Alpha's Dark Desire

By dexterusmason_

1.6K 45 3

She was vulnerable. He was ruthless. They say that the lion falls in love with the lamb. But this lamb, is no... More

Meeting the Alpha
Im Paying
Stay the hell away from me
Miss Me?

You Again?

334 12 0
By dexterusmason_

I found a friendly girl walking down the hall as I was trying to get away from Josh to show me my classes. I don't know, I'm still stuck in his presence... I guess. I mean I don't know what you'd call it per say, I was mesmerized by his beauty? Haha no, to woe is me. In love with his eyes?


His eyes and his smell, are two things I'll never be able to misplace. He looked at me, and I didn't know at the time what it meant, and I'm more than likely over thinking but I couldve sworn he looked at me like he found something.

Found what?

I was interrupted by the lunch bell. Great, lunch. The time all of the people come together to gossip, throw food, and pick on people. No thank you. I'll take my usual stall in the bathroom. Yes, I'm one of the weird kids that eat their lunch in the bathroom. I have a good reason, I swear. Every school I've went to I've been picked on for my weight how I dressed, etc... so I started eating in the bathroom. No one could pick on me, no one would judge, just silence. I was okay with that.

I walked into the cafeteria with my granola bar and diet coke in hand. Looking for a place to sit, hoping that if it wasn't too uncomfortable I might sit with someone today. I found Josh almost immediately looking at me, sitting in the very back with all of his friends. Populars, then you have the sluts sitting next to them. Ones eyeing Josh, and I'm finding it quit disturbing. I look away from them and find an open table in the front of the cafeteria.

Great, just what I need. Everyone seeing that I'm alone on my first day of hell, way to go me. Way to go.

I sit down and start to open my granola bar when I feel someone sit next to me. Josh. What do I do? Do I ignore him, say hi, pretend to play dumb? I mean I'm running out of options here.

"Is that all you brought?" He asked, sitting facing everyone else with his elbows on the table.
"Why do you care?" I ask taking a bite and opening my diet coke.
"Just wondering, you know, you should really eat something. I can get you food if you like." He asked, a little more concerned now.

I looked at him and saw he was looking at me, staring.

"No thank you Josh, I appreciate the gesture but I'm good." I said. Looking away from him.
"I need my mate to be healthy." He said under his breath.
"What did you just say?" I asked, somewhat curious as to why mate and healthy came out of his mouth in the same sentence.
"Nothing, anyways, I guess I'll be seeing you around sometime." He said and winked at me.
"Something in your eye? Because if there is you should really get that checked out." I said and smirked.

He put a hand over his chest and played the offended card.

"Fine then smartass, if that's how you play, we'll play that way." He smirked amd walked away back to his table with his friends.


Healthy mate?

We'll play that way?

What does all of that mean? Mates, what? We'll play that way? What is this a game of hide and go seek? I don't think so. I'm not playing these games with him. The poor boy looks lost already no need to hurt his pride with him losing again.

I have to find out what is going on with him.


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