The Evil Boss- L.S

Af Tommoy

619K 24K 47.7K

Louis is the new secretary for the famous CEO Harry Styles, who has had a record for breaking hearts. Almost... Mere

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 1

48K 1.8K 7.2K
Af Tommoy

This chapter will show you larry smut. Just imagine that was Styles Building.


When he awoke, enormous relief flooded his body. His alarm clock managed to go off at the exact time he set it to. Part of him was worried the damn thing wouldn't work the night before. That would be just his luck. Thank goodness it did work though! He turned it off, showered, and prepared himself for the day.

He didn't want to rush and look sloppy, but he also didn't want to take too long and look overly prepared. When he finally decided on a light blue shirt with black dress pants, he walked out of the flats feeling proud. He wouldn't lose this job. He was determined not to. This was his last option.

And he wouldn't let Grimshaw win.

With that thought in mind, he took a cab to the building. The man stared at him questionably, as though wondering why a man working for Styles Enterprises would be using a cab. Louis only offered him a bright smile. The man shrugged and started driving. Louis glanced out the window and grinned.

The city really was beautiful. If the busy cars and scattering people disappeared, it would be even more gorgeous. The man announced their arrival, breaking his train of thought. Louis thanked and paid him before rushing out and walking into the building.

He was immediately greeted by Perrie, who smiled at him.

"Hello Louis," she smiled with relief. He wondered why though. "It's nice to see you again. You're early."

"Likewise," Louis grinned. He glanced at his clock and realized that he was early by an hour.

They shook hands briefly before Perrie turned around, her heels clacking on the floor. Louis shrugged and decided to follow her. Looks like that was what she wanted when she began talking.

"Harry has decided to hire you because you wanted a challenge," Perrie informed him truthfully. "But I must warn you Harry is very hard to work for. He's a genius but difficult."

As Perrie continued her speech, Louis noticed the workers staring at him with immense pity. Louis frowned at that but continued to listen to Perrie.

She started with the history of the building and how Harry rose from nothing to everything in the matter of six days. That remained a mystery to everyone, including her. She mentioned to only refer to him as Mr. Styles since he hates informalities.

"Then why do you call him by his name?" Louis piped up.

Louis barely caught the light tint of red on her cheeks. She was blushing.

"I am different," she went with. "I knew him when we were kids."

Louis blinked, clearly stunned. Perrie quickly changed the subject and went back to the building. She pointed to an almost hidden room. It was small with a fridge in the corner, counters, and a sink.

"This is where you'll get Harry coffee," Perrie stepped in the room.

She pointed to the coffee machine.

"He likes it black. No cream. No sugar. Mess up his coffee and you'll be dealing with a lifetime of nightmares."

"He must really like his coffee," Louis joked.

Perrie expression turned dark. "Yes. He does."

Louis gulped but nodded. Okay, black coffee. Don't mess with his coffee. He repeated that in his head a couple more times. Perrie grave look vanished after a couple seconds.

Louis continued to trail after her until he reached a desk right outside a seemingly important room.

"That's Harry office. This will be your new desk. You can personalize it if you want. But I suggest waiting a few weeks to do that."

The hidden implication was that she didn't expect him to stay long. Louis didn't seem to catch that as he smiled politely at her. She explained the specifics of his job as the last part of the "tour". It was only thirty minutes until nine.


His mind flashed to the phone call when Harry demanded his coffee. Once Perrie left, wishing him good luck, he walked back to that hidden room. Black coffee, he repeated to himself. Black coffee.

When he walked into the room, a Man was inside. Louis mouth dropped at the sight of him. If he was gay, he thought to himself. He promptly closed his mouth and entered the room. He had dark Blonde, curly hair that reached his mid neck. He face was little bit chubby at last he got dimples. He wore an skinny jeans and a white button up tucked under.

"Hello," Louis said politely. He glanced back and smiled back. "I'm Louis."

"Ashton," he introduced, holding out his hand. Louis shook it graciously and made his way to the coffee maker.

He blinked at it. This was way too high tech to just make coffee. How was he supposed to work this thing? he can burn water with this thing maybe he could make the whole office explodes. Ashton must have noticed and giggled. Louis blushed in embarrassment.

"It's hard to figure out." he reassured.

"It is," Louis grumbled.

He stepped out of the way as Ashton showed him how to work it. Turns out it was extremely simple. One just had to press all the right buttons.

"So who are you making the coffee for?" Ashton blue eyes twinkled mischievously.

"Harry Styles," Louis answered.

The twinkle instantly disappeared, replaced by a look of utter horror. "I'm his new secretary."

"Oh," Ashton sounded surprised and even disappointed.

"I thought he would hire another girl. You know? Like a blonde bimbo or something. Those seem to be his favorite." Louis laughed, unable to stop his mind from wandering to Perrie.

She was blonde but certainly not a bimbo. "No, he hired me."

"I'm sorry," Ashton whispered. "Mr. Styles can be a bit... scary."

"I guess," Louis shrugged, having still never met the man before.

A beep went off that signaled the coffee was done. Louis quickly poured it into a white mug. Just before he made his way out Ashton grabbed his arm.

"If you need any help, just go to me or, Perrie" Ashton smiled.

"Perrie is the-"

"I've met her," Louis affirmed. He smiled. "Thank you, Ashton."


More pitiful stares were thrown his way as he walked towards Harry office. He stood outside the door, gulping. He hoped he made a good first impression on his new boss.

He knocked lightly and heard a gruff "come in" from the other side. Louis opened the door, relieved to see it was exactly nine. He sauntered in, trying to appear more confident than he felt.

Harry was standing at the window, his back facing him. Louis placed the coffee on his desk and patiently waited. The man turned around and once again Louis had to hold back a gasp.

This man had stunning green eyes and Curly dark brown hair. His body was surprisingly built and a lot tattoo that he can see. Louis mouth nearly watered at the sight. No wonder all those girls were dressed so out there in the interviews. This man was gorgeous.

"Louis Tomlinson ?" Harry voice was a bit rough around the edges but otherwise smooth. His smirk and his stance just screamed power and assurance.

"Yes?" Louis was relieved that his voice didn't reveal the lust he felt for the man before him.

Harry smirk widened as he walked around the desk, his eyes examining the boy in front of him. His legs felt like jelly under such an intense stare. Harry appeared satisfied. He walked back to his desk and opened a drawer, taking out a large pile of files.

"Sort and organize these," Harry demanded. "Also fix any mistakes found in them. I expect this task finished in three days."

Louis nearly gaped. What? No way could he do all that in three days! A week or two, maybe. But three days?

Harry noticed his shock and smirked. "What's wrong, Lewis? Can't handle the challenge?" His own words thrown back at him.

Louis forced a tense smile and glared at the man in front of him.

"I can handle it," he said through clenched teeth. "Mr. Styles," he added.

"Good," Harry practically shoved the papers in his arms.

Louis stumbled back a bit, stunning by the heaviness of the papers.

"Get to work." Louis nodded, giving his boss a dirty look. He turned around and was about to walk out.

"Oh and Louis," Harry called out. "Thanks for the coffee." It was sarcastic.

"You're welcome," Louis forced out.

He walked out of the room and dumped the papers on his desk. He huffed and glared down at the massive amount of paperwork, as though it would disappear. After five seconds of attempting to will it away, Louis sat down and began working.


Perrie stormed into Harry office without warning. Harry raised an eyebrow at her but said nothing. She was a lucky one. If anyone else but her merely thought about doing what she did, they would be fired in an instant. Harry wouldn't say he was soft on the girl. No, he just needed her.

What she did in her job made his life so much easier. There were lines she couldn't cross though, and she knew that. She stood at the end of his desk with crossed arms and a scowl.

"What?" Harry feigned innocence.

Perrie rolled her eyes. "You know what. Giving Louis that much work? You never give anyone that much work! Not even the new sluts you hire."

"Sluts?" Harry laughed. "Such language, Miss Edward."

"Shut up Harry," Perrie glared at him. "Is it because I like this one? Is that it?"

"You think I'm jealous?" Harry looked amused. "Believe me, I am not. He wanted a challenge. I'm just proving he can't handle it."

"I didn't say you were jealous," Perrie corrected. "I'm saying that you have a tendency to fire people just to make my life harder. And the fact that I like him will make my life much harder."

Harry mused over this and grinned. "Well that's a new point. I guess that's two birds with one stone. How about this? Unless he does something wrong, I won't fire him."

"Define doing something wrong," Perrie narrowed her eyes.

She knew his games. Simply putting the papers in a wrong place could be doing something wrong to Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes. "You know me too well. It won't be for something stupid. If he truly does something wrong, I'll fire him. But I doubt I'll get the chance. He'll quit before the three days are up."

"I doubt that," Perrie mumbled. "He seems very determined."

"They all do at first," Harry cackled. At the way he looked at her, Perrie knew what to expect. His eyes offered a challenge."Want to make a bet?"

Perrie debated this. "What's the Bet?"

"If he doesn't quit or get fired in three days," Harry held up the number three with his fingers. "Then I'll give you a week off."

"Two weeks," Perrie cut in.

Harry frowned but didn't object. Again, she was lucky he needed her. "But if I win then I get to sleep with that friend of yours. What's her name?"

Perrie crossed her arms with narrowed eyes. "Which one? I have three friends."

Harry smirked. "All of them."

When Perrie opened her mouth to object, he interfered. "If I get three of them, you get three weeks off. One week for each your friend. Deal?"

Perrie mused this over. She didn't really like the three girls anyway. Getting their hearts broken by Harry Styles didn't seem too bad. She grinned.



It was nearly night time now. Most of the employees have gone home but not Louis. Since he had no one to go home to, he could easily spend as much time in the Styles building until they completely shut down the lights. He finished a very small portion of the papers that were filled to the brink with mistakes.

He bet Harry did that on purpose just to stall him. Organizing them was a pain in ass but that's what he started with. He organized them first before starting on the edits. He cursed Harry in his head the whole time.

"Still working, Loueh?" a voice sneered. Louis glared up at Harry, who smirked down at him.

"Don't you want to go home?" He was teasing him. The damn bastard.

Louis snorted before smiling and with a sweet voice said, "Mr. Styles, I am perfectly fine with staying here and completing the work you so kindly offered me. I hope to help you in vastly improving Styles Enterprises."

Harry raised an eyebrow with a slight frown. In the end, he just shrugged and walked away. Not even a goodbye or good luck.

Louis clucked the pencil in his hand so hard he thought it would snap. Now he understood the looks of pity and why Perrie didn't want him to personalize the desk. They didn't think he would last long. Well, he went back to the papers, he would.

"Louis?" a voice interrupted.

Louis head whipped up, about to yell at whomever interrupted his work only to calm down when he saw it was Perrie.

She glanced down at the work and slightly narrowed her eyes. Louis grinned. So he wasn't the only one who disapproved at this amount of work.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine," Louis told her. "I just will be going home a little later." Perrie nodded in understanding.

She approached the edge of his desk and sighed.

She mumbled, "You wanted a challenge." It wasn't meant for his ears. But he still heard it.

Louis grinned. "Yeah but I didn't think the challenge would be such an ass."

Perrie chuckled, grinning at him. "He is. A royal pain in the ass is what I used to call him." Both laughed.

Louis grinned. "Thanks. You and Ashton were the only ones who made me feel welcome. I guess everyone else just thinks I won't last."

"I had my doubts too," Perrie admitted. "But I don't think you'll give up. You don't seem like the type."

"I'm not," Louis confirmed.

Perrie paused for a moment. "I'm going to tell you something that I don't tell people too often." Louis raised eyebrow, she continued.

"I used to be Harry secretary."

Louis blue eyes popped out of their sockets. He flashed back to Ashton words about Harry only hiring blonde bimbos. "You?"

"Yep," Perrie grinned. "I used to have the biggest crush on him when we were in high school. When I found out he was running this place, I had to get the job. I dressed like a total tramp to get it."

"You?" Louis eyes travelled down her body. She didn't seem like the type to do that.

"Who do you think started the trend?" Perrie smirked.

"I got the job which encouraged other women to try that. I can't say I'm too proud of myself for that. It's actually why I started conducting the emails. Harry seems to think with his dick rather than his brain sometimes." Louis could see that.

He let Perrie continue. "So I started the job. He went easy on me. Probably because he knew me from school. Eventually we slept together."

"You did?" Louis gaped.

"I loved him," Perrie shrugged.

"Sleeping with the man was one of my goals. Since he kept me around, I thought he loved me too but was too afraid to show it. Everyone hated me then. I dressed like a tramp, acted like a tramp, and they couldn't wait until I left."

"What happened?" Louis knew Harry reputation. He had no heart and would break a woman in a matter of minutes.

"He dumped me," Perrie rolled her eyes. "I was being too clingy. He set me straight, saying he never loved me. He just liked the aspect of sleeping with someone whenever he wanted even in work. That's when I changed. I decided I was going to be someone worth respecting. I dressed differently and moved up in the ranks. He found a new girl to torment as his secretary, and I moved on."

"Why are you telling me this?" Louis questioned.

Perrie smiled. "Because I wanted to. Good luck, Louis. I would help you but I doubt Harry would appreciate that. I like you so don't get fired."

With that, she walked off. When Louis couldn't hear the clacks of her heels on the floor, he leaned back, taking in all the new information. So Perrie used to like Harry? But the difference was she was determined.

She didn't want to lose the job, and she didn't. Now everyone respected her. His blue eyes widened with a whole new willpower. He would show up Harry. He furiously began working through the papers. He would complete this task if it took him all night.


Harry frowned. It had been two days since he gave Louis the pile of work that would take an average man two weeks to complete. Yet here Louis was, handing him the giant pile of papers, completely organized and edited to the point of perfection.

All a day early. His blue eyes burned into Harry green ones almost bragging that he completed the task. Harry clenched his fists.

What the hell? This boy wasn't supposed to be this quick! Or efficient. Even the damn coffee was next to the papers in perfect condition.

Louis smirked. "Anything else for me, Mr. Styles?"

That damn brat! Harry snarled. He would not allow this boy to outsmart him!

"Tell me, Louis. When were you supposed to hand these in?" Louis blinked, the confidence draining from him. Suspicion was replaced with it. "Tomorrow?"

"Exactly," Harry glared at him. The boy didn't even flinch. "You handed it in a day early. That was not what I asked."

Louis mouth dropped at just the absurdity of what his boss just told him. "Excuse me?"

"That's one strike against you," Harry smirked.

He couldn't fire Louis considering he had that bet with Perrie. But he could allow Louis to think he would for something this simple.

"You're lucky I'm being so considerate today."

Louis barked out a bitter laugh. "I'm lucky?! I gave you these damn papers early! You can't put a strike against me for being early."

"I can and will," Harry frowned.

Was this boy arguing with him? By his personality and looks, Harry thought he would be pissing himself with fear by now.

"You will not complain."

"The hell I won't!" Louis raised his voice, stomping over to his boss.

They were so close that Louis could feel the taller boy's breath on his face. "I did a good job, and I'll be damned if you punish me for that."

"Are you arguing with me?" Harry laughed. "I could have you fired!"

Louis smirked. "But then I'd win."

Harry frowned, narrowing his eyes. "What?"

"I beat you at your own game," Louis grinned. "I finished those papers a day early when you thought I'd quit or not finish them at all. I won that round. You firing me is just you admitting you don't want to lose. You firing me means that I won and you can't handle failure."

Harry growled, grabbing the boy's wrists and hurling him against the wall. The boy didn't even show any pain. He just smirked up at his boss as though. telling him that he was wining.

Harry leered. "Want to repeat that, pretty boy?"

Louis didn't back down. "I won, Harry. And you can't handle it. Who knew the great Harry Styles was such a-" He didn't get a chance to finish that sentence.

Harry slammed his lips against the smaller boys. Louis eyes went wide. He didn't kiss back. Instead he tried to wiggle his way out of Harry harsh grip.

Harry didn't allow that though. He bit down on Louis bottom lip harshly, making him gasp. The moment Harry tongue entered Louis mouth, he realized it.

This was just another game. Louis smirked into the kiss and fought for dominance. If Harry wanted to play games, he'd go along with it. And he'd win. So he closed his eyes and fought. Harry won, roaming the boy's mouth. Using his knee to part Louis legs, he grabbed Louis cock and began rubbing him through his pants. Realizing now that Louis wouldn't try to escape, Harry realized his wrists.

Louis took this opportunity to unbutton Harry shirt. He felt the smooth skin with a lots tattoo underneath the shirt which made him only want it off faster. Harry took his hands off of Louis, making him groan in protest.

Harry mouth moved to Louis neck as he took off his own shirt. He bit down harshly at Louis pulse point, even tasting a bit of blood. Louis hissed in pain as Harry tongue licked the now bruising skin. Louis quickly joined their lips in another passionate kiss, tasting his own blood in Harry mouth.

Harry nearly tore open Louis shirt trying to get it off.

"Hey," Louis protested his voice deep with lust. "I need to wear that!"

"Ha," Harry snickered before tugging at Louis pants.

He understood the meaning and quickly took them off, as did Harry. Louis took in Harry naked form in front of him. His cock twitched in anticipation at just the mere sight of him.

Without warning, Harry grabbed the back of his neck and forced him onto his knees. He smirked down at Louis, as though telling him his role of being the submissive slut. Louis glared back up until his eyes caught sight of Harry hard member.

Licking his lips, Louis began to work. Harry groaned when Louis licked the very tip of him, tasting the pre-cum. After a few seconds of this, Louis engulfed his member into his mouth. He gagged trying to fit it all and eventually settled with fisting the parts that weren't in. Harry breath hitched as Louis hummed. Right before he released, Harry yanked Louis away and kissed him harshly.

Much like Louis tasted his own blood earlier, Harry could taste himself in Louis mouth. He parted the kiss and smirked, satisfied. Forcing him to turn around, Harry stared down at his back side.

"Lube" Louis gasped.

Harry rolled his eyes and walked over to his desk, unlocking a certain drawer and pulling it out.

Louis smirked. "Geez, how many secretaries have you fucked?"

"A lot," Harry smirked.

In a few seconds, Harry fingers were covered and he placed on into Louis. Louis, though not a virgin, could never get used to that feeling of the first finger in. Though not painful, it wasn't pleasurable. It was simply just there. A second finger was soon added.

"I'm going to use extra fingers," Harry growled. "Cause you're going to need it."

Louis nodded, clenching his fists and shutting his eyes tightly when a third was added. They stretched him out and soon something much bigger was at his entrance. Oh God he thought to himself, that's Harry.

With one quick motion, Harry shoved himself into Louis making Louis gasp. Pounding into the boy, Louis found himself going along with it, even moaning when Harry hit that spot.

Harry smirked. "H-Harry," Louis cried out.

"You wanted a challenge," Harry growled, grabbing Louis cock and
pumping it. Louis only moaned in response.

"Well here you go." With one last thrust, both men came with a moan.

Panting, the two men stared at each other. What shocked Harry was that Louis stare still screamed defiance. Soon they found themselves dressing and trying to clean up the mess they made.

"Louis," Harry called out right before Louis left the room. His voice was cold once again. "You called me Harry."

Louis shrugged. "Would you prefer Mr. Styles?"

Really, he only called him Harry in the heat of the moment. He didn't really care if Harry wanted to be called by a certain title. Harry raised an eyebrow.

"No," he answered after a long pause.

"So then Harry it is," Louis rolled his eyes.

Harry took his time to stare at the boy he just thoroughly fucked. Maybe he was worth keeping around after all. With that, Louis exited the office without any further words.

Harry frowned, tilting his head to the side. Something was telling him this boy was much different from all the others.

"Louis Tomlinson," he mumbled to himself.



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