A Fighting Chance

By foreverlovingnemi

84.5K 2.4K 573

The MMA world is very competitive and not only in the cage. A guy and girl, from two rival families, fall for... More

Get Ready
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
From us to you...

Chapter 11

6.8K 128 32
By foreverlovingnemi


I had no idea where I was heading after I left Demi's house. I was too confused to think that far ahead. After seeing the photo of Demi on her ex's lap, then seeing them hugging in front of her house, was too much to take in, all at once. I had to walk off my anger. Now, my leg was starting to ache, so I knew I needed to sit somewhere. I walked until I came to a big brick building on the road I was on. I leaned on the wall, thinking about the events of the day so far. It started off so amazing. Sex was awesome anyway, but sex with Demi was the absolute best. The blowjob she gave me was out of this world & the way she tasted made my mouth water, thinking about it now. Then Jay had to send me that fucking picture. The moment I saw it pop up in a text message from him, I called him to hear his explanation.

"Michelle was on her phone looking through Instagram because she had posted a few pictures of us. She had to go to the bathroom, so she put her phone on the bed & I was curious since I don't get on social media too much. I scrolled through her feed & saw the picture. If that was my girlfriend, I'd want to know. Sorry, man." Jay explained.

I don't even remember what I said back to him. I just remember Demi coming out of the bathroom & I just kinda lost it. The image of her on Carter's lap was in my head, making me feel uncomfortable & I just had to get out of there. The thing about me is I get angry & if I don't walk away I tend to snap & usually say something I regret or sometimes, I do something I can't take back. I'm a pretty even tempered guy, for the most part, except when it comes to people I care about or if it involves my insecurities. I had insecurities when it came to women & especially now, I felt like I couldn't give Demi what Carter could. I was scared of losing her to him.

Now, I was here, alone, unsure of where to go or what to do. I should call someone to pick me up, but most everyone I knew had been up partying last night so they were probably all still asleep. I could call my mom but then she would ask a million questions I wasn't ready to answer yet.

I pulled out my phone & started scrolling through my contacts. Just as I was about to start a text to Jay, I heard a familiar voice, "Hey, Sexy. You going my way?" I looked up to see Demi's car at the curb & her watching me with a serious look on her face as she sat in the driver's seat of her car.

I tried not to smile, but I know my mouth twitched a little before I looked away. "I'm good, thanks." I said, trying to sound like I wasn't amused by her.

"Come on, Nick. You have to get in so I can explain." Demi put her car into park & got out. She came around to the side that was closest to the curb & leaned on her car. "Where you gonna go?" She asked, crossing her arms.

I took a deep breath as I looked down the street. "Home."

"You walking? Because it's a long walk & your leg will be killing you by the time you get home. As your therapist, I can not let you walk home on that leg. You probably won't even make it, to be honest." She shrugged her shoulders, looking smug as she looked down at the ground.

"I can call a ride or take the bus."

"Just get in the car. Please?" She put her arms down at her side & took a step up onto the sidewalk. Her head tilted down a little & she batted her lashes. Then she cocked her hip a little, showing off her legs in the tiny blue shorts she was wearing. I felt myself getting excited & my mouth filled with saliva. I licked my lips, then bit my bottom one as I looked away from her like she was my kryptonite. "I'll let you drive." She offered, knowing me well enough to know what would get me to come with her. I looked back at her & couldn't help but to smile now. Demi put one foot up on the base of a lightpost & her hand rested on her thigh right beside her crotch. She knew exactly what she was doing, right now. I took a deep breath, then pushed myself off the wall & walked to her car.

"Let's go." I said walking to the driver's side & getting in. Once Demi was settled in, I put the car in drive & rolled it away from the curb. I smiled, broadly, loving the feel of her car & the way it handled. I'd driven my brother's SUV, but her little sports car was fun to drive. "Where we going?" I asked after a few minutes of driving.

"That would be up to you." Demi said, looking at me sideways. I pressed my lips together & nodded. "Listen, Nick, I don't know what you think happened with Carter, but it wasn't anything to be worried about. Carter & I are just friends & that's all we will ever be as far as I'm concerned."

I listened as Demi explained the photo to me, telling me all about Carter's grandmother thinking they were together. It all made sense, but I still was insecure about what I had to offer her, compared to Carter. "He clearly still loves you, so I don't know why you're with me when you & him had this great relationship. I mean you were engaged to the guy. Clearly, he was something you could see yourself being with forever."

Demi clicked her tongue. "Carter & I had a good relationship, yes. We were engaged, yes. I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with him so I will always care about him. I may not always have him in my life, but he will always be in my heart. That's just the way it is, but I'm not in love with him anymore. We broke up & at first I wasn't sure it was the right thing to do & many times since, I have wondered if we did the right thing, but then...." Demi paused to take a breath & she glanced up from her hands to look at me. "I met you & there was this undeniable feeling I got when I was around you. It was like comforting & warm & I tried to fight it but I couldn't. I thought about you constantly & you excited me just by being near me, so I couldn't help but to think maybe you're the reason Carter & I didn't end up getting married. Maybe it was God's plan because I was supposed to meet you & maybe you're the one that I am supposed to be with forever." Her voice trailed off, so I looked at her as I stopped for a red light.

"You really think that? You believe in all that meant to be crap?"

Demi nodded, biting her lip. "Nick... don't get like a big head or anything but the way I felt about you from the moment I met you, was overwhelming. I can't even put into words how I felt inside. It was like I was waking up from a deep sleep & I was seeing something for the first time. Or like I was falling, but it was a good falling." Demi was staring out the windshield & I would have kept watching her beautiful face, but someone behind me honked their horn when the light turned green. I heard Demi sigh, sounding deep in thought. "Don't worry about Carter, Nick. My feelings for you keep getting stronger the more I know you. And I don't feel the same way about him as I once did. In the years I was with him, I never even felt close, to the way I feel about you, about him... and don't get me started on the sex life." She chuckled & I glanced at her to see her look out the window. Her cheeks looked a little pink, so I smiled.

"Oh, let's get started on the s.ex life." I laughed & she looked at me with a scowl & a smile on her face. "Just kidding." I smiled as I turned back to the road. "Unless you want to talk about it.... then I wouldn't be opposed to that."

"It's amazing, okay? Like I think you've given me more or.gasms in a week than Carter did in a year." She laughed, adorably loud, as her head fell back. I laughed with her for a few minutes, even though I didn't find it as funny. I found it ego boosting, but I wasn't gonna say that. "You know... you're a pretty good driver." She commented.


"Should I see how you do if I give you a blow job right now, while you're driving?" She touched my thigh & looked at me from under her lashes in a seductive way.

I cleared my throat. "No. I mean... that sounds pretty tempting, but I wouldn't want to chance wrecking your car."

"I appreciate that." She sighed, moving her hand slightly on my leg & I have to admit, I was getting really turned on. "Where are you going anyway?"

"Heading toward the beach."

"I love the beach." Demi commented, then leaned her head back on her seat & looked at me. "Are we okay? You're not sweating Carter anymore are you?"

"No. I guess not having a career or a car or my own house.. that all makes me think I can't give you what he can."

"First of all, I don't care about those things. Second, I care more about how you treat me & how you make me feel than material things. And third, you have a career. Mind you, it may not be the best career choice, but I am working hard to get you back to your full potential so you can have that career."

"Yes, you are. Thank you for that." I flashed her a quick smile before I turned onto a street that led to the beach.

"Oh! Turn into this parking lot." She almost shouted & jumped in her seat. I laughed but did what she asked. "Park by that dumpster." She pointed to a spot beside a big dumpster that was behind an old brick building that looked condemned.

"Why are we here?" I asked as I put the car into 'park.'

Demi reached over & turned the car off, her face close to mine as she stared into my eyes. Her tongue came out & wet her bottom lip, then she kissed me, softly. I felt her hand on my bulge & she made it even harder as she rubbed it with the palm of her hand. When her hand went to the button of my jeans, I froze. "I want you in my mouth." She mumbled against my mouth as I reached to recline the seat a little. I scooted down in the seat to make this a little easier for us. After a moment, she managed to undo my pants & her hand slipped underneath the waistband of my boxer briefs, eventually cupping my package & making me moan. Just the feel of her hand on my c.ock was like pure heaven. Demi pulled her face from mine & as she looked, seductively into my eyes she moved her head further south. Her hand had freed my e.rection & was stroking it, perfectly. I looked around outside of the car & it didn't seem like anyone was nearby. Her windows had a slight tint, thankfully, but if some homeless guy walked by he would get an eye full, that was for sure.

When Demi slipped her mouth onto my hard c.ock, I let my head fall back as a deep groan came from within me. One of my hands played with her hair as the other caressed her back, heading down to her ass once in a while. The harder she s.ucked, the more I moaned & the more I wanted to f.uck her, at that very minute. I would have stopped her & told her to straddle my lap, but this blow job was way too good. I don't know where she learned to do them, but I owed them or it, a thank you. I looked down at Demi's face & almost blew my load when I saw her staring at me with this hungry gleam in her eye. Watching her, ferociously, but expertly, suck my d.ick was like nothing else I'd ever experienced, sexually, before. I could see why guys videotaped this amazing thing. Watching it was almost as good as feeling it. I clenched my hand in her hair as I felt myself about to lose control. "I'm close." I panted, thinking she would stop sucking me & finish me off with her hand. She swallowed my juices this morning, but I thought maybe that was just a way to impress me the first time. A lot of girls I knew, did that. Demi didn't seem like she was going to stop as she moved her mouth faster, up & down my shaft. I didn't hold back because, quite frankly, I couldn't. I got loud as she finished me off & then I quivered & yelped when she moved her tongue all around the tip of my c.ock. Her sexy little grin was too much to take as I tried to catch my breath, after she slurped up every last drop.

Demi let go of me as I sat there trying to compose myself & when I opened my eyes to look over at her, she was shimmying her shorts down her gorgeous legs. Once they were off, she climbed in between me & the steering wheel, straddling my lap. I was surprised she fit in the spot & then she reached down to recline the seat some more. Her p.ussy was sliding onto my e.rection before I could even react & she swirled & swiveled her hips until we were both crying out from the pleasure. I looked up to watch Demi's face as she started bouncing on my shaft & her mouth hung open so her erotic gasps could come out with ease. This sight was almost as breathtaking as watching her devour my c.ock with her mouth. I don't know if it was the excitement we got from knowing that we could be caught at any moment or if she was just that good f.ucking me in this position, but we were c.limaxing a several minutes later.

After a few minutes of huffing & puffing together as our arms were wrapped around each other, Demi finally climbed off my lap to put her shorts back on. I put myself back in my pants & chuckled, "You owe me fifty bucks, ya know?"

Demi's mouth fell open as she flipped her hair to one side. I laughed out loud as I watched her stare at me with disbelief, before she shoved my arm. "Excuse me? What the f.uck, Nick?"

I held my middle as my laughter turned to a cackle & I shook my head, rapidly, holding my finger up so she wouldn't hit me again. "Not for the blow job, babe. Trust me that blow job was worth way more than fifty bucks. I don't even know that I could put a price tag on that blow job. You're the best at giving head, no lie." Demi's face relaxed a little as she settled against the seat. "I bet you fifty bucks that I would drive your car before the end of the summer." I held my arms out & looked down at the steering wheel. "And here I am... driving your car."

She clicked her tongue, rolling her eyes, clearly upset she had forgotten about our bet. "It doesn't count now. When we started f.ucking, it made that bet null & void."

"Um... no... " I smirked. "A bet it a bet."

"Get out of my car." Demi said, smiling. "I'm driving from now on, Mr. Smarty Pants." She kept her eye on me as she opened the door & got out. I let her in the driver's seat & got in the passenger seat. "I gotta stop at the ATM to get you your money." She sneered at me as she started the car.

I chuckled, reaching to place my hand on her thigh. "I was kidding. You don't owe me anything."

"Oh no." She shook her head, violently then started backing out of the spot we were parked in. "A bet is a bet. I will pay my debt." She smirked at me as she turned back around to drive. "So... who sent ya that picture? Of me & Carter."

I cleared my throat & looked down at my phone, nervously. "Don't tell Michelle, but Jay saw it on her phone & screenshot it then sent it to his phone while she was in the bathroom."

Her eyes were wide as she looked at me for a brief moment. "Wow. He's sneaky. And doesn't trust me, apparently." She made a face, then frowned.

"That's not it. Jay is protective of me, as a big brother should be. He was just looking out for me."

Demi nodded her head, then reached to turn the radio up so she could sing along to the song that was playing. After several minutes of just watching her sing at the top of her lungs, with a smile on my face, she turned her head to look at me. "I'm hungry. You hungry?"

"I am... In fact my mouth is salivating... for you."

Demi rolled her eyes & smirked at me. "Easy there, big guy. I'm not talking about eating me. I mean food." She pursed her lips at me & I let out a boisterous laugh, shaking my head at how unbelievably cute she was. She pulled into a fast food place & I told her what I wanted, then she told the speaker what we wanted. When she pulled up to the window, I handed her my credit card. She looked down at it like it was a bug. "What's that for?"

"I'm buying. What do you mean what's it for?" I scowled at her as she looked at me with her head tilted a little. "Take it, Demi. You're not buying our lunch."

"Don't be a chauvinist." She clicked her tongue & sighed.

"I'm not. I just don't want you paying for my food."

"It's like five bucks." She grabbed her purse, but before she could get her wallet, I snatched her purse & tossed it in the back seat of her car. Her mouth fell open & her eyes got wide then she chuckled, snatching my card from my fingers. I gave her a satisfied smile as she handed the card to the man at the window. She handed my card back to me a moment later & gave me a dirty look. When she turned to get the drinks she had to reach outside the window, so I took the opportunity to grab her ass & cop a feel by sliding one of my fingers up the crease of her pants. Demi jumped & let out a scream. She turned to me, holding the drinks with both hands & glaring. "You almost made me drop the drinks."

"Sorry.... um... no... I'm not sorry. That would have been worth it because I can't get enough of your ass." I grinned at her as I shrugged my shoulders & she shook her head like she didn't know what she was going to do with me. I could give her a few ideas, but I didn't want to sound too perverted.

After I was holding our lunch on my lap, Demi started to drive. "I'm going to find a place to park so we can watch the waves while we eat. Is that okay?" She asked, glancing at me. I nodded, smiling at her. Before she turned her attention back to the road, she gave me a wink & a smile, making me fall just a little harder for her.

We ate our food while we watched the waves crash over the sand & we talked. Our conversations were never boring & we had some good ones, talking about anything we could think of. She told me more about her mom & told me more about what her family was like before her dad died.

Our food was done, but neither of us wanted to end our romantic excursion. She leaned on my arm, then I put it around her so she was leaning on my side. The sun started to set & I laughed. "I didn't realize how long we had been sitting here talking. We should head out."

"Are you staying at my place or am I taking you home?"

I brushed my lips over her hair as my fingers gripped hers. "Do you want me to go home?" I asked, quietly.

She moved her head so she could gaze up at me. "Not really. We can go get a movie & watch it before we go to bed."

I smiled. "Sounds good."

Demi moved so she was in her seat, ready to drive. I took our trash & threw it in a can that was near the car, then we headed out. "I'm gonna stop at the ATM to get you your money." Demi said & I laughed at her. She got the fifty bucks out of the bank & handed it to me. As she was driving, I kept my hand on her leg, loving the feel of her soft skin beneath my fingers. Demi pulled into a store that had a Redbox so she could get a movie.

"You pick out a movie & I'm gonna run into the store & get a juice for me to have in the morning." I said as we both got out of the car.

"What movie should I get?" She yelled at me as I walked toward the store.

I turned around to yell back, "Whatever you want babe. Your choice. I don't care what you get." I smiled at her before I went into the store.

I got my juice, then went to the flower area of the store & picked out a beautiful & colorful assortment of flowers in a bouquet, before heading to the checkout. I got a few candy bars, being sure I got Demi's favorite, then paid for everything with the cash Demi had given me. When I came out, she was sitting in her car, looking down at her phone. I got in & held the flowers out to her, smiling as her face lit up with surprise.

"What are these?"

"Flowers. Duh." I chuckled as I pulled my seat belt over my chest. "I know you said you never got flowers until Carter sent those ones a while ago, so I thought I would get you some. A girl deserves flowers. Especially my girl."

Demi's lower lip came out a little, then she smelled the flowers. Smiling, she said, "That was sweet of you. Thank you, Nick." She leaned toward me & puckered her lips, inviting me to kiss them. I wasted no time & placed my lips on hers for a moment.

"Besides I had fifty bucks burning a hole in my pocket." I murmured as our lips parted.

Her eyes grew wide & she opened her mouth in surprise. "You spent the fifty I gave you on flowers for me?" I nodded, grinning at her & she shook her head, looking back down at the flowers. "Seriously, you're not like any other guy on the face of the planet." She let a chuckle come out as she looked up, at me, from under her lashes. "I hope you're not too good to be true, Nick."

"I was just thinking the same thing about you." I smirked. Demi kept her eyes on me as she started the car & as she backed out of the spot, I looked at the movie she had gotten. "Really? A chick flick?" I laughed, rolling my eyes.

"Should have helped me pick one out then." She quipped with an eyebrow raised.

We got back to Demi's house & ordered some food halfway through watching the movie. I wasn't paying much attention to the movie, actually. I kept rubbing & groping Demi as I kissed her shoulder or her neck. She kept sighing, pushing me off of her, but eventually, she couldn't resist my advances & she laid back on the couch so I could make love to her.

Our night ended, eventually & we went to bed to have s.ex again before we fell asleep. I wondered if we would always be this into s.ex. I seriously could not get enough of her & I felt like she couldn't get enough of me. The honeymoon period was a beautiful thing in any relationship. I was thoroughly enjoying it in mine. I hoped it would last a really long time.

During the following week, I spent the night at Demi's every night & I'd ride to her office with her on the days I had appointments. On the days I didn't, she would drop me off at the gym on her way to work. Every day she would stop by the gym after work or after she ran errands if she had them. Some days, I left right away, but other days, she'd come in & work out a little with me. My leg was getting stronger every day, but I was still worried, I wouldn't be where I needed to be to be in the big fight in September.

My dad was worried, too, because he called the promoters of the fight & asked if there was a way to move the fight back a few weeks, pushing it into October. They said they would look into it & get back to him. I hoped I could get a few extra weeks, just in case. A few weeks could make a huge difference in building my strength & kicking my opponent's ass.

Demi & I spent a lot of time together, including that following weekend. I spent the night every night that week & on Saturday Jay texted me & wanted to hang out. He was having people at the house for a party that night, so he wanted me to come. He was whining that he hardly saw me anymore. Demi was lying on me, still sleeping, as I texted Jay over her head.

"Who are you texting?" Demi murmured, moving a little.

"My brother. He wants me to come home tonight because he's having a party."

She lifted her head & rest her chin on my chest. "With girls." She sighed.

I laughed, tossing my phone on the bed beside me. "You can come, too."

"Actually, I was supposed to go to this thing with Michelle. Which is probably why Jay is having a party, since he'll be bored without Michelle." Demi laughed as she sat up.

"What thing?" I asked, putting one hand under my head while the other one went to Demi's bare thigh. Just touching her bare skin excited me.

Demi sighed, heavily, as she crossed her legs in front of her. "Michelle doesn't like to tell people what she does for a living."

I laughed, sitting up to lean on the headboard. "Why not? Is she a hooker? A cop?"

Demi rolled her eyes & shook her head. "She works for a big radio station in L.A. & she hates telling people because then people start asking her for free shit... like concert tickets & stuff."

"I can understand that. That would be annoying. Did she tell Jay?"

"Not that I know of. She's a big deal there. Production manager actually." Demi grinned, as if she was proud of her friend. "Don't say anything to anyone, please." She touched my leg as she pleaded with me.

"I won't."

"Anyway, we're going to this album release party for Haim. Have you heard of them?" Demi asked, biting her lip.

"Are you kidding? I love them. Damn, baby... wish I could go. You'll have fun, though & then tell me all about it."

"Of course. Maybe if the party wraps up early enough we'll stop by the party."

"I would love that." I smiled at her. "I'm hungry. Let's go eat something."

"Okay. I'll probably run you home in a little bit so I can start getting ready for the party & you can help your brother get ready for his party." She smirked as she got off the bed.

I grabbed her hand as I stood up beside the bed. "As long as I get to make love to you once more before I go home." I pulled her face to me with my other hand & kissed her mouth, sensually.

Demi sighed, her eyes still closed after I pulled my mouth from hers. "Oh... Mmmm hmmm... that will definitely happen." Her eyes open & she smiled, coyly as she turned to head out of the room.

We ate some breakfast while we talked & laughed. Our conversations were so effortless & it was refreshing. It wasn't awkward for us, even a little bit & we made each other laugh, a lot. I loved making her laugh because it was the most amazing sound in the world to me. We didn't even clean up our breakfast mess before we were making out as we stood in the kitchen. I had to have her after a few minutes of that, so I lifted her up & took her to the dining room table, lying her down so I could make love to her right there. I would have taken her to the couch, but her couch was white & brand new & I didn't want to mess it up. The table was fine because it was the perfect height for me to stand while her arms & legs were wrapped around me.

Demi took me home in the early afternoon & surprisingly, Jay was out in the yard cleaning it up. I laughed, shaking my head. "You have a party last night or is this from last weekend?" I asked him as I picked up a few beer cans & put them in the plastic bag he was holding.

Jay rolled his eyes. "I had a few people over last night after Michelle left."

"You guys sure are getting serious." I remarked, chuckling. My brother went through women like underwear. He was obsessed with women & never met one he didn't like. If she had a va.gina, he had to talk to her & flirt with her. And the ladies love him. He knew how to charm the pants right off of them. The last time Jay had a serious girlfriend was right after he graduated high school & they were together for almost a year. He was so enamored with her, it was humorous at times. She ended up going into the military & moved to North Carolina. She didn't want to be tied down with a long distance relationship, so they broke up. Jay moped around for months & that's when he started getting into drugs. He doesn't do them as much anymore, mostly just pot once in a while, but he still drinks a lot. My theory was that Jay put up walls around his heart & didn't want to have them torn down because he didn't want to risk the pain of someone hurting him.

Jay shrugged his shoulders & lifted his brows at me. "We're not exclusive. We're just having fun. It's pretty much just sex & booze with me & her."

"So, you're not starting to get any kind of feelings for her?"

Jay sighed as he bent to pick up a beer bottle, then stood & looked up into the sky, seeming like he was deep in thought or he was about to get philosophical. "She's a firecracker in bed, so that I thoroughly enjoy. But I'm not falling for her." He made a face like it was the most ludicrous thing he's ever said.

I had to laugh at him. "What if she's falling for you?" I asked as I sat on the picnic table. My knee was throbbing probably because of standing while having sex with Demi. Plus I think my knee hit one of the chairs a few times. I rubbed my knee as I watched Jay give my question some serious thought. He looked confused & a little scared, honestly.

Jay waved his hand, nonchalantly. "That'll never happen. Our relationship is purely physical & we're just having fun."

"If you say so."

"But you & Demi are falling head over f.ucking heels." Jay chuckled, sitting at the table across from me.

Just hearing her name, I couldn't help but to smile. "It's crazy how fast I fell for her & how hard." I said, looking down, smiling. "She's so amazing. I have never felt like this about a girl before, man. I mean I feel like she could be the one."

Jay's eyes widened & he leaned back as he smirked at me. "My little bro... falling in love.... with a working girl... so proud of you." Jay pushed his fist into my chest & gave me a slight shove.

  I laughed, shaking my head. "She's everything I could have ever imagined in a girl."  

"Including a beefy ex fiance who still has the hots for her."

I glared at Jay, who just laughed at me. "She doesn't feel the same way about him as she used to. She told me she feels more for me in a short amount of time than she did for him in the years they were together."

Jay sucked on the inside of his lip, making the annoying noise he always made when he wanted to say something, but knew he better not. "I need to get back to cleaning so I can take a nap." He said as he got up.

"The girls might stop by after their thing tonight." I said as I got up from the table.

"Really? Cool. I will make sure I don't f.uck anyone else then." Jay laughed as he tossed a bag of garbage into the can. He looked at me with his eyebrows raised, then headed into the house.

People started to arrive around eight that night, so by ten the house was packed. Word always got around when Jay threw a party. I was sitting at the picnic table with Ryan & Lisa, drinking a beer, because this spot was primo. I could see inside the house, but also could see who was arriving. I had been texting Demi earlier in the day before she went to her party, so my phone was dying. I left it in my bedroom, on the charger, so I had no idea if she was coming or not. I got my answer when I saw her at almost midnight come through the fence. I smiled seeing her scanning the yard, looking for me, then my smile froze when I saw Carter behind her. What the fuck was he doing here?

"Isn't that the fiance?" Jay asked coming to stand beside me.

"Yea." I muttered, watching Carter closely. Demi still hadn't seen me since there were a ton of people in the yard & I was sitting down. Her face looked annoyed, then I saw her turn around when Carter said something to her. I saw him reach out to steady her as she walked through people. She looked like she had been drinking. His hand was on her waist & I was watching it, intensely. I felt myself getting upset as I watched him & her as they walked, getting closer to me. Demi might have seen me by now, but I wasn't taking my eyes off the hand that was still hovering too close to her ass. As they came toward the picnic table, I looked up at her face & she was watching me with a look on her face that said she could explain.

"Hi." She said as she got to the table. I stood up to give her a hug & she held onto me for a moment. "Please don't be mad." She mumbled in my ear just as she & I parted. I smelled alcohol on her breath & her eyes were a little narrow, so I knew she was pretty drunk.

Michelle was behind her introducing Carter to everyone. I heard her explaining why Carter was here. "Carter was at the party we were at & he was bored & when I told him I was coming to Jay Jonas' house for a party he was jealous because I guess he's an MMA fan." Michelle laughed as she looked at Carter. I looked at Demi, who was grinning with her eyebrows up, as she swayed, ever so slightly. "And Demi & I got a little tipsy with the free booze at the party & Carter took an Uber car so he drove us here in my car." Michelle was slurring her words & giggling between breaths. Jay was amused by her. I think he preferred her drunk because she just wanted s.ex.

"I told Carter about you & me on the way over here." Demi said, leaning toward me. "I made him promise not to tell. Sssssshhhhhh." Demi put her finger to her mouth & giggled.

"Nick! Good to see you again." Carter called out as he took a step toward me, his hand extended. I shook his hand & nodded at him. "So... you & Demi, huh?" He asked, crossing his arms on his chest as his face took on a serious expression. I stared at him for a moment, then he broke into a smile as he started laughing. "I'm sorry. I was trying to look all protective... but I can't protect her from you. Jesus Christ... I saw you knock out Felipe Gonzalez in one punch three years ago when you were just a f.ucking rookie. That was f.ucking insane."

I grinned, shoving my hands in my pockets & looked down, bashfully. "Yea... that was a good day." I let out a short laugh. "He was a lightweight."

"Clearly." Carter nodded, sucking in his bottom lip. "But... you & Demi... I will find a way to hurt you if you hurt her." His eyebrow was cocked, warning me.

"You don't have to worry about that. I'd die before I hurt her." I glanced at Demi, who was biting her nail as she watched me.

"Good." Carter put an arm around Demi's shoulder & pulled her toward him, making my insides tense up. "This girl means the world to me. I fucked up royally when I let her go."

I felt my heart start to pound in my chest. "Well, you did have to pursue a career." I said with a chuckle.

"True." Carter nodded, looking down at Demi. She was looking at the ground, then her hands came to her mouth.

"I need to go to the bathroom." She said as she ran toward the house.

Carter & I were laughing, then Carter stopped, abruptly & turned toward me. "I'm going to be honest with you, Nick. I am in love with her & I always will be. I won't try to steer her away from you, but I will tell you... that if you let her go... even for a second... I will be right there waiting."

I narrowed my eyes at him & pressed my lips together. "Well, I have no intentions of letting her go." I said with a severe tone in my voice.

Carter & I stared at each other for a moment, then thankfully Jay came over. "Want a drink, Carter?" Jay asked as he put his hand on Carter's shoulder.

"I'll be driving the girls home, so I'll pass, but thanks." Carter replied, still watching me.

"We do have other stuff to drink." I smirked at him as I held up a water bottle. I had been slow drinking that evening because I had plans to see my mom that next afternoon, so I wasn't wanting to be hung over. My mom could be annoying on a regular day, but she was always more annoying when I was hungover. Of course, everyone was more annoying to me when I was hungover. "I'm gonna go check on Demi." I said, then gave him a head nod before I headed inside to find Demi.

I found her in the bathroom next to my bedroom, sitting on the tub leaning over the toilet. "Babe? You okay?" I asked in a quiet voice.

She looked up & nodded. "I feel better now."

I handed her a towel to wipe her mouth off. "You want to lie down in my room?" I asked & she nodded again. I helped her stand & then almost carried her into my room. I laid her on my bed & took off her heels. "You need anything?"

"Yes. Can you tell Carter that I'm spending the night?" She asked in a hoarse whisper, that I found really sexy in that moment.

"Of course, Demi." I brushed her hair off her forehead, then leaned to kiss it. "Get some sleep." I whispered to her & she nodded as her eyes closed. I closed my door on the way out & made sure it was locked. I had a key in my pocket, like I usually did when Jay had a party. My room was always off limits, except for Jay. He had a key so he would use it from time to time.

I returned to the backyard & saw Carter was talking to Ryan & he looked so in awe, I had to laugh. He really was a fan of MMA fighting. He would probably shit his pants if my dad walked up to him. I squeezed Carter's shoulder when I got to his side & he looked down at me. "Is our girl okay?" He asked & I had to swallow the words that wanted to come out hearing him call Demi, 'our girl.' Who the hell did he think he was? He gave her up. She was my girl now. I didn't want to make a scene or get on his bad side, so I just nodded.

"She fell asleep on my bed, so she'll be spending the night." I told him.

"Well that sucks. I think Michelle went off with Jay so I guess I'm walking home." He chuckled.

"Can't you call Uber again?" I asked.

"Yea, I could do that."

"Ryan & I are heading out & I'm not drinking. We can give you a ride home. Where do you live?" Lisa asked, motioning toward Carter with her hand as her other arm was around Ryan's waist.

"I'm near Brentwood, almost to Westwood." Carter answered, glancing at me with an eyebrow raised. I felt like he was letting me know he had money. Admittedly, I felt inferior right now. As I scanned the backyard, I saw how little I actually had. I had nothing to offer Demi, honestly. All the more reason I needed to win this fight in a few months.

"That's not too far out of our way. Want a ride?" Lisa asked with a smile. She was so nice & was always so giving & helpful.

"That'd be great. Thanks. You leaving now?" Carter asked.

"Yea, I gotta be up early tomorrow." Lisa answered.

"Okay, then. Great." Carter turned to me. "Don't let Michelle or Demi drive anywhere until they're sober." He said, looking at me like I was a child.

"I never have. Never would." I replied, smirking.

"Tell Demi I said goodbye & I'll call her tomorrow." Carter said & I gave him a quick nod. I watched him leave, thinking I really didn't want him to call Demi. Sadly, I couldn't control that. I headed into the house after they were gone. Most people were crashing or leaving, so the party was dying down. I went to my room & climbed into bed with Demi. I wrapped my arms around her & fell asleep minutes later.

I woke up the next morning when I heard my phone ringing. I snatched it up, quickly, since Demi was still sleeping. "Hello?" I whispered into my phone.

"Nicholas? Are you up?" It was my mom.

"Yea, Mom. I'm up." I said as quietly as I could.

"I woke you, didn't I? Oh I'm sorry, sweetie. I should have known since it's Sunday. You were probably up late. I just wanted to see what time you were coming over today."

I had my eyes closed as I answered my mom. "I don't know, Mom. Like after lunch maybe?" I felt Demi stir beside me, so I opened my eyes. I saw her lift her head, then rub her eyes. She smiled at me, sleepily & I grinned down at her.

"I also wanted to know what you wanted for dinner. Whatever you want." My mom was asking.

"I don't care. Whatever you want to make."

My mom started rambling on about things she could make & then started talking about who would be there at the house today. I wasn't paying attention because Demi was sitting up & watching me in this adorable way. She looked like she was up to something & then she smiled before she disappeared under the sheet. I felt her tug at the waistband of the shorts I had worn to bed & then she was putting my semi e.rect c.ock in her mouth. I bit my lip & stifled the moan that wanted to come out. "So you remember your Aunt Mary Ellen? The one who lives in Arizona?" My mom was asking as Demi was moving her mouth & her hand up & down my shaft, making it rock hard. This felt too good to think about my old Aunt. "Nick? Are you there?" My mom was talking louder into the phone & I was trying not to cry out from the pleasure Demi was giving me.

"Y... y... ea." I managed to get out. I moved my arm that wasn't holding my phone so that I was leaning on it. All I could see was the sheet moving from Demi's head bobbing up & down on my surprisingly still hard c.ock. All the talk about my aunt & hearing my mom's voice should have made me soft, but Demi's mouth was brutal. I moved the phone so it wasn't as close to my mouth & let out a couple of quick breaths.

"Well, she might be here. She just retired, so she is traveling a lot....." My mom kept talking & my mind went to the visual in my head of Demi sucking my d.ick. I sucked in my breath, sharply when Demi took me all the way into her mouth & the tip of me hit the back of her throat. It was an amazing feeling, then my mom had to ruin it. "Nick? You okay?"

"Uh huh." I replied, then clamped my lips shut & tried to keep myself from screaming out. I was moving my hips on the bed as if that was helping. Demi's hand went faster on my shaft as I felt her tongue circling the tip of my p.enis. My head fell back & I dropped my phone, then Demi chuckled as her mouth took me all in again. The vibrations I felt from her laugh, sent shivers up my spine.

"Nick! What's going on? What was that noise?"

I scurried to get my phone & with my other hand I reached down to move the sheet so I could see Demi. I put the phone to my ear & I was panting, not being able to control it. "Sorry, Mom." I said, breathlessly. "I'll call you back." I hit end on my phone & dropped it so I could watch Demi finish me off.

As Demi wiped her mouth & I tried to catch my breath, she sat up, her eyes wide. "I didn't know it was your mom." She snickered.

"Uh huh. Sure." I breathed & she laughed even harder. "Don't worry, babe. Payback is a bitch." My eyebrows twitched a little & then she climbed on top of me so we could have sex.

Demi & Michelle left a few hours later & Jay & I went to our mom's. We spent a few hours over at her house, enjoying the dinner she made us. Well, the feast would be more accurate. Harley was there for dinner, so Mom was appreciative that we were all together like a real family. Mom asked about my therapy as we were cleaning up the dinner dishes. Jay grabbed a few beers from the fridge & tossed me one.

"Nick is in love with his therapist." Jay chuckled, flailing his arms.

I gave him a dirty look & Mom stopped washing dishes to look at me, then at Jay, then back at me. "Is he serious?" Mom asked.

I sighed & rolled my eyes. "I'm not in love. Yet.... but yes... we're dating. You can't say anything though, because they don't like when they date their clients." I took a drink of my beer. Mom nodded her head, then went back to her dishes. I grabbed a towel to help, then the questions started. When can I meet her? Are you exclusive? How long ago did it happen? What's her family like? I answered her as best & as quickly as I could.

That night I stayed home so I could spend some quality time with Jay. I helped him clean the house then we played video games for a few hours while we drank some beers. It was a great time, actually & I missed hanging out with my brother like this.

In the morning, I rode to the gym with Jay, then he let me borrow his car so I could go see Demi at work. She wasn't expecting me & the receptionist wasn't at her post yet when I got there. It was early, but I remembered Demi telling me the night before that she had a conference call that was always the first Monday of the month. I went into her office & she looked shocked to see me.

I smiled as I walked over to her behind the desk. I sat on the edge of the desk & watched her with a smile on my face as she looked up at me with her brow furrowed. She was saying, "Uh huh" & "Yes" & "No" often, & I dropped down to my knees so I was between her knees. She looked confused at first, then I ran my hand up her leg & my thumb made it's way to that V at the top of her thighs.

"Payback" I mouthed to her as I started rubbing her through her yoga pants.

I watched her bite her lip as her eyes closed & then she let out a soft sigh. It startled her so she moved closer to her desk & pressed a button to put the call on speakerphone. I heard some man with a monotone speaking & I had no idea what he was talking about. I started rubbing harder & moved my thumb in a faster circular motion & Demi started quivering, slightly. Her hands gripped the armrests of her chair. I moved my hands to under her legs & lifted them so I could put my face in her crotch. I nudged her bud with my nose then started humming quietly as her breathing quickened. I felt her hand in my hair & a tiny moan escaped from her mouth. The man on the phone said her name once. Then twice .

Demi moved so she sat up straighter. "Yea. I agree." She said, sounding out of breath. "Sorry, I'm on my b... bike." She said, quickly, then reached to press a button. I wasn't sure what button she pressed until she started moaning & no one said anything on the call. She must have muted it. I put her legs down & moved to stand up & pulled her up from the chair so she could sit on her desk.

I moved my hands to the waistband of her pants & yanked them down to free her gorgeous wonderland. I moved, quickly & began licking her c.lit with my tongue, as she laid back on her desk. Her moaning got even louder & the panting was driving me crazy. I wanted to slide my hard manhood inside her, but I wasn't sure we wouldn't get caught if I did that. I slid my tongue in & out of her, then got my fingers involved, much to her delight. My mouth lapped up her juices as my fingers pumped in & out of her, quickly. She was squirming on her desk & then I heard her name being called again. She was moaning & groaning & wasn't interested in responding, so I continued. She didn't care, so neither did I. Her fingers clawed at my head as she got closer to her peak, then her thighs pressed against my head & I knew any minute now she would be quivering uncontrollably beneath my mouth. I heard someone say, "She must have gotten disconnected." I wanted to laugh, but I just moaned against her clit as I sucked on it, pushing her over the edge. She gasped, panted, groaned, moaned & shook like a crazy woman & I was enjoying every sound she created.

Once she was recovered from the o.rgasm, she looked at me as I stood over her, staring at her, wearing a soft smile. She glanced up at the wall. "We have ten minutes before people start to arrive. Hurry up & f.uck me." She ordered, her breathing labored. I gave her a smirk, then grabbed her legs to pull her down to the edge of her desk. I undid my pants, then she wrapped her legs around my waist. I started kissing her as I slid my hard c.ock into her wet hole. I f.ucked her as quickly as I could & we climaxed a few minutes later, both of us breathing hard & loud.

We were back to breathing normal & dressed when we heard voices in the hall, letting us know the rest of the staff had arrived. "Are you gonna get in trouble for the conference call?" I asked in a low voice as I kissed her neck.

"No. I've lost the connection before. That was worth it, anyway." She sighed. "I do need to get ready, though. My first client will be here in fifteen minutes." She headed to her desk to straighten what we had messed up.

"Okay, I'll get out of your hair. But... I have a question before I go."

"What's that?" She asked, looking in a mirror to fix her hair & eyeliner.

"Can you take days off during the week?"

She turned to look at me as she shrugged her shoulders. "Yea. I get personal days. Why?"

"Were you planning on taking a personal day on your birthday?" I asked, taking her hand in mine as I looked into her eyes.

She frowned. "Not really. I'll probably be upset so the best thing to do is to throw myself into work."

"Well, I was hoping you would take the day off. I kind of have some things planned & I wanted to make a whole day of it."

"What kind of things planned?" She asked, looking at me sideways.

I smiled as my hand, holding her hand went to the small of her back so I could pull her close to me. "I'm not telling you. It's a surprise. But I want the whole day with you. Will that be a problem?"

A huge grin erupted on her face as she shook her head. "Not at all. I will put it on my calendar & make sure no one is booked that day."

"Good. Now, have a great day, okay?" I leaned to kiss her lips, tenderly.

"You too." She smiled, then kissed me once more. "Call me later." She said as I pulled away from her. I kept my eyes on her face & kept smiling as I made my way toward the door. She bit her lip as she watched me & we stared for a few minutes, saying nothing before I opened the door. I blew her a kiss, gave her a wink, then I left the room. Her receptionist gave me a funny look as I walked past her. I don't know if it was because she was surprised to see me or if it was because I had a shit eating grin on my face. I couldn't wipe the smile off my face for a while, actually. In fact, every time I thought of Demi, a smile would appear on my face, instinctively. I hoped I was always this happy & I hoped that I could make Demi as happy as she made me. I was going to do my best with the huge plans I had for her birthday. I know I couldn't compete with Carter as far as money went, but I could be pretty romantic, so at least I had that going for me. The plans I had for her birthday could cost someone some serious cash, but lucky for me, I know a lot of people. I couldn't wait to spend Demi's birthday with her & I hoped she thought my plans were as romantic as I thought they were. If she didn't, then this birthday surprise could be a birthday disaster.

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