Manipulation Of The Fates

By RandomWrites1234

231K 5.5K 990

When the past and present meets their fate in the form of the cinematic universe Enjoy! More



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By RandomWrites1234

An owl squawked from where it sat on top of a ledge inside the castle hallway. There were fires lit in the pillars and some lit dimly in the lanterns on the walls while the light of the moon flooded in the corridor from the archways of the corridor.

'Hagrid always wanted a dragon. Told me so the first time I ever met him.' Harry told his friends.

'Having your own dragon is dangerous especially when you're not a professional or have training for it. See if Charlie had his own dragon I wouldn't be so worried. Nor surprised because its Charlie.' Nova shrugged looked unsurprised.

'That's true that does sound like something I would do.' Charlie nodded.

'Charles you will not be having your own dragon!' Molly told him firmly.

'Yes mum.' Charlie nodded quickly.

'You have a point Nova. But It's crazy and worse Malfoy knows.' Ron complained.

Dressed in a dark green checkered coat and a hat that was tied under her chin in a bow was Professor McGonagall holding a lit candle on a little tray. She looked highly unimpressed at the fact she was up at this time because of students.

'That's quite bad isn't it?' Harry asked to clarify.

'It's bad.' Ron nodded, being the first to notice McGonagall ahead of them. Harry and Hermione snapped their heads towards McGonagall while Ron and Nova had already been looking at her.

'Oh no. Minnie does not play around when it comes to being woken up.' James winced.

'She really doesn't.' Harry confirmed.

'Good evening.' She said with an unimpressed face. Walking out from behind her was a smug looking Draco Malfoy who was wearing a thick turtle neck jumper, his black robes and his hair neatly slicked back as usual.

'I really did hate when you had your hair like that especially when it's properly slicked back. It's very difficult to see your hairline because your hair is so bleached.' Nova pointed out.

'I don't bleach my hair how many times do I have to say it Black.' Draco groaned.

'Remember Hermione not that kind of black because she's Caucasian.' Ron sniggered along with Harry earning both of them a smack to the back of the head from Hermione.

'Third year was a much better year hair wise for you Draco.' Nova told him.

'It was nice then wasn't it?' Draco asked with a grin.

'No. I'm just saying it was better than you looking like you had no hairline.' Nova said back.

'Can't you just compliment each other and move on.' Hermione asked.

'No.' The two cousins said.

'Cousins and siblings don't compliment each other Hermione. Despite our family history we don't commit to incest.' Nova told her.

'She's not wrong.' Older Sirius muttered.

They were now all inside McGonagall's classroom. She stood behind her desk with her hands resting gently on top of it and Nova, Hermione, Harry and Ron were stood in front of the desk looking quite nervous as she looked sternly at them. Malfoy was stood off to the side slightly and he had his arms crossed and was looking very proud of himself.

'I wanna wipe that smug grin off his face so much.' Marlene rolled her eyes.

'He's literally sitting over there Marls.' Dorcas told her with a laugh.

'Good point. Maybe it'll come up later.' Marlene shrugged and sunk back into her seat.

'Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night.' McGonagall reprimanded as Malfoy sniggered at the side. 'Therefore as punishment for you actions 50 points will be taken.' McGonagall continued.

'50! 50! Minnie you don't even take that much away when we stick all your furniture to your ceiling!' James yelled.

'Maybe it was slightly harsh.' McGonagall admitted.

'50!' Harry said shocked. Malfoy only nodded as though he thought this were a very suitable punishment.

'Each.' McGonagall added. Draco looked slightly more disheartened at the fact Slytherin we're losing points but continued to look rather smug. 'And to ensure it doesn't happen again,'

'That's likely.' The Weasley twin's said simultaneously.

'All five of you will receive detention.' McGonagall said. This caused Malfoy's smug look to drop and he walked towards the desk.

'Not so funny when you've got detention as well now is it?' Young Sirius smirked.

'Excuse me professor, perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said the five of us?' Malfoy asked with a smile on his face as though he knew it couldn't be true. But it was.

'No you heard me correctly Mr Malfoy. You see honourable as your intentions were you too were out of bed after hours. You will join your classmates in detention.' McGonagall told him. Harry looked a lot more happy to know that Malfoy had suffered as well as them.

'Ha! Snitches get stitches!' Young Sirius stick his tongue out at the screen.

'What are you five or something?' Lily scoffed playfully.

'That would make you a bit of a pervert Lily considering you're dating a five year old.' Young Sirius pointed out.

'I'm not a pervert! We're not dating!' Lily insisted as she crossed her arms.

'Tell that to the arm he has wrapped around you waist and that hand of yours that's on his chest.' Young Remus snorted playfully. With that, Lily shuffled away slightly but didn't move far as James still had his arms around her waist and kissed the side of her head as the ginger girl pouted with her arms crossed.

Malfoy looked at the four of them behind him angrily while they looked quite amused. Nova stick her bottom lip out and tilted her head to the side in mock sympathy for her cousin while he only glared at her more.

'That is such a Black move.' Alex laughed.

'I swear I've seen Sirius do that to Snivs when he got detention once.' James said laughing.

'Reg has done it before when Rudolph tripped on that fake step on the grand staircase.' Rabastan piped up.

'I think ever Black has done it before at some point.' Theo said.

It was pitch black outside but most of the windows in the towers were lit up to show students and teachers that were still awake in the common rooms and various offices. The torches on the side of the castle wall were lit up and there was a small light from the archway as six shadows were cast on the wall.

'Their first detention. Bets on how it will go and who it'll be with.' James said.

'It's outside so probably with Hagrid.' Marlene guessed.

'I think Filch is just going to get them to scrub the outside castle pathways.' Dorcas joined in.

'I think that they'll get sent in the forest.' Young Remus said.

'The forest? Unlikely it's called the forbidden forest and is forbidden to students by teachers. Why would they send them in there.' Peter said.

'Because Filch is a psycho.' James reminded.

'A pity they let the old punishments die. Was a time detention would find ya hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God I miss the screaming.' Filch said to the children as he led them out of the castle. This clearly frightened all five of them as they looked increasingly nervous and quite scared.

'Like I said Filch is a psycho.' James said again.

'I think that's quite clear to everyone.' Barty said.

'Who hangs kids by their thumbs that's just disgusting.' Ron shuddered.

'Sounds like an Umbridge move.' Hermione said to her friends.

'You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do inside the Dark Forest.' Filch told them as they approached the hut. Hermione looked behind her to see if there was anything there but there was nothing.

'Yes! I was right!' Marlene celebrated.

'So was I. They are going in the forbidden forest.' Young Remus said though he was in slight shock.

'No he said they were going in the dark forest.' Peter corrected.

'It's the same thing Pete. It's the same thing.' James gave him a light tipped smile and patted his shoulder.

'At least it's Hagrid that's not bad.' Lily shrugged.

Hagrid was stood outside where a small campfire was cracking and he was wearing a large coat and had two lanterns and a stick. 'A sorry lot this Hagrid.' Filch called. 'Oh good god man you're not still on about that bloody dragon are you?'

Hagrid picked up a crossbow and sniffed a bit. 'Norbert's gone. Dumbledore sent 'im off to Romania to live in a colony.' Hagrid told them.

'Well that's good isn't it? He'll be with his own kind.' Hermione asked.

'That's true. Dragons are better and happier when they're in groups and with their own kind. Also it's safer for people.' Charlie said.

'Yeah but what if he don't like Romania what if the other dragons are mean to 'im. He's only a baby after all.' Hagrid said. Filch rolled his eyes and looked disgusted with the man's words.

'Oh for god's sake pull yourself together man. You're going into the forest after all. Got to have your wits about ya.' Filch said suggestively.

'Surely that's dangerous? Dumbledore how can you allow that?' Mary asked.

'I assure you it's perfectly safe.' Dumbledore said.

'If it was perfectly safe then why is the forest forbidden in the first place.' Frank asked.

'That's true if it wasn't dangerous it wouldn't be forbidden and the fact that it's called the dark forest signifies that everything in their doesn't have pure actions.' Daisy spoke up.

'Forgot you were here Dais haven't heard you speak in a while.' Neville smiled.

'The forest! I thought that was a joke. We can't go in there! Students aren't allowed. And there are......werewolves.' Malfoy paused as a werewolf howled in the distance and Filch turned to look at him.

'As much as I hate to say it I agree. It's not safe for five eleven year olds to go into a highly dangerous forest unprepared and defenceless.' Lily said.

'She's right I mean why the forest! They were out after hours just get them to clean some trophies or something. We've spent most of our time just cleaning trophies I think I've got a dust clot in my lung from all the cleaning.' James coughed for extra effect. 'Probably shouldn't give us anymore detentions for a while could make it worse wouldn't want me to die.' James added.

'But we use magic to clean them?' Peter said but Young Sirius covered his mouth.

'He doesn't know what he's saying my hands still have all the blisters from the endless hours of scrubbing and dusting!' Young Sirius cried holding his hands out to McGonagall.

'There's nothing there you drama queen.' Bellatrix rolled her eyes.

'Actually I'm a drama king thank you very much.' Young Sirius flipped his hair over his shoulder.

'Whatever You say.' Bellatrix muttered.

'Oh there's more than werewolves in those trees. You can be sure if that. Nighty night.' Filch said as he began to walk off. Malfoy looked scared towards the forest.

'That's reassuring thank you.' Alex said sarcastically.

'I still think it's ridiculous.' Lily huffed.

'Wouldn't a letter home and some lines sufficed?' Molly asked.

'Right. Let's go.' Hagrid said.

'I feel like somethings gonna go wrong I don't like this.' Lily whined.

'That's your mother instincts Lily.' Marlene told her.

'Shut up Marlene.' Lily muttered.

'Come on Marls its better than yours, the only instincts you have are to detect alcohol. It's like when there's alcohol in a 50 mile radius a siren goes off in your head and it's just like alcohol nearby alcohol near by.' Dorcas giggled.

'You love it! I always bring the fun wherever I go. This friend group would be so boring without me.' Marlene scoffed amused.

The trees towered over them as the six of them walked through the forest, hagrid holding a lantern high. It was quite misty and the trees were surprisingly spaced out and thin. There was nothing else around and it was incredibly eerie and scary. Especially at night.

'This is crazy!' Alice exclaimed.

'They shouldn't send them into the forest it's not right!' Andy added.

'That is quite messed up. That is a crazy consequence.' Regulus sighed but it was clear in his eyes he was quite worried and upset.

Hagrid's dog walked just ahead of them sniffing the ground as it went. They reached a part of the forest where a tree had fallen down. Hagrid led them past the tree and to a bush that was made of sharp spiky twigs and sticks that were tangled together. Underneath it there was a little puddle of shiny liquid.

'What is that?' James wondered squinting at the screen.

'Why is it so shiny?' Tonks said.

Hagrid dipped and swirled his middle and index finger around in the peculiar substance and removed his fingers leaving them dripping in the shiny liquid. He lifted them closer to his face to look and rose from his crouched position.

'Hagrid. What is that?' Harry asked.

'I think we'd all like to know that prongslet.' Older Sirius said.

'What we're here for.' Hagrid simply said. He lifted his fingers a bit to show to the five eleven year olds. 'See that? That's unicorn blood that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago.' He explained.

Unicorn blood!' Young Remus said shocked.

'Isn't unicorn blood supposed to be like cursed?' Ted said.

'In a way yes. It curses your life and you live a sort of half life if that makes sense.' Andy explained to him.

Ron's eyes went wide, Hermione and Harry looked shocked and Nova gaped at the sight of it.

'Now this one's been hurt bad by sommin.' Hagrid said. Harry scanned his eyes over the dark surroundings only to see a hooded figure walking through the trees before it disappeared.

'What was that!' Lily said worried.

'What was what?' Peter asked.

'Back there there was a hooded figure walking.' Lily said.

'I didn't see anything.' Dorcas said frowning.

'Play it again look in the background in the trees.' Lily said.

Hermione picked up the controller and rewinded the film a few seconds back and played the scene again.

'Now this one's been hurt bad by sommin.' Hagrid said. Harry scanned his eyes over the dark surroundings only to see a hooded figure walking through the trees before it disappeared.

'Look look look there pause it.' Lily said hurriedly and Hermione pause it and just as Lily had said there was a hooded figure walking among the trees.

'Oh my Merlin.' James breathed out shakily.

'Our kids are in there with a hooded figure who is walking through the forbidden forest at night! Get them out!' Narcissa said scared.

'It seems like it knows where it's going as well. And what it's doing.' Lily added.

'It knows how to blend it. It just disappeared from sight.' Alex pointed out.

'Whoever That is or whatever that is clearly has this planned.' Regulus said.

'I don't like this. I don't like it one bit.' Andy said.

Little did Harry know Nova's eyes were also following where the figure had been and the two looked at each other alarmed. Faintly, the howling of a werewolf was heard. Hagrid glanced around as well. 'So it's our job to go n find the poor beast.' Hagrid told them.

'That's a terrible idea!' Marlene said.

'Don't send them on a treasure hunt for a dead unicorn in the forbidden forest!' Alice said.

'Dumbledore What were you thinking!' Mary said.

'Professor Dumbledore we will need to have a chat about this afterwards. These children are clearly at risk here and it is not the first time. Clearly some safety precautions need to be set or some changes need to be made.' Amelia Bones said firmly as she looked at Dumbledore and wrote something down on a notepad with a quill she had summoned.

'Ron, Hermione you'll come with me.' Hagrid said.

'Ok.' Ron forced out in a high pitched terrified voice.

'Bit scared Ron?' Charlie teased.

'You would be.' Ron grumbled.

'And Harry, Nova, You'll go with Malfoy.' Hagrid said. Malfoy looked very disappointed and upset at the fact of having to go with Harry.

'Great. Family bonding.' Nova said with her lips in a thin line.

'I'm not enjoying this anymore than you are cousin.' Malfoy told her.

'That's probably the worst trio you could've ever made.' Bill sighed.

'You're sending them off on their own in the forest at night!' Lily yelled.

Harry only nodded. 'Ok then I get fang.' Malfoy said firmly.

'Fine. Just so's you know, he's a bloody coward.' Hagrid told him. The dog whined lowly.

'A dog is not gonna protect our kids from getting killed by some mysterious hooded figure and anything dangerous in the forbidden forest!' Alex said angrily.

'Calm down love, I hate it as well but they're all fine look.' Regulus whispered in her ear and pointed over to where their daughter sat with her best friends on a sofa.

'Wait until my father hears about this, this is servant's stuff.' Malfoy said disgusted as he held the lantern up high. Harry said nothing.

'Oh I'm terribly sorry my lord would you like me to fetch you diamond slippers and your crown?' Nova said sarcastically.

'Diamond slippers? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable.' Peter asked.

'Probably.' Draco shrugged.

'If it didn't know better, Draco, I'd say you were scared.' Harry said.

'M'not scared Potter.' Malfoy spat. A werewolf howled again. 'Did you hear that?' He asked before he shook his head and continued to walk with Nova and Harry either side of him.

'I didn't hear anything maybe you're going mad cousin.' Nova taunted.

'Be quiet. I know you heard it there's no way you couldn't.' Malfoy said angrily.

'It was a good effort and would've been funny if he was a bit more stupid.' Young Sirius smiled.

'How much more stupid can one boy get?' Blaise asked.

'I don't know Ron is quite dense.' Ginny shrugged with a smirk.

'Come on fang.' Malfoy encouraged. 'Scared.' He muttered. The three human silhouettes and the dog's shadow continued to walk and they were seen from an angle to the side. Almost as if they were being watching by someone hidden in the trees.

The three of them and the dog walked down a thin path down a small slope next to a tree that had its roots all along the surface and they trailed out all around the tree.

Fang was the first to reach the ground and he walked about a bit sniffing the ground and looking around the large surrounding of trees.

Harry, Nova and Draco slowly followed after. Draco was looking straight and head and was looking quite traumatised while Harry was looking down at the growling dog next to them. 'What is it fang?' Harry asked.

'There's something there.' Alexander pointed out.

'Well done sherlock.' Marcus rolled his eyes.

'That's very unsettling.' Molly said worriedly.

Harry too snapped his head ahead of them to see the hooded figure Harry and Nova had believed to see before bent over the dead figure of a unicorn.

'Oh my god it's drinking unicorn blood!' James yelled in fear.

'Why would anyone do such a thing so themselves.' Lily asked shocked.

'What does it do?' Peter asked.

'It gives you a cursed life.' Young Remus simply said.

'Ahh.' Harry said as he held his hand to the scar on his forehead, staring wide eyed at the sight before him.

The hooded creature continued to slurp the blood before it looked up at the children with a menacing face. It had rotten, jagged teeth and a silvery substance dripping out the sides of its mouth. Unicorn blood. The rest of its face was hidden by the hood but it growled at the children lowly.

'Oh my god what is that!' Rebekah yelled wide eyed.

'I know why that forest is forbidden now!' Marilyn looked terrified.

'Dumbledore how could you send children in this forest! They are clearly at very high risk they are in danger!' Madam Bones said angrily.

'Ahhhhshhhahhhhhh.' Draco screamed he quickly backed away and began to run with Fang running after him leaving Nova and Harry behind.

'Why didn't you go with him!' Marlene shouted at the screen.

'Harry we need to go now!' Nova said scared.

The hooded creature glided away from the unicorn's neck and towards where Harry and Nova were standing.

'Run quickly get out of there!' Lily yelled.

'Harry!' Nova yelled as she began to tug on his arm.

'It's sweet that she won't leave without him but your son needs to get some sense James.' Young Sirius said worriedly.

The creature glided up from the floor and stood on presumably its feet now so it was towering over the two first years.

'Harry we need to go now!' Nova yelled urgently.

'Yes listen to Nova prongslet listen to Nova!' Older Sirius said.

'I've learnt to listen to Nova now its a lot safer for everyone.' Harry said.

Harry began to back away as did Nova but there were large tree roots behind them and they were pretty much trapped.

Nova quickly pulled out her wand and pointed it at the creature. 'Petrificus totalus!' She yelled but the creature seemed to deflect it. 'Expelliarmus!' She yelled but once again the spell was deflected. 'I can't tell if it has a wand or is skilled in wandless magic. It can deflect all my spells because well I'm eleven and I don't know how to do wordless magic yet!' Nova panicked.

'I hate that she's putting so much pressure on herself to learn as much as she can.' Regulus frowned.

'She's only eleven she shouldn't feel bad for not knowing that.' Alex said sadly.

'Nova has only the highest expectations for herself.' Older Sirius told them.

Nova kept her wand pointed at the creature as it continued to close in on them. 'Colloshoo!' She yelled inside her head but it did nothing.

'I mean she tried, and it was a good effort but she's only eleven there's no way she could do that first try.' Older Remus smiled sadly.

'I don't know what else to do. Harry we need to run.' Nova said but Harry seemed to be paralysed and the only movements he seemed to be able to make were to back away. Harry tripped backwards on a root behind him but quickly scrambled to his feet. 'Depulso!' Nova yelled but the creature was only sent a step backwards.

'What is this thing! How can it defend all her spells so easily!' Mary cried.

The creature continued to get closer but all of a sudden the sound of loud hooves sounded and the creature ducked down to the ground and Harry and Nova looked up to see what seemed to be a rise leaping over them. Nova quickly pulled them done before they could get hit on the head.

'Oh my god they might be ok!' Lily cried relieved.

'It's ok Lils they're right over there look they're ok!' James assured her pressing multiple kisses to the side of her head and held onto her tightly as she was shaking.

'Jily.' Young Sirius whispered in Young remus's ear.

'Not the time pads. Not the time.' Young Remus whispered back as he smiled fondly at him.

As the creature landed they saw that it appeared to have the body of a horse and the upper body of a human. It stood on its rear legs and pressed its front legs into the body of the hooded creature. Eventually the hooded creature began to glide again on the floor and glided through all the mist in the woods and glided up into the air and disappeared among the trees into the darkness.

'A centaur.' Tonks said amazed.

'Thank god they're safe.' Alex sighed in relief and laid her head on Regulus's shoulder.

Harry and Nova rose from their crouched position and looked curiously at the creature before them. 'A centaur.' Nova said shocked.

'My name is Firenze. The centaur told them.

'Hello.' Harry said quietly.

'Harry Potter, Nova Black you must leave.' Firenze said as he walked around from a bush. 'You are known to many creatures here. The forest is not safe at this time. Especially for you two.' He explained. He had a goatee and thick side burns with a head of dark curly hair on his head. He was wearing no clothes obviously as they weren't need for this type of creature. This meant that the pair of abs he had on his stomach were fully on display. But Harry and Nova were too distracting and traumatised to notice hardly anything other than what he was saying.

'Wow he's got better abs then Sirius.' Marlene laughed.

'Shut up Marlene no he does not.' Young Sirius scoffed as he crossed his arms over his stomach.

'But What was that thing you saved us from?' Harry asked.

'A monstrous creature. Miss Black your attempts to keep it away we're admirable and extremely brave but I'm afraid only two people are known to have ever defeated it before.' He said.

'Only two! Who are those two people! If there's only two people who can defeat it why would Dumbledore send five children out in the forest where it is! That's so stupid!' Lily said angrily.

'It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. Drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death. But at a terrible price. For you have slain something so pure that from the moment the blood touches your lips you will have a half-life. A cursed life.' Firenze explained as he looked over at the dead corpse of the unicorn.

'That's horrible why would you ever do that.' Ted asked horrified.

'Some people will do anything to stay alive. Some just crave power so much they can't bear to be defeated by something so pathetic as death.' Nova explained.

'That was dark and I feel like that had a hidden meaning that we will probably find out later.' Daisy said.

'You would be correct.' Nova nodded.

'But who would choose such a life.' Harry asked.

'Can you think of no one?' Firenze asked.

'I can.' Nova said looking down at the floor.

'No.' Alex whispered worried for her daughter.

'Do you mean to say, that that thing that killed the unicorn, that was drinking its blood, that was Voldemort?' Harry asked in shock.

'Dumbledore That is outrageous! How could you let you know who into Hogwarts where there are hundreds of young students who don't know how to defend themselves!' Lily yelled.

'Professor Dumbledore for this I believe some things will most definitely have to be discussed. Things here at Hogwarts will most certainly change.' Madam Bones said sternly.

'Wait Miss Bones please I beg you don't make Umbridge headmistress.' Nova begged.

'Why ever not?' Umbridge asked innocently.

'Why ever not? Why ever not? You've been using blood quills on students during detention, you banned quidditch, you've forbidden boys and girls to be within six inches of each other or whatever, you don't teach us how to defend ourselves in defence against the dark arts, I can think of a thousand reasons more and you want to say why ever not?' Hermione yelled outraged.

'Blood quills!' Older Sirius said angrily.

'Miss Umbridge blood quills are illegal in the wizarding world someone so high up in the ministry such as yourself should be aware of this! This is absolutely outrageous. Miss Dolores Umbridge I am hereby putting you under arrest until further notice for the use of illegal blood quills and torture upon students.' Madam Bones announced.

Umbridge then found herself bound to her seat with handcuffs on each hand.

'Who did she use the blood quills on?' Andy asked worried. Hermione only looked over at Harry and Nova.

'Only two that I know of.' Hermione said sadly. 'But undoubtedly hundreds more. Everyone she's given detention to.'

'Nova give me your hand.' Andy said firmly. Nova shakily extended her arm towards her aunt while her uncle stood beside her. Andy pulled up her sleeve and gently grabbed her hand and flipped it over to see the words 'i will keep my filthy death eater mouth shut' engraved in her hand. It had dried blood inside the woods that would now scar inside her hand. It was swollen and bruised around it and looked horribly painful. Andy gently tapped it with her hand causing Nova to hiss in pain.

'It's fresh the pain would've subsided slightly by now if it was longer than three days old.' Andy declared.

'Harry give me your hand.' Older Sirius ordered. Harry extended his hand out to his godfather and watched as he pulled back his sleeve to reveal the words 'i must not tell lies' engraved in his hand. His hand was in a similar state to Nova's with bruising around it and dried blood. Older Sirius gently tapped the words but Harry inky grimaced slightly.

'I don't think this is as fresh.' Older Sirius said. His jaw ticked in anger as he continued to stare at the words engraved in his godson's hand. 'How dare she. That disgusting woman how dare she!' Older Sirius said loudly, his voice raising slightly.

'Sirius mate calm down she's being arrested.' Older Remus soothed slightly though it was clear he was just as angry as he glimpsed down at Harry and Nova's hands.

'C-can we just continue with the film.' Harry said quietly as he avoided eye contact with his honorary uncles.

'Harry come here.' Lily said softly as she shuffled away from James and opened her arms. Harry walked over to where his parents sat and sat himself in between them where James placed his arm on the back on the sofa and lily pulled Harry into her and Harry laid his head on his mother's chest. Lily tucked her son's head under her chin and gently rubbed up and down on his arm with her hand to soothe him. James shuffled closer a bit and wrapped his arm around his family and pressed a kiss to the top of Lily's head. A few tears leaked from Harry's eyes as he embraced his parents for the first time since he was a year old. His mother gently rubbed his knuckle with her thumb as she held his hand in hers. Older Sirius and Remus smiled sadly at the sight of the family. This is what Harry should've grown up with but people were too power hungry and selfish to let people be happy. Harry should've grown up with his true family instead of in an abusive family with his aunt and uncle who didn't care.

Regulus had made his way over to Nova and pulled her gently over to where he and Alex had been sitting on their own sofa in the left side of the room on a sofa next to the one where James, Lily and Harry sat. Regulus pulled his daughter in his chest and sat her down next to him and Alex and held her as she cried silently into his chest. He rubbed her back soothingly and Alex pulled her from her father's chest slightly to wrap her own arm around the back of her and stroke her hair calmingly.

Hermione grasped onto Ron's hand tightly as tears formed in her eyes at the sight of the two people she considered siblings finally being able to be with their parents. Ron slowly wrapped his arm around her shoulders and let her rest her head on his chest. He looked behind him to his older brothers and Charlie smiled at him, Bill winked encouragingly and Fred and George send his thumbs up before he turned back around to face the screen.

The film carried on.

'Do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment Mr Potter, Miss Black.' The centaur asked as he leant closer to their faces.

'The Philosopher's Stone.' Harry whispered a look of realisation appearing on his face.

'He's trying to get the philosophers stone. So he can live forever. And come back.' Nova whispered sadly.

A dog barked loudly from behind them. 'Harry! Nova!' Hermione called from the top of the slope.

'Hello there Firenze. I see you've met our young Mr Potter and Miss Black. Y'alright there Harry, Nova?' Hagrid asked. The two nodded.

'Thank god.' Lily whispered as she kissed the top of her son's head and looked down at him as the tears continued to slowly run down his cheeks.

'Harry Potter, Nova Black.' Firenze gained their attention. 'This is where I leave you. You're safe now. Good luck.' And with that he walked away.

They all looked over at the dead unicorn not far from them that lay on the ground. There was a slit in the side of its neck where some of its blood was smeared around it and drilled slowly from the cut.

'That was so scary. I was so worried.' Alex whispered into her daughter's hair.

'I'm ok mum. I'm ok.' Nova whispered quietly as she looked into her mother's eyes that looked so much like her own. Tears were evident in both of their eyes.

'No you're not. I wasn't here for you and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.' Alex said.

'It's ok. I'm ok. I have Uncle Pads and Uncle Mooney and Ron, Mione, Harry, the Weasleys. I'm ok.' Nova insisted quietly giving a sad smile to her mother through the tears.

'I'll never forgive myself for leaving you all alone in such a cruel world.' Alex said as tears ran down her face.

On the sofa next to them, the Potter family was having a similar moment. 'I can't believe we died. We left you alone. All alone and with Petunia of all people.' Lily whispered sadly.

'It's ok. That's what you're here to fix.' Harry whispered as he peered up as his mum.

'I know. I could never thank Merlin enough for letting me have the chance to see my son grow up. Never.' Lily said as she ran a hand through her son's hair.

'You'll never be alone again prongslet. We're gonna be here every step of the way this time. I solemnly swear.' James smiled sadly at his son.

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