Unity Squad (Season 4)

By tomodaphne

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Unity Squad tells the story of five kids with superpowers who come to terms with who they are and come togeth... More

Episode 1: The Cold Shoulder
Episode 2: Uncle Hysteria
Episode 3: Grace Key
Episode 4: Armed and Dangerous
Episode 5: Cinnamon Crumb Cake
Episode 6: Window Shopping
Episode 7: Getting Keyed
Episode 8: Maybelling Become Human
Episode 9: Echoes of the Past
Episode 11: Mean Canteen
Episode 12: Spring Broken
Episode 13: The First Steel Butterfly
Episode 14: Amazing Grace
Episode 15: Getting a Leg Up
Episode 16: Makeover Takeover
Episode 17: Saving Grace
Episode 18: Connaughty or Weiss (Season 4 Finale)

Episode 10: Keys to Success

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By tomodaphne

(Start in TRENT's lab. TRENT is working on some sort of gadget when all of a sudden, he hears a knock at the door. He looks up.)

Trent-I really should install a doorbell or a buzzer or something. Whoever heard of knocking on a mad scientist's door? Besides, someone's going to hurt their knuckles on that door.

(He takes a notepad and starts writing.)

Trent-Newest item on my to-do list: install doorbell.

(The knocking gets louder.)

Trent-(shouting) Alright, I'm coming!

(He gets up and walks to the door. He presses the button opening it up. GRACE is on the other side looking very unhappy.)

Trent-Hey, Grace! What brings you to my humble abode?

Grace-You know what I'm here for.

Trent-Oh. The inhibitor chip. About that...

Grace-And turn everything off!

Trent-What do you mean?

Grace-You know what I'm talking about!

(She shoves TRENT into the lab.)

Grace-Turn off the computers! I can't hear myself think!

Trent-All of them? How am I supposed to work on my inventions?

Grace-You're not.

Trent-You're right. Maybe I shouldn't. I'm only rebuilding my inventory 'cause I had a bit of a depression session the other week and wanted all my old stuff back, but really, it's just a huge waste of time and resources.

Grace-Not that!

(She presses a green button below the door-opening button, closing it.)

Grace-In the time we've been having this conversation, I was able to discover the barricade protocol that you installed in your front door. Now, you won't be able to leave until you fix my chip.

(Opening theme.)

Trent-You really think you can barricade me inside my own lab? Bad news for you: I created the barricade protocol, so I know the code to turn it off.

Grace-Great news for me: I know the code, too, and I'm closer to the door.

Trent-I can change that.

(He walks next to GRACE and reaches for the keypad by the door. GRACE blocks him.)

Grace-You won't be able to get away with that so easily.

Trent-Yes, I will! I'm the amazing Dr. Steel! I can just...

(He puts his hand out as if trying to reach through GRACE. He ends up touching her chest.)

Trent-Oh. Sorry.

Grace-Get off of me!

(She punches TRENT in the face.)

Trent-Ow! Luckily, Kintobori have some of the strongest jaws in the Alpha Quadrant. Or so I'm told.

Grace-If you don't want way worse to happen to you, you're going to sit down and fix my chip.

Trent-How?! You told me to turn off all the computers!

Grace-I did. Why haven't you?

Trent-Alright, alright. Sheesh!

(He goes around the room turning off every computer.)

Trent-It looks like I'll have to use old-fashioned tools to make this thing and my big scientist brain to make this thing.

(He sits down at his desk.)

Trent-(to himself) If someone doesn't come and bust me out first. (gasp) That's it! I can call someone and ask them to bust me out! Luckily for me, I have one of the most archaic pieces of technology on this planet, one of the few things in my lab that isn't computer operated.

(He reaches forward and pulls a landline phone closer to him. He holds the handheld part high above his head.)


Grace-What are you doing over there?

Trent-Fixing your chip. What does it look like?

(GRACE glares at him. He warily turns away.)

Phone-If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try--

(TRENT slams the phone onto the receiver.)

Trent-(whispering) Shut up shut up shut up shut up!

(He picks up the phone and dials a number.)

Trent-Let's hope landlines can make calls to cell phones.

(He puts the phone up to his ear. Cut to the cafeteria at Fort Collins High School. WILL, DEBBIE, and MAX are eating lunch together when WILL's phone starts ringing. He takes it out and checks the caller ID.)

Debbie-Who is it?

Will-Someone I don't recognize. Or maybe I just didn't put their phone in my contacts.

Debbie-Just let it go to voicemail. If they really want to talk to you, they'll leave a message.


(He puts his phone on the table. Just then, TRENT's voice starts coming through it.)

Trent-(voice-only, whispering) Hello, Annoying Windbreaker Kid. This is Dr. Steel.

Will-Dr. Steel has a phone?

Trent-I'm so glad I was able to call your cell phone with this landline. I need your help with something.

Will-Dr. Steel has a landline?!

Trent-If you could quit gawking at the fact that I have a landline and listen to me, that would be great. Grace Key showed up at my lab and has locked me in using my door's special Barricade protocol, and she won't let me out unless I fix her chip. However, I'm not sure if I'll be able to, and I definitely don't like being locked in my lab! Could you please let me out? Also, COULD YOU NOT SEND ME TO VOICEMAIL? This is a very important issue, and I know you're there, you cellphone-addicted gremlin.

(The voicemail ends.)

Will-Grace Key. Isn't that the girl who threatened you with a knife a few weeks ago?

Max-Yeah. It sounds like she's at it again.

Debbie-That means we gotta get him out.

Will-How are we supposed to do that? Barricades are supposed to keep people from getting inside.

Debbie-Max could punch his way through the doors.

Max-No thanks. I've already fought his doors once and lost.

Will-We could always figure another way in, like through the air vents.

Debbie-But does anyone know the layout of his buildings and where the air vents are?

Max-Do we even know where he lives?

Will-I can't remember, but there must be someone who does.

Debbie-Got any ideas, Smart Guys?

Will-That was supposed to convey that the "someone" is a specific person.

(Cut to one of the hallways. WENDY is leaning against the lockers chewing gum while WILL stands in front of her.)

Wendy-You're saying you need help breaking Dr. Hysteria out of his place?

Will-Yes! That's what I just spent the last five minutes explaining! Was your gum-smacking drowning out the sound of my voice? Since when did you start chewing gum?

Wendy-Technically, it's Jett's gum. He uses it for curbing sugar cravings or something like that. I just think it tastes good.

Will-So are you gonna help me or not?

(WENDY pulls the gum out of her mouth and sticks it to the locker next to her.)

Wendy-Sure. That guy might be a nitwit, but I'm not gonna let him lose to some...what was her name again?

Will-Grace Key.

Wendy-You mean the volleyball coach's daughter. I never expected her to be the superpowered type.

Will-Well, her superpowers are malfunctioning. I mean, I feel bad for Dr. Steel, but there's gotta be some way to fix her.

Wendy-Maybe, but today's not the day we find it. We got a mad scientist to free.

(She grabs WILL's hand and pulls him out of the hallway into the main hall. She begins walking towards the entrance.)

Will-Wait, no! Not right now! We still got school! I'm using a bathroom break to talk to you! What if Mr. Rhoades gets suspicious?

(WENDY sighs and stops just shy of the entrance.)

Wendy-Fine. We'll do things your way, Mr. Hero. Just know every hour we spend in class is another hour Dr. Steel or whatever you're calling him now is trapped by that madwoman.

(Just then, ALEX phases through the front door, transforms out of her super suit, and keeps walking as if nothing happened.)

Wendy-What in tarnation?

(WILL turns around and sees ALEX.)


(He catches up to ALEX and grabs onto her shoulder. ALEX turns around.)

Alex-Do you mind?

Will-Aren't you the exact person I need to see right now?

Alex-No, you're not. I just got back from playing hooky and need to go back to class before my teachers notice.

Will-Alright, you're gonna have to hear me out. Dr. Steel is in danger.

Alex-Literally who?

Wendy-Will, what are you doing?

Will-He's the guy you bought that freeze ray from. He's been locked in his lab by Grace Key--

Wendy-You're really going to pick her over me?

Will-(still talking to ALEX) Yes, Fort Collins's star mathlete has a chip in her brain that's malfunctioning, and Grace Key won't let her leave until he fixes it. We gotta get him out!

Wendy-And just as I was about to ask Uncle Cut for his best tips and tricks for sneakin' through vents!

Will-(to WENDY) You didn't let me finish! (to ALEX) So if you don't mind, I'd like to borrow that matter-phasing thing you keep on your chest so Wendy and I can use it to bust him out.

(ALEX looks at him in surprise for a few seconds, then composes herself.)

Alex-I'd love to help you on your little rescue mission, but if you want the wheel, you'll have to take me, too.

(WILL looks back at WENDY, who is scowling at her.)

Will-Then I guess the car's going to be a little crowd.

(Cut to the back parking lot after school. WILL, DEBBIE, MAX, ALEX, and WENDY are gathered around MAX's car.)

Debbie-Why are they here?

Will-They both said they wanted to help us out.

Alex-Don't get me wrong. I'm just joining in because Windy Boy was so persistent.

Wendy-And if this falls through, I've got my Uncle Cut's best tips and tricks for sneakin' through vents!

Alex-Falls through? I can phase through matter. Is there a better possible way to get into the lab?

Wendy-We'll see about that.

Debbie-Cut it out, you two. First rule of superheroism: don't fight with each other when there are villains to fight.

Will-That's the third rule of superheroism.

Debbie-Well, whatever number it is, stop fighting.

(She opens one of the back doors.)

Debbie-After you.

Alex-Thank you.

(She approaches the car.)

Alex-And just so you know, I'm only helping you this one time. I don't intend on becoming a full-on superhero after this. Not as long as I'm getting paid to crush you.

(She gets in the car. WENDY approaches the car next.)


(She gets in. Cut to inside the car as it's driving. WILL is in the backseat getting squished against the right door. ALEX is getting squished against the left.)


(ALES takes out her wheel and activates it, changing her clothes into her super suit. She spreads out, her right arm phasing through WENDY's left. WENDY looks in horror.)

Wendy-What the heck?

Alex-Don't worry. I'm completely used to it. I just wanted the three of us to be able to spread out.


(She scoots towards ALEX. Then she looks at WILL, who is asleep with his head against the window. Then she scoots away from ALEX.)

Wendy-So...your power is phasing through solid matter?

Alex-Solid matter? I phase through all matter.

Wendy-What's that supposed to mean?

Alex-Phasing through liquid? Means my clothes never get wet. Phasing through gas? Zero air resistance. Phasing through plasma? Actually, I've never tried that out.

Wendy-Must be easy to get in and out of places.

Alex-That's why I'm here, isn't it? You never told me what your power is.

(MAX's car pulls into the driveway at TRENT's lab.)

Wendy-Oh, we're here! That means it's the perfect time to demonstrate my power! WAKE UP, SLEEPYHEAD!

(She creates a flashbang, waking WILL up with a start.)

Will-Dude! What was that for?

Wendy-That's my power. Flashbang is my name, and flashbangs are my game. Now, get up. We've got a mad scientist to rescue!

(Commercial break. WILL gets out of the car.)

Will-Why don't you get it? We are in a car! It's not moving anymore, granted, but it's still rude to just blind and deafen everyone, especially when they're all cramped together like this.

(WENDY gets out after him.)

Wendy-Sheesh, I'm sorry.

(MAX get out of the car still rubbing his eyes.)

Max-You're lucky I had already parked the car. If I was still driving, I might have crashed it.

Wendy-I said I was sorry!

(ALEX gets out.)

Alex-Enough messing around.

(She points at the lab.)

Alex-That's the place we're supposed to be getting in, right?


(She charges to the front of the group.)

Wendy-So if the front door isn't an option, that leaves us with the air vents. First, we have to circumnavigate the building and look for air conditioning units--

Alex-We don't need your help.

Wendy-Yes, you do! Why else did you invite me?

Alex-I thought I told you, I can phase through matter. That seems way easier than wriggling through a vent.

Wendy-I'll have you know, my uncle is an expert at this stuff.

Alex-Who cares about your uncle?

(WENDY's jaw drops as ALEX approaches the building.)

Alex-What are you waiting for? Get over here.

(The others join her, WENDY grudgingly.)

Alex-I think I know how I can make it so all five of us can phase through this door. It requires that I deactivate my powers and reactivate them while we're all touching. Unfortunately, this is a two-handed job.

Will-Why is that a problem?

Alex-I sort of thought we'd all hold hands.

(WILL puts his hand on her shoulder.)

Will-Who says we have to do that?

(ALEX sneers at his hand.)

Alex-I guess that'll work.

(She puts WENDY's hand on her other shoulder.)

Alex-(to DEBBIE and MAX) You two, hold onto them.

(DEBBIE takes WILL's hand. MAX takes one look at WENDY and then decides to take DEBBIE's hand.)

Wendy-What, am I not good enough for you?

Alex-Shut up. Now, you may feel a faint tingling...all over. That's just your matter phasing out of reality.

Will-Phasing out of reality?

Alex-Yeah. How do you think this works? I can phase through objects because I only exist on this plane as a projection of myself. I'm technically not touching the earth right now. I'm just floating over it.

Will-I did not need to know that.

Alex-Alright. If you all are done talking, I'd like to get started now.

(The others nod. ALEX presses the buttons on her wheel, deactivating her super suit. She holds the wheel out and presses the buttons again, reactivating it. The others briefly flash purple.)

Will-Hey, why didn't we get cool super suits like you?

Alex-Geez, you're so picky. Just be glad you're able to get in.

Wendy-Did it really work? I don't feel all that different.

Alex-I normally don't. See? There's nothing to worry about.

Will-You're saying I can just march in there?

Alex-I wouldn't just yet.

Will-Don't worry, Dr. Steel. We're here for you! I never thought I'd be saying that.

(He walks through the door. Cut to inside the lab. TRENT is still at his workbench. GRACE is leaning against the door.)

Trent-I...I can't do this. I have to look at the implant. Could you come over here, Grace?

Grace-How do I know you're not going to use that opportunity to escape?

(WILL walks through the door.)

Will-Because he's got us!

(ALEX walks in after him.)

Alex-No! Don't come in yet! I haven't given the signal!

Will-You didn't say anything about a signal.

Alex-I was going to before you barged in here.

Grace-I have a few questions: who are you, how did you get in here, and why haven't you gotten out?

Will-Oh, right. You haven't met me. The name's Will Teflin, aka Windbreaker, I'm borrowing Alex's matter-phasing powers to get in here, and I'm here to rescue Dr. Steel!

Grace-(to ALEX) Lemme guess, you're Alex.

Alex-Yep. You can call me Road Wrecker.

(MAX leans through the door.)

Max-Can we come in yet?

Grace-Great. It's the cyborg wonder.

(ALEX sighs.)

Alex-Fine, you can come in. Forget everything I had planned!

(MAX turns around.)

Max-She says we can come in.

(He enters, followed by DEBBIE and WENDY.)

Trent-Wendy? I didn't think you cared that much about this old coot.

Wendy-Come on. You're a middle-aged coot at the most. Besides, I'm not gonna let the man who gave me my powers get pushed around by some wacked-out computer lady.

Grace-What? Okay, how many people did you give superpowers?

Trent-Well, I gave Debbie her hammer, Max his implant, I helped Alist with his flying machine, Wendy's magnesium strips, I invented Jett's sugar pump, but Connaught's the one who installed it, then there's your chip, Grace, and that umbrella I made that Amie stole, so I guess that counts indirectly, not to mention the entire Steel Army. That's...

(He counts on his fingers.)

Trent-I don't think I have enough fingers for that.

Grace-It doesn't matter! You five better get out of here or...

Max-Or what? Your powers aren't offense-based in the slightest.

Grace-No, but I am very, very angry!

(She charges at MAX.)

Grace-Especially you! You and your computerized body parts better get out of my life!

(He picks GRACE up and lifts her into the air.)

Max-You realize I'm the one with super strength, right?

Grace-You never mentioned that.

Wendy-Alright, which one of us wants to smack her butt first?

Debbie-Wendy, please. Be mature. We just need to keep her from doing anything while we figure out how to turn of the Barricade protocol.

Will-How do we do that?

(He walks up to a keypad that says, "Enter code here to turn off Barricade.")


Debbie-It looks like all we gotta do is enter the code.

Grace-But do you know what the code is?

Will-That's a problem.

Trent-The code is--

Grace-Oh no. I'm not going to let them let you out.

Trent-I mean, I could just let myself out.

(He gets up and walks towards the keypad.)

Grace-Oh no, you don't.

Max-What are you going to do, break out of the grasp of the magnificent Steel Butterfly?

Grace-Yes, just as soon as I...

(She begins struggling to get out, but she can't.)

Grace-This may take a while.

Trent-You bet it will.

(He enters the code. The door opens.)

Grace-You gotta be kidding me.

Trent-I think you forgot that without me, all of us would be trapped in there.

Grace-I knew the code, too.

Trent-Sure, you did. Now, get out.

Grace-Get out?

(She breaks free of MAX's grasp.)

Max-What the--

(GRACE marches over to TRENT.)

Grace-Oh no. I am not leaving until I get that fix. I know you can do it.

Trent-Alright, fine. Hold on a second. Just turn around for me.

(GRACE sighs and turns around. TRENT looks at her implant.)

Trent-It doesn't look any different from when it first malfunctioned. It's like I already told you, the inhibitor stopped working.

Grace-Well, make it start working again!

Trent-It's not that easy! That's what I've been trying to tell you. It's never that easy. This chip is permanently fused to your brain. I can't just remove it and repair it.

Grace-Why not?

Trent-I mean, technically, I could, but that would kill you.


Trent-I'm not going to kill you. I want to find the best possible way to fix this, with both you alive and the implant working normally. Unfortunately, I didn't make any of these parts to be removable.

Grace-So you'd rather I live in pain.

Trent-Hold on--

Grace-'Cause that's what I've had to deal with ever since this malfunctioned. People walking around with their phones, it might be fine for them, but for me, it's another little voice in my head, and it won't shut up. I get these awful headaches, and I get these anxiety attacks if there are too many, and I can't tell anyone what's going on because how are they supposed to react when they find out I have an implant in my brain that's giving me information from every computer in a 15-foot radius? They're either not going to believe me, or they're going to figure out I cheated at that invitational. Do you think that's any way to live? I don't care about fixing the implant anymore. I just want the pain to end.

Trent-The thing about that is I do care.


Trent-I told you. I'm not going to let you die. Let's see...

(He takes a closer look at the implant.)

Trent-You know, I said the parts weren't made to be removable, but I can make 'em removable now.

Grace-You said you couldn't remove anything!

Trent-I didn't think I could. Then I realized that the inhibitor's on the neck. I could just unscrew it, fix it, and give it back to you.

Grace-But then I'd have no inhibitor at all.

Trent-It's not like it's any different from how you're living now.

Grace-Eh, good point.

Trent-Hold on right there. I'll get the screwdriver.

(He goes back into the lab.)

Grace-While you're doing that, Max, do you mind going into the driveway?

Max-Uh, sure.

(He steps into the driveway.)

Grace-A bit further back.

(MAX takes a few steps back.)

Grace-Actually, go waaaaaay back.

(MAX walks to the end of the driveway.)

Debbie-That's way more than 15 feet.

Grace-I know. I just don't like him.

(TRENT comes back with a screwdriver.)

Trent-Here I are! Let's see here...

(He presses a button on the side of the implant. It opens up, revealing a small cartridge underneath a cover on the inside.)

Trent-There it is! You see, this is way better than my other implants because it's accessible from the outside, meaning I can fix it without cutting the person open.

Grace-How nice...

(TRENT unscrews the two screws on either side of the cover, lifting it from the cartridge. He removes the cartridge. He turns it over, revealing several cracks on the back.)

Trent-Hm...that'll do it for you.

(GRACE turns around.)


Trent-It looks like it's been stepped on. I don't think I could fix this. I'll have to build another one.

Grace-Lemme guess, that'll take longer.


Grace-Thanks a lot.

Trent-You're welcome--

Grace-It's nice to know there are people out there who don't care about me. I really thought everything would be better today, but I guess that's what I get for having hope in things. Have the day you deserve. I'm leaving.

(She walks down the driveway, making sure to stay away from MAX.)

Trent-Kids these days. They just don't know how to be grateful.

Wendy-So I just didn't do anything today, did I?

Trent-Well, for one thing, you showed that you still care.

Will-Yeah. This mission was a lot easier for us than I thought.

Trent-But not for her.


Trent-She really trusted me, and I let her down.

Will-Why are you sad about that? She's a maniac.

Trent-She is, and it's my fault. She's only like this because I gave her that implant. The least I can do is make her life better again.

Debbie-Yeah. Remember, Will, the moment you think someone is beyond sympathy, you lost. Let's go.


(He, DEBBIE, ALEX, and WENDY walk down the driveway.)

Wendy-See you around, Dr. Steel.

(Cut to the cafeteria the next day. WILL, DEBBIE, MAX, ALEX, and WENDY are sitting together.)

Alex-So I guess yesterday was a bust.

Max-No, it wasn't. Dr. Steel is free now.

Alex-Just all that stuff from Grace. It sounds like she's been suffering a lot.

Will-Was that a hint of sympathy I heard?

Debbie-You realize you were the one calling her a maniac yesterday, right?

Will-I'm just saying this is the first step to them becoming heroes!

(ALEX gets out her wheel.)

Alex-Um, I'm still getting paid to crush you, so no.

Will-Uh...Wendy, help me out here.

(WENDY takes out her bandanna.)


Will-Oh, great.

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