Stranger h.s

By angeliches

80.8K 1.8K 257

"You are so used to your features; you don't know how beautiful you look to a stranger." More



5.5K 146 18
By angeliches

"Why so lonesome love?"

"Why do you care so much Harry?" You leaned forward on your knees, resting your elbows there as your hands supported your chin.

"Just trying to get to know my darling neighbor is all."

It was the way he spoke and carried the word 'neighbor' that had set a slight chill in the air as he sat up and threw his legs over the side of the bed and stood to his full height.

He walked over to your chair and knelt before you. You stayed still as he leaned in close and pressed your foreheads together. Just a hint of mint breath caressed your face as he shifted his lips to meet the curve of your ear.

Your heart pounded against your chest as he began to speak to you softly.

"You should open your heart to me, or at least your mind. We'll be getting closer anyway." He left in a blur and you just glared at your door. You walked back over to your bed and laid in the area where he had previously been.

The faint traces of his scent still lingered and you inhaled deeply. You got under the covers and ran your fingertips over the bedspread and you wondered what had just occurred.

He intrigued you, that much you would give him. In no denying the obvious attractive features he possessed it was his underlying nature that was off putting.

We'll be getting closer anyway. It was spoken in the sweetest voice he could muster yet still there was a clear threat dripping around the edges.

He made your heart race and your eyes flutter when he was near but he couldn't change his odd ways enough to make him appear normal.

He came on strong and his moves around you seemed planned, as though he knew how you were going to act.

There was going to be no way of getting sleep tonight as you tossed and turned. Glancing over at your illuminated clock the numbers read 1:48 a.m. and you placed your head back on the pillows.

A creaking sound from outside your door made your eyes squeeze shut as the door knob turned and the door was being pressed open.

You made sure to keep your eyes closed and attempted at evening your breath as the door shut once more and the sound of rustling was right next to you.

A hand brushed your cheek and something soothing caressed the skin there. You had a feeling it was some sort of flower from the coolness and the texture but you didn't dare open your eyes to take a look for yourself.

The holder of the item placed it next to you and walked out of the room, taking with them their silent aura.

You knew for a fact that it had been Harry in the room as you sat up hastily and looked on your nightstand.

There, on the smooth white surface, rested a deep burgundy colored rose. It was perfectly opened and the leaves surrounding the petals were a deep green. It was striking against the white backdrop and your hands reached forward to pick it up.

As you grasped the rose between your two fingers you gasped as a large thorn pricked your finger. You dropped the flower as a thin trail of blood ran down your index finger and a drop of blood made it onto your white bedspread.

The blood seeped deeply into the material and spread as the trail continued to run freely.

Your eyes didn't leave the blood flowing from your finger as the flower laid forgotten on the floor.

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