Only You

By OnlyYouBambina

228K 4.7K 1.3K

Where two women meet and fall in love. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
One Shot Alert
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
One-Shot Alert
New Fic Alert ‼️

Chapter 33

3.6K 92 24
By OnlyYouBambina

“Hmm” Stefania released a low groan as she was waking up, feeling wet kisses being left all over her face. Her eyes fluttered open and hovered above her was her beautiful fiancé with the brightest and most beautiful smile. “Buongiorno, Bambina.” she said with a smile, reaching up to cup the blonde’s face.

“Happy Anniversary, baby.” Danielle said itching her face closer to the Italian's, moving way strands of brunette bed hair.

“Happy Anniversary, my love.” Stefania replied, pulling the American into a sweet kiss, setting the tone for the most amazing day that they hoped to have.
It had been one full year that the two women has been together. A year filled with laughs, tears, unconditional love, and amazing sex. Mind blowing sex, if you asked Danielle. It already felt like a lifetime to them, and they loved everything about their relationship.

Not only was it their anniversary but it was their wedding day.

Traditionally, couples would spend the night apart before their big day, but Danielle and Stefania couldn’t stand the idea of that. They wanted nothing more than to spend their nights together.

“I love you so fucking much.” Danielle whispered out when they pulled away from their kiss. “I can’t see my life without you, and I haven’t been able to since I met you.” She used her thumb to wipe away the tear that rolled down the brunette’s check. “You’re the love my life, Stef.”

The Italian said nothing, but the look in her eyes and the tears that fell from them told Danielle all that she needed to know. She leaned down and sealed their lips again in a searing kiss. They pulled away but remained close, resting their foreheads together just holding each other as close as they could.

It was just them and their love in this moment. The intimacy and love were loud and it was another reminder to them that they’d find their one true love. Their person.

“I love you more than you’ll ever know, amore mio.” Stefania let out, rubbing her thumb over Danielle’s lower lip. “I can’t wait to become your wife.”

“My wife.” The blonde said with the biggest smile.

“Si, you’re wife.” The Italian nodded with a grin.

“Have I ever told you how much I love the sound of that?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe once or many time.”

Danielle pushed herself up and straddled Stefania’s lap, lowering herself down and started to press kisses all over her face.

“My wife. Is. The. Most. Beautiful. Caring. Loving woman that I know.” She said between kisses.

“I’m not you’re wife yet.” Stefania laughed, enjoying the loving she’s receiving from her fiancé.

“Oh you’re my wife, for sure.” She started to kiss down Stefania’s neck, going all the way down to her chest, appreciating that it was already exposed. They had both slept in their silk robes the night before.

Danielle took an erected nipple in her mouth and started to lick and suck, immediately pulling soft moans from the brunette. She took her time paying close and equal attention to both sensitive nub and the brunette loved every bit of it.

The American could tell that her soon to be wife needed more. She slowly made her way down her body, leaving kisses on the way down.

“Bambina,  please.” Stefania whined out when Danielle started to kisses in her inner thigh, avoiding where she needed her the most.

“Patience, my love.” She replied, looking up at her very sexually frustrated fiancé. “I love how wet you get for me.” Danielle said, running her fingers through wet folds.

Before Stefania could reply, the blonde slid a finger in her wet canal.

“Oh fuck..” The Italian moaned out. “More please  Bambina.”

Danielle was done teasing. She adjusted her self between long slender legs and pulled Stefania closer to her. She lined up her index and middle finger and pushed them into her wet pussy, immediately picking up a fast and steady rhythm .

“Oh God, yes!” Stefania moaned out loudly. “Fuck Danielle! Fuck me!”

“That’s what I’m doing, baby.” The American laughed. She started to pump her fingers in and out at a much faster pace, loving the way Stefania looked; her face plastered with pleasure and her body begging to explode.

Danielle bent down and took Stefania’s bundle of joy and started to suck, causing the Italian’s hip to jerk up due to sensitivity.

“Oh yesss!! Oh fuck yes!” The brunette moaned out, moving her hands down to tangle her fingers in blonde hair. She could feel her body burning and how close her orgasm was.

Danielle could feel how close Stefania was to exploding, based on how much harder it was for her to move her fingers in and out.

Stefania lifted her legs and wrapped them around Danielle’s neck, bring her in closer and seconds later her orgasm ripped through her body followed by loud moans.
Fortunately for Danielle, she could breed and took the time of captivity to help her Fiancé ride out her orgasm.

When Stefania’s orgasm had passed, she released the hold that she had on Danielle then pulled on her hand.

The blonde took the hint and moved back up the Italian’s body until they were face to face.

“Have I ever told you how much I loved you tongue?” Stefania asked, rubbing circles on pale skin.

“Maybe once or twice. Plus the noises you always make when I use it on you gives it away.” Danielle laughed, laying a kiss on olive cheeks.

They laid there cuddle up with each other  enjoying their closeness. The wedding ceremony was set to begin later in the evening so they had time to spare.

“What do you want for breakfast?” Danielle asked breaking their comfortable silence.

“Hmm something sweet.”

“Ooo I can definitely give you something sweet.” The American replied with a smirk.
“No not that.”


“Well yes..” The Italian smiled. “Always that for sure. But since I just got it and very well too I was now thinking maybe donuts and espresso.”

“Hmmm sounds great. How about we take a shower together, get dressed and then we can both take the morning drive to satisfy that sweet tooth if yours?”
“Sounds great, Bambina.” Stefania smiled and gave her Fiancé a sweet kiss to her soft lips.

They made their way off the bed and into the bathroom, both again, thankful that they were already naked. The American leaned over in the shower and turn the water on, letting in run a little before they could get in.

When she turned around, Stefania was bending over and looking for something in the bottom cupboard.
The blonde bit her bottom lip and walked over to the brunette, immediately landing a slap on her bare ass cheeks and before Stefania could reach, Danielle grabbed her hips and pull her into her front.

“You’re lucky I love you because that slap hurt.” The Italian said starting the sway her body, moving in sync with Danielle.

“You’re just so hott I just couldn’t help myself.”

Stefania turned her body in Danielle’s embrace before wrapping her arms around her neck.

“I love you.” She whispered, pressing their foreheads together.

“I love you more, my love.”

Their shower was one of the most intimate and relaxing that they’d ever had and they would’ve stayed their all day if they could. It was just them, delicious smelling soaps, and hot water. Heaven.

“Open, Love.” Danielle gently, holding a piece of donut up to the lips of her very distracted Italian woman. She fed her the sweet treat before she wiped her fingers and started the car engine. “Baby.” She called in a sing song voice. No response. “Stefania.” She said sternly causing the Italian to look up. Danielle only calls her by her  full first name when she’s annoyed or upset and that was rare so it definitely brought her attention.
“Yes, Bambina?” She said, aware that she was avoiding her fiancé. I was all a game to her and found the look on Danielle’s face hilarious.

“Baby, it’s the morning of our wedding day, can you please pay attention to me and not your phone?” She asked sweetly.

The Italian didn’t even dare to continue with her jig seeing the look on Danielle’s face.

She stretched her hands over and squeezed the inside of pale exposed thighs before leaning over and kissing the blonde’s cheek.

“I’m sorry, my love. You now have my full attention. Barrett and Jake are to be blamed though.”

“Huh.” the American asked confused. “Barrett and Jake? How?”

Stefania reached for her phone and pulled up a conversation with the pair, showing Danielle’s her screen once they were at a red light.

“Sons of bitches.” Danielle let out before rolling her eyes, seeing the bet that her fiancé and her friends had made. They knew her too well.

The Italian moved up her hand that was resting on the blonde’s thigh and brought it up to cup her center, giving it a tight squeeze eliciting a sweet moan.

“You’re playing a serious game, babe.” She said biting her lower lip. But before Stefania could reply her phone rang.
“It’s Emma.” The Italian said confused when she looked at the screen to see who was calling. “why would she be calling so early?” she asked in a slight panic before answering.  “Hi Emma. Is everything okay?” And the concerned laced her voice. Why would the owner of the venue be calling them this early when everything was confirmed to be sorted out and ready for their event later on that evening.

“Hi Stefania. Good morning. Is Danielle with you?” the moment she started talking the two women knew something was wrong. It was clear in her voice.

“Si she’s here. Let me put it on speaker.”

“Hi Emma. What’s going on?” Danielle asked, quickly glancing over at her fiancé.

They could hear Emma take a very audible breath before speaking. This was not good.

“I’m sorry to have to tell you this ladies.” She paused still not ready to break the bad news. “Unfortunately there was a fire in our kitchen and spread, fast affecting multiple areas of our building including the event space. I’m so so sorry.”

Danielle and Stefania’s heart sank. Deep. But of course, being the type of person that they are, they were immediately sadden at the loss that Emma was facing.

They expressed how sorry were that she lost her building, an asset  and something they knew how much she cherished.

Emma herself was quite grateful for the two in such a time because  she knew many wouldn’t have taken it so well.

“The good thing about this is that all your decorations are safe and can be picked up whenever you’re ready to so.” Fortunately for them, another event would have been held before their wedding so the space was not yet set up. That’s was to be done a few hours before the ceremony.

“Thank you Emma. We’ll let you know we can come by.”

They said their goodbyes and after went silent, both not knowing what to say. After, a  minute, Danielle heard a whimper escape from the Italian’s lips and immediately pulled over the car, having the urge to just comfort the loge of her life.

“Baby.” She said unbuckling her seat belt and leaning over to comfort her fiancé.

Stefania was still sobbing away, finding it hard to believe that the day that was suppose to be filled with them and their love was now ruined during to a fire.

Danielle pushed back her seat all the way before guiding, basically lifting the Italian over across her lap so she could straddle her. She wrapped her hands around her as tear fells from her own eyes.

Was this really happening?

They stayed like that for a while. Thankfully they were in an area that was safe and legal to park in.

“Love?” Danielle softly called out to after the sobs from Stefania had stopped.


“Do you want to head home, baby?” Daneille really wanted to ask if she was okay but she knew that it would be a dumb question I. That moment. She hated when  Stefania was hurting and it’s even worse when she herself was feeling the same hurt.

The Italian nodded her head before peeling herself off Danielle. Instead of resuming her original position she decided to crawl on to the back seat and laid down.

The American checked on her through the rare view mirror before she got back on the road and started the journey back home.

One the couple was home they went straight to bed and curled up together. Danielle had messaged their friends, letting them know all that happened.

Of course the friends started to call but they couldn’t speak to them. Not yet. So, Danielle shot them another message asking for some time and then they’ll call them soon.

“What if it’s a sign?” Stefania said dryly. It was the first full sentence she had spoken since they were in the car.

“What?” and Danielle was hoping her fiancé was not staying what she thought she was saying .

“What if it’s a sign that we shouldn’t get married?”

“You’re not serious are you?” all Stefania’s initially beliefs of not wanting to get married came back to the blonde. “”You Have got to be kidding me. How could you even say that?” when the Italian said nothing she scoffed and got hopped out of bed, heading straight to out of their bedroom.
Stefania regretted her words immediately. Of course she wanted to marry Danielle. But, in this moment she was heartbroken. This was suppose to be their day. And now, the memory of today will be of a fire that ruined it.

The Italian made her way out of the bed and went in search of her fiancé. She searched everywhere for her but there was no sight of Danielle. The last place that she looked was their guest bedroom. Still not Danielle.

The only place left was the bathroom in that bedroom and Stefania hoped to God that the American was in their and hadn’t leave.

The brunette pushed the door open, revealing Danielle who was hovering over the sink, with her head down, crying

“Bambina.” She said softly moving to stand behind her, resting her hands on her hips. “I’m sorry, my love.” And she really was. If she could kick herself she would. “Of course I want to marry you.”

Danielle didn’t respond so the Italian took hold of her and spun her around but she kept her head down.

“Look at me, Bambina. Please.” And no matter how upset the American was at her fiancé she just couldn’t not do what she asked of her.

She slowly looked up into chestnut eyes, and the sight broke Stefania's heart. She did that.

The Italian reached her hands up and cupped Danielle’s face, using the base of her thumb to wipe away the tears.

“Of cousre I want to marry you. What I said was dumb and stupid and I’m sorry. There’s noting more that I want right now than to be your wife and grow old with you. Mi displace, Bambina.” (I’m sorry  Bambina.)

Danielle nodded, finding comfort to the kiss that Stefania was placing on her forehead. The American knew she didn’t meant what she said and that she was just upset about what had happened.

The American pulled back and leaned up, wanting to exchange a kiss with Stefania. They shared a sweet kiss, finishing it off with a few pecks.

“I love you so much, Bambina.”

“I love you more, my love.”

They stayed in each other’s embrace before Stefania broke the silence.

“Do you want to go back to bed?”

“Yea.. and let’s call our friends. I know they are dying to speak with us.” She laugh softly. God they were grateful for their friends.
Once they were back in their bed and curled up under their sheets, they dialed their friends, conferencing them all on a group call.

All four on the other side of the screen could se how sad their friends were and it broke their hearts.

They expressed how sorry they were to their friends and let them know that they were there for them if they needed anything.

Of course they all knew that the couple wanted the have the wedding specifically on their anniversary so they avoided being incentive and suggesting they do it another day.

Their conversation wasn’t long but all the same not too short.

After a few hours of just staying in bed, they decided to get up and do some cleaning around the house. There wasn’t much at all to clean but the loved a well clean place and also needed to get their minds off their wedding.

They had considered to find somewhere else last minute but they knew it would be hard and didn't want to risk being disappointed yet again if they didn’t find anything.
At one point, Stefania put on some soothing Italian music and together, hand in hand, in each other’s embrace, that swayed together. The Italian sang parts of the song to Danielle.

The American had no idea what was being said but she loved it.

“I want to take you on a date.” Danielle said sweetly, still moving to the beat of the song.

“Hmm.. you do huh?” she was secretly loving that it was not a question.

“I do. I really do. I know we aren’t getting to spend this day like we wanted to but I don’t want us to look back and this sadness is all we have to look back to.”
The Italian looked at her fiancé with pure love in here eyes, thanking the stars that she walked into her life.
“Have I told you how much I love you?”

“No?” Danielle smiled. “But you can tell me now.”  She said making Stefania giggle.
“I love you.” She enunciated, bumping their noses together.

“I love you too, beautiful.”

They continued dancing for a while, just being in the moment. Both women got hungry so they decided to make sandwiches together or they could eat it with some fruits and chips.

They had made sure to let their friends know if their plans so they can know that they’re okay and was trying to make the best of their day. Even though having their wedding on any other day was not preferred by either of them, they had to accepts the reality of Walmart is and not dwell on what’s out of their control.
Danielle had called ahead and made a reservation for herself and her fiancé. They still had time before they needed to get ready for dinner so they just lounged around watching movies until it was time.

Eventually they both started to nod off to sleep when there was a knock at the door that startled them and had them confused. They weren’t expecting anyone.

Both women got up and went to door, wanting to kill their own curiosity. Who could it be?

When they opened the door, they were met with their four best friends and the biggest smiles plastered over their faces.

“Huh Hi?” Danielle said with a small laugh. “What’s going on?” They were  happy to see their friends but something was definitely up.

“Well are you going to let up in?” Jaina asked, desperately wanting to use the bathroom due to consuming a very large slushy that Jake and Barrett told her not to get.

“Ofcoure come in.” They made way so their friends could enter before the Latina swiftly walked to the bathroom.

“You guys need to cancel your reservation that you have for dinner.” Jaicy blurt out not wanting to keep the surprise in any longer.

“What? Why?” The Italian asked confused. “We can’t have our wedding today like we wanted so Bambina and I are going out for a nice romantic dinner soon.”
“You need to cancel the reservation because you will be getting married today!” Barrett said excitedly.

“Wait. What?” and Danielle wanted to be clear they weren’t being pranked.
“You’re getting married today!” Jaicy and Jake shouted in unison.

“Seriously? You guys couldn’t wait for me to tell them” Jaina said making her way towards the group.
“What? How?” Asked the Italian.

After the group conversation over video call, Jake, Jaina, Jaicy, and Barrett hopped on another call to see if there was anything they could do for their friends.

It turned out that, Chris, the guy Jaicy had met at the club was wealthy and had the perfect space in his back yard that was set up exactly for special events such as weddings, fortunately.

Jaicy and Chris had been speaking everyday since that night and she remembered he was talking about his home and the backyard and that they had recently held an anniversary party there for his aunt.

Chris was more than happy to host the wedding at his house even though it was short notice.

The group of friends worked out all that they needed to do before making their over to Emma’s so they could collect the decorations that were purchased. It was a lot because though it was a small intimate ceremony, it would have been absolutely beautiful with all the different items that were purchased, including the beautiful chairs that Stefania wanted.

All four made their way over to Chris’s home and along with some additional hands, utilized the fiancée’s purchased items and decorated the space to perfection; Barrett wouldn’t have it any other way.

One of the good things about pulling their plan off was that there weren’t many people that would’ve been present from the beginning. Apart from the group of friends there would only be a few others present.

Once everything was all set they gathered all the needed for themselves and brought them to the house before heading over to Danielle and Stefania's place to get them.

And here they are.

Both women could not believe what their friends just told them and when it finally sunk in they couldn’t stop the tears that flowed from their eyes.

“You guys are actually the absolute best in this world.” Danielle sobbed, hand holding onto her fiancé and the other wiping the tears away from their faces.

They hardly had words to express what they were feeling in this moment. They huddled in a six person group huddle, taking the time to say I love yous among themselves.

Needless to say the got extremely sappy and Jake thought it should ce to an end, much to everyone’s amusement, laughing with wet faces that rested in tears.

The fiancés pulled themselves together and made their way to the master bedroom to gather all that they needed.

Danielle closed the door behind her, just wanting to have a quick moment with Stefania to allow what is happening to sink in. She walked up behind her slid her hands around her waist, hugging her in the best way before depositing a few kisses to her neck.

“I can’t believe we get to become each other’s wives today.”

“Hmm.’ Stefania hummed, loving the embrace and the kisses for the American. “In just a few hours I’ll be Stefania Shannon Savre-Spampinato.” She said turning around to face Danielle. “I can’t wait.”

“Neither can I.” and with that they sealed their lips in a sweet kiss. Danielle was about to deepen the kiss and Stefania tongue indicated that she was ready to accept before they heard Barrett.

“You better not be having sex in there!” the curly hair woman shouted from the living room causing the brides to be to pull away and started to laugh. They left pecks on each other’s lips before they peeled their bodies from each other and started to gather their things.

In no time the group of friends were on their way to the venue. Once they Jaina insisted that the wives see the beautiful set up that was done all for them. She believed it was necessary now to limit the amount of tears that would come once the brides have their make up on.

And she was right. The moment Danielle and Stefania and saw the set up their tears came flooding down.

It once again led to a very sappy moment that lasted a bit longer this time around. Danielle defense was to get out as much tears as she could.
Fortunately for them, they had enough time to rid the puffiness from their eyes, get their hair and make up done and get dress. For Barrett and Jake they were glad they had enough time to eat before the event.

“Bambina.” Stefania gently said pulling on Danielle’s arm. “Come with me.”

Hand in hand, the Italian lead her fiancé to a quiet spot.

“What’s wrong babe?” Danielle asked looking up the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen and realizing that Stefania had something to say.
“Everything’s okay, Bambina. I just wanted to ensure that you weren’t secretly feeling down because you don’t have your family with you celebrating this special moment.”

“Well.” Danielle started taking a visibly deep breath. “I know we always talk about not needing them for us to be happy and stand by that 100%. But, sometimes I think it would be nice to actually have their support and be apart of our journey. But, I am not sad in the slighted. How about you?"

“I feel the same way, Bambina.” She replied turning to face Danielle so they were eye to eye. “But, today we are about to sealed a bond that will last up for the rest of our lives. We are going to build our own family and we are going to be happy with the persons we have in our lives. Today is our day and I can’t wait to start our journey together.

“I love you, my love.”

“I love you more, Bambina. Happy Anniversary.”

“Happy Anniversary” Stefania replied before they exchanged a sweet kiss. “Let’s get married?”

“Let’s get married.”

A\N: Hi everyone! I know I’m super late but I hope you enjoyed this chapter cause I'm not sure how good it is all together. I started and stop writing so many times lmao.

It was hard to write with my writer’s block and therefore took me forever.

Also I feel like a let them say I love you alot in this. Did I?

I apologize for any errors.

Stay safe! xoxo

Until next time. (Which I hope to be before the next episode.)

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