Always Isn't Forever


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T.W. May have sex/drugs/violence/ and other triggering topics Mazikeen Forbes. She was on her way to being a... More

Chapter one: What!?!?
Chapter two: Truth
Chapter three: The Groans and Grunts
Chapter Four: Cravings
Chapter Five: Death, Reveals, and Goodbye
Chapter Six: Babies
Authors note
Chapter 7: BREATHE!!
Chapter Eight: Baby Fever
Chapter Ten: Heartless
Chapter Eleven: Otherworldly
Chapter twelve: Snap
Chapter Thirteen: NO!
Chapter Fourteen: Thanksgiving
Chapter Fifteen: Twins
Chapter Sixteen: Life Cycles
Chapter Seventeen: Cloaks
Chapter Eighteen: Lunches
Chapter Nineteen: Disasters and Doctors
Chapter Twenty: Half-breed A**holes
Chapter Twenty: Falling Harder
Twenty-One: Holiday Hearts
Twenty-Two: Letters and Leaves
Twenty-Three: Ex's and Ouch's
Twenty-Four: Home
Twenty-Five: My Sunshine and My Moon
Twenty-Six: Salvatores and Adventures
Twenty-Seven: Father's Daughter
Twenty-Eight: Family
New Cast
Twenty-Nine: Littlest Wolves out of the bag
Thirty: He what??
Thirty-one: Dead to me
Thirty Two: Let me die

Thirty-Three: Chambre de Chasse

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It was monsooning in New Orleans as Freya and Lunar get everything ready to finish this plan, yet Klaus and Elijah are trapped in a Chambre de Chasse. Klaus was looking around when he heard heels clicking. "Who's there? Show yourself!"

"Oh, Nik." A British accent says, he turns to see his baby sister. "Always so dramatic."

"Rebekah." They meet in an embrace, when suddenly, an almost buck-naked Kol drops on a sofa about ten feet from them, making them separate

He groans. "Oh, bloody hell. My least favorite recurring nightmare." After his words, he turns to head and retrieve clothes.

"So, Rebekah, what happened?" Klaus queries.

"I was in Corsica, drowning my sorrows about Mazikeen." She pops the cork. "When I suddenly dropped." She attempts to pour the drink, but the bottles are empty, making her scoff. "What I wouldn't give to spend just a decade without being dragged into a godforsaken Chambre de Chasse."

Just then, Kol saunters in, which makes his brother quip as he tosses his shirt onto his body. "I suppose you were in a board meeting."

He snarkily smiles. "I was waiting for my wife to come home from work. Once again ripped from complete contentment, besides the mourning we've both felt for Mazikeen, for this. Suppose I'll ask the obvious: Piss off any witch lately?"

"Actually, my current enemies are a group of hatemongers who see myself and my daughters as abominations to the vampire race. And, I just met my daughters-in person with them knowing who I am."

"Well, that's new." Rebekah sighs, making Klaus raise his raises as if mocking her. "They must have a witch-for-hire."

"A witch that's spent enough time here to replicate every detail," Kol adds, holding up a bottle. "This is Elijah's prized Cheval Blanc."

"The culprit may be closer to home." Freya, who no one realized was there until now, butts in as she descends the staircase. "A witch who knows the compound well, and who doesn't trust you to stay away from Elijah." Her words make the younger siblings look at Klaus, Kol with his arms crossed, and Rebekah with a really? look. Klaus only avoids their stares, as if he's oblivious to them. "Someone who would risk everything to save New Orleans from plagues."


"One the bright side," Freya adds. "He'd never hurt Hope or the twins. You, on the other hand, I expect he'll be shipping your bodies to the four corners of the world."

"All of our bodies?" Rebekah asks her sister. "He isn't here, is he?"

"He is." All of the Mikaelson's turn to the masculine voice to see the man of the hour. "I think I may have just found a way out of here." All five go to the door with numerous locks on it. "This wasn't here before. What is it?"

Kol goes up to it and picks up a lock. He scoffs. "It's representational magic. I expect there are keys, one for each of us. Hidden somewhere meaningful." he turns to his siblings. "Somewhere connected to who we are."

"And for those of us who don't remember who we are?" Elijah asks, only for the blonde hybrid to butt in.

"I'll give Antionette your regards." He smirks when he sees Elijah's glare.

Freya adds: "The door won't open unless all five locks are released. The only way out is together."

"Elijah, if we're to get through this without bloodshed, I recommend you go to the corner of the house furthers from Nik," Kol tells them, him being new and mature since he's been brought back. "Come on, follow me."


After remembering a memory about him, Mazikeen, and the Mikaelson Crest necklace, he was reminded of it by the one on the wall, so he smashed it.

"Nik, it's done," Rebekah tells him.

"I think we've established that there's no key in the crest." Freya sighs from beside her sister.

"That thing was a relic, anyway." He tells them. Suddenly, Marcel-who's drenched in blood and rain- appears on all fours as he growls.

"Marcel." Rebekah states.

"Damn it!" He curses as he gets up. "I gotta go now."

Klaus snatches his jacket up. "Hey! What game is Vincent playing?!"

The upgraded vampire shakes his head. "No. This has nothing to do with Vincent. We've gotta get out of here, the city is about to wash away. She's out of her damn mind."

Klaus grabs his elbow. "Who, Marcel?! Who put you here?!"

"It was Lunar! Luna is responsible for all of this. Damn it, I almost had it!" He shouts then sits down with Freya beside him. "Ivy was telling Vincent and me all about this new prophecy, about Lunar and all, when a hurricane just showed up off the coast outta nowhere."

"Monsoon from the waters, the final curse before the firstborns die." Freya mutters as Rebekah silently hands him a clothe, which he takes with a nod after staring at her hard. He wipes his head and face off then turns to the man that sired him. "I went to go find you guys. Lunar was at St. Ann's, she had Klaus and Elijah's bodies laid out on the floor with her hands covered in blood."

"Goat blood can be used to seal the spell," Freya tells when she sees Klaus's concerned face.

"She gathering up all of you to take the power that's be split up inside of you." Marcel adds.

"She can't do that." Klaus denies in worry. "It'll destroy her, that was the whole point."

Marcel sighs. "She through me in here went I tried to stop her. I can't leave until you guys find your keys."

"Well," Rebekah begins. "She can't find my body, it's halfway across the world."

Klaus rolls his eyes. "She has help."

"Bloody hell," Rebekah swore in remembrance. "Mazikeen created three hybrids with her blood, but one's dead."

"They're sired to Lunar. They'll do anything asks. She'll take the power back, she'll end the curses, she'll keep the firstborns safe. Then my daughter, as we know her, will be forever lost to darkness."


"I guess I've always been jealous of her." Rebekah states after seeing a picture of Mazikeen in Klaus's painting room. "I was jealous when I saw her with her kids, I was jealous when she became important to everyone, I guess I'm even jealous that she's dead."

Kol butts into his sister's conversation like only a brother would. "Wow, that's morrid to say about your best friend." Both turn to him as he leans on the door frame. "Freya, I'm trying to sort out the puzzle. Now, a Chambre de Chasse of this size would be constructed from the depth of memory, right?" She nods, knowing he knows. "But there's a room here that hasn't existed for a century. And, Lunar's never even been to the compound."

"Well, that's impossible." She mumbles, looking to Rebekah for help, but her sister was just confused.

"Wiped out by a storm. The music room." He takes a step forward. "Now, I brought you there during the 1914 Christmas party. And we drank, Marcel played 'Carol of the bells', Niklaus stabbed me in the heart. You remember?"

"Kol..." She whispers.

"Freya." Klaus' angry voice breaks their bubble, just as the power goes out. "What have you done?"

She moves past him and down the steps as she explains: "Lunar asked for my help."

"So, you decided to lend a hand in her destruction!"

"The plagues are nearing their end." She says to her brother. "All it would take is one more meeting between you to end it all: something needed to be done."

"I was leaving New Orleans when you struck me down!" He tells her loudly.

She speaks up again: "Who's to say you wouldn't be weak again? Test your limits to lay your eyes on Lunar, Skhylar, on Hope as you did with Elijah."

He grabs her arm and turns her around. "Don't put this one me! I was trying to protect her. Perhaps I was wrong to have faith in you. Maybe your family obligations were infringed upon by other plans. Keelin's back, isn't she?"

"Stop it, Klaus!" She shouts. "I have sacrificed everything for you, for Hope. I understand that you were trying to protect them, but that is not what they need right now."

"I'm their father. I decided what they need and what they don't."

"Do you?" She asks him. "Because while you were gone, I was here. With Hayley. Hope did everything we ever asked of her. Now, you barely even know Lunar or Skhylar, you met them only days ago. Kol knows them better, and he said they're good kids. The one time Lunar acts out is because she wants to know her dad! I've seen the prophecy, do you wanna see what she does with a lifetime of missing both her parents? I'll show you." She grabs his hand and closes her eyes, letting the vision take over.

Lunar stands in all black clothes, her once long, curly, blonde hair is now straight and short, and she has eyeliner on her lower lash line and mascara coating her lashes. Yet that's not what snatches Klaus's attention. It's the blood coating her lips and chin, her eyes that are yellow with veins, and the numerous bodies that are missing heads and other limbs, dead.

He is unattached from his sister with a shocked expression, Freya mumbles to him. "We have to let her make her own choices, same with Hope and Skhylar."

"She's a child, they all our."

"Their childhood end three days ago when Hope found out what Hayley did, and the twin's lost their mother." She states, making his eyes tear up a little as they widen. "And as long as that dark magic is inside of you, Klaus, they're as good as orphaned. Look, we've all done dangerous things for family, and we've seen each other through it. Now it's her turn."

His water blue eyes bore into hers with worry and sadness. " have to stop her."

She shakes her head. "No." Then she's gone along with her lock as he blinks his tears away.


Lunar, after getting all the bodies, started chanting loudly as the siblings fight inside the Chambre de Chasse. She chants harder, wiping the sweat beading on her forehead away as the blue light comes out of all the Mikaelson's chests and into one large ball of light in the middle of them. The bodies of all four immortal start trembling as she gets smacked with the ball of blue. When she stops the spell she falls to the ground panting.

"Oh, ouch." She groans, cleaning herself up as they start to wake up, and leaving back to the compound, Freya told her to come thereafter, and she did. She gets into the door, after knocking, and her eyes almost roll back in exhaustion.

"Hey, come on," Freya whispers as she leads her to a guest room. "Lie down, you need to rest. You did a lot of magic tonight."

"I know..." She utters as she slumps on the bed with a yawn.

"Good night, Lunar."

"Night, Freya." She mumbles before succumbing to sleep.


Sixteen hours into her sleep, Klaus opens the guestroom door to see her completely knocked out. Then he goes into his study talking to speak with his sister. "I need the room."

"Lunar is fine. No fevers, no magical outbursts." She goes in front of him as she tells him the info.

"Yeah, I just looked in on her. She practically comatose."

Freya rolls her eyes. "She's asleep. She deserves the rest. You should be proud of her, your fifteen-year-old just saved an entire city- one she doesn't even live in-and no one will know to thank her for it."

That made him livid. "I said, I need the room."

She licks her lips and obeys, not wanting to push his limits. He turns to see a box on his desk, the one filled with letters from his love. He takes a few steps toward it and opens it, he just looks, not reading, just staring at the envelopes dated back as far as 2015 with a P.O. box address. He looks at it before deciding he wants to hear her voice, even if it's mentally. He grabs the first and reads her handwriting with tears in his eyes.

He tears the top open and takes out the contents. A piece of folded paper and a picture of Mazikeen, Lunar, and Skhylar beside a lake in Chicago, more precisely, Gloria's old bar. He smiles in remembrance as he opens the letter.

Dear Klaus,

You'd be so proud of the girls. For the summer, I brought them to meet Kol and Davina in Chicago again, hoping for them to bond more. I went out to get some toys for Abel and Wynter- my other children- to play with and went I came back they were gone. I found them in a different room with Kol, he was teaching them to how to unknot a spelled rope with magic and Lunar got in within a few minutes, Skhylar just a few seconds after her.

I think of all the unlikely things that led to their existence- like us being born a thousand years apart and memories that brought us together during those times in Mystic Falls. It's all been very hard...but as I watched them laugh and squeal in delight with Kol, I know I wouldn't change a thing. In all my life, I've never felt so happy and lucky before her.

Anyways. They really want to meet you soon.

Mazikeen Forbes.

As he reads down the letter, tears fall from his eyes, ones he wipes away as he sniffles.

His is worse than when Aurora convinced him she'd killed Mazikeen, it's worse because he knew it was for good this time around and he was forced to helplessly watch. None of this would've happened if he would've stayed, that's the only thought running through his head as he mourns the purple-haired hybrid he loves.

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