A Militarized New World

By Kk01u2

38.6K 1K 560

Altrainia is a continent filled with warlike yet interesting countries. Needed someone to ensure peace in thi... More

Chapter 1 "A Man Of Great Power"
Chapter 3 'A New Turning Point'
World Map (remade)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 NC
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Alternate Route: Peace Route
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Countries Info (For better Lore)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
In-Universe Wikipedia Page
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Opening of Discord Server
New Plans for this story

Chapter 2 'War Of Vanitas'

3.2K 81 42
By Kk01u2

Page 13

May 16, 1208

A few hours after the first shots of a new War had been unleashed, The squad involved would withdraw to their main base in the Atrviuts Forest. The Artviuts Forest was a thick forest fully claimed by nature, it was not strange to find wild animals roaming the area frequently. But strangely enough, a large grouping of men could be seen entrenched several feet away from a house in a small clearing of the Area.

Hodgkins could only grind his teeth as he heard the report of a soldier within his base of operations. A Medieval House 'likely' abandoned by its previous owners.

He simply felt angered and disrespected at such an attack he had sent his troops to meet up with the locals in hopes of building a defensive alliance. Yet they had the nerve to ambush the men he had sent.

He was still in his Military BDUs but he removed his Gasmask to reveal his pretty 'average' face.

Quickly calming himself and analyzing his current situation. Because being irrational and letting your emotions control your reasonings could not be tolerated. He dismissed the soldier. Who immediately saluted and left the house.

He then looked at a large map his men had found in the abandoned and decrepit house. Surprisingly was still in pretty good shape and was repaired by some of his soldiers who had some knowledge of the matter.

He also provided some materials by summoning some military emplacements of the era he was summoned to save time.

After a few minutes, he had already begun to plan an attack on one of the nearby villages according to the map. His plan included a pretty much night and stealth attack led by some elements of the German Stormtroopers armed with MP-18s to take the village by 'quietly' and stealthily dealing with the defenders and capturing the village before sunrise.

He was just finishing the plan when the door opened. James immediately turned around, seeing two British soldiers. Although naturally, he felt as if he was disrespected thinking that this must be urgent he greeted them with a neutral face.

The first one was a middle-aged Mature British Man who from Hodgkin's Perspective was maybe a soldier who had possibly seen combat during the Great War. Hell, this man could have fought on the Somme.

But alas, Hodgkins had to control his eccentric and Curious side. Less he annoys his men.

The Second one was much younger, A young 19-year-old who Hodgkins thought was a recruit he possibly summoned.

"Gen. Hodgkins, Some soldiers of the Reconnaissance squad you sent have reported some news. They have new information regarding the foe we're fighting."

The more Mature soldier said in his usually serious voice. Hodgkins then responded.

"Well if you say so, Sergeant?, What is this information?"

Hodgkins asked, feeling genuinely curious about the information his soldier was bout to inform him.

"Sir, the Soldiers reported that the foes they have fought are using ranged weapons, specifically Bolt-Action Rifles, some however still used swords and melee weapons. This confirms that your theory on their weaponry is indeed correct. Next, we have found via examination that the enemy forces seem to have long ears indicating that they may be of another race. Although some of the doctors in their teams theorized that they may be Elves from the books those idiots were reading on Earth. Their faction of allegiance however is still unidentified. But that won't be for long as some of our comrades at the front have revealed that they have captured one of the attackers and kept him alive. They are currently bringing him here as we speak."

Holy Shit! He knew it?!? He knew it would be important but this was just too much.

Hodgkins was shocked at how crucial the information he was given was. But his shock immediately turned into a satisfied and happy small grin which the two soldiers failed to notice as they were looking at the plans he had set on the table.

"Is that so? then have some of the lads interrogate the Capture elf. Also, tell some of the officers that I demand their presence in a meeting later. You are dismissed"

Hodgkins answered in a stern and clear voice turning back to return to his serious persona.

"Yes sir"

The two men answered back, then saluted and left the room. As Hodgkins proceeded to look back at his plans. Returning his concentration to the large map which filled the large table.

The scene then changes to a convoy on their way to Hodgkin's base. Several British Soldiers were seen walking while a lone figure with long ears could be seen being dragged by a British Soldier.

The elf was a Blonde male elf of average height with his hands tied and roped to a thick rope held by the soldier in front of him. He was also gagged so he could not draw any attention as they returned to base.

'These Indignant Humans!! How dare they take me, prisoner, in his land of Birth.'

The gagged male elf could merely think as he grumbled trying to shout curses at the dishonorable human sons of bitches who held him captive.

He tried to resist them but was slightly wounded during the fighting which weakened him slightly hence why the soldier merely scoffed and had no problem dragging him forward.

He knew that he was going to be interrogated but he swore that he would never give them any information regarding the Elves. He would rather die than betray his race.

Several feet away from him two soldiers could be seen talking as the group walked through the woods.

"So, Bridger you got any cigarettes this long-eared bastard had been trying to annoy us lately. So can I have a Cig?"

A British soldier said in a clear voice as he asked a soldier.

Who in turn quickly took a cigar from a pocket in the front of his uniform and gave it to the soldier. Who lit it and smoke the cigar? Blowing smoke as he did so.

The soldier's name was Charles Atkins who had many regrets but his greatest regret was the fact that he was transported to this new world.

He regretted it because he could no longer contact his family who was stuck on Earth which in turn.

"Hey, Atkins? How's life you seem to be quite sober and quiet?"

The soldier who gave him the cigar asked. He knew something was not right with him. They had known each other since they enlisted and had served on the western front in the British Expeditionary Forces fighting the German Imperial Army in 1916 when they were sent here.

The two men continued to chat as they walked discussing their possible futures now that every person they knew and loved was left on earth and was separated from them by that 'bastard'.

"So what do you think of the General?"

"Well, he was quite a bloke?! Don't ya think?"

"Hey Be careful mate you already know what happens if some of the loyal men hear you."


"So Do you think the bastard even deserves the level of authority he has?"

"I don't know, I ain't certain if I could trust but let's give him the benefit of the doubt."

"Great Idea."

The two men chatted quietly about the general. While walking at a slow but steady pace as they followed the main group.

Page 14

Village of Pashtaq
Part of the Elven Qotan Coalition

Night had set in at the village, The sound of crickets could be heard and animals began to stalk their prey could be seen but for the villagers who had settled here, this was perfectly normal life for most elves. Most of them were asleep but the Village Militia were on high alert as they patrolled around the village.

The village was comprised of Large Medieval Wooden houses with wooden doors acting as their entrance and exit.

However, from the shadows, a group of shadowy figures wielding some familiar weapons emerged. Eventually, their appearances were exposed by the light.

They wore helmets that had a pattern of colors and grey uniforms. With their faces covered with gas masks. These men were part of the elite Imperial German Stormtroopers, who were famous for their special operations.

'Looks like things are going well as planned.'

The squad leader leading the operation thought. As he watched one of his soldiers sneak up and slit the throats of some unlucky elven militia as they patrolled the village.

Their goals were to take over this village as retribution for the attack.

He swore he could almost pity them. But alas orders were orders and they should be obeyed.

Subduing the guards was an extremely easy task. Because the Sturmtruppen were highly specialized in infiltration tactics. But even if the Guards spotted them, they would likely be torn to shreds by the MP-18 submachine guns used by his men.

After subduing another Elven soldier who was wearing a mixture of medieval and 1890s-era uniforms.

He would suddenly hear gunshots as the soldier would see flashes of light erupt in the distance.


The stormtrooper cursed in his mind.

Khaz was a soldier of the Newly Created Coalition which was busy patrolling the Chieftains house when he swore he heard a scream that was quickly cut. As if the perpetrator had covered the victim's mouth and slit their throat.

The Elven Qotan Coalition was a coalition formed by the many elders of the Area. Who each led a separate part of the Elven Factions. Due to the emergence of this new threat, the Elders had decided that they were too dangerous of a threat to tolerate. Immediately launched an attack on the Unknown Forces who were 'likely' mercenaries for an unknown Company from the surrounding Neighboring Countries.

As much as he wants to get pissed at this ludicrous idea of the Elders who were busily sticking to their old traditions and culture. There were many reasons why he hated their decision.

However, the fact that they just poked the wasp nest of unknown soldiers who possibly could have been the Billian Army or worse the Charatians was just too much. But obviously, he could not just be busy with his thoughts as he then decided that he was going to check the area where he heard the scream.

"Hey, you guys come with me."

Kraz yelled to two Elven soldiers who were busy patrolling the area around the Chieftain's House. Even though it was risky, he still had some of his men guarding the chieftain and keeping him safe from harm's way.

When he and his men arrived at the area after a few minutes of walking. The three loaded a Cartridge to the newly built Self-repeating crossbow they had been given.

He looked at it with pride and with genuine happiness. The Scorpionis-12 crossbow was a good weapon recently created and produced by their Glorious race for war against the Humans who were beginning to surround them. Although from what he heard from the Elders the factions they were going to fight was a faction that was highly likely supplied to take over their Home.

But then, Kraz shivered as a terrible thought entered his mind.
'Those men couldn't be here, right?'

The elf thought for a second scared for the lives of the men under his command and the villagers. However, the elf knew that duty came first so he swore he would protect the villages if the Men attacked.

Then remembering that silenced scream he ordered his men to ready their weapons just in case.

Arriving at the scene, nothing seemed to have changed at the place. It still had the fortifications in place. Sandbags were set up under his orders to protect themselves from the mysterious faction's rifles. Except for the fact that his men had disappeared. He knew them, they wouldn't desert-like cowards.

Suddenly he saw a drop of crimson blood on the floor and the realization came it was a trap. It had all been a trap.

As Soldiers of unknown allegiance emerged behind the sandbags and fired at them with their SMGs. Penetrating his comrade's armor like a knife to butter and killing two of his comrades instantly.

Page 15


The elf shouted amidst the automatic gunfire that drowned out his voice.

Two of the men under his command were killed by their ambush. Gertz thought amused that their ambush had succeeded.

The foolish long-ears had not checked the scene carefully laid and they were paying for it. From what he could see the Elf had sworn as he received fire but fortunately, the language was understandable for him and his men.

However, they were also at risk. Since the stormtroopers had attracted all attention in the village thanks to the gunfire.


The stormtrooper suddenly thought as a woosh of arrows flew just above the Sandbags he was using for cover.

But some arrows were impaled on the sandbags which unsurprisingly did not pierce through.

Quickly loading his Short-Bayoneted MP-18 Submachine gun, he then returned fire killing one of the remaining elves but an arrow suddenly gets lodged at his arm. Causing the soldier to grunt in pain as he broke the arrowhead.

While also not removing parts of the arrow that prevented him from bleeding out.

He then bandages his wound using a spare cloth he had. As the sound of gunfire and woosh of arrows could be heard as the two parties fought one another but the Elves had to withdraw. Throwing make-shift smoke grenades to cover their retreat, the elves withdrew as they could not compete with the Submachine Gun-wielding Stormtroopers of the German Imperial Army.

Getting out of cover, Gertz looked at the carnage seeing two Elven Corpses splayed out riddled with bullets, Another one was found behind cover killed by him.

Gertz sighed as he thought to himself.

If only he had met this man in different circumstances where the Elves had not attacked the General's forces.

From one of the houses, an Elven infant cried as his mother tried to rock the crib to calm him down. Minutes ago loud gunshots were heard which scared the infant and caused it to cry, awakening the mother of the infant.


The infant cried in fear. Fearing the loud automatic gunfire.

The Elven Baby had blonde hair and wore some medieval clothing made for infants in that era.

'What is the name of Elvetia just happened??!'

The Elven mother thought as she cradled the infant and began singing a lullaby to calm her son down.

Although the infant was teary-eyed, the little elf began to become happy at his mother's embrace.

Suddenly she heard something enter the house.

Her Heart and Blood went cold, she only had one goal in mind. To protect her child and see him grow up. She would do anything to make sure her baby wasn't hurt.

Taking the initiative she ran for a cabinet and hid within it. Looking through the holes in the cabinet.

A soldier of unknown affiliation wearing a gasmask and unknown uniform, also holding a short-barrelled gun was searching the house for any enemy forces hiding within the house.


The man asked as he scanned the house with his short MP-18.

Fearing for her baby's life she clutched her baby tightly she held her hand to her mouth as she watched the man check the house and left the house. Leaving her and her bundle of joy in the cabinet, causing her to sigh in relief quickly.

The village fighting would occur for a few more minutes but the weaponry and equipment of the Hodgkin's Stormtroopers would prevail as the elven forces were forced to cut their losses and withdraw from the village.

The fighting would awaken some of the villagers within the settlement, who would arm themselves and attempt to resist due to being so disorganized and ill-equipped. They were quickly put down and many would be forced to submit to their new occupiers.

Page 16

'The reactions of the Elders were not pleasant to any bad news, and many elves learned the hard way.'

One elf wearing a uniform with the Elven Militia insignia on thought as he knocked on the room while readying himself for their reactions.

Knock! Knock!

Two knocks were heard by the elders as they discussed in the room. Distracting them from their current planning.

"Come in"

One of the elders said within the room. The elf immediately opened the door and entered the room. The elders were now sitting in chairs while observing a map of what the elf could presume was a well-preserved old map of Elvetia. With small wooden figures on it.

One of the elders then rose from his chair and greeted the elven militia member.

"Oh Yother, looks like you have some news for us regarding those dastardly humans."

"Yes Elder, I do have some news for you."

The member replied in his usual voice.

"Oh is that so then can you mind explaining to us what had occurred."

Before explaining the news to the elders, The elf quickly took a deep breath and then explained.

"Well Elder Thion, we had just received urgent news that the Village of Pashtaq had just fallen to the grasp of our foe."

Immediately, All of the elders began to grimace. A village of one of their own had just fallen to these unknown humans, who were possibly razing it and killing its inhabitants.

No, this could not be tolerated an offense must be mustered. To stall them, so the Elven militia can fortify their positions.

"Well, Yother get me Fidius and send him this message."

One of the elders said in a clear and loud voice while handing him a piece of paper regarding the elder's orders. The elf in question immediately placed it in his bag.

"Also have the men who encountered them questioned thoroughly regarding their weaponry for as we know 'Knowledge truly is Power'."

"Yes sir."

The elf said in reply, showing his loyalty to the elders.

"Also, has the supply of weapons arrived?"

One of the elders asked. A wrinkled old elf in a military uniform that the elf presumed was made centuries ago was surprisingly well-kept.

"Yes Elder, the 'generous' humans had indeed fulfilled their promises of providing us weaponry."

The elf said while highlighting the word generous. Suspecting the humans of having committed some treachery.

The elders however kept quiet but a reply would then be heard.

"Is that so, then are they in good condition?"

The elders needed to ensure that they were in good condition to ensure that they stood a fighting chance against the unknown human invaders.

However, they did not fully trust them as the elves view them as a hazardous and cunning race.

Time would soon pass and the elf soon
left the room and went on his way to give his comrades the orders the elders wanted to tell them.

Page 17


Hodgkins watched as his men were beginning to fortify the village they captured.

Men were busy either digging small foxholes or setting up barbwire and machine gun emplacements.

Some were loading their rifles or cleaning their weapons. Others were taking crates from a WW1 truck he summoned and setting them down in a storage house they used.

Several of them were watching guard and keeping an eye on the elven inhabitants of this village. Afterall all it takes is one mistake to cause massive damage to his forces.

He also saw some field guns being placed in strategic parts of the village.

'Seems too Overkill. But then again the elves might have some of those stereotypical wyverns from those animes and books back home.'

Hodgkins thought as he observed them. He was dressed in military fatigues and had his BDU on. With his rifle strung on his shoulder. Feeling the temperature of the area as the wind blew on his sides.

'Reminds me of home'

The man thought as he reminisced about his past. But his brief relaxation was disturbed when a Soldier came to inform him of some news from the 'front'.

The Front was a series of trenches quickly dug and manned by 500 soldiers. They were built far from the village, to act as a defensive fortification against their elven enemies.

"Oh, what is it?"

Hodgkins asked in a calm and questioning voice, He needed to know what this soldier's message was. His eyes looked at the soldier who was a British man in his mid-30s.

"Sir reports from the front indicate that recently elven scouts have become very active lately so-"

Before the soldier could continue, Hodgkins was quick to cut him off.

"So the officers suspect that an Elven offensive may begin in the coming days or weeks."

"Yes sir."

"Well, it certainly looks like that's going to happen."

'If it is going to happen, it is better to come prepared.'

"If that is the case indeed then send some men to support the defenders."

"Yes sir"

The soldier saluted and left. His footsteps were heard as he left. While James merely observed the men as they worked.

Page 18

10:00 p.m.


A British soldier in his mid-20s yelled as he continuously loaded and fired his rifle at the hoard of elves. His arm pulled back the bolt back and forth as he fired. The bullet casings fell to the floor of the trench.

For a few minutes, gunshots were repeatedly heard as the defenders of their trench shot at the charging Elves. Who was armed with either muskets or rifles with bayonets ready?

The attack was first detected by some sentries who immediately shot at their enemies. Who began to charge their trench.

Currently, Sgt. Peterson was holding the trench with some of his comrades. He suddenly yelled in advance as any delay would be fatal. After all the long ears were finally nearing them.

"Get your bayonets ready lads!"

Even though he yelled in warning, some soldiers already saw what was coming and attached their bayonets. As the yells of the oncoming attackers were heard before finally after merely 10 minutes the Elves jumped in the trenches which were merely a few feet wide and began to engage them in melee combat.

Peterson merely dodged to his left as an Elven Militiaman stabbed his bayonet at him, merely stabbing the air where he was once located. If he hadn't moved it would have been fatal for the soldier.

Not allowing the elf to recover, he immediately punched his fist at the elf, stunning him for two minutes, and continued beating him to the ground as his comrades and foes were battling around him in a spree of violence. Until finally the elf succumbed to unconsciousness and fell into a deep sleep. Which caused the soldier to take a deep breath of relief and look at the bloodshed around him. While his body pumped adrenaline constantly in case an Elven soldier took notice of him and charged in his direction with a bayonet ready to kill him. While gunshots rang as some Elves and British soldiers who did not participate in the brawl continued to fire at the group. 

The sergeant then picks up his rifle which was slightly dirtied and stained due to having been laid on the ground, pulls the bolt back, and fires at an elf who was pummeling his fellow British soldier, a young man in his late teens.

The elf immediately falls to the ground beside the dazed young man, whose eyes express relief and gratitude before the sergeant immediately turns his direction and continued to fire at any elven soldier in his sight. The sergeant had no time for distractions especially since they were in the midst of the brawl, exposing them to danger.

Little did they know that the head of the snake was exposed.

Chapter End

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