole human by the wrists?

(Cut to CUT and WENDY arguing as they walk down the hallway.)

Cut-Half a human! I'm right here!

Wendy-Well, this is still a very inefficient way to carry a person.

Cut-You're right. It's much easier to transport cargo when they're conscious, but your boyfriend just had to clock her!

Debbie-Wait, Wendy, so are you and Jett actually a thing now?

(Pan to DEBBIE and the others standing over WENDY's shoulder. WENDY turns her head.)


Debbie-Oh, my gosh! I'm so happy for you! Get 'em.

(The others charge at CUT and WENDY. They run to the elevator.)

Chaz-What you're not gonna fight?

Wendy-Sorry. I don't have a free hand to use a flashbang, (to CUT) and what powers do you have?

Cut-You're the one with the powers! I'm just a kidnapper!

(The elevator doors open. CUT and WENDY step in. The heroes try to scramble in, but ALIST is the only one who makes it in. CUT presses the 3 button.)

Wendy-Good thing only one of them made it in.

Alist-Yeah. The one with the communication device to tell everyone where you are.

(He leans into his multi-purpose device.)

Alist-Cut just pressed the button for the third floor.

(Cut to outside. WILL is still dodging JETT's punches.)

Will-That's not really useful for me. (to JETT) Hey, Jett! Is that the best you got? You haven't activated that pump thingy yet?

Jett-Actually, I did when I got out of the car. I think it's having less of an effect on me.

Will-That means you're developing an immunity to sugar. Or an increased resistance? I don't know.

Jett-Don't underestimate my power. You wanna see how hard I can punch you?

(Cut to an operating room inside the headquarters. An unconscious GRACE is restrained in a metal chair. CONNAUGHT stands behind it while CUT, WENDY, REBECCA, and CHASE surround her. DEBBIE, MAX, ALIST, CHAZ, and AMIE enter.)

Alist-Oh no. We were too late.

Connaught-No, you're not. You're just in time to witness the expansion of the Connaught Weiss empire!

(DEBBIE takes a step forward.)

Connaught-And if you try to touch her, you'll have not one but four of my minions to deal with.

Chaz-That's what I'm counting on.

(She throws a stick at CHASE. CHASE freezes the lower half of her body in ice.)

Chaz-Oh. One of you is gonna have to thaw me out, but everyone else, IT'S TIME FOR PANDAEMONIUM!

(CUT, WENDY, REBECCA, and CHASE approach them.)

Debbie-Oh, hey. Chase Banks. Icecrusher. Haven't seen a lot of you. To be honest, I kind of forgot you. And Rebecca Rain. You still looking for those alternate versions of yourself? Woo, was that a time!

(CUT seizes her shoulders.)

Debbie-Don't worry. I've been in a situation like this.

(She forces her way out of CUT's grasp and hits him with her hammer.)

Cut-Hey! That hurt!

Debbie-It was supposed to!

Wendy-No one hurts my uncle and gets away with it!

Chaz-Oh, yeah? Then what do you think of THIS?!

(She turns some of the ice holding her into water and throws it at WENDY.)

Chaz-Wait, I can do that?

(She turns the whole ice column into water and holds it above her head.)

Chaz-Finally, I have enough water to short out every electronic device in this room! All because you decided to hire a guy with ice powers!

(CONNAUGHT glares at CHASE.)

Chase-Hey, I didn't see this coming, either.

Connaught-Never mind you. I have an implant to extract.

Chaz-Oh no, you don't.

(She throws the water at CONNAUGHT, shorting all the electronic devices on his side of the room.)

Connaught-You! You're gonna regret--

Chaz-Get her.

(MAX wraps his tendrils around GRACE and rips her out of her restraint.)

Debbie-That's nice.

(She points at all the aggravated minions.)

Debbie-But what are we going to do about them.

Amie-Allow me.

(She takes her umbrella and fires a capsule at them. They all fall asleep.)

Debbie-Oh, right. Now, let's get out of here before we fall asleep as well.

(Cut to MAX's room. WILL, DEBBIE, MAX, ALIST, GRACE and CHAZ are sitting together.)

Grace-So that guy wanted my implant for himself?

Max-Yep. Connaught Weiss is a pretty mysterious guy. Who knows what he wanted it for? It was certainly enough to hire all those people for.

Debbie-I was surprised to see Rebecca in there. I thought she always did her own thing.

(GRACE sighs.)

Grace-I wish I was a superhero. That way I'd have a way to defend myself from all these people coming after me.

Will-I'm sure we'll find a way to turn your powers into something to fight with.

Max-It kind of sucks that the ceremony's been cancelled, and we're all getting our diplomas by mail.

Debbie-Yeah. I bet a ton of people were looking forward to walking across that stage.

Chaz-Speaking of which, what was going on with you and Amie?

Max-What do you mean?

Chaz-It's just that you two flew in together...

Max-We're not getting back together. She's going to Virginia, so it wouldn't make sense.

Alist-A lot of people are going everywhere. Our lives are going to change a lot now that Max has graduated.

Will-You're still going to be a part of Unity Squad, right?

Max-Of course I am! I wouldn't give it up for the world!

Will-Awesome. I think we have a ton more adventures ahead of us.

The end!

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